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陈侠 《水运管理》2013,(4):28-31
为使港口岸线这一不可再生资源得到有效保护和合理利用,分析收取岸线使用费的重要意义,指出收取岸线使用费有利于港口岸线资源优化配置、产权管理、资源保护及港口建设资金统筹等,提出收费模式的前提和原则,设计收费计算公式,认为通过岸线使用费的合理征收可解决因港口企业规费设置不合理而制约港口经营市场的问题,有利于港口企业有序竞争、优胜劣汰,有利于港口经济进一步发展。  相似文献   

骆勤 《水运管理》2012,34(7):22-25
从上海市内河岸线配置和利用及使用费征收现状着手分析内河岸线资源价值的分类分级和合理评估方法,探讨应用岸线费征收标准调整这一经济杠杆和调节机制来整合优化上海内河岸线资源配置,提出评估和体现上海市内河岸线资源价值的岸线使用费计费方法,并对岸线使用费计费方法中各因子和系数取值以及基准价格P0的确定进行探索性研究。  相似文献   

江苏省交通厅、江苏省物价局于1993年联合下发了船舶港务费(统缴)征收办法的文件,文件明确规定:社会船舶按航次缴纳,每航次征收进出港船舶港务费各0.25元/吨;县(市)以上专业航运公司按月征收,按每月每吨1.6元统缴,由市一级港航监督部门(现称地方海事部门)负责征缴.  相似文献   

每一艘商船有按一定规则进行丈量而得到的吨位。它是表示船舶大小的量度,也是有关方面对船舶征收各种费用的依据。在古时候,有些国家的政府和地方当局为了向船舶征收港口税、通行税等,以及船厂为了估算造船材料,都需要有能表明船舶大小的度量数据。1358年,荷兰颁布了向从海外驶入内河的船舶征收通行税的规定。通行税按船舶装载量来收。  相似文献   

<正>根据规划,我省在今后15年内建港任务繁重,据初步测算,需要投资近100亿元(如果考虑到涨价因素,需要投资更大)。为此,如何筹措港口建设发展资金是关键。我们认为,筹措港口建设发展资金,必须采取以下措施: 一、必须建立和完善“港航建设专项基金” 建立和完善该专项基金,可为港口、航道建设提供一个稳定的资金来源。对该专项基金,由省交通主管部门统一集中管理,实行有偿使用,资金增值,滚动发展。该专项基金的主要来源: 1.在1989年开征“福建省航道建设基金”的基础上,将征费标准提高一倍,并在今后每隔几年都要研究制定相适应的征收标准。在提高征费标准的同时,扩大征收范围,向船方适当开征营业性船舶附加费,内河船舶不征收。营业性船舶附加费征收标准控制在每吨公里1~1.5分钱,每人公里1.5~2分钱。在以上范围内按照国内外航线和沿海航线不同费率征收。 2.适当开征一次性船舶购置费。对我省船公司或其它船主部门(如省外运公司、省石油公司,省粮运公司等)购置的船舶,不论其船籍落在何处,均向船舶购置单位或个人征收一次性船舶购置费。船舶购置费征收标准,可控制在船舶购置总价的0.9~1.2‰之内,然后按国内外船舶和船舶的新旧不同征收,内河船舶不开征。  相似文献   

日本8大港湾协议会(由东京、川崎、横滨、名古屋、大阪、神户、下关、北九州的港口管理者构成)于年前决定,随着码头使用费12小时制的实行,1997年将采用  相似文献   

随着港口在城市经济发展中的地位逐渐提高,岸线,作为一种不可再生资源,其稀缺性日益突显。国家实行自然资源有偿使用制度。岸线作为陆域和水域的结合体,有偿使用和征收费用是必要的。文中首先阐述我国港口岸线资源使用收费的现实意义,其次在对我国港口岸线资源使用收费现状的分析基础之上,借鉴土地使用的计费方式,探析岸线资源的使用收费方法。  相似文献   

正2012年初,上海市交通运输业和部分现代服务业实施营业税改征增值税(以下简称营改增)试点;2012年底,宁波市启动营改增试点;2016年5月1日,营改增试点在全国范围内全面推行。集装箱码头企业原按3%的税率征收营业税;改征增值税后,以销售服务的增值部分为税基,按11%的税率征收  相似文献   

