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There are clear signs of a shift in the UK transport policy in response to concerns about the environmental impacts of road transport and anxieties about the implications of the projected future growth in demand.Much of the framework of UK transport policy is now determined at the overall European Union level. To date most European legislation and policy proposals have been concerned with reducing the specific externalities associated with the transport sector, with none of the measures involved likely to have more than a marginal impact on the growth in demand. The emerging research evidence suggests however that the private costs of car use in Europe may fall substantially short of its total social costs and there is an important emerging policy debate about how this gap might be closed.The UK has introduced a policy package designed to reduce the growth of car travel and its environmental impact, within which land-use planning measures feature prominently. The land-use policies, which to some extent represent a reassertion of many traditional UK planning policies, include: an emphasis on focussing new development in urban areas, increasing residential densities, strengthening the role of existing centres and improving provision for walking and cycling.A number of factors will constrain the effectiveness of the package in practice. There are also concerns about its impact on key environmental objectives, including air quality. There are important questions too about the welfare effects of increasing densities and about the wider impacts of the package on economic efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the empirical evidence relating to the impact of parking policy measures on the demand for parking and for travel. Disaggregate modal choice models, disaggregate parking location models and site‐specific studies of parking behaviour are examined. With regard to modal choice models, it is concluded that few studies deal adequately with parking factors, but that there is some support for the view that parking policy measures are a relatively important influence on modal choice. When parking location models are examined parking policy variables are shown to have a substantial impact on choice of parking location. With regard to site‐specific studies, the paper concludes that there is a great variation in the parking price elasticities quoted, which reflects partly the methodological problems associated with such studies. Suggestions to improve model specification are made.  相似文献   

Travel time reliability is a fundamental factor in travel behavior. It represents the temporal uncertainty experienced by travelers in their movement between any two nodes in a network. The importance of the time reliability depends on the penalties incurred by the travelers. In road networks, travelers consider the existence of a trip travel time uncertainty in different choice situations (departure time, route, mode, and others). In this paper, a systematic review of the current state of research in travel time reliability, and more explicitly in the value of travel time reliability is presented. Moreover, a meta-analysis is performed in order to determine the reasons behind the discrepancy among the reliability estimates.  相似文献   

With the increasing prevalence of geo-enabled mobile phone applications, researchers can collect mobility data at a relatively high spatial and temporal resolution. Such data, however, lack semantic information such as the interaction of individuals with the transportation modes available. On the other hand, traditional mobility surveys provide detailed snapshots of the relation between socio-demographic characteristics and choice of transportation modes. Transportation mode detection is currently approached using features such as speed, acceleration and direction either on their own or in combination with GIS data. Combining such information with socio-demographic characteristics of travellers has the potential of offering a richer modelling framework that could facilitate better transportation mode detection using variables such as age and disability. In this paper, we explore the possibility to include both elements of the environment and individual characteristics of travellers in the task of transportation mode detection. Using dynamic Bayesian Networks, we model the transition matrix to account for such auxiliary data by using an informative Dirichlet prior constructed using data from traditional mobility surveys. Results have shown that it is possible to achieve comparable accuracy with the most widely used classification algorithms while having a rich modelling framework, even in the case of sparse mobility data.  相似文献   

Since the transportation sector plays an important role in business cycle propagation, we develop indicators for this sector to identify its current state, and predict its future. We define the reference cycle, including both business and growth cycles, for this sector over the period from 1979 using both the conventional National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) method and modern time series models. A one-to-one correspondence between cycles in the transportation sector and those in the aggregate economy is found; however, both business and growth cycles of transportation often start earlier and end later than those of the overall economy. We also construct an index of leading indicators for the transportation sector using rigorous statistical procedures, and is found to perform well as a forecasting tool.  相似文献   

This paper describes the characteristics of transportation demand management. The origin of transportation demand management (TDM) as it has evolved in the US is related to federal policy initiatives that first focused on improving the efficiency of the urban transportation system through operational improvements, and then incorporated concerns such as air quality and energy conservation into the transportation planning process. The paper then examines the effectiveness of TDM actions, and concludes that those actions most likely to increase the “price” of travel for single occupant vehicle use will be most effective. The paper identifies several strategies for improving the effectiveness of TDM actions in the context of regional transportation planning, including: incorporating TDM as part of the solutions for regional transportation planning, linking TDM to land use decisions, making the costs of travel more apparent to the user, and making TDM implementation more palatable to the general public.  相似文献   

Across the world, there is increasing interest in managing car traffic. One approach developed for addressing the journey to work is known as ‘workplace travel planning’. This paper primarily reports on 20 case studies of UK employers undertaking travel planning, who had cut commuter driving by an average of 18%. It concludes that considerable behavioural change can be achieved in a variety of contexts – but employers usually need an overall strategy that addresses car parking, in addition to improving alternative travel modes. Moreover, a more comprehensive national strategy is needed, if travel planning is to achieve its potential.  相似文献   

