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首先利用AMEsim软件建立电动助力转向系统的动力学模型,然后在Matlab/Simulink环境中设计电动助力转向系统的ECU模型。通过AMEsim与Simulink接口,将两个模块进行联合,实现两者的联合仿真。仿真结果表明,本文所提出的电动助力转向系统的动力学模型、控制策略、联合仿真算法是正确的、有效的。  相似文献   

文章利用Solidworks软件对某型号线控制动系统进行装配体建模,分析了系统的工作原理和运动状态;利用ADAMS软件建立了该系统的动力学模型,并应用Simulink软件建立了其控制模型,最后在位移传感器的不同情况下对线控制动系统的线性助力阶段进行仿真验证。结果表明,使用单位移传感器,可以准确检测输入力,并控制电机进行助力,系统位移控制达到设计要求。  相似文献   

This paper applies a novel mechatronic network strut to vehicle suspensions and discusses the benefits of system performance. The proposed mechatronic strut consists of a ball-screw inerter and permanent magnet electric machinery, such that the system impedance can be realised through a combination of mechanical and electrical networks. Applying the mechatronic strut to vehicle suspensions, we evaluate the improvement of system performance using passive electrical networks. Furthermore, a prototype mechatronic strut is constructed for properties verification. Finally, nonlinearities of the mechatronic strut are taken into account to modify the suspension design. From the simulation and experimental results, the proposed mechatronic network strut is shown to be effective.  相似文献   

文章通过Carsim搭建汽车模型并配置道路障碍物等环境信息,并通过模拟传感器输出车道线、障碍物和本车运动状态信息,并通过接口配置发送到Simulink,再通过在Simulink中搭建自动变道的路径规划和跟踪控制算法输出方向盘转角信号给Carsim,实现对汽车自动变道的闭环仿真.  相似文献   

本文通过对某电动汽车两档变速器的动力系统在ADAMS中建立虚拟样机,将此模型导入MATLAB/Simulink模块里进行联合仿真,对汽车的加速性能进行了研究。仿真结果表明,ADAMS虚拟样机模型基本与实际情况相符,可为变速器的设计提供依据。联合仿真的方法也能大大缩短变速器设计周期和减低设计成本,提高产品的竞争力。  相似文献   

通过对某自动变速器的动力系统在ADAMS中进行虚拟样机[1]模型的建立,将此模型导入MATLAB,在MAT-LAB/Simulink模块里建立换挡规律控制模型并进行联合仿真。仿真结果表明,ADAMS虚拟样机模型基本与实际情况相符,联合仿真的方法也为自动变速器动力学系统的仿真提供了一种新的途径[2]。  相似文献   

The main task for heavy haul railway operators is to reduce the cost of exported minerals and enhance the long-term viability of rail transport operations through increasing productivity by running longer and heavier trains. The common opinion is that this is achievable by means of implementation of high adhesion locomotives with advanced AC traction technologies. Modern AC high adhesion locomotives are very complex mechatronic systems and can be designed with two alternative traction topologies of either bogie or individual axle controls. This paper describes a modelling approach for these two types of AC traction systems with the application of an advanced co-simulation methodology, where an electrical system and a traction algorithm are modelled in Matlab/Simulink, and a mechanical system is modelled in a multibody software package. Although the paper concentrates on the analysis of the functioning for these two types of traction control systems, the choice of reference slip values also has an influence on the performance of both systems. All these design variations and issues have been simulated for various adhesion conditions at the wheel–rail interface and their influence on the high traction performance of a locomotive equipped with two three-axle bogies has been discussed.  相似文献   

建立某型号并联式混合动力客车的前向式仿真平台,基于Madab/Simulink环境在标准道路行驶循环下对其进行仿真,以分析整车动力性与经济性。结果表明,该车性能满足设计要求。  相似文献   

This work discusses the motorcycle engine-to-slip dynamics which are strictly related to the traction control design. A street motorcycle is analysed by means of an advanced mathematical model which also includes the tyre flexibility and the transmission compliance. The effects of the following parameters on engine-to-slip dynamics are investigated: vehicle speed, engaged gear ratio, sprocket absorber flexibility and road properties. Guidelines for increasing the maximum achievable closed-loop bandwidth are given.  相似文献   


Significant developments in longitudinal train simulation and an overview of the approaches to train models and modelling vehicle force inputs are firstly presented. The most important modelling task, that of the wagon connection, consisting of energy absorption devices such as draft gears and buffers, draw gear stiffness, coupler slack and structural stiffness is then presented. Detailed attention is given to the modelling approaches for friction wedge damped and polymer draft gears. A significant issue in longitudinal train dynamics is the modelling and calculation of the input forces – the co-dimensional problem. The need to push traction performances higher has led to research and improvement in the accuracy of traction modelling which is discussed. A co-simulation method that combines longitudinal train simulation, locomotive traction control and locomotive vehicle dynamics is presented. The modelling of other forces, braking propulsion resistance, curve drag and grade forces are also discussed. As extensions to conventional longitudinal train dynamics, lateral forces and coupler impacts are examined in regards to interaction with wagon lateral and vertical dynamics. Various applications of longitudinal train dynamics are then presented. As an alternative to the tradition single wagon mass approach to longitudinal train dynamics, an example incorporating fully detailed wagon dynamics is presented for a crash analysis problem. Further applications of starting traction, air braking, distributed power, energy analysis and tippler operation are also presented.  相似文献   

