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The familiar two-axle bicycle model and associated basic concepts of vehicle handling are reviewed and used to introduce minor changes in convention from the literature. The two-axle model is extended to a three-axle vehicle to illustrate the effectiveness of the notation combined with a simplifying mathematical identity found in the two-axle vehicle literature. A generalised model is then developed that produces dynamic equations of motion by inspection for a vehicle with an arbitrary number of steerable and non-steerable axles. Furthermore, the vehicle dynamic concepts of understeer and wheelbase are generalised and can be directly computed for various arbitrary vehicle configurations.  相似文献   

This paper devotes analytical effort in developing the 2M equivalent approach to analyse both the effect of vehicle body roll and n-axle handling on vehicle dynamics. The 1M equivalent vehicle 2DOF equation including an equivalent roll effect was derived from the conventional two-axle 3DOF vehicle model. And the 1M equivalent dynamics concepts were calculated to evaluate the steady-state steering, frequency characteristics, and root locus of the two-axle vehicle with only the effect of body roll. This 1M equivalent approach is extended to a three-axle 3DOF model to derive similar 1M equivalent mathematical identities including an equivalent roll effect. The 1M equivalent wheelbases and stability factor with the effect of the third axle or body roll, and 2M equivalent wheelbase and stability factor including both the effect of body roll and the third-axle handling were derived to evaluate the steady-state steering, frequency characteristics, and root locus of the three-axle vehicle. By using the recursive method, the generalised 1M equivalent wheelbase and stability factor with the effect of n-axle handling and 2M equivalent generalised wheelbase and stability factor including both the effect of body roll and n-axle handling were derived to evaluate the steady-state steering, frequency characteristics, and root locus of the n-axle vehicle. The 2M equivalent approach and developed generalised mathematical handling concepts were validated to be useful and could serve as an important tool for estimating both the effect of vehicle body roll and n-axle handling on multi-axle vehicle dynamics.  相似文献   

In this paper, equivalent modelling methods of a multi-axle vehicle are presented and compared. Firstly, for the sake of comparison, a single-track model of a three-axle and a two-axle vehicle is developed, and then existing equivalent modelling derivations are presented and discussed. Next, the proposed model-based dynamic equivalence of force/moment at the centre of gravity (CG) is introduced and optimised. It represents the approximately equivalent steady-state and transient response of the yaw rate and side slip angle, which allows different cornering stiffness on the central and rear axle. Finally, to demonstrate how the proposed method is advantageous to the other equivalent models available in the literature, different simulation cases are compared in the dimension of time-domain, eigenvalues characteristics and frequency-domain. Furthermore, the proposed method is extended to any multi-axle vehicle configurations and a general expression is formulated.  相似文献   

Real road vehicle tests are time consuming, laborious, and costly, and involve several safety concerns. Road vehicle motion simulators (RVMS) could assist with vehicle testing, and eliminate or reduce the difficulties traditionally associated with conducting vehicle tests. However, such simulators must exhibit a high level of fidelity and accuracy in order to provide realistic and reliable outcomes. In this paper, we review existing RVMS and discuss each of the major RVMS subsystems related to the research and development of vehicle dynamics. The possibility of utilising motion simulators to conduct ride and handling test scenarios is also investigated.  相似文献   

There have been several investigations to find out how drivers experience a change in vehicle-handling behaviour. However, the hypothesis that there is a correlation between what the driver perceives and vehicle- handling properties remains to be verified. To define what people feel, the human feeling of steering systems was divided into dimensions of perception. Then 28 test drivers rated different steering system characteristics of a semi-trailer tractor combination in a moving base-driving simulator. Characteristics of the steering system differed in friction, damping, inertia and stiffness. The same steering system characteristics were also tested in accordance with international standards of vehicle-handling tests resulting in characteristic quantities. The instrumental measurements and the non-instrumental ratings were analysed with respect to correlation between each other with the help of regression analysis and neural networks. Results show that there are correlations between measurements and ratings. Moreover, it is shown that which one of the handling variables influence the different dimensions of the steering feel.  相似文献   

The main focus of this work is on the characteristics of a commercial vehicle with individual front suspension (IFS). Both kinematic and dynamic properties of the vehicle are investigated through simulations and analytical expressions. Moreover, employing the model of the tractor semitrailer combination, the study presents the results of comparison between the trucks with IFS and rigid front axle with respect to comfort and handling. This is done by analysing the responses of the vehicles to different road and steering inputs. The obtained results show enhanced comfort and steering feeling for the truck with IFS.  相似文献   

The vibration characteristics of the door panels are affected by the weatherstrip seals used in between the doors and vehicle body along the perimeter of the doors. The weatherstrip seals exhibit nonlinear and viscoelastic material properties that vary with frequency, temperature, strain rate and amplitude, and previous load history. The material properties of the seal must be investigated carefully in order to predict the vibration characteristics of the automobiles under different loading conditions.

