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汽车在使用过程中难免会发生各种各样的故障,常见的汽车故障主要可分为偶发故障和多发故障. 本文针对行车中出现的一例偶发故障进行分析,从故障现象、故障确认分析、故障排除、总结结论等几个方面,对此故障进行全方位细致分析.  相似文献   

白云飞  朱磊 《汽车运用》2013,(12):39-39
电控汽车故障自诊断系统.一般有电子控制器fECU)中的识别故障及故障运行控制软件、故障监测电路和故障运行后各电路等组成。不同厂家生产的汽车,其故障自诊断系统的故障检测项目不尽相同,故障代码储存和显示方式也有所不同。  相似文献   

<正>故障现象:打开雨刮器开关(自动挡、低速、高速挡),雨刮器都不工作,但前挡玻璃洗涤电机工作正常。故障诊断:根据故障现象,判断故障可能原因为雨刮器电机故障;保险丝、继电器故障;BCM故障;组合开关故障;线路、插接件故障。读BCM故障,有1个故障码如图1所示,并且故障码无法清除。  相似文献   

故障现象:一辆2008款广汽本田雅阁轿车,行驶过程中发动机故障警告灯亮,读取其故障代码为暂时性故障代码P0011,诊断为VTC系统故障,消除故障代码后运行10s左右,故障警告灯没有亮,认为是间歇性故障。可当继续行驶不到0.5h故障警告灯再次亮起。故障诊断:再次读取其故障代码  相似文献   

防止盲目拆装造成ECU信息丢失。电控汽车的ECU是控制系统的中枢神经,它不仅有控制功能,而且还有记忆功能。当汽车电控系统出现故障时,ECU会记忆储存其对应的故障信息。维修人员便可通过汽车的故障自诊系统读取故障信息,信息以故障代码的形式输出,人们便依据故障代码查找与之相对应的故障原因和故障部位。如果在读取故障码之前,  相似文献   

<正>二、玉柴YC6J系列发动机的常见故障及排除方法1.故障指示灯及故障码玉柴YC6J系列发动机的故障码是通过发动机故障指示灯来显示的。发动机故障指示灯位于驾驶室前面板处。打开点火开关,按下发动机故障检测开关,在发动机无故障的情况下,发动机故障指示灯应该为闪亮,断开发动机故障检测开关,发动机故障指示灯应该熄灭。  相似文献   

故障现象一辆上海通用别克君威2.5 L轿车,出现仪表盘上的ABS故障指示灯间歇性点亮的现象。检查分析首先连接故障检测仪调取ABS内的故障储存,结果调得的故障内容为左后轮轮速传感器线路故障,将左右后轮轮速传感器对调后试车,故障现象依旧,再次调取  相似文献   

<正>故障现象一辆2008年产比亚迪F3轿车,仪表盘上的ABS灯(黄色)常亮。故障诊断用故障检测仪进行检查,发现ABS中存储有故障代码C0048——电子比例阀(DRP)失效和故障代码C0118——左后进油电磁阀相关故障。分析故障代码,推断故障代码C0048属于伴随性故障代码,故障代码C0118才是源故障代码,即只要排除故障代码C0018,故障代码C0048会同时消失。根据故障代码C0018含义并结合该车ABS控制原理(图1)进行分析,排除轮速传感器信号和制动开关信号存在故障的可能,将故障位置锁定在ABS控制单元和液压控制  相似文献   

故障现象一辆累计行驶里程约为14万km的2012年产宝马X3车,搭载N20发动机和ZF 8速自动变速箱,客户反应发动机故障警告灯异常点亮且车辆出现动力不足的现象。故障诊断接车后首先试车,确认故障现象属实。连接故障检测仪读取发动机控制单元故障代码,读取到的故障代码如图1所示。删除故障代码后再次试车,故障代码未再次出现,车辆状态恢复正常,说明该故障为偶发性故障。  相似文献   

