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This paper presents a review of theoretical and experimental works relative to the handling performance of commercial vehicle combinations. A commercial vehicle combination (road train) is defined as a tractor unit and an arbitrary number of trailers. The review contains literature corresponding the most widely used types of trains: tractor-semitrailer, truck-trailer and tractor-semitrailer-semitrailer (doubles). The vehicle dynamic performance has been investigated taking into consideration the following features: directional performance, roll dynamics, braking performance and combined braking and directional performance. With the aim of evaluating the present state of research activities in the field of lateral dynamics of articulated commercial vehicles, the author has compiled some 250 references.  相似文献   

李晓 《汽车与配件》2010,(12):56-57
<正>1月15日,《第25次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》显示,截至2009年底,中国网民规模达到3.84亿人,较2008年增长28.9%,在总人口中的比重从22.6%提升到28.9%,互联网普及率在稳步上升。目前依然保持着快速增长的势头。中国互联网络信息中心主任毛伟表示,持续蔓延的全球金融危机对我国互联网总体影响不大,我国网民规模、宽带网民数、国家顶级域名注册量(1296万)三项指标仍然  相似文献   


The general form of the railway vehicle lateral dynamic predictions seems to have been proven. If wheels are coned, rails are of uniform cross-section, and suspensions are linear, then good predictions can be obtained. If wheels are not coned, and rail sections vary, but the suspension is relatively linear, as in modern vehicles, it is still possible to obtain good predictions of critical speed for flexible suspensions. The situation with “stiff” vehicles remains unproven. In each case dynamic response calculations will be only as good as the knowledge of the track input including the rolling line term. The validity of making calculations to predict critical speeds of very non-linear vehicles has not yet been convincingly demonstrated. Validation experiments for the more difficult case of time history representation suggest the possibility of correct prediction for easily comprehensible vehicles, but even this requires an enormous amount of supportive experimental work.  相似文献   

The general form of the railway vehicle lateral dynamic predictions seems to have been proven. If wheels are coned, rails are of uniform cross-section, and suspensions are linear, then good predictions can be obtained. If wheels are not coned, and rail sections vary, but the suspension is relatively linear, as in modern vehicles, it is still possible to obtain good predictions of critical speed for flexible suspensions. The situation with “stiff” vehicles remains unproven. In each case dynamic response calculations will be only as good as the knowledge of the track input including the rolling line term. The validity of making calculations to predict critical speeds of very non-linear vehicles has not yet been convincingly demonstrated. Validation experiments for the more difficult case of time history representation suggest the possibility of correct prediction for easily comprehensible vehicles, but even this requires an enormous amount of supportive experimental work.  相似文献   


This paper presents a review of the available literature describing the methods of modelling the vibrational response of articulated vehicles to the road inputs at the tire contact points. It states and discusses the mathematical techniques that have been put forward for obtaining road input characteristics, for modelling the vehicles in a range of degrees of freedom, and for performing the analysis necessary to obtain the vibrational response. Finally the indices that have been proposed for ride comfort and ride safety are given and the manner in which various researchers relate these to the vibrational characteristics of the vehicles is described.  相似文献   

This paper presents a review of the available literature describing the methods of modelling the vibrational response of articulated vehicles to the road inputs at the tire contact points. It states and discusses the mathematical techniques that have been put forward for obtaining road input characteristics, for modelling the vehicles in a range of degrees of freedom, and for performing the analysis necessary to obtain the vibrational response. Finally the indices that have been proposed for ride comfort and ride safety are given and the manner in which various researchers relate these to the vibrational characteristics of the vehicles is described.  相似文献   

为方便液罐半挂汽车列车(Tractor Semi-trailer Tank Vehicle,TSTTV)罐-车整体的优化设计匹配,综合提高整车的侧倾稳定性、侧向动力学稳定性及操纵特性,基于Lagrange方法和椭圆规摆等效机械液体晃动模型建立TSTTV的整车侧向耦合动力学模型,其典型特征是实现罐内液体侧向晃动与车辆横摆运动、侧向运动、悬挂质量的侧倾运动及非线性侧向轮胎力的集成一体化建模,贯通液体晃动动力学与车辆侧向动力学稳定性之间的联系。通过开环正弦停滞转向输入操作响应对所建立的模型进行分析评价,考察车辆横摆角速度、质心侧偏角、侧倾角、侧向载荷转移率及液体晃动角等状态量在2种充液比(FL=40%,80%)及2种罐体椭圆率(Δ=1.0,1.3)下的响应。研究结果表明:所建立的TSTTV模型可以实现液体侧向晃动作用下的车辆侧向耦合动力学仿真分析,能够反映充液比、罐体截面椭圆率等运输条件和罐体几何参数对整车侧倾稳定性、侧向动力学稳定性及操纵特性的影响;基于该模型可以针对液体介质、充液比及道路环境等运输条件因素的影响,研究以提高整车侧向动力学稳定性为目标的TSTTV灌-车整体的优化设计匹配问题,这对提升液罐车的设计性能、提高行驶的安全性和运输效率具有重要意义。  相似文献   

