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近日,世界轮胎科技领导者米其林公司在中国市场推出卡客车冬季专用轮胎.这一新系列产品令卡客车驾驶员在冬季的驾驶更加安全.它的上市标志着中国轮胎业正迎来革命性变化--卡客车可以与轿车一样按照不同使用环境选择专用轮胎.  相似文献   

4月20日,世界轮胎科技的领导者米其林公司宣布,"2008米其林轮胎安全体验之旅"在中国正式启动。作为本次活动最大亮点的"米其林轮胎安全驾驶模拟器"首次登陆中国,在第十届北京国际汽车展览会上与广大消费者"亲密接触"。与传统的安全活动不同,米其林首次通过高科技手段模拟和再现了真实的驾驶环境,让驾驶者在高科技的虚拟现实中了解轮胎安全、特别是合理的胎压对安全驾驶的重要意义。  相似文献   

张颖 《汽车与配件》2012,(48):54-55
日前,2012米其林卡客车专业店全国轮胎修补大赛在上海圆满落下帷幕。经过紧张激烈的总决赛,来自上海挚诚轮胎贸易有限公司的技师最终脱颖而出,赢得了本届轮胎修补大赛的冠军。本次比赛历时一个月,考核的内容属于米其林卡客车专业店标准化流程四中的高级服务操作的内容之一。  相似文献   

王作函 《商用汽车》2012,(21):92-93
2012年10月23日,以"更安全、更专业、更优服务"为主题的2012米其林卡客车专业店全国轮胎修补大赛在上海落下帷幕。来自全国81个城市的108家米其林卡客车专业店参加了本次大赛。经过在全国各地11场初赛的层层角逐,共有12名技师进入总决赛。决赛以胎侧两段式修补和塞梗修补为考核内容。经过3轮比赛,最终决出1名冠军、2名亚军及3名季军。其中,来自上海挚诚轮胎贸易有限公司  相似文献   

近日,韩泰轮胎首家全新卡客车轮胎专卖店HTM(Hankook Truck Masters)——海安县胡集轮胎总汇在江苏省南通市海安县开业,作为韩泰轮胎首家HTM高级店,面积超过120m2,主要为当地用户提供轮胎销售及维修保养等服务。到2013年底,韩泰轮胎卡客车专卖店预计将从2012年的400家增加至455家。  相似文献   

近日,韩泰轮胎旗下卡客车轮胎高端品牌——奥力拉(AuRoRa)陆续推出2款全新高性能卡客车轮胎UF12和UF13,同时2款自卸车轮胎升级产品UR05+和UR06+也同步上市.作为韩泰轮胎卡客车轮胎高端阵营的新品,这4款产品在操控性上均有不俗表现,同时耐磨性得到大幅提升. 奥力拉是韩泰轮胎旗下的卡客车轮胎高端品牌,于2009年正式进入中国.经过3年多的发展,2012年奥力拉在中国市场的年产量已突破30万条.面对2013年国内经济持续低迷及房地产调控持续加强,年初刚刚就任韩泰轮胎中国地区本部卡客车轮胎营销&销售战略总经理的车濬根依然乐观地表示:"经过前几年的快速粗放发展,目前国内运输业发展更加趋于理性和有序,用户对卡客车轮胎的需求也日益多元化和品质化,这些变化为韩泰卡客车轮胎双品牌战略提供了更多的发展空间和机会.2013年,我们将继续依托韩泰和奥力拉品牌为中国用户提供高性能和高品质的卡客车轮胎产品."  相似文献   

2004年3月,米其林轮胎公司推出了最新卡客车轮胎——E2系列轮胎。E2系列产品是原E系列的全面升级产品,专为适应中国路况而设计,是为中国卡客车用户提供的具有更强抗磨损性的高端产品。E2系列产品的问世是卡客车轮胎花纹开发的里程碑。米其林在花纹设计及配料等方面的研发取得了  相似文献   

人们翻山越岭.离不开一双舒适合脚的鞋子。车辆跋山涉水,同样需要经久耐用的轮胎。轮胎对于安全驾驶的重要意义不言而喻.通过本文的介绍,希望能让您多一分对轮胎的了解.  相似文献   

为深入推广轮胎知识,全球高档汽车品牌奥迪与全球轮胎科技领导者米其林集团携手在上海奥迪媒体中心举办了旨在提高安全驾驶系数的轮胎知识讲座。  相似文献   

“随你行”就是米其林公司新推出的一项领先、专业、全面、网络化的轮胎售后服务.它不仅向消费者提供轮胎保养维护知识.进行售后追踪.还开通4008890088的24小时道路救援热线以及轮胎意外扎伤的免费修补服务,全方位确保驾驶安全。这就像给驾车者配备了一位随时待命的轮胎安全贴身卫士。  相似文献   

由于公路运输业发展迅速,卡客车轮胎的需求量也在不断增长。由于轮胎的使用环境及条件发生了很大变化,用户对轮胎的要求也越来越高。许多用户不懂轮胎的构造、性能和特点,不能正确使用和保养轮胎,从而导致轮胎早期损坏。有数据显示:2010年全国共接报道路交通事故390万6164起,同比上升35.9%,安全隐患已成为车主最关心的问题之一。  相似文献   

2011年12月19日,韩泰轮胎2011年度代理商大会在三亚举行.来自韩泰轮胎的高层领导和近200位代理商出席,共同分享韩泰轮胎在2011年取得的骄人业绩,同时就2012年的计划进行了有效沟通.得益于UHP(超高性能)产品及卡客车轮胎销售的显著增长,在中国汽车销售增速放缓的不利局面下、韩泰轮胎2011年销售额仍然保持了连续多年的高速增长,全钢胎销售突破115万条,销售额同比增长22.4%.  相似文献   

