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The new vehicle platforms for electric vehicles (EVs) that are becoming available are characterised by actuator redundancy, which makes it possible to jointly optimise different aspects of the vehicle motion. To do this, high-level control objectives are first specified and solved with appropriate control strategies. Then, the resulting virtual control action must be translated into actual actuator commands by a control allocation layer that takes care of computing the forces to be applied at the wheels. This step, in general, is quite demanding as far as computational complexity is considered. In this work, a safety-oriented approach to this problem is proposed. Specifically, a four-wheel steer EV with four in-wheel motors is considered, and the high-level motion controller is designed within a sliding mode framework with conditional integrators. For distributing the forces among the tyres, two control allocation approaches are investigated. The first, based on the extension of the cascading generalised inverse method, is computationally efficient but shows some limitations in dealing with unfeasible force values. To solve the problem, a second allocation algorithm is proposed, which relies on the linearisation of the tyre–road friction constraints. Extensive tests, carried out in the CarSim simulation environment, demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel sliding mode controller (SMC) and its application in the lateral stability control of a 4-wheel independent drive electric vehicle. The structure of the SMC is modified and online-tuned to ensure vehicle system stability, and to track the desired vehicle motion references when an in-wheel motor fault happens. The proposed controller is faster, more accurate, more robust, and with smaller chattering than common SMCs chatter. The effectiveness of the introduced approach is investigated through conducted simulations in the CARSIM and MATLAB software environments.  相似文献   


This paper studies the low-speed manoeuvring problem for autono-mous ground vehicles operating in complex static environments. Making use of the intrinsic property of a fluid to naturally find its way to an outflow destination, a novel guidance method is proposed. In this approach, a reference flow field is calculated numerically through Computational Fluid Dynamics, based on which both the reference path topology and the steering reference to achieve the path are derived in a single process. Steering control considers three constraints: obstacle and boundary avoidance, rigidity of the vehicle, plus the non-holonomic velocity constraints due to the steering system. The influences of the parameters used during the flow field simulation and the control algorithm are discussed through numerical cases. A divergency field is defined to evaluate the quality of the flow field in guiding the vehicle. This is used to identify any problematic branching features of the flow, and control is adapted in the neighbourhood of such branching features to resolve possible ambiguities in the control reference. Results demonstrate the effectiveness of the method in finding smooth and feasible motion paths, even in complex environments.  相似文献   

如今,随着社会的不断发展,人们的生活水平越来越高,汽车作为一种交通工具,慢慢走入到了很多家庭之中,然而,在石油能源日益紧张以及世界排放法规日益严格的今天,电动汽车将成为汽车发展的重要方向。人们在注重使用功能的过程中,也慢慢开始关注汽车的维护以及保养,因此,电动汽车的维修与保养将是汽车行业面临的一个新的重要的课题。本文通过对电动汽车的分析,结合目前最新信息与理念,寻找于当前形式下,最为合理的维护及保养方法,提高电动汽车的使用年限,以便能够更好地实现现实中人们以及社会对此类汽车的需求。  相似文献   

针对四轮独立驱动汽车在转向和变速行驶中各车轮输出转矩和功率变化规律问题,建立自然坐标系下的整车动力学模型,考虑车辆转向时的轴荷转移,并在Matlab/Simulink环境下对低速行驶的工况进行仿真。结果表明,在低速转向和变速工况行驶中,各轮的输出转矩和功率有所不同,但与理论变化趋势相吻合,进一步为各轮转矩控制策略的研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

In this paper, an optimal torque distribution approach is proposed for electric vehicle equipped with four independent wheel motors to improve vehicle handling and stability performance. A novel objective function is formulated which works in a multifunctional way by considering the interference among different performance indices: forces and moment errors at the centre of gravity of the vehicle, actuator control efforts and tyre workload usage. To adapt different driving conditions, a weighting factors tuning scheme is designed to adjust the relative weight of each performance in the objective function. The effectiveness of the proposed optimal torque distribution is evaluated by simulations with CarSim and Matlab/Simulink. The simulation results under different driving scenarios indicate that the proposed control strategy can effectively improve the vehicle handling and stability even in slippery road conditions.  相似文献   

