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进口原油运输船型经济性分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
石油是世界海上运量最大的货种之一,约占海上总运输量的三分之一。加入WTO后,中国石油海上运输量,特别是进口原油运输量将大幅度地增加。针对这一现实情况,本文对世界原油运输船队的技术经济作了概括性分析,对原油进口航线作了介绍。建立了单船运输经济性测算模型。基于实船经济指标测算结果,以必要运费率为主,通过比较选出了优良船型。并定量测算出不同类型船舶在同一航线上营运的必要运费率及其差异。研究结果指出,随着进口原油量的大幅度增加,中国应大力发展VLCC和Suezmax船队,重点建设大型深水油轮码头。  相似文献   

过去几年,国内对原油的需求不断提高,中国原油进口增长强劲。使得中国政府为原油进口的多元化而不停地努力2010年,91%的进口原油是通过海运的方式运输到国内,中国政府尽可能快地扩大和丰富原油海运进口来源,从下面的每月图表中看到,2002年开始,来自非洲的原油(特别是西非原油)占中国海运原油进口的比例逐渐增加。  相似文献   

过去几年,国内对原油的需求不断提高,中国原油进口增长强劲。使得中国政府为原油进口的多元化而不停地努力2010年,91%的进口原油是通过海运的方式运输到国内,中国政府尽可能快地扩大和丰富原油海运进口来源,从下面的每月图表中看到,2002年开始,来自非洲的原油(特别是西非原油)占中国海运原油进口的比例逐渐增加。  相似文献   

<正>(2015年7月)因受希腊退欧危机、伊朗核问题得到缓解、对冲基金多头以3年来最快的速度撤离原油贸易市场等因素的影响,7月份的国际油价直线下降,伦敦布伦特原油现货价从62美元/桶降至53美元/桶,月平均57美元/桶,环比下降10.6%。全球原油即期运输市场成交略有减少,运价振荡下调。我国进口原油航线运价冲高回落,上海航运交易所发布的中国进口原油  相似文献   

蔡薇 《中国水运》2006,6(11):18-20
我国原油进口是一项长期的国家战略,原油进口量逐年增长,原油进口的的海运需求相当大,所以需要科学合理的原油运输系统的论证、设计和建设。本文从原油运输船型的发展和趋势出发,运用基于知识的最短路径模型,结合综合必要费率对包含船、港、航和货值的原油运输系统经济性进行了计算和分析,从而选择合理的原油运输船型和专用码头的合理吨位。  相似文献   

为了解决传统港口进口原油运输模式中各服务商之间结构松散,难以实现服务的集成供应、高度衔接、全程覆盖等问题,以建设智慧港口为契机,依托现代物流技术和科学物流理念,采用微服务、云计算等技术,搭建起一套基于智慧港口理念的进口原油全程物流服务体系,实现基于智慧港口的进口原油全程物流方案,强化运输过程的安全管控,降低客户物流成本...  相似文献   

从北京国贸俯瞰道路上的滚滚车流,就可以看见中国对石油的渴望.自1993年起,中国就变成了原油净进口国,这意味着这些汽车所烧的石油绝大多数来自海外.据中国海关对2005年前11个月的统计,中国的原油进口量已达到创纪录的1.3亿吨,但90%以上的进口原油要依赖国外油轮运输.如何保障中国能源运输安全,实现国油国运成了学者专家热议的话题,也成了中国相关国企的思虑重心.  相似文献   

2006年,中国的新船厂在超级油轮(VLCC)建造方面发展势头相当迅猛。很显然,中国对石油的需求日益增长,而且国家要求国油国运——大约一半的原油需要通过中国自己的船队运输,这就要求中国扩大现有20艘VLCC的船队规模,再新增70多艘。中国每天进口约300万桶原油,约为总需求的45%。因为国内原油资源相当有限,进口原油的数量将继续增加。  相似文献   

从北京国贸俯瞰道路上的滚滚车流,就可以看见中国对石油的渴望。自1993年起,中国就变成了原油净进口国,这意味着这些汽车所烧的石油绝大多数来自海外。据中国海关对2005年前11个月的统计,中国的原油进口量已达到创纪录的1.3亿吨,但90%以上的进口原油要依赖国外油轮运输。如何保障中国能源运输安全,实现国油国运成了学者专家热议的话题,也成了中国相关国企的思虑重心。  相似文献   

2006年,中国的新船厂在超级油轮(VLCC)建造方面发展势头相当迅猛。很显然,中国对石油的需求日益增长,而且国家要求国油国运——大约一半的原油需要通过中国自己的船队运输,这就要求中国扩大现有20艘VLCC的船队规模,再新增70多艘。中国每天进口约300万桶原油,约为总需求的45%。因为国内原油资源相当有限,进口原油的数量将继续增加。  相似文献   

世界石油市场和中国海运量现状及发展预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
概述了国际原油生产消耗和贸易、进出口主要国家与地区及海运量航线基本情况,进行了国际成品油海运市场分析和中国原油进口量与国内成品油海运量预测,以期在总体上为中国石油多渠道稳定供应安全和港航油运企业发展决策提供借鉴。  相似文献   

