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IntroductionDeployable space trusses have been used wide-ly in the past space missions,and attract increas-ingly the interests of researchers. The essentialcharacteristic is that the geometric configurationtransformation must meetthe limits of the payloadmodule during launch phase and primary require-ments of space mission in orbit.This poses a greatchallenge to numerical simulation.   In this paper,Cartesian coordinates of the ide-alized truss nodes are assumed as variables,a newmethod is …  相似文献   

IntroductionIt is well known that the aerodynamic perfor-mance depends on the shape of missiles. And sodoes the electromagnetic performance( radar- ob-servable) of missiles. The aerodynamic design ofsuch missile must account for high ratio of lift todrag as well as enough stability.As for the elec-tromagnetic performance should be considered,theaerodynamic specialist may have to reconcile therequirements of his best aerodynamic designagainst the electromagnetic requirements of a RCSspecialis…  相似文献   

Introduction Structures must be robust, so that after accidentaldamage, they will not suffer consequences dispropor-tionate to the original causes. In structural engineer-ing, the modern research on structural robustness maydate back to the progressive collapse of the RonanPoint in England in 1968, where a relatively weakexplosion led to a disproportionate failure ( seeFig.1). Following this accident, considerable at-tempts have been made on this subject though debatecontinues about the true…  相似文献   

Introduction The vehicle routing problem(VRP)is one ofthe well-known NP-hard optimization problems[1]occurring in many transport logistics and distribu-tion systems of considerable economic significance.The capacity vehicle routing problem(CVRP)likeVRP with the additional constraint that every vehi-cle must have a capacity,so it is also an NP-hardoptimization problems.It involves minimizing costvehicle schedules for a fleet of vehicles originatingand terminating from a central depot.The …  相似文献   

Introduction Coumarines have been recently paid much attention for their physiological activities and fluorescent properties.They have outstanding optical properties,including high photostability,extended spectral range,high quantum yield of photoluminescence.  相似文献   

IntroductionA recent finding is that noise signal may con-tain hidden information.Such information promis-es to be of application value(forecasting suddencardiac death in patients,or analyzing financialmarkets fluctuation,or predicting the properties ofelectric devices).We must use some approachesfor extracting such hidden information from noise.Conventional approaches include analysis ofmeans,standard deviations and other features ofhistograms,along with classical power spectrumanalysis.Thos…  相似文献   

IntroductionBecause of the differences of crystal chemistryproperties,physical properties and surface con-ditions between ceramic and metal,the metallur-gical compatibility is very poor.It is essential tochoose suitable interlayer materials to achievethe high strengh ceramic/ metal joint.Interlayermaterials must be suitable to the propertieswhich( 1 ) would obviously reduce residual stress injoint,which may occur during cooling period be-cause of the differnet thermal expansion coeffi-cient be…  相似文献   

Fuzzy entropy has been widely used to analyze and design fuzzy systems,and many fuzzy entropy formulae have been proposed.For further in-deepth analysis of fuzzy entropy,the axioms and some important formulae of fuzzy entropy are intoduced.Some equivalence results among these fuzzy entropy formulae are proved,and it is shown that fuzzy entropy is aspedal distance measurement.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe design of modern diesel engine is requiredto make noise and vibration as light as possible.Inorder to successfully control the noise and vibra-tion,the vibrations of engine crankshaft must beestimated and analyzed.Dynamic simulation is avery powerful tool for ranking different design al-ternatives,so it is necessary to develop an analyti-cal model for the accurate prediction of dynamicbehavior of engine crankshaft.In earlier research,the equivalent model and the continuous beam…  相似文献   

Introduction The concept of group signature was intro-duced by Chaum and Heyst[1], which allows indi-vidual members to make signatures on behalf of thegroup. More formally, a secure group signaturescheme must satisfy such properties as unforgeabil-ity, anonymity, traceability, coalition-resistance,unlinkability, exculpability[2,3]. An important application of group signature isto construct fair e-cash systems. A fair electroniccash system is a system that allows customers tomake payments anon…  相似文献   

