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Stabilization of High-Speed Railway Vehicles   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The problems of critical speeds of railway vehicles with dry friction units determination are discussed. A new approach is used which extends the field of application of dynamic response linear analysis methods to vital nonlinear multibody systems. The special features concerning the influence of dry friction forces in the body supports on the trucks and parameters of horizontal constraints of wheelsets and truck frames on critical speed are indicated. It is shown that a significant rising of railway vehicle critical speeds can be reached by changing the structure of constraints between the body and the trucks.  相似文献   

The theoretical development of the lateral dynamics of railway vehicles has made rapid strides in recent years and many of the instabilities arising from the geometry of the wheel-rail interface and the forces acting in the contact area are now understood. In addition methods of analysis of curving and dynamic response to track irregularities have been developed and validated by experiment. This paper reviews the present status of equations of motion, limit cycle solutions for hunting oscillations and the relationship of stability to behaviour in curves.  相似文献   


Computer-aided dynamic simulations are usually employed when designing modern urban railway vehicles. Even if the modeling procedure is similar to the one used for trains, specific features have to be taken into account for tramways: they are designed for low speeds (less than 80 km/h) and narrow curves (less than 20 m of radius). Moreover, in order to improve accessibility, low floor designs have been developed (the floor lying at about 300 mm above the rails level). The simulation procedure has therefore to take account of the occurence of multiple wheel/rail contacts or the modelization of independent wheels. A specific software well adapted to the computer-aided design of urban railway vehicles has been developed by the Faculte Polytechnique de Mons. It performs the following classical analyses:

lateral linearization, modal analysis and root locii plots;

vertical linearization and comfort prediction;

non-linear time simulation in straight track (limit cycles) and in curve (derailment study)

parametric analyses

The vehicle model is formed by combination of bodies ( or flexible bodies, rotating bodies like wheelsets or independent wheels) and interconnection elements ( spring and damper elements). Contact between rails and wheels is treated as a part of the rotating bodies. A residual formulation has been preferred. When combined with the use of a complete iteration matrix, this formulation is well adapted to the treatment of stiff differential equations. It is based on a fast determination of the residues of the dynamic equations combined with the calculation of the iteration matrix through a numerical derivation procedure. The advantages of the approach are discussed. The model of a partial low floor vehicle with wheelsets and independent wheels is described.  相似文献   

为建立高速铁路常用跨度桥梁设计理论和方法,进行该类桥梁设计参数、简支梁动力性能简化判定方法、桥梁线形控制技术及整孔箱梁的制造、运输、架设技术研究。研究结果表明,桥面宽13.0 m,腹板间距6.7 m左右时,箱梁顶板和腹板的受力较为合理;24 m3、2 m箱梁预应力传力长度分别为1.1倍、1.2倍梁高;时速350 km客运专线铁路桥32 m简支箱梁梁体基频限值为150/L。为保证桥梁线形,应控制结构使用阶段上、下缘应力差在4 MPa内,施加预应力时混凝土的强度和弹性模量应达到设计值,施加二期恒载的时间间隔为60 d。箱梁制造时,梁端隔墙采用变截面平顺过渡,并合理地设置温控参数。  相似文献   

The so-called critical speed of a linearized railway vehicle is shown to be no useful measure for the stability of the system in practice. The important interaction between vehicle and track can be taken into account by the riding quality for a certain vehicle on every particular piece of track. The riding quality is determined by the accelerations transmitted to the payload, weighted according to comfort standards, and the relative displacements between wheel and rail. From the riding quality demands both for vehicle design and for maintenance of the track can be derived.  相似文献   


For railway vehicles having coned wheels mounted on solid axles there is a conflict between dynamic stability and steering ability

It is shown that the stiffness and kinematic properties of all possible interwheelset connections are characterised by two properties describing the distortional characteristics of the vehicle in plan. Within this framework, the various possibilities for steered wheelsets are considered, and several past and current proposals are reviewed. Using the linear approach to dynamic stabibty and curve negotation the performance of existing and newly proposed configurations is discussed