区片综合地价施行是国家土地征收制度改革的需要,在四川省公布实施征地补偿新政策的背景下,文章系统分析了区片综合地价实施对水电工程建设征地和移民安置工作产生的影响,从依法依规、统筹平衡、利于实施的角度提出对策建议。  相似文献   

本期要闻 巴拿马运河将启用新的通行费征收办法 巴拿马政府最近通过一项新运河通行费征收办法。该办法自1999年12月1日开始执行,所有通过运河的船舶都要按照运河管委会制定的新办法交纳通行费。按照新的征收办法,净重超过583总吨的船舶,包括商船、游艇、医用船只和货船(含军火),如果载有乘客,按每吨2.57美元收费,如果是空船,按每吨2.04美元收取通行费。其他船舶,如挖泥船、浮动的干船坞、战船等,按其排水量收费。净重不超过583总吨的船舶,按船舶本身吨位多少收取500到1500美元不等的费用。任何船舶,从运河一端进入,中途又原路返回时,仍按通过整个运河标准收取通行费。在使用驳船服务的情况下,收费标准按照船只的长度和宽度计算。长度在213.360米至274.320米、宽度在27.7737米以上的船舶,在通过整条运河时,需要交纳  相似文献   

While urban sprawl has been the general growth pattern in most developing cities worldwide, the city of Bogotá has undergone a process of densification in specific areas in the past decade. Using a differences-in-differences methodology, we have shown that the bus rapid transit (BRT) network, Transmilenio, built in this period is one of the variables that account for this higher density. Areas served by Transmilenio, especially those in the periphery that have been provided with feeder bus routes, have a higher growth than zones without access to this system. Using a similar methodology for assessing the growth of newly built areas, we have not found a clear relation between the BRT and recent evolution of residential, commercial, or work areas. However, recent scientific literature confirms an impact of the BRT on land value.  相似文献   

Land development impacts of mass transit have long been studied in the developed economies. Yet relatively little is known by the outside world about the Chinese experience due to China's rather short history in the development of modern mass transit and land/property market. This paper attempts to fill the gap by presenting evidence from China, with a detailed case study of Beijing. Selecting three newly built suburban transit lines in Beijing, the study examined land development context and estimated hedonic housing price models to measure the proximity premiums associated with these three lines. The empirical evidence in Beijing, one of the first tier mass transit cities in China, shows that investments in mass transit can have significant and positive impacts on land development. Properties with transit proximity enjoy sizable price or value premiums. The study also confirms the international experience: transit impacts on land development are unlikely to occur automatically; they rely greatly on supportive regional and site conditions. Integrated planning and design for mass transit and land development are critical to expand and maximize the return of transit investments.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代苏伊士运河关闭时,日本与美国联合,利用美国东、西海岸的港口和铁路网,开展“海一陆一海”集装箱联运将货物运输到欧洲,形成北美陆桥运输。无论运输费用还是货运时间,均比走海运经巴拿马运河要少,比绕道好望角或南美更少。但因美国东海岸港口和铁路都十分拥挤,货物出现了积压,从而抵消了大陆桥运输带来的时间节省。同时,西伯利亚大陆桥的出现和发展,也使北美大陆桥运输业务量大大减少。目前,北美大陆桥运输已经退化,被小陆桥运输和微型陆桥运输取代,形成了美国陆桥运输的特点。  相似文献   


In June 1987, the U.S. Supreme Court in Nollan v. California Coastal Commission held against the California Coastal Commission. Did this legal landmark signal the rise of a new, conservative jurisprudence of takings? And if yes, did that imply the demise of what had been accomplished by the so‐called quiet revolution in land use control that swept the country in the late 1960s and early 1970s? The complexities of this case cannot be understood apart from the historical evolution of the Coastal Commission's policies through the 1970s and 1980s, particularly its coastal access policies. Because of these policies the Coastal Commission, since its inception in 1972, has been subjected to all kinds of criticism, but at the same time has been widely praised for its balanced approach. These varying assessments of the role and record of the Commission also underly the conflicting viewpoints and arguments of Justices Scalia, who wrote for the majority in Nollan, and Brennan, who filed an extremely strong dissent. The resulting legal uncertainties, added to the political setbacks suffered from a lukewarm legislature and a hostile governor, forced the Commission to temper its assertive mission of maximizing coastal access, at least for the time being.  相似文献   