A fault classification method is proposed which has been applied to an electric vehicle. Potential faults in the different subsystems that can affect the vehicle directional stability were collected in a failure mode and effect analysis. Similar driveline faults were grouped together if they resembled each other with respect to their influence on the vehicle dynamic behaviour. The faults were physically modelled in a simulation environment before they were induced in a detailed vehicle model under normal driving conditions. A special focus was placed on faults in the driveline of electric vehicles employing in-wheel motors of the permanent magnet type. Several failures caused by mechanical and other faults were analysed as well. The fault classification method consists of a controllability ranking developed according to the functional safety standard ISO 26262. The controllability of a fault was determined with three parameters covering the influence of the longitudinal, lateral and yaw motion of the vehicle. The simulation results were analysed and the faults were classified according to their controllability using the proposed method. It was shown that the controllability decreased specifically with increasing lateral acceleration and increasing speed. The results for the electric driveline faults show that this trend cannot be generalised for all the faults, as the controllability deteriorated for some faults during manoeuvres with low lateral acceleration and low speed. The proposed method is generic and can be applied to various other types of road vehicles and faults.  相似文献   

This paper provides a complete design solution about adaptive optimal shaking vibration control for electric vehicles. A general 4-DOF and 5-order linear torsional vibration model is established under given wheel speed, and the frequency characteristics of the vibration system are elaborately analysed in terms of variation of wheel speed and different model parameters. Aiming at decreasing the shaking vibration at the least sacrifice of acceleration loss, and improving the robustness of the system against external disturbance, a combination of feed-forward and feed-backward adaptive control structure is proposed. Further, a non-linear multi-constraint optimisation problem is formulated for solving the optimal adaptive control variables within the two-dimensional design space composed of the wheel speed and driver's torque command. Furthermore, the distribution of the optimal adaptive control variables within the design space and its extended application under different tyre road conditions are discussed. Eventually, several simulation test cases are particularly designed to verify the performances of the controller on all aspects. Test results show that the optimal adaptive controller achieves satisfactory anti-shaking vibration, acceleration maintaining and robustness performances within the whole adaptive design space as desired.  相似文献   

This paper presents a nonlinear model predictive control (MPC) formulation for obstacle avoidance in high-speed, large-size autono-mous ground vehicles (AGVs) with high centre of gravity (CoG) that operate in unstructured environments, such as military vehicles. The term ‘unstructured’ in this context denotes that there are no lanes or traffic rules to follow. Existing MPC formulations for passenger vehicles in structured environments do not readily apply to this context. Thus, a new nonlinear MPC formulation is developed to navigate an AGV from its initial position to a target position at high-speed safely. First, a new cost function formulation is used that aims to find the shortest path to the target position, since no reference trajectory exists in unstructured environments. Second, a region partitioning approach is used in conjunction with a multi-phase optimal control formulation to accommodate the complicated forms the obstacle-free region can assume due to the presence of multiple obstacles in the prediction horizon in an unstructured environment. Third, the no-wheel-lift-off condition, which is the major dynamical safety concern for high-speed, high-CoG AGVs, is ensured by limiting the steering angle within a range obtained offline using a 14 degrees-of-freedom vehicle dynamics model. Thus, a safe, high-speed navigation is enabled in an unstructured environment. Simulations of an AGV approaching multiple obstacles are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the level of model fidelity needed in order for a model predictive control (MPC)-based obstacle avoidance algorithm to be able to safely and quickly avoid obstacles even when the vehicle is close to its dynamic limits. The context of this work is large autonomous ground vehicles that manoeuvre at high speed within unknown, unstructured, flat environments and have significant vehicle dynamics-related constraints. Five different representations of vehicle dynamics models are considered: four variations of the two degrees-of-freedom (DoF) representation as lower fidelity models and a fourteen DoF representation with combined-slip Magic Formula tyre model as a higher fidelity model. It is concluded that the two DoF representation that accounts for tyre nonlinearities and longitudinal load transfer is necessary for the MPC-based obstacle avoidance algorithm in order to operate the vehicle at its limits within an environment that includes large obstacles. For less challenging environments, however, the two DoF representation with linear tyre model and constant axle loads is sufficient.  相似文献   