邢丹 《中国船检》2012,(10):43-45,130,131
站在国家整体利益上,他们各自的坚持宛如“医得眼前疮.剜却心头肉”。 2012年.中国已成为世界第二大石油消费国和进口国,拥有和控制油轮船队规模位居世界第三。然而.与之形成鲜明对比的是,巨大石油进口量与中国油轮船队运输比例的失衡。那么,这种失衡背后到底是何因素在作怪?  相似文献   

近年来,国家原油进口政策的较大调整和山东省原油运输条件的充分改善将对沿海大型原油泊位布局规划产生重大影响。为此,对新形势下的山东省沿海大型原油泊位的合理布局进行研究。结合全省炼化产业和原油运输系统现状及发展趋势,采用供需平衡的分析方法,提出新的大型原油泊位布局规划方案。研究表明,山东省地方性炼油企业进口原油将快速增长,原油一程接卸港的管道疏运能力大大增强,现行大型原油泊位布局规划已不适应新形势的要求,新建泊位应重点考虑地方性炼油企业需求,建议增加东营港为原油一程接卸港。  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is the selection of paths for the maritime transportation of crude oil. In addition to transportation cost, the nodes in a maritime transportation network are always affected by extreme events. Therefore, connectivity reliability must be considered during path selection. In this paper, uncertainty variables are introduced to describe the connectivity reliability of nodes under the influence of extreme events, and an uncertain bi-objective programming model with connectivity reliability maximization and transportation cost minimization as objectives is established for path selection. China’s maritime transportation network for crude oil imports is used as a case study to validate the model, the effects of variations in the model parameters on path selection, transportation cost and connectivity reliability are discussed in the case study. The research results provide a basis on which for government decision makers to better plan crude oil transportation strategies.  相似文献   

海洋蕴藏着丰富的油气资源,海洋石油的开采开发在社会和经济领域具有重要的意义,原油外输过驳又是油田安全生产的重要环节之一。本文主要结合渤海湾海上油田的现状,对油田原油过驳的过程及外输过驳过程的海事安全监管进行了简要分析。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on recent experiences in the evolution of Flexible Transport Services (FTS). It describes how previous manifestations of FTS provided dedicated solutions for special groups, often in parallel to the conventional public transport network, but highlights that in numerous countries across Europe there is now a discernable trend towards open access FTS providing services for the whole community and often feeding the conventional public transport network to provide wider access and opportunities. This is as a result of policies intended to mainstream services for people with disabilities and moves to tackle social exclusion amongst other groups while at the same time reducing the very high costs per trip associated with STS.To meet these policies, and the higher expectations and different travel behaviours of citizens to-day, it is suggested that FTS will need to radically reposition itself in terms of scale, so that there is mass coverage and ability to function as a full transport mode. This will require breakthroughs in concepts; business models; organisational and operational models; and in supporting technologies. A proposed solution to this is the Flexible Agency for Collective Mobility Services (FAMS) which provides an organisational structure and business model for FTS that incorporates the required supporting technologies.  相似文献   

Emerging megalopolises and a new industrial polarization, a growing upper tertiary sector and offshore oil and gas industry are relevant elements of the present Mediterranean framework.Within the bulk market, crude oil transport has been affected by structural changes; LNG and LPG transport are growing and deep-sea steam-coal terminal are going to be built. Cellular maritime transport has been affected by the propensity to link the deep-sea routes to a thick web of intraMediterranean feeder routes. Refrigerated and ventilated cargoes, as well as heavy and large cargoes, possess remarkable perspectives. Because of the progress of the European waterways the relationships between sea and land transport in the Mediterranean are changing.  相似文献   

文中介绍了原油油船货油舱涂层或防腐蚀标准,展示了日本和挪威对本修正案的应对措施,就中国的应对措施进行了分析,并对原油船货油舱在海事监管方面提出几点建议。  相似文献   

One main theme of European Union’s in transport policy statements has been the increased role of railways in the reducing environmental impacts and costs of transport activity. One option to increase the modal share of rail transport is to utilize the dry port concept, particularly applicable to general cargo. At the Port of Gothenburg (Sweden) use of this concept in combination with rail transport has led to a reduction of CO2 emissions, and lower transport energy costs. The main objective and motivation of this research work are to examine through analytical models, how this same dry port concept could be implemented in the Finnish transportation network, with estimates of the benefits being gained.The research method of this study is macro gravitational models of distribution. Main input data for the models are distances and population in the area. The approach aims to research, how relative transport costs behave by increasing the number of dry port distribution locations. For the actual computation work the authors apply linear integer programming. Based on the results, the authors argue that relative transport costs can decrease considerably by increasing the number of dry ports, up to the level of six locations. This is considerably less than what is the current situation in Sweden. The found solution also differs from Sweden as the fragmented Finnish seaport system enables using numerous seaports instead of one, which further decreases inland transportation distances and volumes considerably. At the same time forthcoming sulphur emission reduction regulation (for sea transports) might impact the transportation network structure by decreasing sea transport and the number of seaports used. This might lead to a further increase in land-based hinterland transport.  相似文献   

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