For any symmetric, two-axle vehicle it is shown that for perfect steering on a curve there should be zero bending stiffness between the wheelsets. It is further shown that if the bending stiffness is zero, the vehicle lacks dynamic stability as the critical speed of instability, is zero. In this case, the vehicle undergoes a steering oscillation which occurs at the kinematic frequency of a single wheelset and which is a motion in which pure rolling occurs

Similar results are obtained with vehicles with three or more axles if adjacent axles are connected by shear structures. However, it is shown that it is possible to satisfy both the requirements of perfect steering and a non-zero critical speed if the vehicle has zero bending stiffness and if, in addition to adjacent wheelsets being connected in shear, at least one pair of non-adjacent axles are connected by a shear structure.  相似文献   

For railway vehicles having coned wheels mounted on solid axles there is a conflict between dynamic stability and steering ability

It is shown that the stiffness and kinematic properties of all possible interwheelset connections are characterised by two properties describing the distortional characteristics of the vehicle in plan. Within this framework, the various possibilities for steered wheelsets are considered, and several past and current proposals are reviewed. Using the linear approach to dynamic stabibty and curve negotation the performance of existing and newly proposed configurations is discussed

For any symmetric, two-axle vehicle it is shown that for perfect steering on a curve there should be zero bending stiffness between the wheelsets. It is further shown that if the bending stiffness is zero, the vehicle lacks dynamic stability as the critical speed of instability, is zero. In this case, the vehicle undergoes a steering oscillation which occurs at the kinematic frequency of a single wheelset and which is a motion in which pure rolling occurs

Similar results are obtained with vehicles with three or more axles if adjacent axles are connected by shear structures. However, it is shown that it is possible to satisfy both the requirements of perfect steering and a non-zero critical speed if the vehicle has zero bending stiffness and if, in addition to adjacent wheelsets being connected in shear, at least one pair of non-adjacent axles are connected by a shear structure.  相似文献   

高速铁路连续结合梁的线形研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了尽可能减小高速铁路钢一混凝土连续结合梁桥运营中的净挠度,设计中必须考虑结合梁的线形,并预设一定的上拱度。结合施工方法、混凝土浇筑顺序等分析计算了高速铁路(40 50 40)m连续结合梁各种工况下的挠度,研究了混凝土收缩徐变和预应力的施加、负弯矩区混凝土开裂等因素对挠度的影响,对上拱度的设置提出了建议。成果巳供设计部门参考。该分析计算方法和原则也适用于其他钢一混凝土连续结合梁。  相似文献   

History of Stability of Railway and Road Vehicles   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Stability of running of vehicles is one of the important design criteria of railway and road vehicles. Railway vehicle stability is based on kinematics as well as contact mechanics. It reaches back to the 19th century and had its first hey-day with the work of Carter and Rocard on stability of locomotives. A rediscovery of their knowledge, which seemed to have been forgotten, was inevitable due to increased vehicle speeds since the early Fifties. — Though investigations on road vehicle stability only began approximately in 1930 with the treatment of the shimmy phenomenon, realistic solutions were available at the same time as for railway vehicles. Besides considering historical aspects we discuss in the paper links which exist between both approaches; open questions are described.  相似文献   

Stability of running of vehicles is one of the important design criteria of railway and road vehicles. Railway vehicle stability is based on kinematics as well as contact mechanics. It reaches back to the 19th century and had its first hey-day with the work of Carter and Rocard on stability of locomotives. A rediscovery of their knowledge, which seemed to have been forgotten, was inevitable due to increased vehicle speeds since the early Fifties. — Though investigations on road vehicle stability only began approximately in 1930 with the treatment of the shimmy phenomenon, realistic solutions were available at the same time as for railway vehicles. Besides considering historical aspects we discuss in the paper links which exist between both approaches; open questions are described.  相似文献   

