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公安部副部长刘金国曾经指出,无数起血的事故教训反复说明,消防安全关键在"防";能不能防得住,关键在人;能不能逃生,在一定程度上取决于会不会逃生自救……本文主要从单位如何组织人员疏散,火灾逃生"七十二字口诀",火灾发生时应遵循的"三要"、"三救"和"三不"原则,火场逃生十三法等介绍如何提高组织人员疏散逃生  相似文献   

正3月28日,由重庆川东船舶重工有限公司为贵州深能股份建造的贵州乌江首艘1 000吨级LNG动力集装箱船"深能616"号在思南新港顺利下水,标志着"乌江—长江集装箱班轮航线"的开始。"深能616"号动力采用油气双燃料发动机,是节能环保多用途集装箱货船,该船长55 m、型宽11 m、型深3.8 m、空载吃水108 m、满载吃水2.8 m、排水量1 523.336 t。  相似文献   

正在水运繁忙的境内通榆河主航道上,活跃着一支"牢记宗旨为人民,服务社会做贡献"的"特别能吃苦、特别能战斗、特别能奉献"的新时期响水交通海事队伍。他们常年与船为伴、与河为伍,扎根服务前沿,用责任与担当守卫着盐城"北大门"的水路安全,在黄金水道上唱响了一首首激越动人的保驾护航之歌……响水县地方海事处以"六项行动"为载体,紧紧围绕地方海事中心工作,认真履行海事监管职能,大力推进海事"三化"建设,全面提升安全监管能力、服务大局水平和  相似文献   

1989年4月7日,前苏联"共青团"号核潜艇在北大西洋以北挪威海的熊岛附近海域航行,顺利完成了一系列的巡逻、试验任务,全体艇员都期望着在"五一"国际劳动节前能回到岸上与家人团聚。  相似文献   

邢丹 《中国船检》2013,(1):38-41,116,117
"穷"则思变,造船业在境中寻找"变"法。2012年留给人们太多纠结的记忆,航运企业亏损的消息不绝于耳,订单荒、倒闭潮此起彼伏,中、日、韩造船在逆境中再度演绎三国大战。在传说中的末日之年,究竟谁能决胜于生死线上?"穷"则思变,造船业在境中寻找"变"法。  相似文献   

定向能武器是一种新型武器,未来可能用于航母。本文介绍了几种目前国外正在研制的定向能武器技术的研制情况和基本原理,并对定向能武器在航母及航母编队的潜在应用方向开展分析。此外,分析了定向能武器未来在美国"福特"级航母上的集成方式。  相似文献   

定向能武器是一种新型武器,未来可能用于航母。本文介绍了几种目前国外正在研制的定向能武器技术的研制情况和基本原理,并对定向能武器在航母及航母编队的潜在应用方向开展分析。此外,分析了定向能武器未来在美国"福特"级航母上的集成方式。  相似文献   

##正##船舶能效设计指数(EEDI)自2013年1月1日正式生效,这一标准已在2011~2012年间受到造船界的广泛关注,曾被认为将对我国船舶工业发展产生较大的阻碍。但从正式实施起至今,各造船企业、设计院所、船舶配套企业都已能从容地应对,他们的关注焦点由正式实施前的"是否能达标"转移到了"超越标准,引领市场"。  相似文献   

<正>2016年10月,江阴海事局政务中心、船舶监督处、危管防污处合署办公,成立大静态职能管理部门,改选机关第四党支部,开始了执法模式改革后新的摸索、挑战和创新。两年多来,四支部围绕中心抓党建,依托"江阴市清洁美丽长江党建联盟",打造出独具特色的"政务虹"党建品牌,培养了一支特别能吃苦、特别能战斗、特别能奉献的"虹"色战斗队。  相似文献   

<正> 是水下考古青睐广州打捞,还是广州打捞选择水下考古?无法简单作答。"南海1号"的成功出水令广州打捞声名远扬,当静卧于水晶宫的宋代古沉船还没有彻底露面时,广州打捞又进军"南澳1号"。这一次广州打捞又同样赢得考古人员的赞誉。国家水下遗产保护中心水下考古队队长孙键说:"广州打捞局这支队伍是最能吃苦、最能配合、最能解决问题的队伍,是今后  相似文献   

Ocean data determining the state of the ocean are required for various purposes. The data are needed to understand the ocean and its interrelation, for instance, with the climate as well as to provide information and benefits for numerous sectors, such as for the coastal protection or pollution control. In order to meet the multiple needs for ocean information, a global and sustained system for ocean observation activities is necessary. Steps towards such a global system have been taken within the last decades, especially by setting up the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS). However, the existing international structures and systems have been lacking governmental support and are held to be insufficient. In this context, the questions are raised whether states are already required by international law to observe and monitor the ocean and to cooperate in doing so and whether states are even obliged to contribute to international ocean observing programmes. Although to some extent, states’ obligations can be found in international conventions, such as in the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), they cannot meet all the various needs for ocean data. Specific and substantive obligations in international law meeting the multiple needs for ocean data are, however, required. If such obligations were included in the UNCLOS, issues relating to Marine Scientific Research would have to be kept in mind. Another option of creating specific commitments could be seen in a new agreement relating to the GOOS.  相似文献   