In this study, we developed hyperelastic and viscoelastic models of the weatherstrip seal to predict dynamic performance of a vehicle door and its effect on the overall vehicle dynamics. For this purpose, first, static compression and stress relaxation experiments were performed on the seal using a robotic indenter equipped with force and displacement sensors and then a finite element model utilising the results of these experiments was developed in ANSYS. Finally, a representative model of the seal was integrated into the finite element model of the vehicle door to investigate its effect on the vehicle vibrations. The model predictions were validated using experimental modal analysis performed on the vehicle door with and without the seal. It was observed that the seal has a significant effect on the vehicle dynamics.  相似文献   

In the motorsport environment, passive limited slip differentials are a well-established means of improving the traction limitation imposed by the open differential. Torque sensing types are highly adjustable, and can alter both the stability and agility of the vehicle in the various cornering phases of a typical manoeuvre. In this paper, an adjustable clutch plate or ‘Salisbury’ differential model is presented, which can significantly alter its torque bias characteristics through adjustments in the drive/coast ramp angle, the number of friction faces and preload. To allow robust evaluation of differential parameter changes on ultimate vehicle performance and handling balance, a unified acceleration or ‘GG’ diagram framework is then described. This builds on traditional GG diagram approaches, by using nonlinear constrained optimisation to define both the vehicle acceleration limits and a ‘feasibility’ region within the performance envelope. By linearising a seven degrees of freedom vehicle model at multiple operating points, eigenvalue and yaw rate response analysis is then used to establish contours of stability and agility throughout the GG envelope. This brings new insights into the way in which handling balance changes below and up to the vehicle's acceleration limits.  相似文献   

In magnetically levitated (Maglev) transportation systems, especially in electromagnetic suspension system (EMS) type Maglev systems, highly accurate prediction of ride quality is very important in order to reasonably relax guideway construction tolerances or constraints and stiffness while meeting the specification for ride comfort, thereby reducing guideway construction and maintenance costs. A full vehicle multi-body dynamic model is proposed, to facilitate a rigorous ride quality prediction of an EMS-type Maglev vehicle. Using the more realistic dynamic model proposed in this paper, the effects of guideway deflection limits, surface roughness, and levitation control system parameters on ride quality are studied numerically. The results obtained from the simulation studies are then used to facilitate a discussion of the trade-off between guideway smoothness and vehicle suspension. It can be expected that these studies could suggest cost-effective specifications for guideway construction tolerances and stiffness and EMS.  相似文献   

本文介绍了一款二甲醚重型商用车的设计开发方案,包括开发内容、需解决的技术难点和总体设计方案。试制结果表明该二甲醚重型商用车环境适应性强,零部件通用性高,可为其他二甲醚汽车产品的开发提供参考经验。  相似文献   

In this work, a literature survey on the validation of vehicle dynamics simulation models is presented. Estimating the dynamic responses of existing or proposed vehicles has a wide array of applications in the development of vehicle technologies, e.g. active suspensions, controller design, driver assistance systems, etc. Although simulation environments, measurement tools and mathematical theories on vehicle dynamics are well established, the methodical link between the experimental test data and validity analysis of the simulation model is still lacking. This report presents different views on the definition of validation, and its usage in vehicle dynamics simulation models.  相似文献   

One of the commonly used performance measures to quantify a vehicle's handling transient dynamics is the maximum forward speed (MFS) while passing a certain specified double-lane change (DLC) manoeuvre without violating the boundary and tyre lift-off. The MFS is directly associated with the minimum curvature radius (MCR) of the vehicle centre of gravity (CG) trajectory controlled by the driver during the manoeuvre. The MCR is further affected by the vehicle dimensions to meet the boundary condition. In this study, a single heavy vehicle CG trajectory is assumed to be a combination of three straight lines and two third-order spline curves. A heavy vehicle multi-body system model established with ADAMS/Car is correlated with test data for step-steer and constant radius cornering events, and then the model is used to demonstrate that the assumptions considered in the formulation applied in this paper are valid for this specific vehicle category. The MCRs of four heavy vehicles are maximised among all the possible choices of the vehicle CG trajectory during each of five specific DLC manoeuvres, including North Atlantic Treaty Organization (Allied Vehicle Testing Publication 03-160W), International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 3888-1, ISO 3888-2, Consumer Union Short Course and Test Operations Procedure 2-2-609. The maximised MCR (MMCR), considered as the best possible choice of vehicle CG trajectories, is further solved as a function of the vehicle width and length. The results will show the sensitivity of the MMCR to the vehicle length and width, thus the impact on the vehicle transient handling dynamics. Finally, the comparison of five DLC specifications may help users to correlate a vehicle's MFS from one specification to others.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the lateral dynamics emulation capabilities of an automotive vehicle equipped with four-wheel steering. We first demonstrate that the lateral dynamics of a wide range of vehicles can be emulated, either with little or with no modification on the test vehicle. Then we discuss a sliding mode controller for active front and rear wheel steering, in order to track some given yaw rate and side-slip angle. Analytically, it is shown that the proposed controller is robust to plant parameter variations by±10%, and is invariant to unmeasurable wind disturbance. The performance of the sliding mode controller is evaluated via computer simulations to verify its robustness to vehicle parameter variations and delay in the loop, and its insensitivity to wind disturbance. Finally, the emulation of a bus, a van, and two commercially available passenger vehicles is demonstrated in an advanced nonlinear simulator.  相似文献   