This paper investigates an innovative Pareto‐improving hybrid policy that combines two policy instruments, that is, congestion pricing and road space rationing, and takes advantage of the synergistic effects between these instruments. Mathematical formulations for developing Pareto‐improving pure road space rationing schemes and hybrid policies are presented. Numerical examples demonstrate that the proposed hybrid policy offers greater flexibility and is more prominent in leading to Pareto improvement than both pure congestion pricing and road space rationing schemes. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The daily gasoline consumption of an individual household for intra-urban travel is simulated, under the assumption of constrained maximization of daily travel distance, using Zahavi's recently developed UMOT model for urban travel demand. A sensitivity analysis based on variations in various conditions pertaining to the cost and speed attributes of private car travel and public transportation, the characteristics of the urban area (including its transportation network) and the socio-economic features of the population provides quantitative estimates of the effects of potential strategies for controlling and/or reducing gasoline consumption. Suggestions for urban transportation system development policy are made in conclusion.  相似文献   

(Added to the original text) A fundamental solution to the issue of congestion cannot be reached without addressing the question of life-style. This paper reviews the definitions of life-style found in the literature, and identifies variables that have been commonly associated with life-style. Using US consumer expenditure data, life-styles are analyzed longitudinally (examining trends during the 1953–1983 time frame) and cross-sectionally (comparing segments of the population stratified by income, life-cycle stage, and age), and likely relationships to travel behavior are noted. The usefulness of existing empirical findings to long-range forecasting is explored by speculating on shifts of behavioral units across life-style segments, and on shifts in the behavioral patterns within each life-style segment.  相似文献   

This paper explores the influence of individuals’ environmental attitudes and urban design features on travel behavior, including mode choice. It uses data from residents of 13 new neighborhood UK developments designed to support sustainable travel. It is found that almost all respondents were concerned about environmental issues, but their views did not necessarily ‘match’ their travel behavior. Individuals’ environmental concerns only had a strong relationship with walking within and near their neighborhood, but not with cycling or public transport use. Residents’ car availability reduced public transport trips, walking and cycling. The influence of urban design features on travel behaviors was mixed, higher incidences of walking in denser, mixed and more permeable developments were not found and nor did residents own fewer cars than the population as a whole. Residents did, however, make more sustainable commuting trips than the population in general. Sustainable modes of travel were related to urban design features including secured bike storage, high connectivity of the neighborhoods to the nearby area, natural surveillance, high quality public realm and traffic calming. Likewise the provision of facilities within and nearby the development encouraged high levels of walking.  相似文献   

In the US, there is a long tradition of toll roads, beginning with the Lancaster Turnpike that was built at the end of the 18th century connecting Philadelphia and Lancaster. There are currently more than 300 toll facilities in the US, which is probably the largest number of toll facilities in the world. These facilities represent a wide range of conditions, from hypercongested facilities in large metropolitan areas such as New York City to toll highways in rural areas. The toll structures are equally diverse, ranging from multi-tier price structures with frequent user, carpool, and time of day discounts; to simpler structures in which the only differentiation is made on the basis of the number of axles per vehicle. The toll rates are typically set by the agencies that operate or own the toll facilities. The rules or formulas by which these tolls are determined are not generally available to the public, though it is safe to say that toll decisions are made taking into account technical considerations, as well as the all important criterion of political acceptability. However, data on toll rates and how they change by vehicle types and by some other attributes are readily available.The overall objective of this paper is to analyze the toll data from various facilities across the US to gain insight into the overall factors affecting the tolls. A more specific objective is to assess—though in a rather approximate fashion—if the tolls by vehicle type, relative to each other, are appropriate and consistent with economic theory. This is achieved by comparing tolls to approximate indicators of road space consumption and pavement deterioration. The literature review confirmed that this is the first time such research has been conducted which is an important first step toward an analysis of the efficiency of current toll policies.The analyses in this paper are based on a random sample of all toll facilities across the US. The toll dataset, which include toll rates for passenger cars, busses, and three different truck types, is assembled mainly from the available information on the web sites of various toll agencies. After cleaning the data, the authors used econometric modeling to estimate a set of ordinary least squares (OLS) regression models that express tolls as functions of independent variables. Three families of models were estimated: linear models, models based on expansions of Taylor series, and models based on piece-wise linear approximations to non-linear effects. The resulting models were analyzed to identify the salient features of current toll policies towards different vehicle types.  相似文献   


