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中国集箱运量占全球19.4%据统计,中国集装箱船队总量已占世界第五位,集装箱运量占全球总运量的19.4%。交通部有关负责人介绍说,随着中国经济和对外贸易的快速稳步发展,沿海港口成为中国参与经济全球化的主要桥梁,集装箱运输以其高效、便捷、安全的特点成为交通运输现代化的重要  相似文献   

梁洪 《珠江水运》2008,(2):19-20
回顾2007年,云南水运的发展,就是一个全面协调可持续发展的过程。在港航基础设施建设、水运市场安全监管、新型船舶改造等方面,无一不充分体现,落实科学发展观,走科技兴航之路,全省水运站在一个新的历史起点上,辉煌无限。加快港航基础设施建设发展云南省外向型经济  相似文献   

我国是一个内河资源非常丰富的国家,在经济高速发展,能源以及其他物资运输压力倍增的情况下,水运的优势更加显露。但因多方面的原因,致使内河资源没有得到充分利用。如何发挥内河航运的优势,成了当今内河航运的一个课题。对此,中国船级社李科浚总裁提出了高标准航运的观点。按照他的观点,要实现高标准航运,需要建立一条责任链,其中涉及到港口、航运公司、航运管理部门、造船等。如果这几方面任何一方出现纰漏,高标准航运就不能实现。记者经过一段时间的调查和采访发现,我国要达到高标准航运这一目标,还有一段路要走。  相似文献   

Many studies on national shipping attribute the declines in national fleets of developed economies to the lack of comparative advantage, but little has been done so far to identify factors contributing to countries’ shipping comparative advantage using a systematic approach. Although shipping markets are highly international and competitive, it is not clear whether tonnage owned by countries is governed by country-specific factors. This paper seeks to explain variations in nationally owned fleet across shipping nations. The main variable of interest is national fleet tonnage owned by country of domicile as opposed to registered tonnage. The results of econometric analysis using data from 84 shipping nations indicate that various country-specific factors do indeed contribute to variations in fleet tonnage across shipping nations, albeit at different levels of significance. Financial market development, external trade, ship registration, shipbuilding and shipping history appear to have the most significant impact, followed by the level of development and technology and maritime policy. Based on the results of analysis, implications for policy and future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

张哲辉  石勇 《水运管理》2010,32(11):13-15
为推动我国内河航运的发展,综合分析当前航电枢纽的碍航问题,认为航电枢纽建设使通航河流断航,航电枢纽通航设施建设规模与航道建设标准不匹配,通航设施设计通过能力不足,航电枢纽建设期补偿机制与运输组织不尽合理,航电枢纽运营期水库调峰严重影响通航,航电枢纽运营等引起各种航道问题,并针对上述问题提出对策建议。  相似文献   

Australia's merchant fleet underwent a delayed response to the trends responsible for the attrition of the OECD fleets over the past decades. A combination of political factors and the heritage of protectionism led to centrally-directed and government-sponsored programmes of modernization. Essentially, compliance with the federal government's shipping policy was achieved through the linkage of reform to tax incentives and to the management of change by tripartite shipowner, government and trade union committees. This paper explores the basic pattern of the reforms, their costings, assessment and policy alternatives.  相似文献   

雷智荣 《中国水运》2006,4(9):25-26
融资难成为制约中小内河航运企业推行船型标准化的瓶颈.针对这一问题,本文首先论述了中小内河航运企业推行船型标准化的现实意义,接着对中小企业推行船型标准化过程中所遇到的融资难问题进行经济分析,最后在此基础上提出解决融资难问题的应对措施和建议.  相似文献   

A novel methodology is developed for determining the characteristics of a cargo roll-on/roll-off (ro-ro) ship and the fleet size required for a given short sea shipping route. The ship and required fleet size to satisfy the transportation demand (for each pair of speed and freight rate) are determined using a database of existing cargo ro-ro ships to obtain the main technical characteristics of the most suitable ship. The time charter, voyage costs and revenue are then calculated considering the technical characteristics of each ship. Fuel costs are corrected for the actual ship speed and loading condition. A number of restrictions in the transportation problem are considered leading to the exclusion of unfeasible solutions. The maximum profit over the period of a year is identified among the feasible pairs of speed and freight rate. This general methodology is applied in a case study that considers the route between Leixões (Portugal) and Rotterdam (Netherlands). The study allows the identification of the most suitable ship and fleet sizes for different market penetration levels and quantifies the impact on shipping company profit of changes in parameters such as fuel costs, time charter costs, emission control area, installed propulsion power and stacking factor.  相似文献   

为提高我国内河航运发展水平,探索将绿色生态发展理念融入内河航运建设管理之中的新方法,从基础设施、船舶运力、信息化建设、集疏运体系等方面介绍了德国内河航运的发展特点和方向,总结了德国在推动绿色航运和绿色港口建设方面取得的成绩和经验。在综合考虑我国内河航运发展现状的基础上,提出我国内河航运发展应借鉴德国在干支流通达、水系间沟通建设等方面的经验;打造畅通互联的信息系统、提高信息协同应用水平;高度重视推进铁水联运,提高综合运输服务能力;推广绿色生态理念,加大绿色航运技术的研究应用力度等若干启示。  相似文献   

为研究安庆河段航道整治工程对水流的调整效果,建立了覆盖安庆、太子矶和贵池3个连续的弯曲分汊型水道的平面二维水流数学模型,采用原型观测水文和地形资料对模型参数进行验证,模型计算的汊道分流比、水位和流速与实测值符合较好,表明所建立的模型能够反映安庆河段的水流运动及分布规律,可以进一步用于安庆河段航道整治工程的方案效果研究工作。  相似文献   

我国有很多河流和湖泊,内河航运非常发达,自古以来,内河航运就是我国经济的重要内容,对促进我国的经济发展与商品贸易起到了非常重要的作用。近年来,船舶的动力性能和船舶数量不断提高,内河航线变得越来越拥挤,常常会发生船舶碰撞、搁浅等事故,因此,必须要加强内河航运的监控和管理水平。本文重点研究了内河航运的集成监控系统,基于PLC技术对船舶内河航运集成监控系统进行了优化和升级,具有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

随着城市化的发展和船舶大型化及货运需求的转变,浙江省内大部分低等级内河航道货运功能已逐渐弱化,逐步向休闲、旅游、观光、生态等复合功能转变。考虑到当前缺乏内河旅游专用航道通航技术尺度的相关规定,为充分发挥低等级内河航道的旅游、生态等功能,保障旅游船舶安全通航,通过分析旅游及旅游船舶与货运及货运船舶的区别,对浙江省内河旅游专用航道建设涉及的航道尺度、代表船型等技术标准进行研究,制定出浙江省旅游专用航道通航尺度标准,为低等级货运航道发展旅游专用航道提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

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