李春明 《中国造船》2007,48(B11):461-466
针对海洋平台的振动具有低频、高幅的特点,提出了振动主动控制的试验方案。振动主动控制可改善台上人员的工作条件、提高生产效率、延长海洋平台及台载机械使用寿命,已成为提升海洋平台综合性能的潜在技术手段。该试验装置包括振动试验模型、激振器、作动器、主机及DSP板、低通滤波器、信号放大器等。根据对海洋平台的类型、特点及振动控制研究的分析,设计了用于海洋平台振动主动控制试验的两个模型,一个用于研究水平面两个方向的振动,另一个用于研究纵向振动。海洋平台振动试验模型采用柔性较强的材料,支架模型采用刚性较强的槽钢。对于第一个模型进行了必要的强度和刚度计算。设计的模型可用于海洋平台的概念性振动主动控制试验,对海洋平台的振动主动控制提供理论指导。  相似文献   

This paper investigates wheather the actions of US ocean ports (since the passage of the Shipping Act of 1984) are supportive of the promotion of an efficient transportation system for US ocean commerce. In the short run, US ocean ports have generally been supportive of this efficiency goal;competiton among US ocean ports has has increased as is evident by the significant reduction that has occurred in port natural hinterlands. In the long run, port sunk costs, consolidations and cooperative activities, and long-term leases with ocean carriers are likely to be non-supportive of the efficiency goal.  相似文献   

基于Vega的虚拟海洋视景仿真研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虚拟海洋视景仿真系统足虚拟现实技术在军事领域中的应用.由于海浪运动的随机性,虚拟海洋的计算机生成成为视景仿真领域的研究难点.文中详细讨论了两种海浪模型,重点研究Vega中海浪原理和海洋模块的计算机实现,基于Vega软件生成海浪.从效果图中可以看出,模拟的海浪效果比较好,能够满足实际应用的需求.  相似文献   

Spatial computable general equilibrium (SCGE) theory has been applied to an international trade model to evaluate tariff and fiscal policies of a country. Those models can not be applied for the evaluation of transport policies such as port development and tax/subsidy policy against transportation sectors, since they do not deal with ocean freight and ocean carriers explicitly in the model. Ocean freight often varies with the changes of competitive conditions and/or demand/ supply balances in the short run, while it should reflect the actual expenditure of the carriers in the long run. The model proposed here considers the profit maximization behaviour of ocean carriers, and deals with ocean freight explicitly. The model is applied to four major economic regions; Japan, USA, EU and Asia. A multi-level function composed of the Cobb-Douglas function is adopted to produce reliable parameters of the production function for many industries.  相似文献   

Spatial computable general equilibrium (SCGE) theory has been applied to an international trade model to evaluate tariff and fiscal policies of a country. Those models can not be applied for the evaluation of transport policies such as port development and tax/subsidy policy against transportation sectors, since they do not deal with ocean freight and ocean carriers explicitly in the model. Ocean freight often varies with the changes of competitive conditions and/or demand/ supply balances in the short run, while it should reflect the actual expenditure of the carriers in the long run. The model proposed here considers the profit maximization behaviour of ocean carriers, and deals with ocean freight explicitly. The model is applied to four major economic regions; Japan, USA, EU and Asia. A multi-level function composed of the Cobb-Douglas function is adopted to produce reliable parameters of the production function for many industries.  相似文献   

Tropical coastal and marine ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to ocean warming, ocean acidification, and sea-level rise. Yet these projected climate and ocean change impacts are rarely considered in conservation planning due to the lack of guidance on how existing climate and ocean change models, tools, and data can be applied. Here, we address this gap by describing how conservation planning can use available tools and data for assessing the vulnerability of tropical marine ecosystems to key climate threats. Additionally, we identify limitations of existing tools and provide recommendations for future research to improve integration of climate and ocean change information and conservation planning. Such information is critical for developing a conservation response that adequately protects these ecosystems and dependent coastal communities in the face of climate and ocean change.  相似文献   

构建船舶与海洋工程数字化性能平台促进科技自主创新   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
作为对船舶设计基础共性技术研发的一种思考,提出构建“船舶与海洋工程数字化性能平台”的设想。这一性能平台是以信息化、数字化为核心,以虚拟技术、网络协同、远程交互技术为手段,开放式和加盟式一体化的综合集成系统。在这种数字化性能平台上,运用计算流体动力学方法,可以全面地对船舶的安全性能、综合航行性能和海洋工程结构物的流体动力特性进行预报、评估和优化,成为新型舰船、新型海洋平台和海洋结构物研究开发的重要工具和手段,促进船型开发和设计的自主创新。  相似文献   

无人机海洋观测系统集成技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要针对特定区域海洋观测的需求,以海洋环境和海上目标机动快速监测为目标,研制基于船载无人直升机平台的多传感器海洋观测系统.重点研究海洋观测的系统集成技术,包括无人机与机载载荷的集成、数据处理系统的集成.开展船载无人机起降和多传感器协同海洋观测的系统集成验证试验,最终建立船载无人机海、陆、气一体化的海洋观测系统.为构建面向海洋实际业务应用系统奠定基础.  相似文献   

自古以来,人类探索海洋,向往海洋与回归海洋的航海实践活动生生不息,从不间断。人类在这一伟大征程中所体现的不畏艰险,勇于探索的无数壮举与崇高精神永远值得思考与总结。人类在驾驭和征服海洋过程中所折射出的认知创新、技术创新与文化交融的创新硕果,将激励我们在可持续利用人类第二大生存空间———海洋与建设海洋强国的征程中,继续发扬伟大的郑和精神,不断创新航海技术,重铸我国航海事业的辉煌。  相似文献   

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