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An Adaptive Scheme for Neighbor Discovery in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The neighbor knowledge in mobile ad hoc networks is important information. However, the accuracy of neighbor knowledge is paid in terms of energy consumption. In traditional schemes for neighbor discovery, a mobile node uses fixed period to send HELLO messages to notify its existence. An adaptive scheme was proposed. The objective is that when mobile nodes are distributed sparsely or move slowly, fewer HELLO messages are needed to achieve reasonable accuracy, while in a mutable network where nodes are dense or move quickly, they can adaptively send more HELLO messages to ensure the accuracy. Simulation results show that the adaptive scheme achieves the objective and performs effectively.  相似文献   

Mobile ad hoc networks create additional challenges for implementing the group key establishment due to resource constraints on nodes and dynamic changes on topology. The nodes in mobile ad hoc networks are usually low power devices that run on battery power. As a result, the costs of the node resources should be minimized when constructing a group key agreement protocol so that the battery life could be prolonged. To achieve this goal, in this paper we propose a security efficient group key agreement protocol based on Burmester-Desmedt (BD) scheme and layer-cluster group model, referred to as LCKM-BD, which is appropriate for large mobile ad hoc networks. In the layer-cluster group model, BD scheme is employed to establish group key, which can not only meet security demands of mobile ad hoc networks but also improve executing performance. Finally, the proposed protocol LCKM-BD are compared with BD, TGDH (tree-based group Diffe-Hellman), and GDH (group Diffie-Hellman) group key agreement protocols. The analysis results show that our protocol can significantly decrease both the computational overhead and communication costs with respect to these comparable protocols.  相似文献   

Introduction Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are newinfrastructureless networks without the usual rout-ing infrastructure like fixed routers and routingbackbones. A mobile ad hoc network is a multi-hop temporary self-organizing system compromisedof a group of mobile nodes with radios. MANETshave some special characteristics: self organizing,dynamic topology, limited bandwidth, resourceconstraint nodes, multi-hop routing, vulnerable tosecurity attacks etc. Recently, MANET has beenone of t…  相似文献   

Introduction Mobileadhocnetwork(MANET)isaself-organizing,multi-hopwirelessnetwork.Commu-nicationsinadhocnetworkdonotrequireexis-tenceofacentralbasestationorafixednetwork infrastructure.Self-organizingandinfrastruc-turelessnessmakeadhocnetworkeasytobeap-pliedtothoseemergencyenvironmentswherethere isnotbasestationsoraccesspoints.However,on theotherhand,theyalsoopenthenetworktovari-oussecurityattacks.Amongthoseattacksthat havebeendiscoveredsofarinMANET,worm-hole[1]isoneofthemostseriousattack…  相似文献   

As the wireless medium is characterized by its lossy nature, reliable communication cannot be as-sumed in the key management scheme. Therefore self-healing is a good property for key distribution scheme in wireless applications. A new self-healing key distribution scheme was proposed, which is optimal in terms of user memory storage and efficient in terms of communication complexity.  相似文献   

基于对多媒体业务的支持,研究了发送速率为144kb/s的条件下移动自组网中路由协议AODV和DSR的性能.通过对它们的性能进行比较和分析,结果表明,AODV能获得较高的报文投递率,且随移动性的变化较小;同时,在高移动性时AODV平均的端到端时延也较小,但在低移动性时DSR能获得比AODV更小的平均端到端时延。  相似文献   

Ad hoc网络由于其自身的特点,具有抗攻击能力差,终端节点资源有限,计算能力差等弱点.目前已经提出的密钥交换协议都是以有限域离散对数为基础建立起来的,运算量大,需要中心节点验证,不能完全符合Ad hoc网络的特点.椭圆曲线加密体制加密强度大,速度快,占用的处理单元和带宽较小.提出了一种在Ad hoc网络的节点之间用椭圆曲线加密进行密钥交换的方案,并扩展到一组Ad hoc网络节点中,既保证了网络中节点间的通信安全,又具有很强的实用性.  相似文献   

Ad Hoc网络基于蚁群的按需路由算法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前已有一些研究将蚁群优化算法应用于Ad Hoc网络,文中在分析已有成果的基础上提出了一种新的按需路由算法,该算法综合了蚁群优化和AODV及DSR协议的思想,在源和目的之间建立起多路径路由,有效地提高了网络传输性能.模拟结果显示,该算法能较好地适应MANET动态变化的拓扑环境,在性能上优于一些相关的算法.  相似文献   

Secure Authentication of WLAN Based on Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The security of wireless local area network (WLAN) becomes a bottleneck for its further applications. At present, many standard organizations and manufacturers of WLAN try to solve this problem. However, owing to the serious secure leak in IEEE802.11 standards, it is impossible to utterly solve the problem by simply adding some remedies. Based on the analysis on the security mechanism of WLAN and the latest techniques of WLAN security, a solution to WLAN security was presented. The solution makes preparation for the further combination of WLAN and Internet.  相似文献   

In an ad hoc network, it is usually difficult to optimize the assignment of network routing resources using a single type of routing protocol due to the differences in network scale, node moving mode and node distribution. Therefore, it is desirable to have nodes run multiple routing protocols simultaneously so that more than one protocols can be chosen to work jointly. For this purpose,a multiple routing platform for Ad hoc networks is proposed on a higher level of current routing protocols. In order to ensure the security of the platform, a security mechanism and its formal analysis by BAN logic is given. The simulation results of the network performance demonstrate that the proposed multi-routing platform is practicable in some complex applications.  相似文献   

