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Part 1 of this two-part paper presents the verification and validation results of forces and moment coefficients, hydrodynamic derivatives, and reconstructions of forces and moment coefficients from resultant hydrodynamic derivatives for a surface combatant Model 5415 bare hull under static and dynamic planar motion mechanism simulations. Unsteady Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes (URANS) computations are carried out by a general purpose URANS/detached eddy simulation research code CFDShip-Iowa Ver. 4. The objective of this research is to investigate the capability of the code in regards to the computational fluid dynamics based maneuvering prediction method. In the current study, the ship is subjected to static drift, steady turn, pure sway, pure yaw, and combined yaw and drift motions at Froude number 0.28. The results are analyzed in view of: (1) the verification for iterative, grid, and time-step convergence along with assessment of overall numerical uncertainty; and (2) validations for forces and moment coefficients, hydrodynamic derivatives, and reconstruction of forces and moment coefficients from resultant hydrodynamic derivatives together with the available experimental data. Part 2 provides the validation for flow features with the experimental data as well as investigations for flow physics, e.g., flow separation, three dimensional vortical structure, and reconstructed local flows.  相似文献   

Unsteady Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes (URANS) computations of standard maneuvers are performed for a surface combatant at model and full scale. The computations are performed using CFDShip-Iowa v4, a free surface solver designed for 6DOF motions in free and semi-captive problems. Overset grids and a hierarchy of bodies allow the deflection of the rudders while the ship undergoes 6DOF motions. Two types of maneuvers are simulated: steady turn and zigzag. Simulations of steady turn at 35° rudder deflection and zigzag 20/20 maneuvers for Fr = 0.25 and 0.41 using constant RPM propulsion are benchmarked against experimental time histories of yaw, yaw rate and roll, and trajectories, and also compared against available integral variables. Differences between CFD and experiments are mostly within 10 % for both maneuvers, highly satisfactory given the degree of complexity of these computations. Simulations are performed also with waves, and with propulsion at either constant RPM or torque. 20/20 zigzag maneuvers are simulated at model and full scale for Fr = 0.41. The full scale case produces a thinner boundary layer profile compared to the model scale with different reaction times and handling needed for maneuvering. Results indicate that URANS computations of maneuvers are feasible, though issues regarding adequate modeling of propellers remain to be solved.  相似文献   

The accurate prediction of waterjet propulsion using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is of interest for performance analyses of existing waterjet designs as well as for improvement and design optimization of new waterjet propulsion systems for high-speed marine vehicles. The present work is performed for three main purposes: (1) to investigate the capability of a URANS flow solver, CFDSHIP-IOWA, for the accurate simulation of waterjet propelled ships, including waterjet–hull interactions; (2) to carry out detailed verification and validation (V&V) analysis; and (3) to identify optimization opportunities for intake duct shape design. A concentrated effort is applied to V&V work and performance analysis of waterjet propelled simulations which form the focus of this paper. The joint high speed sealift design (JHSS), which is a design concept for very large high-speed ships operating at transit speeds of at least 36 knots using four axial flow waterjets, is selected as the initial geometry for the current work and subsequent optimization study. For self-propelled simulations, the ship accelerates until the resistance equals the prescribed thrust and added tow force, and converges to the self propulsion point (SPP). Quantitative V&V studies are performed on both barehull and waterjet appended designs, with corresponding experimental fluid dynamics (EFD) data from 1/34 scale model testing. Uncertainty assessments are performed on iterative convergence and grid size. As a result, the total resistance coefficient for the barehull case and SPP for the waterjet propelled case are validated at the average uncertainty intervals of 7.0 and 1.1%D, respectively. Predictions of CFD computations capture the general trend of resistance over the speed range of 18–42 knots, and show reasonable agreement with EFD with average errors of 1.8 and 8.0%D for the barehull and waterjet cases, respectively. Furthermore, results show that URANS is able to accurately predict the major propulsion related features such as volume flow rate, inlet wake fraction, and net jet thrust with an accuracy of ~9%D. The flow feature details inside the duct and interference of the exit jets are qualitatively well-predicted as well. It is found that there are significant losses in inlet efficiency over the speed range; hence, one objective for subsequent optimization studies could be maximizing the inlet efficiency. Overall, the V&V work indicates that the present approach is an efficient tool for predicting the performance of waterjet propelled JHSS ships and paves the way for future optimization work. The main objective of the optimization will be reduction of powering requirements by increasing the inlet efficiency through modification of intake duct shape.  相似文献   

人字齿轮啮合静-动态振动特性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对人字齿轮副的静响应和动响应数学模型的理论分析,指出理论建模存在的问题。采用NX MasterFEM的响应分析模块,分析某船用齿轮箱的一对人字齿轮副啮合情况,计算静态接触和振动特性,提出减少齿轮系统振动损害的设想,为下一步的响应分析开展准备。  相似文献   

