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港口,是滨海城市的发祥地。港口推动城市发展,城市的发展又促进了港口的发展。纵观当今世界,港口已成为临港城市和所在区域经济发展的重要战略资源、综合运输枢纽、现代物流节点,成为推动城市群发展的重要辐射源和承载平台。城市和城市群的发展总是伴水而生、沿海而兴、依港而荣。从广州和广州港、珠海和高栏港、深圳和深圳港,到湛江和湛江港、汕头和汕头港,再到佛山和佛山港、中山和中山港、清远和清远港、惠州和惠州港、肇庆和肇庆港……无论是对港口的  相似文献   

船舶压载水和沉积物的排放已经导致有害水生物和病原体的转移,并对环境、人体健康、财产和资源造成了损伤和损害。因而,IMO制定了《2004年国际船舶压载水和沉积物控制与管理公约》,以控制和管理含有外来水生物和病原体的压载水;许多国家为保护本国海洋环境和公众健康.也制定了相关的法律和规定。  相似文献   

世界经济和国际航运中心正向亚太区域转移,亚太因素和中国因素日益发挥更大作用和更广泛影响,作为亚太地区最大的发展中国家,我们更应清醒认识自己的地位、环境和使命,更应客观评估和选择新规则,使“鹿特丹规则”更多反映中国及亚太国家之利益和诉求,助推中国和亚太区域经济的持续繁荣和发展。  相似文献   

陈小玲 《珠江水运》2012,(13):23-25
港口,是滨海城市的发祥地。港口推动城市发展,城市的发展又促进了港口的发展。纵观当今世界,港口已成为临港城市和所在区域经济发展的重要战略资源、综合运输枢纽、现代物流节点,成为推动城市群发展的重要辐射源和承载平台。城市和城市群的发展总是伴水而生、沿海而兴、依港而荣。从广州和广州港、珠海和高栏港、深圳和深圳港,到湛江和湛江港、汕头和汕头港,再到佛山和佛山港、中山和中山港、清远和清远港、惠州和惠州港、肇庆和肇庆港……  相似文献   

VTS中雷达和AIS信息融合算法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李维运 《中国水运》2006,6(7):116-118
提出VTS中雷达和AIS信息时间统一性的算法,采用K近邻域法和基于统计的加权估计法对雷达和AIS信息进行相关判别和融合,提高了VTS对目标的跟踪性能和可靠性。  相似文献   

船舶驾驶员和航运安全管理人员经常会收到气象部门通过广播、电视、因特网和传真天气图发布的海上大风预报和警报。但是,对于这些大风预报和警报的含义,由于涉及到不同国家或地区的大风标准、习惯说法和气象部门的相关规定的不同而有不同的解读。  相似文献   

压载水公约与生物污损议题的共同点是它们都关注着外来有害水生物和病原体转移的问题。加入新的生物污损控制措施后,压载水公约的目的将扩展为“控制、减少和最终消除船舶转移的外来水生物和病原体对环境、人体健康、财产和资源的危害”,控制和管理的对象不仅包括压载水和沉积物,还包括整个船体。  相似文献   

杨洁 《集装箱化》2013,24(10):3-5
在信息技术高度发达的今天,多数船公司都拥有自己的核心业务操作系统,并在此基础上建立其他分析和管理系统。由于各系统是在不同时间段独立开发和运行的,其数据存储相互独立,编码规则也不尽相同。分散式的信息系统和各自独立的数据管理导致数据无法互动,由此产生大量信息孤岛,不仅不利于信息共享和统一管理,而且增加系统维护的难度和工作量以及各类硬件和软件设施的投入。  相似文献   

, 《中国远洋航务》2012,(12):35-35
已经胜利闭幕的党的十八大留给我们很多美好的展望和丰富的内涵,特别是大会提出到2020年全面建成小康社会,实现国内生产总值和城乡居民人均收入比201O年翻一番,这一宏伟目标让人振奋。为推进实施和达到这一目标,大会还提出要实施“五位一体”的战略,在建设小康社会的同时,为子孙后代留下美好的环境和资源,这一战略和中国的航运事业,和上海国际航运中心建设,和中国海运的发展都密切相关。  相似文献   

随着计算机技术的应用和发展,企业在生产、经营、科研、设计和各项管理活动中,产生了大量的OA电子文件、E—MAIL和CAD、CAM文件等,对档案管理工作提出了新的课题和要求,档案管理工作正越来越受到影响和冲击。  相似文献   

为了满足仿真系统中智能兵力的智能性和反潜战军事领域仿真资源的可重用性要求,针对现代水面舰艇反潜作战特点和系统设计的新需求,结合模块化建模和多Agent建模2种方法,从宏观和微观角度对水面舰艇仿真平台进行了功能分析;划分了舰艇平台系统模块,建立了舰艇平台层次多Agent模型;利用XML技术在HLA基础上进行了水面舰艇平台的联邦成员设计,分析了联邦成员信息交互关系,完成了各种Agent的构造和决策设计。从而满足了系统仿真粒度的需求,提高了系统仿真平台模型资源可重用性、灵活性和可扩展性。  相似文献   

航海风险识别、评估和控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
因航运业高速发展和海员职业流动性加快,导致全球高级船员紧缺,已引发高级船员提升周期缩短、航海经验不足等现象。航海事故造成人员伤亡、财产损失和污染海洋环境等已严重威胁公共安全,航海事故预防和风险控制越来越受到人们关注。船舶海上事故频发,与船员对海上风险,尤其是船员对人为因素与事故的关系的认识不足有关。通过重点介绍航海风险,提高船员对本船和自身存在的风险意识,采取相应的防范措施。  相似文献   

