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本刊记者:邓步恩先生,请您介绍下阿法拉伐在中国船舶行业的发展状况邓步恩先生:我们阿法拉伐进入到中国船舶业已经有50多年的历史了,基本上国内主要的造船厂和船东都是我们的客户,我们最主要的目标是能充分理解客户的需求,并且根据他们的需求来开发我们的产品。目前我们的重点是能引进一些注重环境保护的产品。船舶领域  相似文献   

<正>2015年中国国际海事会展将于12月1—4日在上海浦东新国际博览中心举办。阿法拉伐将以"阿法拉伐,伴您远航"为主题,携船舶与海洋工程行业广泛的产品线、多款新产品和新技术的发展成果亮相本次会展。届时,欢迎各位莅临阿法拉伐展台(N1展厅D51-5)。阿法拉伐与航运业的关系源远流长,达1个世纪之久。阿法拉伐始终在离心机、船用锅炉、造水机和惰性气体发生器市场保持全球领导者地位。阿法拉伐专注于可持续发展解决方案的研发投入和并购,产品线不断延伸,全球服务中心不断扩展,保证各地服务工  相似文献   

<正>阿法拉伐——热交换、分离和流体处理技术的全球领导者,近日在中国成功获得为2条食用油生产线提供设备和工程服务的项目订单。这一订单由食品和生命科学业务部获得,价值约7500万瑞典克朗。预计交付时间为2016年。订单包括工程设计服务和各种设备,如大豆油、玉米油生产工艺过程中的换热器和高速离心机。"我很高兴地宣布,阿法拉伐在中国又赢得1份食用油生产线的食品订单,"阿法拉伐集团总裁兼首席执行官Lars Renstr觟m  相似文献   

全球领先的创新型技术和工程解决方案供应商阿法拉伐在2011年上海中国国际海事会展上展示其应用于船舶行业的核心技术,其中包括奥尔堡工业公司的部分核心技术。奥尔堡工业公司是长期致力于船用锅炉、热油加热系统、惰性气体和废气清洁解决方案的全球领先供应商,于2011年加入阿法拉伐,以其创新技术和产品,提升阿法拉伐在船舶  相似文献   

正近日,在丹麦哥本哈根举行的阿法拉伐资本市场日上,阿法拉伐公布2项船舶环保系统升级方案——阿法拉伐PureBallast和阿法拉伐PureSO_x,以完美应对即将实施的《国际船舶压载水及沉积物控制和管理公约》(BWMC)和国际海事组织(IMO)硫氧化物(SO_x)减排公约新法规的要求。作为航运业领先的百年设备供应商,阿法拉伐通过提供种类丰富、技术成熟的设备和各种前沿的创新解决方  相似文献   

<正>中国一家领先的船舶公司选择了阿法拉伐PureSOx脱硫系统,为其船队中31艘船只进行废气清洁。为保障和优化脱硫塔的长期运行,该公司还与阿法拉伐签订了从零配件到智能互联的全方位服务协议。31艘现今全球最大的船只将配备阿法拉伐PureSOx系统,这笔订单于2018年签订,并将于2019年年初至年底进行交付。每个脱硫塔将对一台主机和三台发电机进行废气处理。这批PureSOx开式  相似文献   

<正>每年,调研机构优兴咨询(Universum)会开展独立的雇主品牌调研活动,评选出"瑞典最佳雇主"。阿法拉伐位列2014"瑞典最佳雇主"榜单第9位,共有142家瑞典大型公司上榜。该排名是基于超过3.3万名瑞典专业人才对现有雇主的评价和意见。榜单中,如以工业企业为1个类别,阿法拉伐位居首位。阿法拉伐人力资源部负责人Peter Bailliere对本次排名评价道:"本次调查展现阿法拉伐是一家让员工感到愉快工作的公司,员工也乐意向自己的朋友推荐的公司,阿法拉伐对内部雇员拥有  相似文献   