2005年3月31日晚,一宗迄今为止中国客车出口批量最大的交易--400辆宇通客车出口古巴的签字仪式,在中国航空技术进出口总公司凯迪克酒店隆重举行。古巴政府及相关企业对这个项目高度重视,先后派遣其工业部副部长、旅游部部长及相关企业的负责人、技术专家来字通进行了多次考察,最终确定了双方的战略合作关系。古巴混合经济委员会主席卡布雷萨斯先生(副总理级)、古巴交通部副部长阿尔切先生、古巴驻中国特命全权大使阿尔韦托·罗得里格斯·阿鲁菲先生、阿斯特罗公司总裁阿尔法德先生,中航技总裁付舒拉、副总裁王大伟以及宇通公司总经理吴项林、集团品牌及营销总监徐卫东等,代表贸易3方,出席了当晚的签字仪式。签字仪式上,宇通总经理吴项林  相似文献   

一汽与俄GAZ进行商用车合作 日前,中国第一汽车集团公司与俄罗斯GAZ集团将合作在GAZ的乌拉(Ural)工厂生产中国重卡,双方已在近日完成备忘录的签署。  相似文献   


宇通春运期间为用户解决难题从2005年12月19日起的4个星期,宇通公司面向全国各地的宇通客运车辆展开宇通客车春运服务活动,保障了用户在春运期间的正常运营,同时保障了客运企业为广大乘客提供安全可靠的出行服务。活动期间,宇通组织了由售后部经理、工程师、业务员及维修人员组成的小分队,对重点用户进行上门走访,并记录用户车辆存在的问题,列出故障明细,给予合理妥善的处理。为了充分保障配件供应,宇通要求各外服人员和服务工程师根据当地车型保有量,结合服务站的意见做出春运期间的配件计划;同时要求配件公司也加大配件的储备量;对于用户…  相似文献   




The architecture of the PATH vehicle lateral control system is presented in this paper. The two main modules are an intelligent reference/sensing system, and an Frequency-Shaped-Linear-Quadratic/preview control algorithm. The whole lateral control system was formerly evaluated on a two-door test vehicle. It was transplanted to a four-door vehicle which is considerably different from the older two-door test vehicle in dynamic characteristics. The objective of this study is to investigate the reusability of our control system.  相似文献   

The architecture of the PATH vehicle lateral control system is presented in this paper. The two main modules are an intelligent reference/sensing system, and an Frequency-Shaped-Linear-Quadratic/preview control algorithm. The whole lateral control system was formerly evaluated on a two-door test vehicle. It was transplanted to a four-door vehicle which is considerably different from the older two-door test vehicle in dynamic characteristics. The objective of this study is to investigate the reusability of our control system.  相似文献   

Lateral Control of Commercial Heavy Vehicles   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Two nonlinear lateral control algorithms are designed for a tractor-semitrailer type commercial heavy vehicle. The baseline steering control algorithm is designed utilizing input-output linearization. To enhance the lateral stability and furthermore reduce tracking errors of the trailer, braking forces are independently controlled on the inner and outer wheels of the trailer. The coordinated steering and braking control algorithm is designed based on the multivariable backstepping technique. Simulations conducted using the complex model show that the trailer yaw errors under coordinated steering and independent braking force control are much smaller than those without independent braking force control.  相似文献   

Two nonlinear lateral control algorithms are designed for a tractor-semitrailer type commercial heavy vehicle. The baseline steering control algorithm is designed utilizing input-output linearization. To enhance the lateral stability and furthermore reduce tracking errors of the trailer, braking forces are independently controlled on the inner and outer wheels of the trailer. The coordinated steering and braking control algorithm is designed based on the multivariable backstepping technique. Simulations conducted using the complex model show that the trailer yaw errors under coordinated steering and independent braking force control are much smaller than those without independent braking force control.  相似文献   

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