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This paper presents parametric studies of nonlinear wave forces on large-scale submerged tunnel element. A transportation project of submerged tunnel element under irregular wave conditions is taken as the research background. Three-dimensional diffraction potential and radiation potential associating with the motion of the floating body are utilized, and an efficient three dimensional Green function is implemented to solve the radiation-diffraction problem. A computational method for calculating the nonlinear wave forces of the submerged tunnel element is developed. The present method is validated by the existed methods and experimental data, and good agreements are observed for all test models. The effects of wave parameters and structural parameters on the second-order nonlinear wave forces are studied. Results from the present study can provide valuable recommendations for the weather window and downtime frequencies, the configuration of tugboats, the arrangement of sea-route, and the size and type of the design and construction of the submerged tunnel element.  相似文献   

Stress evaluation of a submerged floating tunnel (SFT) is an issue important for determining the section dimensions required to resist environmental loads. However, the complex interaction between an SFT and surrounding fluid has confined most research on SFTs to longitudinal global time-history analyses based on Morison's equation [1]. Even though these analyses give sufficient information in the longitudinal direction, too little information about the circumferential direction compels an SFT section to be designed conservatively. This means that SFT design requires additional information on the structural behavior of the tunnel in the circumferential direction for efficient design. Accordingly, a supplementary approach by which to obtain structural responses in the circumferential direction is introduced in this paper. Upon consideration of the static responses equivalent to the dynamic behavior, three-dimensional (3-D) finite-element analyses of an SFT were performed by application of static loads corresponding to dynamic loads equivalent to those of wave, current and earthquake. The validation of each equivalent static load was supported by the results from comparison of the tension forces in mooring lines obtained using OrcaFlex [2] and ABAQUS [3]. These were used mainly for longitudinal dynamic analysis and 3-D stress evaluation, respectively, of an SFT. Based on the stresses obtained in the longitudinal and circumferential directions, the selection of suitable section dimensions for an SFT is considered.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic load and motion response are the first considerations in the structural design of a submerged floating tunnel (SFT). Currently, most of the relevant studies have been based on a two-dimensional model test with a fixed or fully free boundary condition, which inhibits a deep investigation of the hydrodynamic characteristics with an elastic constraint. As a result, a series of difficulties exist in the structural design and analysis of an SFT. In this study, an SFT model with a one-degree-of-freedom vertical elastically truncated boundary condition was established to investigate the motion response and hydrodynamic characteristics of the tube under the wave action. The effect of several typical hydrodynamic parameters, such as the buoyancy-weight ratio, γ, the relative frequency, f/fN, the Keulegan–Carpenter (KC) number, the reduced velocity, Ur, the Reynolds number, Re, and the generalized Ursells number, on the motion characteristics of the tube, were selectively analyzed, and the reverse feedback mechanism from the tube's motion response to the hydrodynamic loads was confirmed. Finally, the critical hydrodynamic parameters corresponding to the maximum motion response at different values of γ were obtained, and a formula for calculating the hydrodynamic load parameters of the SFT in the motion state was established. The main conclusions of this study are as follows: (i) Under the wave action, the motion of the SFT shows an apparent nonlinearity, which is mainly caused by the intensive interaction between the tube and its surrounding water particles, as well as the nonlinearity of the wave. (ii) The relative displacement of the tube first increases and then decreases with increasing values of f/fN, Ur, KC number, Re, and the generalized Ursells number. (iii) γ is inversely proportional to the maximum relative displacement of the tube and the wave force on the tube in its motion direction. (iv) Under the motion boundary condition (as opposed to the fixed boundary condition), the peak frequency of the wave force on the SFT in its motion direction decreases and approaches the natural vibration frequency of the tube, whereas the wave force perpendicular to the motion direction increases. When the incident wave frequency is close to the natural vibration frequency of the tube, the tube resonates easily, leading to an increased wave force in the motion direction. (v) If the velocity in the Morison equation is substituted by the water particle velocity measured when the tube is at its equilibrium position, the inertia coefficient in the motion direction of the tube is linearly related to its displacement, whereas that in the direction perpendicular to the motion direction is logarithmically related to its displacement.  相似文献   

To achieve rational design in waves for a submerged floating tunnel which has emerged as a new offshore transportation infrastructure, it's necessary to understand its hydrodynamic behavior. For simple but accurate estimation of hydrodynamic forces, a theoretical method is proposed and the tests with physical models in a wave flume were carried out for verification. Morison's equation was used to estimate wave loads composed of inertia force and drag force. Forces calculated by applying the linear wave theory to Morison's equation coincided well with those measured by the tests. The test results showed that mooring systems played a significant role in the movement of the submerged floating tunnel in waves. A pendulum model could be used to describe the motion of the submerged floating tunnel with a single vertical mooring. Based on the verified relations, a simple slack condition which causes the submerged floating tunnel to be unstable was also proposed. The simplified approach proposed by this study proved to be useful in designing the submerged floating tunnel in the initial stage.  相似文献   