2011年10月28日,由比利时安特卫普港务局、APEC-安特卫普/法兰德斯港口培训中心共同组织的中国-安特卫普朋友圈成立仪式在上海外滩华尔道夫酒店举办。仪式由安特卫普港务局主席马克·凡佩尔先生主持,他在介绍了中国-安特卫  相似文献   

2011年10月28日,由比利时安特卫普港务局和安特卫普/法兰德斯港口培训中心共同组织的"中国—安特卫普朋友圈"成立仪式在上海外滩华尔道夫酒店举行。仪式由安特卫普港务局主席马克·凡佩尔先生主持。在介绍"中国—安特卫普朋友圈"的成立背景和目的后,马克·凡佩尔先生向嘉宾代表上海市交通运输和港口管理局副局长朱建华先生赠送纪念品,并向出席仪式的嘉宾颁发荣誉证书。2011年正值中比两国建交40周年,比利时王储菲利浦于10月率经贸代表团访华。在此背景下,"中国—安特卫普朋友圈"的组织方希望通过此种方式巩固和加强与中国海运物流企业和机构之间的商贸关  相似文献   

由阿法拉伐公司赞助,中国航海学会机电专业委员会与大连海事大学轮机工程学院联合举行的阿法拉伐船用设备知识竞赛(决赛)于1999.10.在大连海事大学举行。现将竞赛题刊登出来,供广大轮机人员参考。  相似文献   

Specialization in cargoes and forelands is defined for the ports of Montreal, Quebec, Saint John, and Halifax using a variation of the location quotient. Economic impact is also defined using the location quotient. All ports are shown to have some degree of specialization; whereas, Saint John and Halifax have relatively greater economic impact. It is suggested that the four ports should be encouraged to develop their specializations. However, are the benefits to the shipping industry in following such a policy outweighed by the losses to the local economies because investment in certain ports does not take place?  相似文献   

Specialization in cargoes and forelands is defined for the ports of Montreal, Quebec, Saint John, and Halifax using a variation of the location quotient. Economic impact is also defined using the location quotient. All ports are shown to have some degree of specialization; whereas, Saint John and Halifax have relatively greater economic impact. It is suggested that the four ports should be encouraged to develop their specializations. However, are the benefits to the shipping industry in following such a policy outweighed by the losses to the local economies because investment in certain ports does not take place?  相似文献   

Surface seawater samples were taken in the framework of the GEOTRACES program on “POLARSTERN” expedition ANT XXIII/1 in the Eastern Atlantic in 2005 to study the distribution of the trace elements Hg (mercury), Pb (lead), Cd (cadmium), Cu (copper), Ni (nickel), Zn (zinc), Co (cobalt), Mn (manganese), Fe (iron), and Al (aluminium). With the exception of Hg, results were compared to earlier datasets from 1989 to 1990. The particulate fraction averaged over the transect was calculated to be 49% for Cd, 23% for Mn and 50% for Fe indicating a release of these TEI's (trace elements and their isotopes) from a leachable SPM fraction in the stored and acidified samples.Total Pb concentrations ranged between 5 and 20 pmol kg? 1 in 2005 with highest values in the ITCZ (intertropical convergence zone). In 1989 Pb concentrations were twice as high in the region of the ITCZ, while by a factor of 10–15 higher values were obtained in the North Atlantic.Total Cd and Co are dominated, by different seasonal upwelling regimes (Equatorial upwelling, Guinea Dome, Angola Dome).Total Cu, Ni, Fe, Mn and Al show nearly identical concentrations in 1990 and 2005. For total manganese and aluminium strong maxima (3–4 nmol kg? 1 and 55 nmol kg? 1 respectively) are observed between 23°N and 0°, while the Fe maximum (6–9 nmol kg? 1) is located at 7°N. Total Hg concentrations ranged between 0.5 and 4.5 pmol kg? 1.  相似文献   