故障现象一辆金龙中巴车,装备玉柴4缸亚新科电控单体泵发动机,行驶一段时间后间隙性出现发动机转速波动,提速不畅的现象。客户还反映在出现上述故障时,若拔掉曲轴位置传感器导线侧连接器,故障现象便消失。故障诊断接车后首先连接ADS-H故障检测仪,调得的故障代码如图1所示。清除故障代码后试车,故障依旧。再次读取故障代码,发现只有故障代码0335和故障代码0336。  相似文献   

介绍了一种采用STM32单片机控制集成驱动芯片来控制电磁阀并检测故障的方法,然后对其硬件电路和软件进行详细的设计。实际工程应用结果表明:此电路设计可行,具有可靠性高、成本低、故障监测功能多的优点,有一定的工程实用价值  相似文献   

表面或内部泄漏是缸体、缸盖最常见的故障之一。泄漏产生的原因有砂眼、气孔、裂纹等,而确定泄漏点、并将故障件维修处理是此类问题的关键。通常较大的砂眼或气孔(直径1mm以上)、裂纹肉眼或者借助漏液痕迹,都能找到相应的泄漏点,而较小的泄漏点、且出现在缸孔内部、缸盖燃烧室用常规的办法很难确定,有时需要用到专用的检测设备,而缸孔内部的细小漏点用专用泄漏检测设备能识别零件泄漏测试不合格,但无法锁定泄漏点的位置。本文将通过一个故障案例阐述一种特别简易且适合查找发动机内部泄漏的漏点检测方式—即简易法漏点检测。  相似文献   

在一搭载1.4L自然吸气汽油发动机且满足国Ⅴ排放法规的汽车上,开展了基于后氧传感器信号的三效催化转化器诊断方法应用研究。试验结果表明:随着三效催化转化器储氧能力的下降,后氧传感器信号的振动频率及幅值增大;三效催化转化器储氧能力损失平均值及标准偏差随着高通滤波截止频率的减小而增大,最优截止频率为0.2;通过合理优化各诊断参数,该诊断方法能有效地监测出三效催化转化器的失效。  相似文献   

An on-board health monitoring system is proposed for heavy haul wagons in this paper including a signal-based fault detection and isolation (FDI) method and an on-line fault diagnose strategy. Such a system, to be feasible on freight wagons, must be sufficiently cheap and robust, hence the design assumes the constraint of using only two accelerometers mounted on the front left and right rear part of each carbody in a heavy haul train. This paper focuses on the detection of bolster spring fault conditions. The problem is made more complex by the modes of failure which might be expected in bolster spring nests. Types of spring failure are firstly identified and discussed covering situations of broken (shortening springs) and softening (individual spring loss from a nest or cross-section loss through corrosion). The effects of these faults and their detectability were investigated using simulations on straight and curved track and using a fully detailed model of a typical 40?t axle-load heavy haul wagon. The simulation results were then examined and compared using cross-correlation analysis and an FDI system was proposed. The FDI system introduced five possible fault indicators. Initial results indicated that it was possible to detect changes in bolster stiffness of ±25%. An on-line fault diagnoses strategy is proposed for bolster spring faults which only requires data from wagon monitoring during travel around sharp curves to detect and the occurrence of confirm faults. The functionality envisaged needs only a ‘once per trip’ monitoring site, such as a sharper curve, and is aimed at condition monitoring rather than the provision of alarms or comprehensive monitoring of all events.  相似文献   

Summary This paper develops a fault diagnostic system to monitor the health of the lateral motion sensors on an instrumented highway vehicle. The fault diagnostic system utilizes observer design with the observer gains chosen so as to ensure that each sensor failure causes estimation errors to grow in an unique direction. The performance of the fault diagnostic system is verified through extensive experimental results obtained from an instrumented truck called the “Safetruck”. The fault diagnostic system is able to monitor the health of a GPS system, a gyroscope and an accelerometer on the Safetruck. It can correctly detect a failure in any one of the three sensors and accurately identify the source of the failure. A GPS-based geographic database containing information on road coordinates, curvature and bank angles plays a key role in ensuring accurate experimental performance of the observers.  相似文献   