通过对近几年中国新车市场迅猛提升的现状和二手车销量增长的态势,分析二手车市场的前景和鉴定评估人才的需求。提出二手商用汽车鉴定评估主要理论、方法,将FMEA(失效模式与影响分析)导入二手商用车鉴定评估中,并进行分析和阐述。  相似文献   

The majority of motion cueing algorithms have been developed for passenger car applications, with correspondingly less research dedicated to race-car and high-performance vehicle simulators. In the high-performance context, the focus is on cueing the vehicle's behavioural and handling characteristics, particularly when driving near the limits of performance. In race-car simulators the cueing requirements are therefore quite different, with the problem made all the more challenging by the presence of large accelerations. To understand the drivers' cueing needs, the vehicle's stability and handling response characteristics must be examined near the performance boundary. Frozen-time eigenvalue analyses are used to determine stability and response characteristics across all vehicle operating conditions, including accelerating and braking under cornering, with the results used to determine motion cueing algorithm requirements. Lateral acceleration and yaw cueing filters are designed in order to retain information critical to understanding the vehicle's behaviour on its performance boundary. Cueing filters are then tested, with the help of a professional race-car driver, and are found to provide the cues necessary for the driver to control the vehicle on the limit of performance.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an approach for the validation of railway vehicle models based on on-track measurements. The validation of simulation models has gained importance with the introduction of new applications of multi-body simulation in railway vehicle dynamics as the assessment of track geometry defects, the investigation of derailments and the analysis of gauging. These applications are not only interested in qualitative predictions of the vehicle behaviour but also in precise quantitative results of the safety and comfort relevant vehicle responses. The validation process aims at guaranteeing that the simulation model represents the dynamic behaviour of the real vehicle with a sufficient good precision. A misfit function is defined which quantifies the distance between the simulated and the measured vehicle response allowing to evaluate different models at different running conditions. The obtained modelling errors are compared to the measurement uncertainty estimated for one vehicle using repeatability analysis.  相似文献   

本文从DFSS的基本原理、流程出发,对如何将DFSS方法应用到汽车底盘部件设计进行了深入探讨,并通过推力杆的改进设计详细说明了DFSS方法的应用过程;结果表明,运用DFSS方法不仅能从根本提升产品质量,同时能满足市场客户需求。DFSS作为一种设计思想方法,能够有效指导产品设计的整个过程。  相似文献   

轻量化是汽车设计水平的一项关键指标,而谈起汽车轻量化,行业内往往关注的是乘用车的轻量化技术重型商用车的轻量化技术往往被忽视,本文就重型商用车轻量化技术的现状和发展空间及瓶颈做简要阐述。  相似文献   

悬架系统设计开发是底盘开发的重要环节,对于整车操控性能有至关重要的影响。本文以某A级车的大量KC数据为基础,利用面向总成特性的整车动力学仿真软件CarSim分析悬架KC特性变化对整车操控性能的影响,并运用试验统计学中的DOE试验设计方法计算各特性车辆操控性能指标的主效应,得到了悬架KC特性影响整车操控性能的规律,在设定悬架性能目标时重点关注,为整车开发早期的结构选择和后续的结构设计提供了依据。  相似文献   

In recent studies, the dynamic response of a passenger car to a gyrostat was investigated for a series of driving manoeuvres, but the gyrostat was assumed to be rigidly supported, thus neglecting the effect of rotor precession. The aim of the present study is the modelling and investigation of the gyrostat-vehicle interaction for elastically mounted gyrostats. For this purpose, a general model describing the motion of a gyrostat elastically supported by a moving platform is derived. Emphasis is placed on the mathematical derivation, where all considerations that are necessary to arrive at the final result are included. Thus, the presented considerations and results can be easily adopted and are suitable to serve beyond their actual purpose as a reference work for other applications. The derived model is tested with the aid of vehicle dynamics simulations and the simulation results prove to be consistent with the results of the rigid attachment model, provided that the elastic approach is subjected to high-bearing stiffnesses. However, it is shown that at lower bearing stiffnesses the solutions are progressively different, since low-bearing stiffnesses enable the gyrostat to move, due to the compliance of the bearings itself, relative to the vehicle chassis with high-angular velocities.  相似文献   

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