介绍国内外水面舰艇作战系统的概况,回顾我国驱逐舰作战系统的研制过程。对水面舰艇作战系统的发展方向进行探讨:应实现平台与负载性能综合兼优;应优化作战系统的体系结构,采用开放式体系结构(OA)的全舰计算环境(TSCE)及应用软件的集成模式;改进信息交换接口设计和数据集成,采用可扩展标记语言(XML)和数据集成总线技术(数据分发服务中间件、企业服务总线);采用面向服务与云计算技术;加强无线通信,实现联合作战。  相似文献   

曲全福  李金鹏 《中国舰船研究》2018,11(5):121-125, 138
  目的  舰船电子信息系统多方案优选是一个复杂的多属性决策问题。针对舰船电子信息系统的方案属性和权重信息不全、决策成员权重信息不全等问题,提出一种基于优势度测量和群体一致性的不完全信息舰船电子信息系统的方案优选方法。  方法  首先,提出不完全信息的交互准则,定义不完全信息情况下备选系统方案的绝对优势、严格优势和弱优势关系;然后,定义群体优势度指标,提出在不完全信息工况下实现备选方案全序关系的计算方法;最后,以某舰船电子信息系统方案优选为例,开展案例分析。  结果  通过群体一致性计算和迭代,形成了满足决策群成员一致性要求的优劣排序结果,验证了优选方法的合理性和有效性。  结论  研究成果可为信息不完全工况下舰船电子信息系统多属性方案优选提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

潜艇耐压舱段静动力性能计算分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对一定几何尺寸、水深下的潜艇耐压舱段,设计满足强度和稳定性要求的较佳结构;以环肋柱壳为例分析各结构尺寸对其强度和稳定性的影响,并对其在流场中的振动频率进行计算分析。本设计及频率计算采用C#语言自编程序软件,快捷准确有较强实用性和工程意义。最后采用软件Ansys建立环肋柱壳模型,计算其失稳压力及频率,进一步证明理论分析结果的可靠性。  相似文献   

  目的  为提高舰队对敌方潜艇的协同探测性能,对舰队队形进行优化。  方法  定义覆盖范围指标来度量反潜探测能力。以某反潜作战队形为研究对象,以多舰艇联合探测概率公式为理论基础,以覆盖面积最大化为目标,建立基于反潜探测能力的队形优化模型,设计基于概率―距离函数的积分寻优法进行模型求解,给出合理的队形方案。  结果  仿真结果表明:覆盖面积随舰艇分布间距的变化而规律性变化;在同一舰队规模下,人字队形和楔形队形在最优分布间距下的探测性能优于单横队形和方位队;最优分布间距随探测概率阈值的增加而减小;当舰队规模不断增大时,覆盖面积近似线性增加。  结论  该模型能有效提升舰队搜潜探测能力,为运用和部署水面舰艇对潜搜索兵力提供决策依据。  相似文献   

利用ANSYS软件进行了加筋圆柱壳基于离散变量的静动态性能优化设计.研究了在满足静强度和稳定性要求的约束条件下,以质量最轻、径向均方速度最小为目标,得到圆柱壳总长和半径一定时,肋距、肋骨型号及壳体厚度的最佳组合.优化结果表明,用ANSYS实现结构优化分析的可行性,而且此法简单直观,适用于大型复杂结构的优化设计.  相似文献   

李贤燚  赵耀 《船舶力学》2019,23(2):142-151
在舰船推进轴系纵向振动特性分析中,可倾瓦推力轴承润滑油膜的动特性是轴系力传递和振动响应分析的重要环节。该文建立了润滑油膜特性分析的理论模型,以有限差分法为基础,提出了嵌套式二分法,数值求解了油膜静动特性,并分别得出了在轴系载荷与转速独立和非独立的情况下,油膜动特性随转速的关系。解释了船舶推进轴系振动实验中,不同转速情况下,相应的频响函数幅值大小的变化规律。  相似文献   

1 Introduction1 Steam generator is an important equipment of an integrated pressurized water reactor. In recent design, the once-through steam generator (OTSG) is mostly applied because it delivers superheated steam and requires no separators. Moreover, i…  相似文献   

大型船用曲轴磨床整机的动静态性能仿真分析及优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于三维仿真分析软件Pro/ENGINEER,建立了大型曲轴磨床的三维几何模型与虚拟样机仿真模型.首先通过Pro/E的多体动力学仿真子模块,对船用曲轴磨床进行曲轴加工时的配重平衡仿真分析,极大减小了曲轴加工时由不平衡引起的激振力.其次采用结构分析模块Pro/Mechanica,对机床床头箱的刚度进行了结构优化分析,不仅提高了曲轴在加工时的支撑刚度,同时也改善了磨床动态刚度.通过以上的仿真分析,优化了曲轴磨床的动静态特性,有效保证了船用曲轴的加工精度.  相似文献   

