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This paper argues that, with the rapid and pervasive restructuring of supply chains and of the logistics pathways in which ports are embedded, existing paradigms no longer offer adequate insights into the functions of ports or port authorities. Rather, ports must now be seen as elements in value-driven chain systems or in value chain constellations. They deliver value to shippers and to third party service providers; customer segmentation and targeting is on the basis of a clearly specified value proposition; and the port captures value for itself and for the chain in which it is embedded. The role of ports and port authorities, and the way in which they position themselves in the new business environments beyond 2001 must be defined within a paradigm of ports as elements in value-driven chain systems, not simply as places with particular, if complex, functions.  相似文献   

简要介绍东南亚港口的发展动态,并对几个主要港口的价位进行比较。  相似文献   

区域化:长江三角洲地区集装箱港口群发展战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据全球集装箱箱港口业所处的物流环境、发展风险和压力,结合长三角集装箱港口群现状及存在的问题,长江三角洲集装箱港口群的建设目标应当是双枢纽型国际航运中心并以上海港为中心建成高效有序的集装箱港口运输体系.为实现这一目标,应当以市场为导向,以资产为纽带通过港口企业间的联合与合作,形成企业主导型的上海国际航运中心集装箱运输网络体系.港口群应协调港口规划、通过多式联运和物流合作、培育运输市场机制、推进运输网络建设、建设高效信息网络等手段促进集装箱港口群的区域化发展.  相似文献   

翁羽 《集装箱化》2007,18(7):8-11
1 越南港口概述 越南位于亚洲大陆东南部,国土呈南北狭长的“S”型,南北长度为1600km,东南部濒临大海,独特的地理条件非常适合发展南北方向的沿海运输和外贸运输。  相似文献   

周铁锁 《港口科技》2007,(4):19-21,29
以天津港为例,结合国内各大港口实际情况,对目前港口装卸工属具的使用管理存在的问题进行了分析,提出建设港口工属具管理中心的构想,并对其实施方案和效益进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

黄迪 《中国水运》2006,(11):12-13
传统意义的沿海港口是水、陆运输转换的节点,是对外贸易的窗口。在经济全球化和市场经济日益深入的今天,沿海港1:7已经不仅是水陆运输交换的节点,同时也成为综合运输的重要枢纽、国家参与全球经济合作与竞争的战略资源。我国沿海港口自改革开放以来,在经历港口下放、政企分开、资源整合、多元投入等变革后,在时代与港口发展规律的交融中适时快速发展。[编者按]  相似文献   

广州港曾经是中国唯一的对外开放口岸,并一直以来作为华南最大的综合性主枢纽港屹立在世人面前。今天,随着广州港南沙港区的建成投产,广州港跨越式的发展再次成为港航物流界关注的焦点。最新数据显示,2007年广州港完成货物吞吐量3.4亿吨,世界排名第5位,集装箱吞吐量超过920万TEU,广州港逐步成为华南集装箱运输枢纽港。为此,本刊记者专访广州港主体港广州港集团董事长陈洪先。  相似文献   

This paper explores the current state of ports and shipping in Mozambique, and reviews it in the context of a past history of civil war followed by radical macro-economic adjustment, and more recent concerns and debates around the deregulation and privatization of the transport industry. More specifically, it addresses the key issue of the relationship between shipping and both broader and local economic development, taking account of the needs of major industry and the need to sustain local livelihoods. It reveals that the situation in Mozambique is a product of both local and global pressures, moulded by economic and political forces. It further indicates that, while there are now positive opportunities for coastal shipping, the capacity for developing inland shipping appears to be very limited. Future growth consequently depends on local participation, training and skills development and the broader social, economic, and transport infrastructure.  相似文献   

Supply chains generally, and port-oriented chains more particularly, are not easily integrated for operational efficiency. This is not especially surprising given their complexity and the underlying power relationships by which they are structured. Nonetheless, integration that does occur may reflect efforts to re-engineer the chain; or, not unusually, it may be the result of substantial, market-based rationalization and consolidation of the industry through corporate restructuring by merger, acquisition or joint venture. Much less common, at least in a ports/shipping context, is the attempt to induce supply-chain integration and operational efficiency by direct application of regulatory power and through the intervention of a regulator into the marketplace. In April 2005 the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), the Australian competition regulator, intervened in the export coal chain which is oriented on the large coal handling terminal at Dalrymple Bay in Queensland. The Commission, through its authorization powers, allowed the terminal operator to introduce a queue management system designed, inter alia, to reduce ship queuing at the terminal and in so doing reduce the costs of ship demurrage and its negative impacts on exports. This paper focuses particularly, but not only, on the conceptual relationships between regulation and supply chain efficiency; and it examines the mechanisms, processes and outcomes in the Dalrymple Bay case.  相似文献   

