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Many highway agencies are evaluating the impacts of long combination vehicles on two-lane freeway operations. A critical element of this evaluation is the impact of the large trucks on the passing sight distances required for safe overtakes. This paper reviews recent analyses of the passing maneuver and highlights a number of inconsistencies in these approaches. The paper then introduces a modified model that better reflects the characteristics of the passing maneuver and illustrates the effects of different assumptions about acceleration, deceleration, and vehicle clearances on passing sight distance requirements. The paper concludes with some passing sight distance recommendations for different design speeds and overtaken vehicle lengths. The introduction of long combination vehicles on two-lane roads would increase passing sight distances for design and marking by substantial amounts.  相似文献   

Portable changeable message signs (PCMSs) have been employed in highway work zones as a temporary traffic control device for decades in the United States. Results of previous research showed that the traditional text-based PCMS had several limitations, such as having a short range of legibility and being difficult to read by elderly and non-English-speaking drivers. A few simulation studies indicated that using graphic-aided PCMSs could likely overcome these limitations. This paper presents the results of field experiments that were conducted to determine the effectiveness of graphic-aided PCMS in reducing vehicle speeds in the upstream of highway work zones. In field experiment Phase I, a full-matrix PCMS was programmed to display a work zone graphic and a flagger graphic, which were similar to the W21-1 sign and W20-7 sign, respectively, specified by the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. In field experiment Phase II, the PCMS was programmed to display two alternative work zone graphics along with the original work zone graphic. 1115 and 1600 valid vehicle speed data were collected during field experiments Phase I and Phase II, respectively. The results of data analysis suggested that graphic-aided PCMSs reduced mean vehicle speeds between 13% and 17% in the upstream of a work zone. This study provided valuable knowledge to government agencies and the transportation industry on how to regulate and implement graphic-aided PCMS in highway work zones.  相似文献   

The mathematical properties of a new vertical curve that consists of a transition curve (cubic polynomial), a parabolic curve, and another transition curve have been presented in a companion paper. The present paper addresses the sight distance characteristics of this new curve, called transitioned vertical curve. The minimum sight distance and the required curve length are analytically derived for both crest and sag curves, considering various cases related to the minimum sight distance and the lengths of transition and parabolic curves. Using the developed analytical models, example design graphs are established for the length requirements of the transitioned vertical curve based on the upper range of stopping sight distance presented by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. The transitioned vertical curve, which resembles the spiraled horizontal curve commonly used in practice, represents an alternative to the simple vertical curve especially for sharp vertical alignments.  相似文献   

为了研究同时具有超大落差、长距离和变径的山区复杂地形管道通球技术方法,分析了通球中发生卡球、窜漏和爆管等主要风险种类及其危害性,建立了清管器在下坡段管道内运动和受力模型,设计了变径清管器并进行了模拟通球试验,制定了以水推动变径清管器列车运行、“气体弹簧”缓冲、背压减速、清管器跟踪等多种措施的通球方案。实践表明:直板式聚氨酯钢丝刷变径清管器设计满足通球要求,“气体弹簧”是控制清管器下坡球速防止弥合水击的有效措施,为类似管道的通球操作及投产运行提供了参考。  相似文献   

The current AASHTO policy for sight distance at stop-controlled intersections is based on a model of the acceleration performance of a minor-road vehicle turning left or right onto a major road and the deceleration performance of the following major-road vehicle. This paper develops and quantifies an alternative intersection sight distance model based on gap acceptance. The paper describes field studies that were performed to determine the critical gaps appropriate for use in sight distance design. It is recommended that the sight distance along the major road for a passenger car at a stop-controlled intersection be based on a distance equal to 7.5 s of travel time at the design speed of the major road. Longer sight distances are recommended for minor-road approaches that have sufficient truck volumes to warrant consideration of a truck as the design vehicle. ©  相似文献   

Analyzing the distance visible to a driver on the highway is important for traffic safety, especially in maneuvers such as emergency stops, when passing another vehicle or when vehicles cross at intersections. This analysis is necessary not only in the design phase of highways, but also when they are in service. For its use in this last phase, a procedure supported by a Geographic Information System (GIS) has been implemented that determines the highway distances visible to the driver. The use of a GIS allows the sight distance analysis to be integrated with other analyses related to traffic safety, such as crash and design consistency analyses. In this way, more complete analyses could be made and costs shared. Additionally, with the procedure proposed it is possible to use data regarding the trajectory of a vehicle obtained on a highway with a Global Positioning System (GPS) device. This application is very useful when highway design data are not available. The procedure developed and its application in a case study are presented in this article.  相似文献   