电子计算机技术、微电子技术、激光技术、空间技术等新技术的发展与应用,以及测绘科学技术的进步,为工程测量技术进步提供新的方法和手段.阐述现代工程测量仪器的发展状况,介绍与展望地面测量仪器和CPS定位等空间技术在工程测量中的应用和发展.  相似文献   

In order to understand characteristics of low-frequency motions of ships moored inside ports and harbors, analysis on actual cargo handling logbook of stevedoring services company, including events of interruption of cargo handling, and countermeasure for ship mooring problems are investigated by field observations at two ports and numerical simulation on moored ship motions. First model port concerns with interruption of cargo handling due to the low-frequency motions. Second model port relates to a resonant effect of long-period waves or harbor oscillations, and its countermeasure by mooring system. From the investigation, it is confirmed that the low-frequency motions of ships are induced by a resonance between surge motions and long-period waves or harbor oscillations and an asymmetry in the mooring system, and affect safe ship mooring and operation efficiency of cargo handling in ports and harbors significantly.  相似文献   

桥梁防撞设施物理模型试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
物理模型试验是预报防撞设施所受撞击力及优化设计方案的主要方法之一。结合杭州湾大桥柔性防撞设施及东海大桥独立式防撞体设计方案,阐述了船—防撞体撞击试验的基本原理、方法、试验方案及相关试验结果。提出了柔性防撞系统的优化方案。试验结果表明,该方案经济有效,可供预报类似桥梁防撞设施撞击力时参考。  相似文献   

The evolution of maritime logistics as an emerging discipline has resulted, to a large extent, from the increasing and varied demands of shippers and customers and the rapidly changing role of ports in the context of supply and logistics chains. Scholars are becoming increasingly aware of the need to integrate logistics and supply chain management concepts in the maritime transportation chain and operations. This article aims to provide a review and foundation for understanding the domain of maritime logistics and to assess its potential as an emerging discipline. To do so, a framework for understanding the various aspects of maritime logistics strategy and implementation is developed. A synthesis of the existing knowledge on maritime logistics is done by integrating diverse explorations forming the basis of this framework. We draw upon the literature on maritime transport and ports and primarily theliterature that analyses concepts by adopting an economic or management perspective.  相似文献   

本文通过对现有的某船用五螺杆泵的频谱特征和振动特性进行分析,找出主要振动噪声源,通过改进进口流道面积,并对现有的螺杆加工工艺进行研究和优化改进,改进后的设计通过样机的制造,并经过试验对比分析,进一步验证方法的可行性和预期减振效果。  相似文献   

本文结合舰船机电控制系统特点和测控技术领域PLC和Labview两者优点,基于字节流数据包的数据灵活性,设计PLC和Labview通信数据包模型,并遵循模块化程序设计原则完成通信接口程序设计,解决舰船机电系统集中控制器和人机接口数据交互的描述问题和通信接口程序通用性问题。最后,通过实例验证设计的数据包模型和通信接口程序能够实现数据快速可靠安全的交互。该技术可应用于舰船综合监控系统和类似系统的软件开发。  相似文献   

A few cities in some of the larger developing countries in Latin America and Asia have made increasing use of multi-year concessions or franchises, competitively awarded to private companies, for construction and operation of urban transport infrastructure and for provision of public transport services. In view of the strong prospective growth of developing-country cities with large transport needs, and the rise in the emerging economies of potential new sources of private capital, it is important to see how effective PPP has so far been in this area. The experience is analyzed principally by thorough comparative review of what has actually happened for some of the main users to date: Bogotá, Santiago, São Paulo, Seoul, and several cities in both China and India. Despite delays and mistakes that have been made in development of most of the projects, the overall results, already delivered and in prospect, are very positive and urban public transport is benefiting substantially, with significant side effects on poorer people's access to work and to services, air pollution levels and road accident rates. The widest and most important advantage of the PPP arrangements, as compared with more conventional short-term contracting, is found to be the innovations, technical and managerial, developed, and, in particular, the mutual capacity building of the countries' private and public sectors and their more effective interaction. The experience in the six countries covered suggests that other developing-country cities may be best assisted to develop sound urban transport PPPs more rapidly through provision of help on chosen items among 7 elements that have proved particularly crucial but sometimes weak in the projects reviewed: Civic consultation systems, Land-use/Transport strategic planning, Land/property market management, Monitoring systems, Progressive policies, Economic regulation, and Public institutional framework for PPPs.  相似文献   

The objective of this article is to take stock of integrated management in the Canadian North, assessing its contribution to the advancement of knowledge and practice regarding the role of indigenous knowledge and community-based monitoring. This is done in three steps. (1) The Beaufort Sea, designated a Large Ocean Management Area under Canada's Oceans Action Plan, is used as an example of a consultative planning process, with special attention to indigenous peoples. (2) How specifically can indigenous knowledge contribute to integrated management? The problem of Arctic marine food web contamination is used to illustrate the strengths and limitations of traditional ecological knowledge and its relationship to science. (3) The discussion of community-based monitoring relies on Voices From The Bay study involving the Inuit and Cree of Hudson and James Bay, and Inuit observations of climate change study in the Canadian western Arctic. The examples together address integrated coastal management and the health of ocean ecosystems, showing how stakeholder participation and knowledge helps widen the range of knowledge to understand and help monitor environmental change.  相似文献   

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