The Gulf of Carpentaria is an epicontinental sea, deeply indented in the north of the Australian continent. A selection of 100 samples of the surficial marine sediments collected on a regional grid were analysed for major chemical elements and mineral phases using wet chemistry, X-ray diffraction, optical and electronic microscopy.The surficial sediments of the Gulf are highly heterogenous and consist of both young and relict mineral and carbonate components. The terrigenous fraction is fluvial in origin and consists mainly of quartz (16–68%), minor feldspars (0–9%) and traces of siderite. The clay species determined include kaolinite, mixed layers of smectite–illite and illite; clays range up to 15% and do not present a clear pattern of distribution. Biologically productive areas of the Gulf, mainly in shallower parts, supply the carbonate component of the sediment. The carbonate material is comprised of aragonite (7–30%), low-Mg (5–30%) and high-Mg calcite (7–28%), and has variable degrees of alteration caused by sediment transport and/or diagenesis. Such processes are partly reflected in the regional distribution of mineral and chemical components throughout the Gulf. The interpretation of the data set was further refined by cluster analysis (Ward's method), which separated eight clusters (provinces) of sedimentary material. The eastern side appears to be the main source of both terrigenous and carbonate sediment, which is inferred to be transported clockwise. During this dispersion, physicochemical and mineralogical changes take place; the sediments become finer grained and characterised by more stable species of carbonates. As a consequence, the center and the northwest sections are clay-rich and contain dominantly low-Mg calcite.Ooids are relict components that have been identified in areas in which they were not mentioned by previous studies, notably in the southeast. These carbonate particles consist of concentric layers of aragonite deposited around a nucleus of angular quartz, most likely of fluvial origin.This study indicates a complex history over a short time frame with sediment supply, biological production and current patterns being the main factors that control the sediment character and its regional distribution within the Gulf.  相似文献   

节能环保型抗沉式铝合金游艇的研制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叙述了南太湖区域某企业新近研制了一艘集节能、环保、环境友好型为一体的抗沉式铝合金游艇,其上的关键技术包括:游艇抗沉措施、降温系统的工作原理和实效、以及铝合金船体制作的焊接技术要求和强度计算原则等。  相似文献   

转舵机构舵角、压力和输出扭矩的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
此文通过对不同船舶舵机液压系统压力的分析,用公式和图示的方式清楚明了地表达了两者之间的动态关系。  相似文献   

价值观是指人们对价值的性质标准、构成和评价的基本看法和态度,是指导人的行为的一系列基本准则和信条。构建海事核心价值观是时代发展的要求,更是海事自身发展的需要。  相似文献   

摘要:从工程项目的决策阶段到实施阶段的整个过程中,影响工程项目质量的因素主要有“人、机、料、法、环、测”等六大方面。文章论述了对这六方面的因素予以严格控制是保证重大工程项目质量的关键。  相似文献   

FOB、CIF、CFR与FCA、CIP、CPT价格术语应用与案例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李燕 《集装箱化》2002,(9):X016-X017,X006
FOB、CIF、CFR与FCA、CIP、CPT价格术语在运输方式、风险转移点、提单签发人、时间、地点、性质及运费计收、保险区段、运输合同订立等方面存在差异,国际商会自上世纪20年代起即不断对有关价格术语进行研究和解释.但由于国际贸易、运输的发展,人们对新、老价格术语中买卖双方的风险转移、责任、费用的划分时常难以理解.本文中作者试通过案例分析说明之.  相似文献   

王孟霞 《中国船检》2006,(10):26-29
工业界的压力主要来自政治记者:当今,政府对环境保护的要求越来越高,有所谓“零容忍度”的环境要求之说。在此情形之下,油轮承受的压力最大。ICS一项重要的工作是制订综合性的政策。在政策制订方面,ICS将作何考虑?Horrocks:我们面临的挑战是“灾难”。1978年的英国溢油事件,199  相似文献   

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