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为提高车辆在弯道路段的行驶安全性,在分析弯道路段事故形态的基础上,提出弯道行驶安全性评价指标.同时,从车辆侧向稳定性分析角度,建立道路圆曲线半径与弯道路段行驶安全性的定量关系.通过TruckSim与Simulink的联合仿真实验,利用3种典型的弯道行驶工况,对现行规范中规定的标准弯道的行驶安全性进行评价.结果表明:道路圆曲线半径与车辆侧向稳定性呈正相关,车速与其呈负相关.在给定实验工况下,车速为120 km/h,圆曲线半径为500 m时,侧向加速度超过0.4g,横向载荷转移率达到0.7,车辆极易发生侧滑/侧翻;而当车速为40 km/h,圆曲线半径低于60m时,车辆动态响应的幅度虽有所增加,但车辆并不会发生侧滑与侧翻现象.  相似文献   

建立了旅居挂车的侧倾模型,利用Matlab软件分析了影响旅居挂车侧翻的因素,为优化旅居挂车结构设计和提高侧翻稳定性提供了依据。  相似文献   

道路滑坡稳定性分析有限元方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过具体工程实例采用大型有限元分析软件COSMOS/M进行滑坡稳定性分析计算,详细介绍了滑坡稳定性分析有限元法的基本原理,并通过二次开发程序实现有限元模型建立、边界条件处理以及滑坡稳定安全系数计算。计算中首次采用硬弹簧和软弹簧描述滑坡体滑动面接触摩擦模型,考虑滑动面上出现裂纹后应力释放与应力重分配进行迭代计算,得到滑坡体处于极限平衡状态时应力、应变、位移分布等信息,通过这些信息计算出滑坡体稳定安全系数并进行滑坡体稳定性分析。分析结果表明采用有限元法进行滑坡稳定性分析更接近滑坡体实际受力状态,滑坡体稳定安全系数更符合实际情况,并可通过滑坡体内部拉应力区分布找出滑坡体的薄弱部位,判断滑坡趋势,从而有效指导滑坡治理。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on a combination of a reliability-based approach and an empirical modelling approach for rollover risk assessment of heavy vehicles. A reliability-based warning system is developed to alert the driver to a potential rollover before entering into a bend. The idea behind the proposed methodology is to estimate the rollover risk by the probability that the vehicle load transfer ratio (LTR) exceeds a critical threshold. Accordingly, a so-called reliability index may be used as a measure to assess the vehicle safe functioning. In the reliability method, computing the maximum of LTR requires to predict the vehicle dynamics over the bend which can be in some cases an intractable problem or time-consuming. With the aim of improving the reliability computation time, an empirical model is developed to substitute the vehicle dynamics and rollover models. This is done by using the SVM (Support Vector Machines) algorithm. The preliminary obtained results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

The vehicle stability involves many aspects, such as the anti-rollover stability in extreme steering operations and the vehicle lateral stability in normal steering operations. The relationships between vehicle stabilities in extreme and normal circumstances obtain less attention according to the present research works. In this paper, the coupling interactions between vehicle anti-rollover and lateral stability, as well as the effect of road excitation, are taken into account on the vehicle rollover analysis. The results in this paper indicate that some parameters influence the different vehicle stabilities diversely or even contradictorily. And it has been found that there are contradictions between the vehicle rollover mitigation performance and the lateral stability. The direct cause for the contradiction is the lateral coupling between tyres and road. Tyres with high adhesion capacity imply that the vehicle possesses a high performance ability to keep driving direction, whereas the rollover risk of this vehicle increases due to the greater lateral force that tyres can provide. Furthermore, these contradictions are intensified indirectly by the vertical coupling between tyres and road. The excitation from road not only deteriorates the tyres’ adhesive condition, but also has a considerable effect on the rollover in some cases.  相似文献   

铰接车辆转向侧翻过程仿真   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
建立了铰接式车辆转向侧翻过程的数学模型,根据铰接式车辆在转向侧翻过程中的一些重要特性,研究和分析了铰接车辆侧翻的影响参数,通过过程仿真,获得了实现铰按车辆安全转向的车速临界值.  相似文献   

