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目前国外已建成的全自动化集装箱码头大部分采用自动引导车(AGV)作为水平运输设备。AGV在实现集装箱码头水平运输机械全自动化的同时,改变了传统码头设备维修模式,对码头总平面布局中机械维修功能区布局产生较大的影响。如何科学合理布置自动化集装箱码头的AGV维修区,成为提高码头运行效率和充分利用土地资源的关键问题。在总结分析国外典型自动化集装箱码头AGV维修功能区实际案例布置基础上,结合目前技术发展及港口整体发展要求,提出了几种新的布置方案,并在我国大型全自动化集装箱码头——洋山四期工程得到实际应用。  相似文献   

自动化集装箱堆场是自动化码头的重要组成部分。高效、合理地布置自动化集装箱堆场对码头综合通过能力、装卸效率和营运成本等将产生积极影响。在对国外典型自动化集装箱码头堆场在平面布置、设备选型和功能规划等方面分析的基础上,提出洋山四期全自动化集装箱码头堆场布局新模式。  相似文献   

基于武汉新港花山作业区的功能定位和发展要求,结合港口开发现状、区位和地形条件,针对港区平面布置、高程设计和交通组织等问题进行重点分析。充分利用陆域资源特点和条件,考虑不同港口功能区对陆域的要求,提出合理的平面布置方案;综合分析防洪、港区排水、交通及土石方平衡等要求,对港口高程系统、重要节点高程控制和港内交通组织进行设计,为复杂地形条件下的内河集装箱港区规划设计提供参考。  相似文献   

In 1969 the first of Sydney's purpose-built container facilities in Port Jackson, the Seatainer terminal, became operational. Later, in 1973, the second terminal at Glebe Island, a common-user facility, shared the task of handling the container traffic for much of eastern Australia until the development of the new facilities in Botany Bay. The two terminals differed in almost every respect except their inner-city locations and restricted sites. This paper explores these differences and their implications for terminal productivity. It examines some of the structural characteristics of the container trade and traffic and defines vessel time profiles and container handling rates for operations over the sample years 1977, 1979 and 1981. The paper establishes that there were remarkably similar productivity characteristics at the two terminals, despite their significant characteristics, but it also reveals the relatively high proportion of vessel alongside time or time spent at the berth that was idle, non-working or unproductive.  相似文献   

为解决宁波大榭招商国际集装箱码头现有陆域布局散乱、土地利用不充分、堆场容量不足的问题,对码头陆域布局进行优化研究,以期集约化利用土地,增强码头的竞争力和发展潜力。基于调研和分析,梳理当前陆域布局中存在的主要问题;对泊位通过能力和堆场容量的计算分析,合理确定码头总体的运量规模,并以此指导陆域布局调整和优化工作。从土地利用和堆场容量两个方面进行评价,优化工作取得良好的效果。研究提出一种大型集装箱码头陆域布局优化的可行思路,可为类似项目研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

针对离岸深水自动化集装箱码头,结合意大利某离岸深水自动化集装箱码头工程,分析离岸深水自动化集装箱码头的特点和要求,对该类堆场的布置型式和设备选型进行探讨。  相似文献   


A multi-purpose cargo terminal in a seaport contains necessary infrastructure to handle different types of cargo, such as container, dry bulk, general bulk, and Ro-Ro. Since such terminals generally have dedicated areas and equipment for different types of cargo, berth, and yard operations for each type of cargo can be considered separate. On the other hand, trucks that carry all types of cargo use the same gate structure to enter and leave the terminal. Therefore, a method to superimpose the traffic that is caused by different types of cargo is needed for the planning of gate investments and operations. Consequently, this paper has developed a simulation model for a multi-purpose terminal to estimate the gate traffic and determine the necessary gate infrastructure, so that it can be used as a decision support tool for terminal planners and operational managers.  相似文献   

王敏  唐洲  余政 《水运工程》2019,(5):98-101
针对阿布扎比哈里发港集装箱码头二期项目自动化堆场布置受较小的陆域纵深限制的问题,对两种自动化集装箱码头堆场布置方案进行对比研究,在码头前沿布置相同的前提下,自动化堆场平行布置方案比自动化堆场垂直方案有更多堆场能力。综合考虑堆场能力、自动化程度、人员投入、系统调试周期及装卸设备投资等各方面因素,确定本项目采用自动化堆场平行布置方案。  相似文献   

针对自动化集装箱码头锁站布置方式及分配策略,在分析解挂锁作业流程及工艺特点的基础上,提出一种集中式锁站动态布置方法,实现锁站与岸桥作业区的空间隔离;考虑前后缓冲区的设置,提出3级缓冲区管理策略,介绍缓冲区布局形式及相应功能;针对装船挂锁及卸船解锁的作业工艺流程,提出相应锁站动态分配策略,根据锁站及缓冲区作业状态将锁站动态分配给运输车辆。与现有锁站分配及管理方法相比,该策略能够均衡各锁站及缓冲区负载,提高自动化码头装卸船作业效率,为自动化集装箱码头锁站分配及管理提供参考。  相似文献   

针对洋山四期工程的特点,选择自动化装卸工艺系统,并通过对工艺系统设备选型和平面布置的细化和优化,较好地解决了码头装卸与水平运输环节的衔接、陆域狭小对大型深水泊位能力的制约、堆场海陆侧轨道吊作业量不均衡、互拖及运距长等主要问题,为发挥集装箱码头自动化的优势奠定基础。  相似文献   

