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On the occasion of the founding of the People's Republic of China, we'd like to give our readers a rough picture reviewing how China auto industry has grown up, and what China auto industry has done during the 50 years. We hope you enjoy it.  相似文献   

China automotive industry, as a sector di-rectly related with ITS, has been watching at-tentively the development and progress of ITS in Europe, America and Japan. Great importance attached to ITS, which integrates many modern hi-techs in one, will not only promote the mar-  相似文献   

4. Technology import and joint venture Over the past two years, in or-der to meet the requirements of the product upgrading and more strict emission standard, advanced for-eign technologies have been import-ed by China auto and motorcycle  相似文献   

Ⅰ. Cars The emphasis of this sector must be on developing economy cars which meet the demands of safety, energy conservation, emission regulations and individual use, and further raising the share in the total auto production. Environmentally-friendly cars for use as taxis should also be developed. By the end of the Tenth Five-Year-Plan period, gasoline  相似文献   

Since the strategic decision that the auto industry shall be developed as the pillar industry was made by the Chinese Government, rapid development has been experienced by the industry itself, and the following features were shown during this period:  相似文献   

1. China's Auto Industry and Its Product Development Capability 1.1 The Industry and Its Related Industries 1.1.1 Auto Production China' s auto production has assumed a  相似文献   

Thelong-awaitedAIDPwaspromulgatedinMay2004whenanewroundofmacroregulationwasemphasized,soitdrawsbroadattentionfromallwalksofthesociety.ThisarticlewillputitsfocusontheprocessoftheautoindustrydevelopmentofChina,thebackgroundoftheunveilingofitathomeandabroad,policytrendandinfluences.1.StructureandformoftheAIDPa.FormofpromulgationandthedepartmentresponsiblefortheinterpretationTheAIDPwaspromulgatedbyNDRCasitsDecreeNo.8andNDRCisresponsiblefortheinterpretationofit.Asamajorgovernmentdepartmen…  相似文献   

《China Auto Industry Yearbook》(1997) details the essential events and the important policies of China auto in-dustry in 1996, offers experiences of reform and management, incorporates basic statistics of the industry with R&D, standards, technology introduction, Q/C, safety, emission involved. It is a most comprehensive tool for readers home and abroad to know China auto industry. Price: USD 90 (Price includes postage & package) 《China Auto Industry》(1997), a Chinese-English bilingual publication, highlights the developments seen in  相似文献   

The above factories, with the annual production capacity over 300000 units seat belts each, are suppliers for the main Chinese auto makers, with three-point emergency locking seat belt in the lead, and simple three-point seat belt (without the retractors) and two-point seat belt as well. Now, Tianjin Yizhong Seat Belt Factory is trying the seat belt with automatic locking retractor.  相似文献   

I Development environment 1.1 Favored macro economy, increased income of the residents and further released consumption desires The GDP in 2006 is expected to gain a 8.8 percent growth and the figure will firmly support the privately-owned car consumption…  相似文献   

(FollowingPreviousReport)Butinthenon-capitalmarket,thepracticesinsomeJVshavealreadybrokentherule.Forexample,DongfengYuedaKia.Whenitwasestablished,DongfengandYuedaheld25percentshareholdingrespectivelyandKiatheremaining50percent.Infact,theforeignsideistheholderofthecompany.Infact,jointventuringisstillthemostcommonwayforforeignersinenteringChina4.CancellationofautobondedareaTheArticle58writesthatfrom2005,allbondedareasshallceasetakingautomobilesaimingatthedomesticmarket.Thepracticesofbonde…  相似文献   

On June 1, 2004, NDRC issued its Auto Industry Development Policy (AIDP). For foreign investors, comprehension of AIDP can help avoid the investment risks in China. 1. A broader development space provided AIDP simplifies the examination and approval procedures towards foreign-owned auto makers. Its Article 48 writes that identical foreign auto maker is allowed to establish no more than two businesses producing same kinds of vehicles ( by passenger vehicle, commercial vehicle and moto…  相似文献   

The Forum, jointly sponsored by CATARC, SAE China and Tianjin Economic and Development Area (TEDA), will be held from 24 to 25 Sept. After years of rapid development, the automotive industry has become more and more mature. To meet the demand of automakers and guided by relevant government departments, CATARC and SAE China have jointly organized a Forum, to offer an arena for the relevant organizations, businesses and participants home and abroad. The Forum is aimed at promoting t…  相似文献   

According to the information coming from concerned depart-ment, the total production of auto would be 1.67 million units in 1999, including 530,000 cars. You can read programs set by selected auto groups below for details: FAW Group ◆Production and sales: 300 thousand units. ◆Products: widen the range  相似文献   

1. General situation of the auto engine sector 1.1 The economical operation During the recent years, series of measures have been taken by the Chinese government to ignite the national economy, which include: readjusting economic growth strate-gy from encouraging exports to boosting domestic demands; global-ly enlarging the infrastructural con-  相似文献   

Ⅰ. Development Strategy for China' s Auto Parts Industry Carrying the whole industry forward breaking through in critical areas, achieving simultaneous development and joining the international division of labor.  相似文献   

1.OnthepolicyofindustrialstructureofChinasautoindustrya.Larges-sizedautogroup【Note】Inreviewingthesalesinentire2003andthefirstquarterof2004,onlySAICandFAWhavereachedmarketshareof15percentonthenationalmarketandbothofthemhaverealizedunifiedplanningandintegrationofsalesservice.ThekeyoftheArticleliesinthemeaningofhavingindependentlydevelopedproducts,independenttrademarkandbrand,thatisthesubordinatefirmsinthegroups,mainlyjointventures,whichshouldhaveindependentproductstrademarksandbrands,infac…  相似文献   

It is well known that arising of ITS is one of the reforms in the field of transportation and communication, so it has been highly valued by the governmental departments in developed countries with big investments put into ITS re-search, development and application and the con-cerned progresses made.  相似文献   

China is suffering a great deal of fatality from traffic accidents due to the growth of vehicle population, which awakes authorities concerned in China.  相似文献   

1 Analysis and judgment of China auto market in the past six months During the past six months, the auto market as a whole was witnessing the best period since 1994  相似文献   

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