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曹阳 《中国水运》2003,(3):51-52
20世纪90年代中后期,环球集装箱干线的开辟和营运,加快了船舶大型化的步伐.随着1996年"马士基女王号"投入使用,集装箱船实现了从5000 TEU到7 000TEU的过渡.  相似文献   

一、发展集装箱运输良好条件 嘉兴地处浙江北部杭嘉湖平原,境内河流密布,航道纵横,通航里程达2000公里。2002年,全市水路货运量达4000多万吨,占全社会运量的60%,是浙江省内河航运最发达的地区之一。  相似文献   

朱国强 《航海》2002,(4):41-41
2.半集装箱船 这种船只有一部分舱容用于积载集装箱,其余部分舱容的布置与杂货船相同。驾驶室和机舱设计在船体中部或中部靠后。船前部和后部的主甲板上可积载或不积载集装箱。主甲板上有吊杆和绳索。这种船也称为杂货一集装箱船。 3.可变换的集装箱船 在这种船的货舱内,积载集装箱的结构装置是做成可拆装式的。有该装置时,是集装箱船;拆卸该装置时,是普通杂货船,为此主甲板上当然有吊杆和绳索。 集装箱船有所谓的巴拿马型和超巴拿马型,  相似文献   

主要论述我国三大经济区(环渤海湾经济区、长江三角洲及长江流域经济区和珠江三角洲经济区)的集装箱运输现状和发展。  相似文献   

Haindi  C 《内燃机船》1999,(5):41-43

2001年12月7日,在有关部门的大力支持和合作下,嘉兴国际集装箱内河支线在嘉兴铁水中转港顺利开通.运营一年以来态势良好,每周一、三、五定时发班,集装箱吞吐量呈逐月上升趋势.至2002年12月,已完成航次230多个,集装箱吞吐量4 000多TEU.目前出口集装箱货物主要发往欧洲、东南亚、地中海等23个国家和地区,进口集装箱主要来源于澳大利亚、新加坡、意大利和美国.  相似文献   

一、珠江三角洲集装箱运输的现状 (一)集装箱运量高速增长. 由于广东省的集装箱量大部分是在珠江三角洲生成的,所以此表也基本上反映了珠三角的集装箱运输情况. 由表可见,2000年的集装箱运量是1990年的7.8倍,十年间翻了近4番,1990年至2000年广东省集装箱运量增长速度达到了34.3%,其中前期增长速度明显要快于后期.  相似文献   

The cost per container movement incurred by a containership per voyage leg on a given route is minimized under various scenarios. The principal conclusions reached from a comparative analysis of the optimal containership sizes are: (1) for a route of a given distance and the same time in port per port call, optimal containership size declines as the number of port calls increase, (2) for a route of a given distance and the same number of port calls, optimal containership size declines as the time in port increases and (3) for the same number of port calls and the same time in port per port call, optimal containership size increases as the distance of the route increases. Rationale for these conclusions are presented.  相似文献   

通过对集装箱船事故的统计和分析,描述集装箱船的特性,介绍集装箱船的安全评估方法,并提出改进集装箱船安全的建议。  相似文献   

张荣忠 《中国船检》2007,(10):50-50
根据瑞典船东互保协会2007年6月援引BRS-Alphliner的报告,2006年全球集装箱船队运力比上一年同比增长率达到16%,其中单船运力超过4000TEU的集装箱船总运力增长73%,全球集装箱船队向大型化迅速扩张。2007~2008年全球交付使用的集装箱船有904艘,总运力305万TEU,3800万载重吨;截止2008年12月底,  相似文献   

孙涛 《中国船检》2007,(6):39-39
自2005年9月开始,由于受到新船供给量高、市场信心不足等不利因素的影响,集装箱船运输市场步入下跌,各大集装箱船运营公司业绩纷纷告急,经过一年多的运价调整之后,目前集装箱船航运市场呈现出了新的特点:  相似文献   

集装箱船型的创新设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦琦 《中国船检》2011,(2):43-45
近年来,集装箱船的创新设计风起云涌。从发展特点看,主要体现在船型大型化;船体结构创新,如带浮体的集装箱船、多体集装箱船都属于船体结构的变革性创新;环保以及船型"嫁接",如Ulstein集团将已经在海工市场成熟的船型应用到集装箱船设计中。这些创新设计有相当一部分来自欧洲,且主要针对欧洲区域运输而设计,这给我们一种启示,船舶的"本土化"设计或将成为一种趋势且拥有广阔的市场。  相似文献   

航运市场走低船价上涨受阻今年一季度全球集装箱船建造市场共成交62艘.计26万TEU.与上一季度成交特点有所不同的是成交量主要集中在3月份。  相似文献   

Containership stowage plans are a pivotal teaches in the system of container transportation. With the increasing containers shipping, planning containership stowage has become more and more complicated. So intelligent stowage planning for containerships is of great significance. An effective stowage plan may improve efficiency of transportation system. First, the progress of containership stowage plan at home and abroad is reviewed, including the latest developments, such as the application of various optimization methods and computer techniques to the problem. Then, the complexities of the problem are discussed and areas where investigations are still needed are pointed out. This will provide a reference for further research on the subject.  相似文献   

《Marine Structures》2000,13(1):25-51
Experiments for the ship motions and sea loads were carried out on a segmented model of a container ship in ballast condition. Comparisons between the measurements and the theoretical results were carried out for the vertical motions and bending moments. For the evaluation of the primary stresses it is assumed that the total vertical bending moment induced by waves is divided into one component obtained by the linear theory and another one is due to the slamming loads. Several formulations for the determination of the slamming loads are compared with experimental results. The vibratory response of the model is calculated by modelling the hull with rotational springs and rigid links. Linear finite elements with a consistent mass formulation are adopted for the structural model and the response is obtained by modal superimposing and direct integration methods.  相似文献   

Ship slot capacity is the main sale resource of container shipping lines. However, shipping lines often encounter situations, such as serious ship delays, that require adjustments of shipping schedules, causing the original delivery plans of some consignments to be altered. This study proposes an integer programming model for slot reallocation planning, based on a given adjusted schedule. Decisions regarding empty container repositioning are also examined. This model aims to maximise a company’s benefits from deliveries of consignments and movements of empty containers. Available slots are subject to port rotation changes, allowable port handlings and ship capacity. A case study of a deep ocean loop demonstrates optimal slot reallocation, and empty container repositioning is used for illustrative purposes. The reallocation characteristics due to benefit items and the model’s applicability to large-scale examples are discussed.  相似文献   

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