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汽车动力传动系实时动力学仿真模型 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
将动力传动系视为刚体系统,建立适用于开发型驾驶模拟器的动力传动系4自由度实时动力学仿真模型,输入驾驶员的点火开关信号、油门踏板信号、离合器踏板信号及挡位信号,在一定的传动系各部件及驱动轮的运动状态下,传动系模型可向整车动力学模型输出驱动轮上的驱动力矩,从而完成车辆的实时动力学仿真,并进一步向驾驶模拟器输送整车的实时运动状态。仿真与动力性试验的对比结果表明,该模型不但具有实时性,而且可通过整车模型使开发型驾驶模拟器为驾驶员提供逼真的整车运动响应。 相似文献
Identification Methods for Vehicle System Dynamics 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Rainer G. Kallenbach 《Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility》1987,16(3):107-127
The paper presents a survey on parameter identification techniques for complex vehicle models. In order to cope with the complexity of the model, the information on the system available from the equations of motion has to be included in the identification process. Basic methods for the solution of this problem are shown. The application of the approach is demonstrated by identification of the vertical automobile dynamics. It is concluded that the presented techniques will become more important with increasing applications of theoretical modeling in vehicle system dynamics. 相似文献
《Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility》2012,50(3):107-127
SUMMARY The paper presents a survey on parameter identification techniques for complex vehicle models. In order to cope with the complexity of the model, the information on the system available from the equations of motion has to be included in the identification process. Basic methods for the solution of this problem are shown. The application of the approach is demonstrated by identification of the vertical automobile dynamics. It is concluded that the presented techniques will become more important with increasing applications of theoretical modeling in vehicle system dynamics. 相似文献
用于不平路面车辆动力学仿真的轮胎模型综述 总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12
介绍了轮胎在不平路面的动力学特性。在回顾不平路面轮胎动力学模型发展的基础上,以近期的研究工作为重点,对用于不平路面车辆动力学仿真的轮胎模型进行了较为系统的介绍。概要地阐述了各种轮胎模型的建模理论、方法,并进行了分析和评述。最后,总结了不平路面轮胎力学建模的核心问题及发展方向,对不平路面车辆动力学仿真选择合适的轮胎模型给出了建议。 相似文献
应用3种不同的综合评价方法。对车辆大修后的可靠性进行了评价。结果表明,综合指数法和TOPSIS法的评价结果具有很好的一致性,而灰色关联分析法的差异较大。结合原始故障数据分析。3种评价方法中的综合指数法评价结果更符合车辆大修后可靠性的实际情况。 相似文献
车辆动力学稳定性控制的仿真研究 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
对车辆动力学稳定性控制的控制原理,控制策略,控制逻辑和算法进行了理论分析。在此基础上,对车辆动力学稳定性控制进行了仿真分析,结果表明,车辆动力学稳定性控制能够改善车辆在高速下或在滑路上转向时的操纵性和稳定性。 相似文献
采用自然坐标系下的整车动力学模型,模拟变速或转向过程中可能存在的变化情况,进行了四电动轮独立驱动的电动汽车仿真。仿真试验表明,在变速或转向的过程中,各轮的输出转矩可能会有较大差异。因此在此类电动汽车的设计中应当充分考虑对变速或转向时各轮的转矩加以控制,以提高操控性能。 相似文献
Mats Berg 《Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility》1998,30(3):197-212
A non-linear, dynamic rubber spring model is proposed. It mainly aims at representing the mechanical behaviour of rubber suspension components in rail vehicle dynamics. The model is one-dimensional, has five parameters and is based on a superposition of elastic, friction and viscous forces. The model is implemented in the computer packages MATLAB and GENSYS. Comparisons between model and measurement results for harmonic excitations show good agreement. A procedure to determine the model parameters from only two measured force-displacement loops is described. The model represents a reasonable compromise between accuracy and computational effort and should be a suitable tool in rail vehicle dynamics analysis. 相似文献
Simulation of Rail Vehicle Dynamics in MATLAB Environment 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Andrzej Chudzikiewicz 《Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility》2000,33(2):107-119
The following paper describes a general conception and realization of a computer package to predict some aspects of dynamic behaviour of railway vehicles. The package consists of three parts, an interactive pre-processor, the analysis program and an interactive post-processor. MATLAB was used as environment for the realization of the package. In recent versions only passenger vehicles, which have a MD 52 (Minden-Deutz) type trucks, can be analysed but the pre- and post-processor have a general form. 相似文献
《Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility》2012,50(2):107-119
The following paper describes a general conception and realization of a computer package to predict some aspects of dynamic behaviour of railway vehicles. The package consists of three parts, an interactive pre-processor, the analysis program and an interactive post-processor. MATLAB was used as environment for the realization of the package. In recent versions only passenger vehicles, which have a MD 52 (Minden-Deutz) type trucks, can be analysed but the pre- and post-processor have a general form. 相似文献
文章基于混合动力汽车的整车参数,结合其动力性和经济性要求,对动力系统主要元件进行了型号选择与参数匹配.在AVL CRUISE软件环境中搭建整车模型,进行信号连接,搭建控制策略.建立满负荷加速测试,稳态行驶测试,爬坡度测试,循环工况测试共四个计算任务,比照前期设定的期望达到的目标进行简单地分析,证明了文章所设计的混联式混... 相似文献
用于交通事故分析的汽车碰撞计算机模拟方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
应用非线性有限元结构分析软件对多种轿车正面碰撞的过程进行了计算机模拟.给出位移、速度、加速度、能量等特征参数的基本规律.指出汽车正面碰撞的变形与速度的关系为抛物线方程和轿车的分类方法,并给出其实用方程.将其应用于交通事故分析,为交通事故责任认定提供了理论依据. 相似文献