This paper proposes a method for estimating transportation supply requirements when the suppressed demand of the transportation disadvantaged (TD) can be calculated and added to existing demand for travel. The underlying assumption is that the travel conditions of these TD groups must be equal to the ‘conventional’ demand, known as ‘full release’. Utilising the modelling approach for TD, suppressed demand analysis, diagnosis of difficulties and equity between conventional and disadvantaged groups were realised, while elaborating special cases for the most vulnerable TD groups (such as elderly and disabled persons) and simultaneously identifying areas of difficulty. From the early virtual results, it is concluded that, for the full release of suppressed trips (only a 5% increase), policy makers must be ready to face some financial burdens, requiring coordination of effort to both standardise these TD groups and reduce the costs incurred by operators.  相似文献   

Sun  Mingdong  Shao  Chunfu  Zhuge  Chengxiang  Wang  Pinxi  Yang  Xiong  Wang  Shiqi 《Transportation》2022,49(5):1409-1439
Transportation - The market penetration rate of electric vehicle (EV) is on the rise globally. However, the use behaviors of private EVs have not been well understood, in part due to the lack of...  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to analyse the factors determining household car travel, and specifically the effects of household income and the prices of cars and motor fuels, and to explore the intertemporal pattern of adjustment. The question of asymmetry in the response to rising and falling income is also addressed. Such asymmetry may be caused by habit or resistance to change or the tendency to acquire habits to consume more easily than to abandon them. The impact of prices, the speed of adjustment and the resistance to change will be important in determining the possibility of influencing travel behaviour and specifically car use. The study utilises repeated cross-section data from the annual UK Family Expenditure Surveys and employs a pseudo-panel methodology. The results are compared with those for car ownership estimated on the basis of similar models.  相似文献   

Railway is one of the most efficient and environmental-friendly ways to transport people and goods. High-speed railway has been developing rapidly and the railway mileage has increased by 21.18% in China during the period of 2006–2011 and thus it is interesting to evaluate whether the railway transportation has reduced the environmental impact of transport in China. In this paper, we first use a non-radial DEA under managerial disposability to measure the environmental efficiency of 30 regions in China; then we propose a panel beta regression with fixed effects to model the impact of railway transportation on environmental efficiency. The results indicate that the environmental efficiency slowly increased during 2006–2011 and it exhibits regional disparities with the eastern area having the highest environmental efficiency and the western area being the lowest one; Moreover, we also find a significant positive impact of railway transportation on higher environmental efficiency.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider a transportation procurement auction consisting of shippers and carriers. Shippers offer time sensitive pickup and delivery jobs and carriers bid on these jobs. We focus on revenue maximizing strategies for the shippers in sequential auctions. For this purpose we propose two strategies, namely delaying and breaking commitments. The idea of delaying commitments is that a shipper will not agree with the best bid whenever it is above a certain reserve price. The idea of breaking commitments is that the shipper allows the carriers to break commitments against certain penalties. We evaluate the benefits of both strategies with simulation. In addition, we provide insight into the distribution of the lowest bid which is estimated by the shippers.  相似文献   

Transportation policy in America distinguishes between capital expenditures and recurrent operating and maintenance costs. Federal policy and resources encourage capital-intensive projects, but traditionally have left to state and local governments the responsibility for maintaining and operating the facilities built with federal support. This has led to consistent underestimation of operating costs in the decision process leading to capital expenditures, and to overcapitalization of transportation networks. Today, faced with recurrent costs which strain local resources, there is pressure to broaden federal participation in operations and maintenance, and legislation is beginning to weaken the traditional distinctions between capital and recurrent expenditures.  相似文献   

There is increasing interest in understanding and achieving changes in travel behaviour, but a focus on individual behaviour change may overlook the potential for achieving change via transformation at the levels of institutions, cultures and societies – the domains of sociological inquiry. In this paper, we review sociological contributions to the literature on travel and ‘mobilities’. We summarise four key themes which supplement or contradict arguments made in mainstream transport debates on behaviour change. The first involves focusing on travel ‘practices’ as social entities with dynamics of their own, rather than on individual behaviours. The second relates to the changing natures of societies, and the implications for travel. The third explores and interprets the issue of car dependence in ways which highlight the ethical, experiential and emotional dimensions associated with car use, its symbolic role in societies increasingly concerned with consumption, and its differing roles within different cultures. Finally, the ‘new mobilities paradigm’ highlights issues such as the increasing links between travel and new technologies, and the primacy of social networks in influencing travel decisions. These themes emphasise the importance of understanding the broader contexts in which travel choices are made. In particular, the implication is that the creation of more sustainable travel patterns will require changes at a range of social levels, not simply in individual behaviours, and that changes to transport will inevitably be linked with, and influenced by, broader changes in the values and practices developed by societies as a whole.  相似文献   

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