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正进入2018年,全球的海盗局势发生了一些戏剧性的变化,西非成为了重灾区。根据IMB数据统计,2018年第一季度,在全球海域总共发生了66起海盗事故,创最近五年同期海盗事故率新高,其中66起中的29起就发生于西非附近海域,西非附近海域成为了海盗袭击的高发点,西非的海盗事件也成为了业内人士关注的焦点。2018,西非海域已成海盗重灾区海盗作为一种古老的历史现象,在现代社会又卷土重来,并和全球其他有组织的犯罪活动,如毒  相似文献   

刘健勇 《世界海运》2011,34(4):32-34
针对目前亚丁湾、索马里海域海盗活动的特点并结合作者的亲身经历,探讨航经该海域的商船应采取的防范海盗和反劫持措施。  相似文献   

张守月  张哲 《世界海运》2009,32(9):70-71
一、亚丁湾海域海盗活动特点 随着海盗所用船艇性能的提高及采用通信技术手段的加强,海盗的远海活动能力正在逐步增强。目前索马里海盗的活动范围已经达到了260万平方公里,有向东、向南发展的趋势。  相似文献   

蒋军 《中国海事》2011,(3):10-11
海盗问题历史悠久,一直伴随着世界航运业的发展而发展。随着索马里附近海域商船及船员遭遇海盗劫持并勒索赎金事件的骤然增多,索马里海盗问题正式浮出水面,这对世界航运业造成了重大影响。  相似文献   

索马里附近海域被称为"世界上最危险的海域之一",海盗活动日趋猖獗。据国际海事局海盗报告中心的数据显示,索马里海盗的活动范围已从近岸延伸至距岸200海里的远海。人们不禁要问,索马里海盗为何如此猖獗?这些人又是从何而来?怎样才能有效打击海盗?  相似文献   

<正>海盗,意指专门在海上抢劫其他船只的犯罪者。自有船只航行以来就有海盗的存在,特别是航海发达的16世纪后,只要是商业发达的沿海地带都有海盗。此犯罪行业的特点是,海盗者多非单独的犯罪者,往往是以犯罪团体的形式打  相似文献   

文章通过分析发生在西非凡内亚湾海域的海盗袭击案例,提出了船舶航行西非凡内亚湾及附近海域的注意事项和相应应对措施.  相似文献   

张里文 《航海》2006,(3):10-11
当前,随着恐怖威胁的不断增加,海盗威胁亦越来越严重。从美洲到非洲和亚洲,许多关键的海峡或海域,都有海盗的影子出没。特别是在几乎处于无政府状态的索马里外海,人称这是海盗的天堂。其次是亚洲的南海及马六甲海  相似文献   

黄晖 《世界海运》2010,33(8):26-27
针对海盗带来的严峻挑战,A.P.穆勒-马士基集团制定全面的"最佳管理规范"和程序,修改货船航行亚丁湾及索马里离岸海域的新标准,参与抗击海盗袭击演习,推出"战情室",坚持自己抵御海盗袭击的政策,最大程度地保障船员和船只安全。  相似文献   

<正>过去人们普遍认为,海盗风险成本属于船舶所有人、保险人和货主应当而且能够承担的营运成本;现在这一观点发生了明显变化。统计资料显示:2008年亚丁湾和印度洋海域发生海盗袭击事件111起;2009年海盗活动更加猖獗,截至2009年5月中旬,亚丁湾和印度洋海域共发生海盗袭击事件114起,超过2008年全年的总量。按每艘船的赎金200万~300万美元计算,2008年索马里海盗获得的赎金总额高达1亿美元。由此可见,海盗风险上升给海运业带来沉重负担。  相似文献   

浅析索马里海盗现状和船舶加强防范的措施(一)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,索马里海盗活动日益猖獗,对海上安全航行构成了重大威胁。文中通过分析近期索马里海盗活动的主要特点、手段和演变趋势以及反海盗行动面临的主要挑战,探索解决海盗问题需努力的方向,并对航经亚丁湾和索马里海域的中国籍船舶如何防范索马里海盗提出相关建议。  相似文献   