抗滑水轮胎技术的新发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
轮胎在湿路面上的行驶性能关系到汽车的安全性。阐述了国外开发的三种新型抗滑水轿车轮胎的设计思想,结构特点以及主要性能,介绍了提高轮胎在潮湿带水路面上行驶性能的新技术及其新发展,对开发国产高性能轿车轮肥具有现实的参考借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Advanced simulation of the stability and handling properties of bicycles requires detailed road–tyre contact models. In order to develop these models, in this study, four bicycle tyres are tested by means of a rotating disc machine with the aim of measuring the components of tyre forces and torques that influence the safety and handling of bicycles. The effect of inflation pressure and tyre load is analysed. The measured properties of bicycle tyres are compared with those of motorcycle tyres.  相似文献   

Active safety systems would benefit from tyre force and friction potential information. Different sensor concepts, including, among others, the EU–funded Apollo–project developed tyre sensor based on optical position detection, are being studied. The sensor can measure tyre carcass deflections with respect to the rim. The carcass deflections can be used to calculate tyre forces and they may be exploited in the estimation of friction potential. The waveforms of the sensor signal are illustrated. The vertical and lateral force estimations are presented with unavoidable compensation parts. The tyre sensor measurements were compared to the measurement–vehicle results and good correlations achieved. Continuing activities are concerned with the estimation of friction potential and the detection of aquaplaning.  相似文献   

浅析轮胎的选用对高速行车安全的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨加彪  高群 《汽车技术》1998,(3):29-32,36
据资料统计,我国已通车的20条高速公路发生的交通事故中,由于轮胎原因引起的事故占45%以上,因轮胎原因导致中作途抛锚的占84.8%,经分析,主要是由于轮胎选型,使用不当等而造成轮胎不能满足高速行驶的要求所致,因此对高速运行安全性与轮胎的的正确选择,使用的关系进行了详细地论述。  相似文献   

The main objective of this work is to determine the limit of safe driving conditions by identifying the maximal friction coefficient in a real vehicle. The study will focus on finding a method to determine this limit before reaching the skid, which is valuable information in the context of traffic safety. Since it is not possible to measure the friction coefficient directly, it will be estimated using the appropriate tools in order to get the most accurate information. A real vehicle is instrumented to collect information of general kinematics and steering tie-rod forces. A real-time algorithm is developed to estimate forces and aligning torque in the tyres using an extended Kalman filter and neural networks techniques. The methodology is based on determining the aligning torque; this variable allows evaluation of the behaviour of the tyre. It transmits interesting information from the tyre–road contact and can be used to predict the maximal tyre grip and safety margin. The maximal grip coefficient is estimated according to a knowledge base, extracted from computer simulation of a high detailed three-dimensional model, using Adams® software. The proposed methodology is validated and applied to real driving conditions, in which maximal grip and safety margin are properly estimated.  相似文献   

Vehicle stability and active safety control depend heavily on tyre forces available on each wheel of a vehicle. Since tyre forces are strongly affected by the tyre–road friction coefficient, it is crucial to optimise the use of the adhesion limits of the tyres. This study presents a hybrid method to identify the road friction limitation; it contributes significantly to active vehicle safety. A hybrid estimator is developed based on the three degrees-of-freedom vehicle model, which considers longitudinal, lateral and yaw motions. The proposed hybrid estimator includes two sub-estimators: one is the vehicle state information estimator using the unscented Kalman filter and another is the integrated road friction estimator. By connecting two sub-estimators simultaneously, the proposed algorithm can effectively estimate the road friction coefficient. The performance of the proposed estimation algorithm is validated in CarSim/Matlab co-simulation environment under three different road conditions (high-μ, low-μ and mixed-μ). Simulation results show that the proposed estimator can assess vehicle states and road friction coefficient with good accuracy.  相似文献   

The influence of the tyre–road contact model on the simulated vertical vibration response was analysed. Three contact models were compared: tyre–road point contact model, moving averaged profile and tyre-enveloping model. In total, 1600 real asphalt concrete and Portland cement concrete longitudinal road profiles were processed. The linear planar model of automobile with 12 degrees of freedom (DOF) was used. Five vibration responses as the measures of ride comfort, ride safety and dynamic load of cargo were investigated. The results were calculated as a function of vibration response, vehicle velocity, road quality and road surface type. The marked differences in the dynamic tyre forces and the negligible differences in the ride comfort quantities were observed among the tyre–road contact models. The seat acceleration response for three contact models and 331 DOF multibody model of the truck semi-trailer was compared with the measured response for a known profile of test section.  相似文献   

Increasing the stability of a motorcycle requires an understanding of the optimal conditions of the tyre. The inflation pressure is one of the main parameters that directly affects the tyre properties, which in turn influences motorcycle stability and safety. This paper focuses on the effect of the inflation pressure of the tested tyres on motorcycle weave stability. Experimental data are collected from tests carried out in straight running at constant speed. The data analysis is based on stochastic subspace identification methods. Simulations are performed using an advanced motorcycle multi-body code with parameters measured from the tested vehicle. Finally, the comparison between simulations and experimental tests is discussed. The research results show an agreement between experimental tests and simulations where weave stability increases with inflation pressure for the specified range of tyre pressure.  相似文献   

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