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高烈度地震特重灾区隧道如何抵御泥石流等次生灾害是震区隧道工程设计、施工的重要问题。文章通过对映秀至汶川高速公路隧道洞口在"7.9"山洪泥石流中损害情况进行的实地调查和系统分析,认为"5.12"震后造成的山体松动损伤、明洞回填材料刚度和厚度不足,以及隧道明洞段地基抗冲刷能力不够是隧道洞口受损的主要原因,由此提出了相应的设计思路:强化震后(潜在)灾害评估,建立超预期设计理念;重视隧道明洞回填质量和效果;借鉴桥式基础,预留泥石流途经通道,可以起到防灾减灾和减少国家财产损失的作用。  相似文献   

2010年8月13日发生的四川省映秀特大型泥石流对当地生命和财产造成巨大损失。利用汶川"5.12"地震后和"8.13"映秀泥石流后的高分辨率卫星图像进行植被、地质灾害等专题遥感解译发现,汇水于映秀镇的地处龙门山断裂带,地貌条件易于泥石流的形成,"5.12"地震后使山体破碎,形成大量的崩塌、滑坡和泥石流沟,植被覆盖明显降低,具备泥石流发生的物质基础渔子溪,2010年8月13日遇到集中降水形成了特大泥石流。同时渔子溪山坡和沟谷两侧的松散物质遇到集中降水,还有形成泥石流的可能。  相似文献   

8月7日22时至8日凌晨,甘肃省甘南州舟曲县遭受特大大泥石流灾害,泥石流堵塞白龙江,舟曲县城部分被淹,并造成多条公路受毁. 受泥石流影响,省道313线多处阻断并形成堰塞湖,省道210线和其他公路也出现多处阻断情况,交通一度受阻,通行艰难.  相似文献   

温家宝要求确保灾区道路畅通 8月22日至23日,国务院总理温家宝到四川特大山洪泥石流灾区看望受灾群众和参加抢险救灾的当地干部职工、部队官兵,代表党中央、国务院向他们致以亲切的慰问。温家宝强调,要加快损毁公路、电力等基础设施的恢复和重建。这次灾害受损最大的是道路,抢通保通灾区的道路是当前的一项紧迫任务,也是做好抢险救灾工作的前提,必须全力以赴确保灾区道路畅通。  相似文献   

号称汶川生命线的213国道是地处高山峡谷的汶川县、茂县与外界连通的重要孔道,7月以来,暴雨连袭四川,引发的特大山洪泥石流灾害导致国道213线都汶段多处中断,交通瘫痪。7月22日,交通运输部党组成员、中纪委驻部纪检组组长杨利民在四川省交通运输厅党组书记、厅长高烽,交通运输部科学研究院院长李作敏等陪同下,奔赴国道213线罗圈湾大桥段、彻底关隧道段等抢险现场,慰问一线交通人,  相似文献   

本文以西藏地区某公路项目区域内25处沟谷泥石流为样本,研究西藏地区沟谷泥石流的特征,采用单沟泥石流危险度评价方法对25处泥石流做出危险性评价。在此基础上,结合西藏地区泥石流灾害对公路的破坏方式,提出工程措施与生物措施相结合的防治建议。对进一步了解和防治西藏地区公路泥石流灾害提供理论价值,对西藏地区公路建设乃至其他基础工程建设具有重大实际意义。  相似文献   

汶川地震公路隧道洞口段震害机理及抗震对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汶川地震中震区公路隧道洞口段破坏严重,严重影响了震区生命线工程的畅通.为提高震区公路隧道洞口段的抗震能力,结合公路隧道洞口段震害情况对其震害机理进行了研究.研究结果表明,洞门、边仰坡及明洞震害主要是地震惯性力作用造成的:软岩隧道洞口段衬砌震害主要是地震惯性力和强制位移造成的.文章根据隧道洞口段的震害机理,提出了相应的抗震对策.研究结果对于进一步研究高烈度地震区公路隧道震害机理及抗震对策都有着重要的意义.  相似文献   

介绍了国道109线黑马河至格尔木公路桥梁涵洞病害产生的原因及维修方法。  相似文献   

泥石流是天山公路的主要地质灾害之一.文章通过对天山公路地区泥石流病害现场资料的调研,分析了泥石流病害的形成原因,介绍了形成泥石流的主要诱导因素临界雨量的计算分析方法.  相似文献   