船舶防海盗袭击的对策   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
介绍近年来海盗袭击船舶状况,对有关案件进行统计分析,从船员和船舶安全的角度,介绍船舶的防范对策。  相似文献   

This paper describes the current situation with piracy and armed robbery at sea in the Indo-Pacific region, particularly off the Horn of Africa and in Southeast Asia. This situation may be aggravated due to the downturn in international shipping following the global financial crisis. This has led to surplus shipping capacity, crews paid off, lower profits, and ship owners seeking to cut costs. Many ships are laid up in anchorages prone to sea robbery, and there is a risk that ships might be less well maintained and operated. This paper also explains how some ships are more vulnerable to attack than others. Sub-standard ships are more likely to be successfully attacked than quality vessels. Issues are identified that might be addressed by the shipping industry and ship owners, as well as by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). In addition to being a victim of piracy, the shipping industry could be adding to the problem by laying up ships in vulnerable areas, reducing wages and sizes of crew and employing sub-standard ships. This situation could be symptomatic of wider problems in international shipping that throw doubt on the effectiveness of current regimes for ship safety, security and marine environmental protection.  相似文献   

目前海上的海盗活动日益猖獗,严重影响海上贸易运输的安全和全球的经济发展及社会稳定。文中针对目前国际社会难以解决这些问题的状况,通过对全球海盗的根源、危害等现状分析,提出一些有效遏制和改善的方式。  相似文献   

李桢 《中国海事》2010,(6):41-42
尽管索马里海盗问题得到了国际社会的高度重视,并出台了一系列的预防和惩治措施,但由于这些措施并未从根本上解决海盗问题,海盗活动仍然层出不穷。文中主要分析了海盗问题对我国航运界的实际影响,并给出了相关的建议。  相似文献   

Piracy is one of the most frequent maritime threats. However, despite the importance of how maritime piracy is to be reduced, it is substantially less investigated than maritime safety. Piracy off Somalia is the most investigated case of piracy, but those results are not necessarily generalizable. Piracy off West Africa has been shown to be more diverse, successful and dangerous. This study investigates and analyses piracy off West Africa with the aim to understand how different operations and security measures affect the consequences of piracy. This study has identified several different intents and shows that most attacks are relatively close to shore and correspond to areas of high ship density. Attacks with the intent of theft at night-time are generally performed close to shore, and more complicated attacks against ships under way are more common during daytime and farther from shore. Five types of measures are found to have high effectiveness if the attack is detected during approach; after boarding, only two measures have high effectiveness. Of the effective measures, it can be concluded that all but one are dependent on detecting the attack. Therefore, detecting the pirates is key but must be accompanied by a set of measures because no measure alone can protect a ship given the operational conditions off West Africa. The risks associated with piracy off West Africa are estimated to be of the same magnitude as the risks posed by Somali piracy at its peak.  相似文献   

远洋船舶防海盗实务   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
傅爱国 《世界海运》2010,33(8):23-25
无论从安全还是经济角度讲,世界反海盗的形势都非常严峻。从海盗常见的袭击方式入手,针对集装箱船、散杂货船、油船、小型船舶的特点,分别提出防御海盗的对策,建议船舶应坚持"以防为主""拒海盗于船舷以外"的方针。  相似文献   

This paper studies the contributing factors of maritime piracy by analyzing previous incidents that have been reported to the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Part of the analysis is to filter those ship types that are particularly vulnerable to piracy attacks. The paper also introduces the guidelines developed by the IMO and the industry envisaging to minimize the risk to ships that are exposed to attacks from pirates. It further describes the initiatives taken to develop a sustainable mechanism in the high-risk area (HRA)1 to suppress piracy and other maritime crimes. This study reflects the fact that maritime security and piracy issues’ importance has been increasingly recognized in the 40 year history of Maritime Policy & Management.  相似文献   

周邱克 《世界海运》2010,33(8):30-31
总结各自防海盗成功经验,借鉴船舶遭劫的教训。要想成功防止海盗劫持,首先要立足于自身的防范,落实值班瞭望的措施,使之切实有效。早发现,早采取措施,积极防范是避免海盗劫持的关键。  相似文献   

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