京沪高速铁路青阳港大桥设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵志军 《桥梁建设》2013,43(3):89-93
京沪高速铁路青阳港大桥主桥采用单孔96m尼尔森体系提篮式系杆拱桥。拱肋矢跨比1∶5,采用悬链线线形,哑铃形钢管混凝土截面;系梁采用单箱三室预应力混凝土箱梁;吊杆布置采用尼尔森体系,间距为8m;系梁内设16根环氧钢绞线系杆;两拱肋之间共设5道横撑;桥墩采用T形钢筋混凝土实体墩;基础采用18根150cm钻孔灌注桩。为满足通航要求,该桥采用先拱后梁法施工。采用桥梁博士V3.2.0软件对主桥进行结构静力计算,计算结果表明:桥梁主体结构各截面应力和位移均满足规范要求。  相似文献   


Ride dynamic behaviour of a typical high-speed tracked vehicle, such as a conventional military armoured personnel carrier (APC) negotiating rough off-road terrains, is studied through computer simulations and field tests. A comprehensive ride dynamic simulation model is developed, assuming constant forward vehicle speed and non-deformable terrain profile. The ride model includes dynamic track load and wheel/track-terrain interaction. Dynamic track load is modeled in view of track belt stretching and initial track tension, whereas an equivalent damper and continuous radial spring formulation is employed to model wheel/track-terrain interaction. Field testing of a APC subjected to discrete half round obstacles of various radii, a sinusoidal course, a random course, and a Belgian Pave\ is carried out for various vehicle configurations and speeds. Computer simulation results are validated against field measured results. The comparison of measured and predicted results shows generally good agreement.  相似文献   

Summary This paper presents the recent development on active steering for railway vehicles, and carries out a technical appraisal of different actuation schemes and control approaches. It brings together the latest research activities and findings for the full active steering techniques for rail vehicles with the solid-axle wheelsets, independently-rotating wheelsets and wheel-pairs without axles, but relevant work on passive and semi-active solutions is also briefly described. Potential benefits of the use of a combination of modern control technology and mechatronic approach are evaluated, and in particular solutions for the difficult design trade-off between the stability and the curving performance are presented. Various actuation configurations are discussed, and advantages and drawbacks of those schemes are investigated. The outline design using a number of control methods is analysed, and measurement requirement and state estimation techniques essential for implementation of the active steering schemes are also explored. In addition the issue of safety criticality is highlighted and a possible approach for developing fault-tolerant systems is proposed. Overall the paper provides an authoritative assessment of the major advances in actively-steered wheels and addresses outstanding critical issues.  相似文献   

为与相邻公路桥对孔布置并具有较优的结构性能,新建福州至厦门铁路泉州湾跨海大桥引桥采用多联(3×70)m无支座整体式刚构,该桥型全桥不设支座,边墩与中墩均与主梁固结形成整体刚构。该桥主梁采用预应力混凝土箱梁;墩高20~50 m,中墩采用实体墩或空心墩,边墩采用薄壁墩,相邻联边墩共用基础。通过在相邻梁端加装横向限位器、应用无砟轨道小阻尼扣件、边墩顶梁段采用两交界边墩临时固结后悬臂浇筑施工等措施较好地解决了梁端相对横向位移、轨道适应性及海上施工等问题。对该无支座整体式刚构桥结构性能进行分析,结果表明:其各项指标均满足规范要求,具有较好的经济性、抗震性能和景观效果。  相似文献   


The general form of the equations of motion of a symmetric railway vehicle with two unsymmetric two-axle bogies is derived. The equations include a generic elastic stiffness matrix that describes the nature and configuration of the structural connections between the various components of the vehicle. This matrix satisfies the condition for perfect steering (without generating creep forces) on uniform curves and the necessary condition for dynamic stability derived in previous work. The paper shows the application of these basic conditions to a class of generic unsymmetric bogies. The analysis has as its objective the derivation of the simplest rather than the most general configuration that meets the conditions imposed. The results are related to past and current practice. It is shown that perfect steering, with stability at low speeds, can be achieved by means of passive suspension elements not employing linkages, and that it is possible to simplify existing steering arrangements.  相似文献   

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