对比分析了国内外车辆侧翻稳定性相关的标准法规的基本情况。研究了车辆发生侧翻的类型和机理,基于侧向加速度判断车辆侧翻状态的方法,通过整车道路试验对比了正弦停滞试验和鱼钩试验诱导车辆发生侧翻的效果,初步探讨了多用途乘用车侧翻稳定性动态测试方法和评价指标,为国内车辆侧翻稳定系统的开发和测评标准的制定提供了参考。  相似文献   

基于仿真分析的汽车侧翻风险研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侧翻事故是汽车产品缺陷可能引发的一种典型风险.文中应用ADAMS软件建立仿真模型,模拟车辆侧翻事故过程以研究其发生机理,并通过正交试验分析了侧翻风险与其主要影响因素之间的关系.  相似文献   

以汽车动力学模型和汽车制动稳定性控制原理为基础,通过分析汽车两侧车轮在路面附着系数相差较大的对开路面上的紧急制动状况进行理论分析,提出运用主动转向技术控制汽车的方向稳定性,并使汽车在制动驶偏后能快速通过转向控制恢复到正确的行驶车道。  相似文献   

Semi-active anti-roll systems, with a high and low roll stiffness, or, since cornering is typically a transient event, damping setting have the capacity to improve heavy vehicle stability while having very low power consumption. If a vehicle is travelling around a right-hand bend and a low roll damping setting is selected, the vehicle will roll outwards. If a high damping setting is then selected, the outward roll will be locked-in. When the vehicle enters a left-hand bend, the inward roll becomes locked-in. This has the potential to increase critical lateral acceleration by up to 12.5% if the vehicle's future course can be predicted accurately (e.g. with a Global Positioning System). However, if the vehicle does not follow the expected path, the critical lateral acceleration may be degraded. Exploiting the delay between a steer angle being applied and the lateral acceleration developing could avoid this problem. However, the benefits from such a system are considerably lower, up to a 2.4% improvement in critical lateral acceleration. Hence, a ‘modal control strategy’ is developed aimed at providing high levels of benefit while being robust to deviations from the expected path. The modal strategy is able to provide benefits of up to 11%, while being robust to most deviations.  相似文献   

This paper presents the application of a nominal control design algorithm for rollover prevention of heavy articulated vehicles with active anti-roll-bar control. This proposed methodology is based on an extension of linear quadratic regulator control for ‘state derivative-induced (control coupled) output regulation’ problems. For heavy articulated vehicles with multiple axles, a performance index with multiple rollover indices is proposed. The proposed methodology allows us to compare the usefulness of various control configurations (i.e. actuators at different axles of the vehicle) based on the interaction of this control configuration with vehicle dynamics. Application of this methodology to a specific heavy articulated vehicle with a tractor semi-trailer shows that a single active anti-roll-bar system at the trailer unit gives better performance than multiple-axle actuators at tractor and trailer together with the single lane change manoeuvre as the external disturbance. Thus, the proposed methodology of this paper not only highlights the importance of the interactions between control and vehicle dynamics in rollover prevention problems but, in fact, proposes a novel technique to exploit the benefits of these interactions judiciously.  相似文献   

对高速公路跨铁路桥1^#、8^#墩柱进行裂缝宽度及深度检测、钢筋数量及保护层厚度检测,采用超声回弹对混凝土强度进行检测工作,根据实际受力情况分析裂缝产生的原因,提出裂缝治理方案。  相似文献   