针对半挂汽车列车转弯制动时易发生折叠等危险工况的现象,采用Trucksim和Simulink联合仿真的方法,建立了半挂汽车列车转弯制动的动力学模型,并利用实车道路试验数据验证了模型的准确性.设计了半挂汽车列车转弯制动稳定性的控制器和模糊控制策略,并选择高、中、低三种附着系数路面对模糊控制策略和传统逻辑门限控制策略的效果进行了对比分析.结果表明:半挂汽车列车在三种附着系数路面上转弯制动时,模糊控制比逻辑门限控制在车辆制动稳定性能上有所改善,可有效地缩短制动距离和预防折叠现象的发生.  相似文献   

刘坤颖  蔡伯根 《中南公路工程》2007,32(6):181-183,190
以车辆排队长度为控制量,提出了一种交叉口模糊控制方法,并以四相位交叉口为例,建立了Simulink仿真模型,在不同交通流数据下将此模糊控制与现有的定时控制比较,对其控制效果进行仿真验证。仿真结果从车辆平均延误、信号周期和车辆的最大排队长度等方面,显示出了模糊控制的优越性。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new steer-by-wire concept using an all-wheel drive vehicle layout with in-wheel motors while completely omitting the application of any dedicated steering device. Steering is based on the so-called differential steering principle which generates the necessary steering moment about the kingpins by a traction force difference between left and right sides of the vehicle. In order to investigate the behaviour of the vehicle and to design the underlying control algorithms, a planar vehicle model is presented, where the vehicle is described as constrained non-holonomic system requiring a special treatment. A state feedback linear controller for controlling of the lateral dynamics of the vehicle at higher speeds and a simple PI angle controller for low-speed manoeuvring are developed. The resulting behaviour of the system is investigated by various simulation experiments demonstrating a comparable steering performance of the new steering concept as that of conventional passenger cars.  相似文献   

McPherson suspension modelling poses a challenging problem due to its nonlinear asymmetric behaviour. The paper proposes a planar quarter-car analytical model that not only considers vertical motion of the sprung mass (chassis) but also: (i) rotation and translation for the unsprung mass (wheel assembly), (ii) wheel mass and its inertia moment about the longitudinal axis, and (iii) tyre damping and lateral deflection. This kinematic–dynamic model offers a solution to two important shortcomings of the conventional quarter-car model: it accounts for geometry and for tyre modelling. The paper offers a systematic development of the planar model as well as the complete set of mathematical equations. This analytical model can be suitable for fast computation in hardware-in-the-loop applications. Furthermore, a reproducible Simulink implementation is given. The model has been compared with a realistic Adams/View simulation to analyse dynamic behaviour for the jounce and rebound motion of the wheel and two relevant kinematic parameters: camber angle and track width variation.  相似文献   

众所周知,双离合器自动变速器(以下简称DCT)TCU软件控制逻辑复杂,标定难度大、周期长,仅仅离合器充油一项标定模块就集成了近300个标定参数。在研究了标定软件Vector CANape、Simulink的使用功能后,探索出一种应用CANape-Simulink的旁通技术自动化执行离合器充油标定的方法,并通过实车验证了该种方法的可行性。  相似文献   

The DLR research project Next Generation Train deals with concepts, methods and technologies for a very high-speed train in double-deck configuration and light-weight design. Due to these three key features, crosswind stability is a particular subject of study. It is shown that conventional approaches here fall short of guaranteeing safety in high-wind occurrences according to the given homologation standards. Therefore, this paper discusses the feasibility of different approaches to ensure crosswind stability by means of active control. Four different concepts are overviewed, the most promising one is then chosen und examined in detailed multibody simulations that are based on data from wind tunnel measurements of the Next Generation Train.  相似文献   

The dynamic interaction between the catenary and the pantographs of high-speed trains is a very important factor that affects the stable electric power supply. In order to design a reliable current collection system, a multibody simulation model can provide an efficient and economical method to analyze the dynamic behavior of the catenary and pantograph. In this article, a dynamic analysis method for a pantograph-catenary system for a high-speed train is presented, employing absolute nodal coordinates and rigid body reference coordinates. The highly flexible catenary is modeled using a nonlinear continuous beam element, which is based on an absolute nodal coordinate formulation. The pantograph is modeled as a rigid multibody system. The analysis results are compared with experimental data obtained from a running high-speed train. In addition, using a derived system equation of motion, the calculation method for the dynamic stress in the catenary conductor is presented. This study may have significance in providing an example that a structural and multibody dynamics model can be unified into one numerical system.  相似文献   

根据国标GB/T7031—2005机械振动道路路面谱测量数据报告,在MatLab中编写了随机路面激励谱仿真程序;利用拉格朗日方程建立了1/2车辆动力学模型,并用Simulink对其进行了仿真;以不同等级路面和不同车速下的随机路面激励谱作为输入,分析了车辆在不同等级路面、不同车速下的车身加速度均方根值和后轮的动载荷均方根值。这对满足汽车行驶舒适性和行驶安全性的情况下优化悬架参数具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper presents the road simulator control technology for reproducing a road input signal to implement real road data. The simulator consists of a hydraulic pump, a servo valve, a hydraulic actuator and its control equipment. QFT (Quantitative Control Theory) is utilized to control the simulator effectively. The control system illustrates a tracking performance of the closed-loop controller with a low order transfer function G(s) and a pre-filter F(s) for a parametric uncertainty model. A force controller is designed to communicate the control signal between the simulator and digital controller. Tracking specification is satisfied with upper and lower bound tolerances on the steep response of the system to the reference signal. The efficacy of the QFT force controller is verified through the numerical simulation in which combined dynamics and actuation of the hydraulic servo system are tested. The simulation results show that the proposed control technique works well under an uncertain hydraulic plant system. The conventional software (Labview) is used to make up for the real controller on a real-time basis, and the experimental works show that the proposed algorithm works well for a single road simulator.  相似文献   

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