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Of different model-based methods in vision based human tracking, many state of the art works focus on the stochastic optimization method to search in a very high dimensional space and try to find the optimal solution according to a proper likelihood function. Seldom works perform a framework of interactive multiple models (IMM) to track a human for challenging problems, such as uncertainty of motion styles, imprecise detection of feature points and ambiguity of joint location. This paper presents a two-layer filter framework based on IMM to track human motion. First, a method of model based points location is proposed to detect key feature points automatically and the filter in the first layer is performed to estimate the undetected points. Second, multiple models of motion are learned by the prior motion data with ridge regression and the IMM algorithm is used to estimate the quaternion vectors of joints rotation. Finally, experiments using real images sequences, simulation videos and 3D voxel data demonstrate that this human tracking framework is efficient.  相似文献   

引入桩端压力相互影响极限深度判定条件,反映群桩-地基荷载传递状态.基于Mindlin理论,建立了半空间弹性体内部双集中力地基应力解,且引入土材料的应力扩散性质,推导了桩端压力相互影响极限深度近似解,提出了螺旋群桩基础沉降计算方法,分析了3种布桩形式的螺旋群桩基础的沉降计算值和实测值.结果表明,本研究计算方法得出的沉降计算值较等代墩式基础沉降法计算值更接近于螺旋群桩基础的实测沉降值,说明建立在Mindlin应力解基础上的桩端压力相互影响极限深度判定条件能较好地反映桩端地基应力叠加问题.  相似文献   

A rapid and simple high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) mcthod wiih a UV detection (241 nm) was developed and validated for estimation of eplerenone from spiked human plasma. The analyte and t...  相似文献   

目的应用酵母双杂交及生物信息学(bioinformatics)技术获得HBxAg蛋白结合蛋白XBP1,为了解该基因的反式调节机制,利用抑制性消减杂交技术筛选并克隆XBP1蛋白反式激活的靶基因。方法以XBP1表达质粒pcD-NA3.1(-)-myc-his(A)-XBP1转染HepG2细胞,以空载体pcDNA3.1(-)-myc-his(A)为对照;制备转染后的细胞裂解液,提取mRNA并合成cDNA,经RsaⅠ酶切后将实验组cDNA分成两组,分别衔接两种不同接头,再与对照组cDNA进行两次消减杂交及两次PCR反应,产物与T/A克隆载体连接,构建cDNA消减文库,并转染大肠杆菌进行文库扩增,随机挑选克隆经PCR鉴定后进行测序及同源性分析。结果成功构建人XBP1蛋白反式激活相关基因差异表达的cDNA。扩增后得到80个200~1 000bp插入片段的克隆,随机挑选其中30个插入片段测序,并通过生物信息学分析获得其全长基因序列,结果共获得28个已知编码序列基因和2个未知的新基因。结论 XBP1在肝细胞内表达后能够上调HepG2细胞中许多不同基因表达的变化,这些基因与细胞信号转导、细胞增殖与分化、免疫应答、能量代谢、细胞凋亡、肿瘤发生等生物过程密切相关。  相似文献   

The most important problem in the security of wireless sensor network (WSN) is to distribute keys for the sensor nodes and to establish a secure channel in an insecure environment. Since the sensor node has limited resources, for instance, low battery life and low computational power, the key distribution scheme must be designed in an efficient manner. Recently many studies added a few high-level nodes into the network, called the heterogeneous sensor network (HSN). Most of these studies considered an application for two-level HSN instead of multi-level one. In this paper, we propose some definitions for multi-level HSN, and design a novel key management strategy based on the polynomial hash tree (PHT) method by using deployment knowledge. Our proposed strategy has lower computation and communication overheads but higher connectivity and resilience.  相似文献   

使用小波分析、功率谱密度等方法,对武汉市阳逻大桥GNSS监测数据进行分析,识别并分离大桥不同位置结构车辆移动荷载响应、车辆振动荷载响应和噪声,首先去除噪声,然后利用信号不同频率特性,分离静态信号和动态信号,从而得到更为清晰的大跨度桥动力响应特性。  相似文献   

采用模态应变能变化率和BP神经网络的两步损伤识别方法,对钢筋混凝土框架结构进行损伤识别研究.首先,利用单元的模态应变能变化率作为结构损伤定位因子,运用通用有限元ANSYS的APDL语言编制程序,计算模态应变能变化率;然后,利用BP神经网络进行损伤程度识别.该方法将二者优点相结合,并克服了单纯利用模态应变能难以准确计算损伤程度以及单纯利用BP神经网络样本巨大的困难.数值仿真结果表明,该方法适用于框架结构的损伤识别.  相似文献   

A new model,called object model,for the simulation of cold roll-forming of tubes is presented.The model inherits the advantages of old models and is the embodiment of forming process that the strip is rolled step by step from feed rollers to last rolling pass.The elastic-plastic large deformation spline finite strip method based on updated Lagrangian method has been developed by improving the stiffness and transition matrix.Combined theory formulas and new analytical model,the forming process of a tube has ...  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to develop a standard methodology for measuring the surface free energy (SFE), and its component parts of bamboo fiber materials. The current methods was reviewed to determine the surface tension of natural fibers and the disadvantages of techniques used were discussed. Although numerous techniques have been employed to characterize surface tension of natural fibers, it seems that the credibility of results obtained may often be dubious. In this paper, critical surface tension estimates were obtained from computer aided machine vision based measurement. Data were then analyzed by the least squares method to estimate the components of SFE. SFE was estimated by least squares analysis and also by Schultz?? method. By using the Fowkes method the polar and disperse fractions of the surface free energy of bamboo fiber materials can be obtained. Strictly speaking, this method is based on a combination of the knowledge of Fowkes theory. SFE is desirable when adhesion is required, and it avoids some of the limitations of existing studies which has been proposed. The calculation steps described in this research are only intended to explain the methods. The results show that the method that only determines SFE as a single parameter may be unable to differentiate adequately between bamboo fiber materials, but it is feasible and very efficient. In order to obtain the maximum performance from the computer aided machine vision based measurement instruments, this measurement should be recommended and kept available for reference.  相似文献   

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