Under severe sea wave conditions, the mooring tethers of submerged floating tunnel (SFT) might go slack. It may cause the structure failure during the service lifetime of SFT. The paper investigated SFT dynamics when going through tether slacking and the related snap force under wave conditions. Besides the nonlinearity of fluid drag and of structural geometry for a relative large structure displacement, the problem is characterized by the nonlinearity due to the discontinuity in axial stiffness of the tethers. To include these nonlinearities, the method of Lagrange energy is used to build the governing equations of SFT motion, and a bilinear oscillator is introduced to simulate the mooring tether operating in an alternating slack-taut state. The sensitivities of the occurrence of tether slacking to wave height and wave period are investigated. Results show that at a large wave height SFT tether will go slack and snap force occurs. SFT responses are categorized into three types of state according to the dynamic response characteristics of tether tension. Effects of two fundamental structure parameters, buoyancy-weight ratio (BWR) and inclined mooring angle (IMA), on the dynamic responses of SFT are analyzed. A slack-taut map of SFT tethers is built. It intuitively describes the occurrences of slack and snap force with different combinations of the two parameters. An analytical approach for slack prediction by deriving the slack criterion is provided to reveal the mechanism of the presented slack-taut map. By present research, the authors tried to make their effort to provide an alternative philosophy for SFT structural design on concerning preventing the occurrence of tether slacking and snap force.  相似文献   

波浪引起的附加阻力是管节海上浮运过程中总阻力的重要组成。采用基于势流理论的水动力学软件AQWA计算了管节浮运过程中的波浪附加阻力。通过建立管节及附属结构的三维有限元模型,确定管节的几何、物理性质,建立湿表 面模型进行水动力学分析。对影响附加阻力的各因素,包括水深、航速、波浪谱及波浪要素等,进行了参数敏感性分析。计算结果表明,采用P-M谱的计算值较采用JONSWAP谱有所不同,附加阻力随水深增加而减小,阻力值与波浪周期及波浪入射角均有一定的关系,与波浪高度的平方成正比,且与拖航速度成正比。  相似文献   

研究制作了一种抗风浪能力强,移动、拼接灵活、多用途、稳定性较好的新型超大型浮体码头模型。根据相关理论资料确定浮体码头的形状和尺寸,为验证其破浪稳定性,进行了初步模型试验研究。通过模型试验,得到了新型浮式单体结构相对危险的工况。实验结果表明:该种新型浮式单体结构的波浪稳定性要比传统的箱型结构好。  相似文献   

岛礁波浪环境下浮式结构物的动响应预报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国南海海洋岛礁往往都环绕着宽度数百到数千米、水深很浅的珊瑚礁盘,这些礁盘不仅具有丰富的渔业和旅游资源,而且发挥着消波、护岛的重要作用。为开发海洋资源,可以在岛礁附近布设各种浮体结构物,作为海洋开发、渔业生产、环境旅游等综合保障基地。对于岛礁附近的浮式结构物,其动响应特征必将受到周围复杂的近岛礁海洋环境的影响。文章采用缓坡方程考虑近岛礁波浪环境影响,以半潜式平台为研究对象,开创性地提出了一种工程简化计算方法,用于预报岛礁附近浮式结构物在波浪中的运动与载荷响应,为后续岛礁中型浮体的设计和安全性评估提供了分析手段。  相似文献   

在解决三维相邻多浮体的水动力问题时,正确处理各浮体之间的相互作用是分析计算的关键所在。文章分别运用高阶边界元法和波浪交互理论对一个由箱型浮体组成的三维多浮体问题进行求解,通过对比分析浮体所受波浪力和水下表面压力分布结果,验证两种方法计算结果的精确度,研究该模型的水动力特点;并通过改变各浮体之间的距离,寻求波浪交互理论在求解三维多浮体问题中的适用性,对该方法在浮体间距不满足限制条件时的计算结果进行解释。  相似文献   

快速重载作用下长浮桥运动响应的模型试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈徐均  江召兵  吴广怀  沈庆 《船舶力学》2010,14(11):1290-1296
在快速重载作用下,柔性长浮桥可能会出现位移波堆积效应.为验证预测的正确性,对两种长浮桥模型(连续浮桥和分置式浮桥)进行了试验,在不同荷载重量下和不同速度作用下的位移响应利用六自由度运动测定仪进行了测量.试验结果表明:荷载重量越大、荷载速度越快,位移波的堆积效应越明显;荷载的速度对兴波的形状和波幅都有着直接的影响.位移波的堆积影响了荷载的运行速度,在快速重载的浮桥工程中,必须考虑位移波的堆积对运动荷载的影响.  相似文献   

波流联合作用下多分枝拖曳线列阵回转过程的动力学分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
参考某海洋地震多分枝拖曳线列阵具体参数和该拖船的海浪响应幅值算子(RAO),结合该船工作时的具体过程,利用大型水动力分析软件Orca Flex建立了多分枝线列阵回转过程时的动力学分析简化模型,实现了对多分枝拖曳线列阵在回转过程中的动力学分析,得到了波流联合作用下,各个拖缆的张力和曲率沿缆长方向的变化规律及各个缆索拖曳点End A和拖曳缆索拖曳尾端End B的张力值在时域上的变化图像。结合计算结果,给出了多分枝拖曳线列阵在回转过程中的优化设计方案。  相似文献   

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