A robust nonparametric approach to vehicle stability control by means of a four-wheel steer by wire system is introduced. Both yaw rate and sideslip angle feedbacks are used in order to effectively take into account safety as well as handling performances. Reference courses for yaw rate and sideslip angle are computed on the basis of the vehicle speed and the handwheel angle imposed by the driver. An output multiplicative model set is used to describe the uncertainty arising from a wide range of vehicle operating situations. The effects of saturation of the control variables (i.e. front and rear steering angles) are taken into account by adopting enhanced internal model control methodologies in the design of the feedback controller. Actuator dynamics are considered in the controller design. Improvements on understeer characteristics, stability in demanding conditions such as turning on low friction surfaces, damping properties in impulsive manoeuvres, and improved handling in closed loop (i.e. with driver feedback) manoeuvres are shown through extensive simulation results performed on an accurate 14 degrees of freedom nonlinear model, which proved to give good modelling results as compared with collected experimental data.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a methodology based on multiple models and switching for real-time estimation of centre of gravity (CG) position in automotive vehicles. The method utilises well-known simple linear vehicle models for lateral and roll dynamics and assumes the availability of standard stock automotive sensors. We illustrate the technique with numerical simulations as well as with measured sensor data from an sport utility vehicle. We also compare our estimation results with traditional linear least-squares estimators to show the efficacy of our technique. Finally, we give a simple application example for implementing the idea in automotive vehicles as a switch for rollover controller activation.  相似文献   

下承式拱桥考虑吊杆非保向效应的面外稳定性研究,以桥道梁横向为有限刚度,并考虑拱自重不参予吊杆力,以及拱肋不同的矢跨比等条件,计算出非保向影响对临界力的效应系数.有关成果可供设计下承式、中承式拱(包括系杆拱)的总体布置参考.  相似文献   

设计基于最优控制理论的横摆力矩控制策略和适用于复杂工况的制动力分配策略;设计基于模糊控制理论的滑移率分配算法并提出使横摆力矩控制和变滑移率控制协同工作的方法;最后通过转向盘的阶跃输入和正弦输入工况验证制动力分配策略的正确性和联合控制的有效性。  相似文献   

城市道路沥青面层的路用水稳定性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
城市道路沥青面层的水稳定性与路面的水损坏密切相关。由于施工压实度以及城市道路的特点等因素,我国城市道路沥青路面建成初期的空隙率高于设计值,处于透水临界状态,面临着严重的水损坏危险。该文采用ModifiedLottoman方法试验评价了AK13A和AK13B两种常用半开级配沥青混合料,结果显示其水稳定性随空隙率的增大而减小,路面建成初期的劈裂强度比(TSR)指标小于0.5,极易产生破坏。因此,将空隙率控制在较小水平,有利于控制我国城市道路沥青路面的水损坏。  相似文献   

通过探讨硅藻土在沥青及沥青混合料中的改性机理,结合高温稳定性试验,研究硅藻土改性沥青混合料的高温性能,分析不同掺量条件下硅藻土沥青混合料路用性能改善状况。研究表明:硅藻土作为沥青改性剂,抗车辙能力强,能较好地提升沥青混合料的高温稳定性。  相似文献   

地震作用下黄土暗穴的稳定性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄土高原地区发育的黄土暗穴是一种特殊的不良地质现象,已经成为西部黄土地区公路损坏的主要原因。黄土具有很高的地震易损性,对于暗穴较高发育区的西安-兰州一带,受地震影响比较大。在深入研究黄土暗穴发育特点的基础上,采用有限元法对其在地震力作用下的致塌机理进行了数值模拟,得出了不同洞径及埋深的暗穴在地震荷载作用下的动力响应规律。研究结果表明:地震发生时,往往会引起暗穴顶板的塌落,这种现象并非洞壁土体材料的屈服渐次发展所致,而是由突发性的暗穴结构稳定性丧失引起的。  相似文献   

汽车滚翻事故的再现分析方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
祝军  李一兵 《公路交通科技》2006,23(6):162-165,174
汽车滚翻事故的再现分析是一个复杂的过程,需要仔细考察汽车滚翻过程的3个阶段,包括侧滑阶段、侧翻阶段和翻滚阶段.论述了各阶段再现分析常用的模型和方法,介绍了一般计算方法或再现步骤,以及二维和三维再现的目标和技术要点,使用计算机辅助事故再现.再现分析滚翻事故中汽车运动过程及其瞬时速度和空间姿态,能够为事故处理和责任认定提供科学依据,并有助于改进车身机构和车内被动安全装置的设计.  相似文献   

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