This paper formulates force constraints of over-actuated road vehicles. In particular, focus is put on different vehicle configurations provided with electrical drivelines. It is demonstrated that a number of vehicles possesses non-convex tyre and actuator constraints, which have an impact on the way in which the actuators are to be used. By mapping the actuator forces to a space on a global level, the potential of the vehicle motion is investigated for the vehicles studied. It is concluded that vehicles with individual drive, compared with individual brakes only, have a great potential to yaw motion even under strong lateral acceleration.  相似文献   


Electric Vehicles (EVs) motors develop high torque at low speeds, resulting in a high rate of acceleration with the added advantage of being fitted with smaller gearboxes. However, a rapid rise of torque in EVs fitted with central drive powertrains can create undesired torsional oscillations, which are influenced by wheel slip and flexibility in the halfshaft. These torsional oscillations in the halfshaft lead to longitudinal oscillations in the vehicle, thus creating problems with regard to comfort and drivability. The significance of using wheel slip in addition to halfshaft torsion for design of anti-jerk controllers for EVs has already been highlighted in our previous research. In this research, we have designed a look-ahead model predictive controller (LA-MPC) that calculates the required motor torque demand to meet the dual objectives of increased traction and anti-jerk control. The designed LA-MPC will improve drivability and energy consumption in connected EVs. The real-time capability of the LA-MPC has been demonstrated through hardware-in-the-loop experiments. The performance of the LA-MPC has been compared to other controllers presented in the literature. A validated high-fidelity longitudinal-dynamics model of the Rav4EV, which is the test vehicle of our research has been used to evaluate the controller.  相似文献   

Because of the damping and elastic properties of an electrified powertrain, the regenerative brake of an electric vehicle (EV) is very different from a conventional friction brake with respect to the system dynamics. The flexibility of an electric drivetrain would have a negative effect on the blended brake control performance. In this study, models of the powertrain system of an electric car equipped with an axle motor are developed. Based on these models, the transfer characteristics of the motor torque in the driveline and its effect on blended braking control performance are analysed. To further enhance a vehicle's brake performance and energy efficiency, blended braking control algorithms with compensation for the powertrain flexibility are proposed using an extended Kalman filter. These algorithms are simulated under normal deceleration braking. The results show that the brake performance and blended braking control accuracy of the vehicle are significantly enhanced by the newly proposed algorithms.  相似文献   

A robust nonparametric approach to vehicle stability control by means of a four-wheel steer by wire system is introduced. Both yaw rate and sideslip angle feedbacks are used in order to effectively take into account safety as well as handling performances. Reference courses for yaw rate and sideslip angle are computed on the basis of the vehicle speed and the handwheel angle imposed by the driver. An output multiplicative model set is used to describe the uncertainty arising from a wide range of vehicle operating situations. The effects of saturation of the control variables (i.e. front and rear steering angles) are taken into account by adopting enhanced internal model control methodologies in the design of the feedback controller. Actuator dynamics are considered in the controller design. Improvements on understeer characteristics, stability in demanding conditions such as turning on low friction surfaces, damping properties in impulsive manoeuvres, and improved handling in closed loop (i.e. with driver feedback) manoeuvres are shown through extensive simulation results performed on an accurate 14 degrees of freedom nonlinear model, which proved to give good modelling results as compared with collected experimental data.  相似文献   

Accurate lateral load transfer estimation plays an important role in improving the performance of the active rollover prevention system equipped in commercial vehicles. This estimation depends on the accurate prediction of roll angles for both the sprung and the unsprung subsystems. This paper proposes a novel computational method for roll-angle estimation in commercial vehicles employing sensors which are already used in a vehicle dynamic control system without additional expensive measurement units. The estimation strategy integrates two blocks. The first block contains a sliding-mode observer which is responsible for calculating the lateral tyre forces, while in the second block, the Kalman filter estimates the roll angles of the sprung mass and those of axles in the truck. The validation is conducted through MATLAB/TruckSim co-simulation. Based on the comparison between the estimated results and the simulation results from TruckSim, it can be concluded that the proposed estimation method has a promising tracking performance with low computational cost and high convergence speed. This approach enables a low-cost solution for the rollover prevention in commercial vehicles.  相似文献   