Fault Diagnostics for GPS-based Lateral Vehicle Control   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary This paper develops a fault diagnostic system to monitor the health of the lateral motion sensors on an instrumented highway vehicle. The fault diagnostic system utilizes observer design with the observer gains chosen so as to ensure that each sensor failure causes estimation errors to grow in an unique direction. The performance of the fault diagnostic system is verified through extensive experimental results obtained from an instrumented truck called the “Safetruck”. The fault diagnostic system is able to monitor the health of a GPS system, a gyroscope and an accelerometer on the Safetruck. It can correctly detect a failure in any one of the three sensors and accurately identify the source of the failure. A GPS-based geographic database containing information on road coordinates, curvature and bank angles plays a key role in ensuring accurate experimental performance of the observers.  相似文献   

文章介绍了机械设备发生故障后,电气故障的查找与分析方法,对分析故障原因的状态分析法、图形分析法、单元分析法、回路分析法等方法以及故障点查找的手段和方法进行了分析和阐述,对工程机械常见机械和电气设备故障的检查与排除提供了经验。  相似文献   

针对大型货车驾驶员对道路坡度把握不准确而容易导致长大下坡路段出现制动器失效的问题,提出一种用于货车的坡度提示系统。该系统采用陀螺仪实时探测货车所处道路的坡度,并实时显示,当检测到货车连续下坡超过一定长度且没有采取制动时,系统提示驾驶员适当制动,以避免后期车速加大而频繁制动导致制动器失效。经实际验证本系统能有效给驾驶员提示,对减少交通事故有一定实际应用价值。  相似文献   

正交异性钢桥面板作为大跨度桥梁的首选桥面板结构,实时监测并准确识别其重要构造细节的疲劳损伤程度,在此基础上预测剩余疲劳寿命,对于大跨度桥梁的服役期管理维护决策至关重要;但正交异性钢桥面板的疲劳问题具有多尺度、多模式、随机性、隐蔽性等特性,且其对结构静动力响应的影响仅限于疲劳裂纹附近的局部区域,传统的损伤识别方法难以准确识别。结合智能技术的最新发展和正交异性钢桥面板疲劳问题的基本属性,构建了其疲劳损伤智能监测与评估系统,并对其疲劳损伤指标和疲劳损伤智能评估的相关关键问题进行研究。提出了基于等效结构应力的正交异性钢桥面板多尺度疲劳损伤评估方法;建立了考虑随机因素的结构体系实时疲劳损伤评估及剩余寿命预测方法;构建了正交异性钢桥面板疲劳损伤智能监测与评估系统;基于实际桥梁结构的交通量和结构响应监测信息,对所建立的正交异性钢桥面板疲劳损伤智能监测与评估系统进行了验证。研究结果表明:在实际交通荷载作用下,顶板与纵肋连接细节的疲劳主导失效模式为焊根部位起裂沿顶板扩展,所提出的疲劳损伤评估方法的评估结果与实际结构一致,表明所提出的方法能够准确确定结构体系的疲劳失效模式;疲劳损伤智能监测与评估系统所确定的实桥疲劳损伤及剩余寿命预测结果与实际桥梁疲劳损伤开裂时间基本一致;所建立的智能监测与评估系统可为正交异性钢桥面板疲劳损伤过程和寿命评估提供理论依据及支撑,并为实桥的运营管理养护决策提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Reliability and dependability in complex mechanical systems can be improved by fault detection and isolation (FDI) methods. These techniques are key elements for maintenance on demand, which could decrease service cost and time significantly. This paper addresses FDI for a railway vehicle: the mechanical model is described as a multibody system, which is excited randomly due to track irregularities. Various parameters, like masses, spring- and damper-characteristics, influence the dynamics of the vehicle. Often, the exact values of the parameters are unknown and might even change over time. Some of these changes are considered critical with respect to the operation of the system and they require immediate maintenance. The aim of this work is to detect faults in the suspension system of the vehicle. A Kalman filter is used in order to estimate the states. To detect and isolate faults the detection error is minimised with multiple Kalman filters. A full-scale train model with nonlinear wheel/rail contact serves as an example for the described techniques. Numerical results for different test cases are presented. The analysis shows that for the given system it is possible not only to detect a failure of the suspension system from the system's dynamic response, but also to distinguish clearly between different possible causes for the changes in the dynamical behaviour.  相似文献   

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