Introduction   With development of economics and furtheropening,competitions in market are intensive.The margin between the material cost and price ofproducts becomes small,which compels companiesto pursue higher rate of productivity and quality.The rate of productivity has been improvedthrough high pressing automation,but in order toget satisfactory quality of products under distur-bances,on- line measurement,identification,pre-diction and on- line control must be realized. Intel-ligentcont…  相似文献   

Introduction   The need to getheavy- gauge sheathed thermo-couples( d> 8mm) is unusual,but sometimeswe must use them due to certain reasons,especial-ly,measuring the surface temperature of heatingfurnace pipe and flue.Because of its thick metalclad,such heavy- gauge sheathed thermocouplescan endure long periods in high- temperature andcorrosive environment.Their lifetime are severaltimes higher than thatof common ones.They maybe widely used in oil refinery,chemical industryand power station…  相似文献   

IntroductionSince much of emergency shutdowns arecaused by poor drum level control in power plant,stable drum level control is critical to economic op-eration of any power plant steam generator sys-tem.The control gain setting must be reduced inorder not to respond excessively to thc drum levelerrors[1].Due to the uncertainty of operating con-dition point,surface wave of drum water is stimu-lated to fluctuate frequently and subsequently tomake oscillatory disturbance signal,which is com-bined …  相似文献   

This paper presented a registration method based on Fourier transform for multi-band images which is involved in translation and small rotation. Although different band images differ a lot in the intensity and features,they contain certain common information which we can exploit. A model was given that the multi-band images have linear correlations under the least-square sense. It is proved that the coefficients have no effect on the registration progress if two images have linear correlations. Finally, the steps of the registration method were proposed. The experiments show that the model is reasonable and the results are satisfying.  相似文献   

IntroductionContent- based image retrieval has been proposedto allow retrieval to be performed on the basis ofa variety of aspects of image content[1] .A chal-lenging problem arises with many imagedatabases,within which queries are posed via vi-sual or pictorial examples.A common visualquery to an image database system would involvefinding all images in the database which containa subimage that is similar to the query image.Such retrievals must be based on embedded con-tent features,such as sh…  相似文献   

Recent advances in surgical teChniques and pe-rioperative management have significantly im-proved the resect rate, long-term survival and op-erative mortality of patients with esophageal can-cer. However, treatment of surgery only does notimprove the extremely poor prognosis of the pa-tients with local advanced squamous cell carcino-ma[lj. Multimodal therapy is needed to improve theprognosis for patients with locally advancedesophageal cancer. Most investigators have foundthat adjuvant treatme…  相似文献   

IntroductionWhen modeling network traffic,packet ar-rivals are often assumed to be Poisson processes,because such processes have attractive theoreticalproperties. Recenet work,however,argues con-vincingly that local- area network traffic is muchbetter modeled using statistically self- similar pro-cesses[1] ,which have more different theoreticalproperties than Poisson processes. A subsequentinvestigation suggests that the same holds forwide- area network traffic[2 ,3 ] .The theory of self- sim…  相似文献   

In recent years,extensive research is underwayto investigate characteristics of coronary heart dis-ease(CHD)among women.Epidemiology has in-dicatedthat sex difference has an obvious presenceinCHD incidence and mortality.Womenprior tomenopause have a muchlower presence inincidenceof CHD[1-2].Whilethe incidence and mortality raterise significantly among post menopausal women orthose who have ovary removed,si milar to that ofsame-age men.It showed that the estrogenlevel hasa close relationshi…  相似文献   

Introduction Reasonably accurate mathematical modeling oftraffic engineering is needed not only for better un-derstanding of the collective behavior of traffic,but also for analyzing flow conditions, designingefficient control strategies, etc[1]. For the past fewdecades, many researches have been done on thissubject and a wide range of traffic flow theoriesand models have been developed. According to thelevel-of-detail with which the traffic flow is de-scribed, these traffic models are classif…  相似文献   

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