In this paper, vehicle stability control and fuel economy for a 4-wheel-drive hybrid vehicle are investigated. The integrated controller is designed within three layers. The first layer determines the total yaw moment and total lateral force made by using an optimal controller method to follow the desired dynamic behaviour of a vehicle. The second layer determines optimum tyre force distribution in order to optimise tyre usage and find out how the tyres should share longitudinal and lateral forces to achieve a target vehicle response under the assumption that all four wheels can be independently steered, driven, and braked. In the third layer, the active steering, wheel slip, and electrical motor torque controllers are designed. In the front axle, internal combustion engine (ICE) is coupled to an electric motor (EM). The control strategy has to determine the power distribution between ICE and EM to minimise fuel consumption and allowing the vehicle to be charge sustaining. Finally, simulations performed in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment show that the proposed structure could enhance the vehicle stability and fuel economy in different manoeuvres.  相似文献   

纯电动汽车传动系参数匹配的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了纯电动汽车传动系参数的选择对电动汽车性能的影响,指出电动机额定功率/转矩必须与传动系参数相匹配,对电动汽车传动系传动比与挡位数的确定原则进行了探讨。以某一型号纯电动汽车为研究对象,分析了采用手动五挡变速器时两个挡位的驱动力图,提出去掉机械齿轮变速器而代之以固定速比的传动系是行之有效的,理论上可以提高传动系效率,减小能量消耗。  相似文献   

燃料电池在中国的发展及其在电动车辆上的应用   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
综述了燃料电池在中国的发展现状。指出可以用于电动车辆动力源的燃料电池种类,包括碱性燃料电池、磷酸燃料电池、固体氧化物燃料电池和质子交换膜燃料电池,中国近年来燃料电池发动机的研发则主要集中在质子交换膜燃料电池上。质子交换膜燃料电池在汽车上的规模应用有助于降低燃料消耗,减少大气污染。燃料电池技术应用于电动车辆的过程中还需要解决一系列问题,这些问题涉及燃料的制备、储存和分配以及燃料电池发动机的小型化、燃料电池汽车整车的重新设计、成本的降低等。笔者对这些问题进行了初步的分析。  相似文献   

基于控制分配的四轮独立电驱动车辆驱动力分配算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对目前四轮独立电驱动车辆研究中尚未有效解决的系统失效控制问题,提出了一种基于控制分配的驱动力分配算法.首先建立了满足车辆经济性要求的目标函数和相关约束条件,通过优化保证在正常驱动状态下整车具有最佳的经济性能.接着基于控制分配原理对故障电机驱动转矩进行约束处理,使目标转矩能够在多种失效情况下实现再分配,有效解决了多驱动电机系统失效控制问题.最后,仿真结果验证了所提出的算法能在安全约束下有效地改善车辆的经济性,并系统地提升了车辆应对故障的能力.  相似文献   

轮毂电机驱动车辆各轮转矩精确可控且响应迅速的特点适用于越野工况,但越野路面起伏不一且附着条件多变,因此,开发基于越野工况辨识的车辆驱动力控制策略,对提升轮毂电机驱动车辆的纵向行驶稳定性具有重要意义。基于动力学模型分析路面附着与路面几何特征,确定可用于越野工况辨识的车辆特征参数集;针对车轮悬空垂向载荷估计失真现象,且由于地面垂向力的实际变化导致车辆垂向载荷分配比例的改变,修正了垂向载荷的计算;利用各特征参数的差异与越野工况的映射关系判定工况属性,采用模糊识别法界定4种地形工况;驱动力控制上层考虑工况与驾驶员影响因素,通过越野工况辨识结果决策驱动利用系数,作为前馈期望转矩调节权重;中层通过四轮垂向载荷得到转矩分配系数,设计驱动力分配算法;下层针对车辆在越野工况下出现车轮滑转与悬空状态,对车轮进行动态转矩补偿。仿真测试与实车验证表明,越野工况辨识结果与预期相符,驱动力控制策略综合优化了车辆稳定性和动力性。  相似文献   

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