提出了在Ad Hoc网络中一种基于移动Agent的密钥管理及认证方法.移动Agent在网络中根据一定的运行策略进行移动,并不断地和所经历的节点进行数据交换,在此基础上形成一个节点信息矩阵表,矩阵表中包含了密钥信息.各节点使用其身份作为公钥,主密钥由各节点的私钥分享,从而形成基于身份的门限分布式密钥管理.该方法使用很少的Agent获得较多的全局信息并快速交换密钥信息,减少了系统的开销,具有很高的效率和鲁棒性.  相似文献   

针对节点能量和可用带宽2个约束条件的问题,提出了一种基于移动Agent的QoS路由算法.该算法利用移动Agent采集网络中各节点的详细信息,以最大链路的生存时间作为选择路由的基础,增强了路径的稳定性;采用多路径策略,以缩短路由重构的时间;优先选择剩余能量多的节点,延长了网络的生存时间.利用网络仿真工具NS2进行的仿真实验结果证明,与AODV协议相比,该算法具有较高的包传输率和较低的端到端平均延时.  相似文献   

无线Mesh网络的跨层设计理论与关键技术   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
由于无线M esh网络(WMN)在拓扑、传输和业务上的特性,传统的用于有线网络的分层协议设计方法已不能保证其服务质量(QoS).探索基于物理层、MAC层、路由等协议层的WMN跨层设计方法的目标是在无线资源利用率和多媒体业务的QoS需求两方面达到较好的折衷.WMN各个协议层在设计过程中的有关协议和算法要求附加统一的跨层管理器,监测各层的分组传输性能或需求,动态控制或调节相关算法.通过实现较高协议层的多媒体业务QoS需求与较低协议层的网络状态信息在各协议层之间的共享,可以达到对协议层控制算法的优化.在合理地选择跨层设计目标的基础上,多个协议层需要联合设计与优化.从物理层、MAC层、路由协议层和TCP层等层面介绍了WMN跨层设计的一般原则和方法.归纳了目前WMN跨层设计中亟待深入研究的一些理论和关键技术,包括自适应速率与节能机制、基于QoS需求的跨层MAC协议设计和路由协议设计等.  相似文献   

在分析多径路由技术的基础E,提出了一种基于AODV的多径QOS路由协议AODVMQR.该协议采用了降低开销和时延的机制、多径路由机制和移动预测的思想,并提供了QoS保障.仿真结果表明,该协议减少了路由开销,提高了分组传输率,降低了时延,改善了网络的服务质量.  相似文献   

WSN自身特点决定了安全是对WSN研究中最为重要和最为基本的问题,尤其是密钥管理机制.本文在深入分析基于二元多项式的多维网格密钥预分配机制的基础上,对该方案进行了改进,保留其在内存需求方面较目前提出的其他方案都要小的优点,克服了不具备密钥更新功能,安全性不够理想的缺点.新的多维网格密钥预分配方案可以进行密钥更新,在只增加少量的内存需求的条件下大大提高了系统的安全性,更适用于WSN的实际应用.  相似文献   

AdHoc网络QoS多径路由协议的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
QoS路由是提供QoS保证的一种重要手段,但大多数QoS路由是建立在单径的基础上,并没有充分利用Ad Hoc网络资源.文中提出了一种多径QoS路由协议QMPDSR.该协议主要考虑带宽和时延的约束来选择多条QoS路由.当QoS业务到达时,利用一条或多条路径同时传输QoS业务.实验表明,QMPDSR协议提高了分组投递率,降低了时延,路由开销的增加也不明显.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于能量感知的移动自组网QoS路由协议EQRP.该协议以AODV协议作为基础协议,以节点的剩余可预约带宽和节点的剩余能量的函数作为路由选择度量,从而选择一条满足业务传输质量且剩余能量较多的节点的路由来进行业务传输.该协议在度量节点的可用带宽时,不仅考虑本节点所承载的业务,还要考虑其周围节点所承载的业务对带宽资源的使用情况,使计算出的节点可用带宽更加准确.对EQRP协议与AODV协议进行了仿真比较,结果表明EQRP协议在分组投递率、丢包率和节点平均能量的消耗等方面都优于AODV协议.  相似文献   

连通度是Ad Hoc网络的根本属性.保持网络的连通性对于提高网络的吞吐量至关重要.目前的研究主要以概率论方法为理论基础,讨论节点的发射半径在什么范围内,保持Ad Hoc网络的k连通.文中对Ad Hoc网络连通度目前的研究进展进行了综述,在引入能量模型的基础上,对Ad Hoc网络的连通度进行了仿真,并基于仿真结果,提出了Ad Hoc网络保持连通的临界传输范围,最后对将来的研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

设备供应商提供的网元管理系统或子网管系统之间相互独立,不能共享各种配置和故障告警信息,给网络运维带来了诸多困难.本文面向通信业务,设计实现了一个端到端的通信网综合管理系统(E2INMS).E2INMS基于一个分层的体系架构,实现了全网拓扑管理、业务路由管理和端到端故障管理等一系列业务管理功能.该系统已经应用在朔黄铁路通信网的管理中.  相似文献   

重点区域是我国人口集聚、城镇密集和经济发达的主要城市化地区,也是公路交通需求较高的区域.由于区域发展的不均衡性,各重点区域的公路网络发展水平存有较大差异.本文依据国家相关区域规划,以全国最具有代表性的27个重点区域为研究对象,选取了反映公路网络规模、质量、通达、运输等四个方面的9个指标,构建了评价指标体系和综合评价模型,对重点区域公路网络的发展水平进行了评价并划分为三类地区.同时,对于公路网面积密度、平均技术等级、平均路面等级、县级节点连通度、建制村通畅率5个指标,分别遴选出发展水平较为落后的区域,为分析制订这些区域公路网络优化升级的对策提供了依据.  相似文献   

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