结合G227线大阪山至扁都口段公路病害整治工程,主要针对路基病害,分析了产生各种病害的原因,并提出了相应的处治对策。  相似文献   

This work presents a novel reverse logistics system for post-disaster debris. Effectiveness of the proposed system is demonstrated by applying it to a case study in Wenchuan County of China. The county was the epicenter of the Wenchuan earthquake on May 12, 2008. A multi-objective linear programming model is also formulated capable of systematically minimizing total reverse logistical costs, corresponding environmental and operational risks, and psychological trauma experienced by local residents why they waited for medical treatment and removal of debris. The psychological stress induced during the debris reverse logistic process is the integral of an increasing marginal function of the waiting time for medical treatment and debris removal. Numerical results indicate that when considering risk-induced and psychological costs, the proposed model can reduce such costs associated with post-disaster debris reverse logistics by 22.62% and 54.93%, respectively, from their values when only the logistical costs are minimized. Although reducing the psychological cost of disaster victims, the temporary storage of disaster-hit sites increases the psychological costs of individuals who are processing the debris. We recommend increasing on-site storage and treatment capacities to reduce risk-induced and psychological costs with a lower increase in logistical costs. When the risk tolerance ranges from its minimum value to +25%, the Pareto fronts are closer than those of the risk tolerance increase by more than +25%. Efforts are underway to design a tool based on the Pareto analysis method for future decision making.  相似文献   

西部地区公路地质灾害监测预报技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“西部地区公路地质灾害监测预报技术研究”项目针对西部地区公路地质灾害危险性区划、滑坡、崩塌与泥石流监测预报及地质灾害安全管理等关键技术问题进行深入系统研究,形成了公路滑坡、崩塌与泥石流监测预报成套技术,建立了公路地质灾害数据标准,构建了“基于GIS的公路地质灾害监测预报信息系统”平台,实现了公路地质灾害监测实时分析处理和动态预报,为地质灾害综合管理提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

Recent earthquake disasters have caused major damage to transportation networks, leading to significant economic disruption. While this suggests the need to evaluate total system performance in transportation risk assessment, in addition to examining the vulnerability of individual components such as bridges, no appropriate measures currently exist. This paper develops post-disaster system performance measures and applies them to the urban rail and highway transportation systems in the Kobe, Japan, region devastated by the 1995 Hyogoken–Nanbu earthquake. Performance is evaluated in terms of network coverage and transport accessibility. Performance degradation was much more severe for highways and railways than for other lifeline infrastructure systems. Both transportation systems fared poorly in the disaster but service restoration proceeded much more rapidly for rail. The restoration of highway system performance correlated closely with the recovery of highway traffic volumes. The paper further develops a measure of subarea transport accessibility and applies this to Kobe’s constituent city wards. Results indicate substantial spatial disparity that is maintained throughout the restoration period. Comparisons with the 1989 Loma Prieta and 1994 Northridge earthquakes in the US show that although these disasters caused notable damage to highway bridges, system performance degradation was small in comparison with the Kobe experience. The paper argues that explicitly measuring transportation system performance can greatly facilitate both understanding the effects of historic disasters and preparing for future hazard events.  相似文献   

黄土地区高速公路加宽工程中新旧路基在汛期施工中易遭受雨水破坏。文章总结了水毁的主要形式,分析了水毁发生的原因,提出了具体的预防和处治措施。  相似文献   

在工程结构的抗灾研究中,首要关注的是材料受灾后的性能变化,即灾害对材料物理力学性能的影响,亦即材料在灾害作用下的损伤。文章从分析钢筋混凝土结构受地震作用后的损害机理入手,结合材料内部性能的改变,探讨了结构损害的根本原因,并提出合理有效的改善措施,以减少地震多发区的灾害损失。  相似文献   

文章分析了我国现行公路隧道照明设计规范存在的问题,揭示了《JTJ026.1-1999公路隧道通风照明设计规范》亟待修正的原因;通过对国内外LED灯隧道照明的研究应用情况的分析及LED灯与传统的高压钠灯的综合对比,指出了隧道照明节能减排的途径和隧道照明由功能化向智能化、人性化发展的必然趋势.  相似文献   

随着交通量日益增长,部分旧石拱公路桥梁已不适应目前交通的需要,文章以国道106线阳河中桥为例,介绍利用套拱的加固方法,解决了旧石拱桥的承载能力,减小了对旧桥桥面的破坏,延长了桥梁的使用寿命。  相似文献   

格拉输油管道地质灾害类型与技术措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
立足青藏高原地质环境 ,分析了格拉管道地质灾害的类型及给管道安全造成的危害。提出了依据地质条件 ,针对土壤侵蚀特点、季节河流变化规律、水土流失原因 ,对穿跨越管道、临河管道、沟壑及砂土丘暴露悬空管道进行科学合理的保护设计的思路 ,阐述了预防冰堵冻害和地震的技术对策。  相似文献   

The inferior ambient air quality was observed near highway passing through Jalgaon urban center. Among the pollutants critical level of particulates are observed at the roadside during May 2003 to April 2004. The shopkeepers working at the highway sides are at high risk of exposure to the air pollution caused by heavy highway traffic. The lung function test of the shopkeepers shows significant decrease in forced vital capacity, forced expiratory volume in one second and peak expiratory flow rate. The regular periodic health checkup and use of nose mask will protect the health of shopkeepers working near National Highway passing through Jalgaon urban center.  相似文献   

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