近地、水面时的飞行器动态稳定特性数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于非结构动态网格重构技术,采用SA模型以及VOF方法,分别对NACA0012二维翼型自由空间、近地效应以及近水面效应的非定常运动流场进行了数值计算分析,并根据建立的基于小幅度强迫振动的组合动导数辨识方法计算了各个攻角下动导数。计算结果分析表明动导数计算方法准确可靠;中小攻角下,地面与水面以管道效应影响流场,均损失了动态阻尼,柔性的水面损失更多,动导数绝对值更小;大攻角时,两者表现为阻塞效应,柔性水面下的动态阻尼增大,动导数绝对值也变大;相比地面效应,柔性的水面影响范围更广。  相似文献   

评估了光纤传感器作为完整的结构部件在恶劣的环境条件下,进行长期或短期应变监测的可行性.不同的规模和材料的土工试验过程中已经使用了光纤传感器.实例研究包括静力轴向的钻孔桩测试、钻孔测斜、试验室的单轴压缩测试.  相似文献   

规则波浪中舰船操纵与横摇耦合运动模拟及特性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用六自由度舰船操纵性方程与横摇波浪力矩耦合构成动力学模型,对舰船在规则波浪中的操纵与横摇耦合运动特性进行了模拟研究.其中操纵性方程采用MMG模型,波浪力矩由切片法计算,舰船航向按PD控制.模拟计算了某船正横规则波浪下保持航向的横摇运动,计算结果与单自由度理论结果进行了比较,其幅频曲线与相频曲线两者符合较好,间接证明了耦合构成动力学模型的有效性.在此基础上计算了不同浪向角和航速下的横摇运动,以横摇等值极坐标曲线表征舰船规则波浪中的横摇特性,从而给出了规则波浪下舰船耦合动力学所描述的运动特征.  相似文献   

文章考虑深水系缆的拉伸和弯曲变形,取正交坐标和切向量描述任意结点的6个广义位移,考虑缆变形的几何非线性和水动力影响,基于细长杆理论推导缆索的单元刚度矩阵,引入单元内张力一致假设,推导出12×12的非线性刚度矩阵,并与有限元软件对接。针对1800m水深平台的系缆,考虑系缆端点垂荡运动,以及端点垂荡、横荡和海流作用两种状态下系泊系统的动力响应。计算结果表明,端点运动和海流作用,引起系缆系统的二倍超谐动力响应,并且随着流速增大,系缆超谐动力响应增大,系缆的超谐动张力分量对于缆索疲劳累积损伤具有重要影响,在系缆疲劳分析时应该予以考虑。  相似文献   

王星  张楠  谢华  田于逵 《船舶力学》2016,20(1):31-40
文章通过求解RANS方程,结合雷诺应力模型,数值模拟了水下航行体模型SubA在不带导管、定子与带导管、定子两种不同状态下的尾流三向速度场,分析了船体、定子与导管相互干扰尾流特性,数值模拟给出了模型尾部不同半径上的三向速度与伴流分数,并与试验结果进行了对比分析,两者结果吻合得很好,研究表明文中所使用的数值计算方法可以有效地模拟尾部三向速度场.通过对比发现,定子与导管对尾流场有阻滞作用,且相互干扰尾流特性相当复杂.同时利用数值模拟方法探讨了尾部去流段长径比对尾流场的影响,计算了两种不同长径比回转体模型的尾部去流段边界层速度分布,详细分析了尾部外法线上速度分布和边界层厚度随长径比的变化,指出该模型尾部去流段相对短粗肥胖,导致逆压梯度相对较大且变化剧烈,从而导致边界层增厚,速度相对降低,卷吸携带作用减弱,最终桨盘面轴向速度分布产生相应变化.  相似文献   

[目的]采用数值模拟方法探究潜艇近冰面航行时的水动力性能.[方法]选取Suboff全附体潜艇模型为研究对象,在STAR-CCM+软件中采用RANS方法,再结合SST k-ω湍流模型和体积分数法计算艇体的水动力性能.然后进行网格无关性验证以及近冰面水动力特性分析的方法验证,以确定计算方法的有效性.[结果]结果表明,潜艇近...  相似文献   

高频地波雷达传播特性及其探测距离分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了研究高频地波雷达的探测性能,采用综合分析与定量计算相结合的方法,研究了地波传播中的绕射衰减和风浪损耗影响,以及地波传播中的环境噪声和海浪杂波特征分析,给出了高频地波雷达探测距离的公式,并探讨了几种提高高频地波雷达探测距离的有效途径.  相似文献   

准确获得潜艇热尾流浮升、扩散规律及其水面温度分布特征是发展红外探潜技术的关键。本文基于动网格技术,建立潜艇水下航行三维计算模型,分别采用壁面法与VOF法对潜艇热尾流浮升过程进行仿真。研究获得了潜艇热尾流的浮升、扩散规律及其水面温度分布与红外识别特征。在此基础上,分析了不同冷却水排放方案下热尾流水面温度分布特征的变化规律,提出了抑制热尾流浮升、减弱水面温度特征的方法。本文研究结果可为下阶段的实验研究与测量提供一定理论基础。  相似文献   

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