施华 《中国水运》2008,(1):8-11
认识中国港口整合大势,需要把握两个特点。一是市场快速发展背景下的产业成长。经过改革开放以来20余年的市场化能量蓄积,中国市场在广度和深度上正处在加速增大的阶段。为此,中国的几乎所有产业都面临着市场快速发展。正因为这样,从市场总量或市场规模的意义上说,几乎所有的中国产业都是成长性的,甚至是高速成长性的。这种高速成长性的一个显著特征:中国作为“世界工厂”对全球经济的影响排山倒海而充满着震撼。巨量物流的大进大出,流出了中国港口吞吐量连续4年世界第一的光辉纪录;  相似文献   

沿海港口在国家现代化进程中发挥着越来越大的作用.文章从港口建设与经济、社会、文化的契合度人手,论述了加强港口文化建设是实践以人为本思想的必然选择.以加强系统规划、合理调整港口结构、、注重环保、不断强化港口建设的技术创新与组织创新来实现港口建设的全面、协调、可持续发展.  相似文献   

大远 《中国海事》2006,(6):64-64
目前,乌拉圭没有设定经济特区,只设有“自由区”和“自由港”。乌拉圭的自由区为促进国外及本国的投资者在乌拉圭投资,做出口贸易,更好地与国际贸易接轨,乌政府推动并发展建立了自由区。乌政府于1987年12月17日批准了第15.921号自由区法。这些自由区大部分分布在乌南部拉普拉塔  相似文献   

主要介绍美国路易斯安那州主要港口管理状况。  相似文献   

集装箱运输作为现代化运输方式之一和先进的运输技术,因其具有运输效率高、便于多式联运、运输质量好等优点,已从根本上改变了传统运输方式的落后面貌,在全世界得到了迅速发展和广泛应用。1长江集装箱运输的现实意义1.1流域经济发展需要各种运输方式合理分工长江沿线高速公路和  相似文献   

徐颖  王良群 《港口科技》2010,(11):33-35
为解决港区视频监控系统电缆容易磨损、干扰屏蔽等问题,采用了无线监控系统。介绍了无线监控系统的原理、优点和无线传输网络的要求。对上港集团罗泾港区煤码头无线视频传输的3个方案比较后,采用了最佳方案。方案实施后效果良好。  相似文献   

信息技术在港口企业运营中有着重要作用。为了更好地服务客户,天津港信息技术发展有限公司开发了固定IP光纤宽带网络。详细介绍了该IP光纤宽带网络的软、硬件系统和传输系统。介绍了系统的设备安装、调试、线路敷设。最后,介绍了对系统的日常维护及故障处理。可作借鉴。  相似文献   

张强 《港口科技》2007,(5):11-14
指出数字化是21世纪核心技术之一。港口数字化已经成为港口未来发展的方向,分析了国内外港口数字化发展的现状,提出我国港口数字化的战略目标定位和分阶段实施的设想,并给出我国港口数字化发展的对策与建议。  相似文献   

福建主要港口竞争力比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
福建港口资源丰富,但众多港口的潜力未得到充分的发挥,港口发展存在一定的滞后性。加快港口开发,提高港口核心竞争力成为当务之急。比较福建主要港口的竞争力,分析了港口-e._N的优势差距,提出了提升福建港口综合竞争力的有效途径。  相似文献   

The Port of Los Angeles (Port) is the largest container port in the Western Hemisphere, and a catalyst for business activity and employment. Historically, the majority of the Port's workforce lived in the communities directly adjacent to the Port. However, in the latter half of the last century, jobs and economic activity began to shift away from the Port, causing public attitudes in the local communities to change. Instead of being viewed as the source of their livelihood, local residents began to view the port as a generator of environmental impacts and industrial blight. Formidable community opposition to Port growth and modernization ensued. Employment within the Port district peaked in the mid 20th century at 100,000. By 2009, the Port had only 12,700 jobs. To re-establish and maintain a long-term positive relationship between the Port and its neighbors, the Port needed to increase the numbers of local residents in the port on a daily basis. The Port looked beyond its traditional role of cargo handling, to leverage creation of new water-dependent job clusters. The strategy incorporates elements of the traditional cluster concept by proposing to co-locate and create synergies between technology developers, university researchers, and marine and maritime industries.  相似文献   

介绍了上海港研发并应用的全自动散货抓斗卸船机、全自动散货装船机和全自动斗轮堆取料机的关键技术与实现原理,包括远距离物料轮廓检测技术、适用于散货船舶与散货堆场的装卸设备自动控制技术、智能辅助决策、计算机网络等先进技术,以及这些技术与装备的集成应用和一体化控制的实现。该项技术的研究成功,使我国实现了港口散货的高效自动装卸及堆场作业,实现了港口散货作业的管理与控制一体化,为建设全自动散货码头奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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