人工岛围垦技术的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方子杰 《港工技术》2011,48(3):47-50
为解决我国沿海地区土地资源短缺制约经济发展的问题,以围垦方式建设人工岛可基本保持海岸的天然原始状态,有利于保护岸线和滨海湿地资源,使项目用海更具科学性和持续性,体现了目前国际上较先进的用海理念。提出人工岛选址和规划建设的原则,初步探讨人工岛总平面布置、堤坝护岸结构选型、陆域填筑施工、陆岛交通方式和对海洋生态环境影响等关键技术问题。  相似文献   

通过总结大铲湾集装箱码头一期工程陆域平面布置设计思路,分析堆场、闸口、外部道路、高程等细部设计,探讨大型专业化集装箱码头陆域平面设计的重点内容及关键事项。同时为达到集约化使用土地、以最小的土地代价满足港区发展的需要提供了有益的尝试和借鉴。  相似文献   

结合几个LNG码头项目选址工作,系统性地论述LNG项目选址的整个过程,提出LNG项目选址的完整思路,并对LNG码头选址中应重点分析的地理位置、与规划的符合性、水域条件、陆域条件、水文、气象条件、地质条件、地震条件、施工条件、社会依托条件、港务管理水平、船舶航行条件、周边项目的关系及相互影响、工程投资等提进行阐述。  相似文献   

集卡已成为集装箱港区内的主要碳排放源,尤其两艘大型集装箱船舶同时作业时,港区内集卡碳排放问题严重。针对该情况下集卡调度模式的特征,基于智能体仿真技术构建集装箱码头生产作业微观仿真模型,定量分析传统先卸后装、双船一装一卸、同贝同步装卸工艺下集卡调度方式与集卡配置数量对船舶在港时间、集卡碳排放量的影响。实例表明,采用同贝同步装卸作业方案可保证装卸效率,并有效减少集卡碳排放,而集卡配置数量只对集卡怠速行驶产生的碳排产生影响。  相似文献   

集装箱码头是内外贸集装箱货物的集疏运中心,码头的吞吐能力受堆场容量和作业效率的影响。针对集装箱码头堆场的翻箱倒箱问题,基于整个立体库场内每层堆场仅堆放一层重箱的理念,通过AI设计、情景假设、公式推算和数据分析的方法,设计出一项自动化立体堆场方案,并介绍各核心设备和功能区以及作业流程。结果表明,本方案可实现真正意义上“零翻箱”,同时能减少机械设备的配置、使用成本和碳排放量,有利于提升码头作业效率、吞吐能力和经济效益,有助于增强码头和港口企业竞争力。  相似文献   

余政  唐勤华 《水运工程》2020,(5):177-181
为验证阿布扎比哈里发港集装箱码头二期项目工程工艺系统设计的合理性,利用面向对象建模的eM-Plant仿真软件对该项目设计方案下的码头整体作业、水平运输、箱区极限装卸和闸口通过能力4个方面进行仿真评估。结果表明工艺系统各环节布置基本合理。对设备调度和交通管理等给出操作建议,为营运方有针对性地进行生产管理和实现港区装卸系统高效运行提供指导。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the importance of port choice and container terminal selection for deep-sea container carriers. The paper focuses on the research question: on what basis do deep-sea container operators select container ports (strategy) and container terminals (financial reasons) in the Hamburg–Le Havre range over others? In answering this research question, three dimensions are addressed in detail: the buying decision characteristics; port choice strategy; and terminal selection. The results show that strategic considerations at company level are important. For port choice the most important criteria from a carrier's perspective are: availability of hinterland connections; reasonable tariffs; and immediacy of consumers (large hinterland). In addition to these criteria, shipping lines attach great value to often neglected factors, such as feeder connectivity, environmental issues and the total portfolio of the port. The study reveals that port selection and terminal selection are not the same with terminal selection criteria mainly depending on: handling speed; handling costs; reliability; and hinterland connections. The analysis also brought forward that the decision making is different per container carrier, per trade and per port type, implying that a one size fits all approach is not relevant.  相似文献   

自动化集装箱码头平面布局设计是码头土建施工设计的依据,总平面布局设计的科学性影响码头建成后运营的作业效率和经济效应。国内自动化集装箱码头平面布局设计研究尚处于空白状态、没有系统分析和深入研究,针对这一现状,对自动化码头总平面布局进行研究。使用指数平滑预测算法预估码头运营后的吞吐量,依据码头吞吐量计算各功能区域相匹配的生产能力。各功能区域的设计须满足各功能区域生产能力的需求;根据业务流程中物理流的流向与衔接,确定功能区域的布局。首次采取了维修区前移、分离异步式闸口等独特设计。对国内其他自动化码头的建设和人工码头的自动化升级改造提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The impact of higher container stacking on yard operations has been treated as one of the major factors influencing the efficiency of terminal operations. For terminal operators who have to increase their storage capacity by way of higher container stacking, the consequences must be carefully measured. This paper examines the unproductive container movements undertaken in one high throughput terminal with high land productivity, and provides an example of how terminal operator handles the yard operations and the possible impact on areas of operation.  相似文献   

The impact of higher container stacking on yard operations has been treated as one of the major factors influencing the efficiency of terminal operations. For terminal operators who have to increase their storage capacity by way of higher container stacking, the consequences must be carefully measured. This paper examines the unproductive container movements undertaken in one high throughput terminal with high land productivity, and provides an example of how terminal operator handles the yard operations and the possible impact on areas of operation.  相似文献   

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