The project appraisal method in the Netherlands distinguishes direct effects, indirect distribution effects and indirect generative effects. Transport models are generally available for calculating the benefits of transport projects to travellers as part of the direct effects. The TIGRIS XL model, a Land-Use and Transport Interaction model, adds indirect distribution effects for the housing and labour market, by modelling changes in the spatial distribution of jobs and residents. This paper describes the current TIGRIS XL model and how it can be applied in the evaluation of transport projects. It refers to work done with the TIGRIS XL model to improve the calculation of the direct benefits by applying the so-called ‘logsum’ method. Finally it discusses ideas on how to extend the TIGRIS XL model to address indirect generative effects as well.The current TIGRIS XL model, its integration with the National Model System (the standard tool for the Dutch government to analyse the effects on passenger transport) and basic design principles are the starting point of such an exploration. These design principles include:
an emphasis on detail, both spatial as well as in socio-economic segments, to account for differences in the availability of choice alternatives and in choice behaviour, and to provide impacts by region and socio-economic group;
the requirement that the relationships used rest on an empirical foundation.
The post-processing methods proposed on this paper for the calculation of the direct benefits and indirect generative effects are consistent with these design principles. To calculate the indirect generative effects, a post-processing module is proposed which transforms changes in travel times and land-use into agglomeration effects. These agglomeration effects combine several of the generative effects, like scale economies, an increasing variety of products, labour market matches and knowledge spill-over. The effects of changes in the agglomeration indicator on productivity can be estimated with existing data sources, as was demonstrated in the UK (Graham, 2005).  相似文献   


Although New Zealand has a population of 3 million and a coastline of about 10,000 miles there are already heavy pressures on some parts of it. Historically, subdivisions of less than 10 acres require the setting aside of a one‐chain esplanade reserve as part of a general reserve contribution. Some national and regional parks also include significant areas of coast. Recently the Lands and Survey Department has commenced a detailed study of the coastline. Another very recent development is the requirement of an Environmental Impact Report for all major government works. The Waitemata Harbour has been the subject of a detailed study and the reports are now beginning to appear. There has been a heavy demand for shallow bays and estuaries for sanitary land fill, as well as for dredge fill. The main pressure on the coast at present is for holiday cottage sites and some legislative changes may be necessary. In the future new marinas will probably be considered particularly in relation to the extent they provide for the general public rather than a selected few. Industry is only just beginning to make an impact upon the coast. New power stations, natural gas or thermonuclear, are likely to be located on the coastline and this would bring some environmental problems. Recently, it has been argued that to ensure wise use of the coastline there should be national, rather than local or regional, control by a specially appointed Coastal Commission.  相似文献   

本文对北方河流开发问题进行研究,从最大程度利用现有已建水利枢纽工程的调节能力,兴建新的水利工程,在满足下游生态水量的情况下,研究增加流域水土开发规模的可能性。  相似文献   

大型围填海工程前期策划是集市场需求、工程立项审批、项目建设、环境保护、运营管理和效益评估等众多专业学科为一体的系统分析论证工作。以东莞长安新区围填海大型工程前期工作为例,从项目运作实际需求出发,梳理海洋部门管理政策和审批流程,提出在产业策划、城市规划、项目申报、立项报批、管理模式和生态化海岸规划等项目前期工作全流程运作层面的策划思路和推进路线,总结长安新区围填海工程前期工作的实操经验,探讨提升水运设计咨询单位一体化解决大型围填海工程前期工作问题能力的路径和方法。  相似文献   

周玲玲  殷昕  胡殿才  陈喆 《水运工程》2012,(12):139-143
结合某工程地质条件和地基处理要求,对软弱淤泥地基中陆域形成方案进行了研究.从施工可行性、结构可靠性及经济性等方面对海堤堤基处理、陆域回填和地基处理进行了多个方案的分析比较,推荐了最适合的处理方案,可供类似工程参考.  相似文献   

我国集装箱码头陆域纵深的确定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田佐臣 《水运管理》2007,29(12):12-15
介绍我国专业化集装箱港区陆域纵深的含义、陆域功能和陆域纵深尺度的演变过程,通过对国内近10年来建设的大量集装箱码头实例的总结与分析,提出确定集装箱港区陆域纵深合适尺度的方法与尺度参考意见,并提出所需纵深不能得到满足时的解决措施。  相似文献   

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