The two models FOTO (Forecasting of Traffic Objects) and ASDA (Automatische Staudynamikanalyse: Automatic Tracking of Moving Traffic Jams) for the automatic recognition and tracking of congested spatial–temporal traffic flow patterns on freeways are presented. The models are based on a spatial–temporal traffic phase classification made in the three-phase traffic theory by Kerner. In this traffic theory, in congested traffic two different phases are distinguished: “wide moving jam” and “synchronized flow”. The model FOTO is devoted to the identification of traffic phases and to the tracking of synchronized flow. The model ASDA is devoted to the tracking of the propagation of moving jams. The general approach and the different extensions of the models FOTO and ASDA are explained in detail. It is stressed that the models FOTO and ASDA perform without any validation of model parameters in different environmental and traffic conditions. Results of the online application of the models FOTO and ASDA at the TCC (Traffic Control Center) of Hessen near Frankfurt (Germany) are presented and evaluated.  相似文献   

The influence of traffic calming measures on the speed of unimpeded vehicles has been investigated by evaluating differences in speed profiles obtained from various combinations of traffic calming measures. A case study has been conducted in the City of York (UK) focusing on traffic calming measures such as speed humps (flat-topped and round topped), speed cushions and chicanes implemented in sequence. Vehicles' passing times were simultaneously recorded at 16 points along each traffic calmed link. From these data a speed profile for each individual vehicle could be derived. An empirical model was developed using multiple regression analysis techniques based on data collected at three calibration sites. Speeds along these links were described as a function of the input speed, the type of measure and the distance between measures. The speed profile model was shown to be a good representation for the data from the calibration sites. It efficiently predicted speeds of unimpeded vehicles over a given combination of traffic calming measures in sequence. The validation process, based on data collected at three validation sites, also indicated that the model provided a good representation of the observed profiles at these sites, with the exception of the prediction of the effects of the chicanes on speeds. This type of measure was shown to produce diverse impacts on speeds which depended on the detailed design. While the model is a useful design tool, recommendations have been made for further enhancement to it.  相似文献   

Proper intersection sight distance can effectively lower the possibility of intersection accidents. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (2011) provide a series of recommended dimensions of intersection sight triangles for uncontrolled and stop/yield‐controlled intersections. However, in reality, although the actual intersection design for unsignalized intersections satisfies the requirements of sight distance and clear sight triangle in American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials' guideline, there are still a large number of crashes occurring at unsignalized intersections for drivers running stop/yield signs or failing to slow down. This paper presents a driving simulator study on pre‐crash at intersections under three intersection field of view (IFOV) conditions. The aim was to explore whether better IFOVs at unsignalized intersections improve their emergent collision avoidance performance under an assumption of valid intersection sight distance design. The experimental results show drivers' ability to identify potential hazards to be significantly affected by their IFOVs. As drivers' IFOV improved, drivers were more likely to choose braking actions to avoid collisions. Better IFOVs were also associated with significant increases in brake time to intersection and significant reductions in deceleration rate and crash rate, thus leading to a lower risk of traffic crash involvement. The results indicate that providing a better IFOV for drivers at intersections should be encouraged in practical applications in order to improve drivers' crash avoidance capabilities. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Traffic parameters can show shifts due to factors such as weather, accidents, and driving characteristics. This study develops a model for predicting traffic speeds under these abrupt changes within regime switching framework. The proposed approach utilizes Hidden Markov, Expectation Maximization, Recursive Least Squares Filtering, and ARIMA methods for an adaptive forecasting method. The method is compared with naive and mean updating linear and nonlinear time series models. The model is fitted and tested extensively using 1993 I-880 loop data from California and January 2014 INRIX data from Virginia. Analysis for number of states, impact of number of states on forecasting, prediction scope, and transferability of the model to different locations are investigated. A 5-state model is found to be providing best results. Developed model is tested for 1-step to 45-step forecasts. The accuracy of predictions are improved until 15-step over nonadaptive and mean adaptive models. Except 1-step predictions, the model is found to be transferable to different locations. Even if the developed model is not retrained on different datasets, it is able to provide better or close results with nonadaptive and adaptive models that are retrained on the corresponding dataset.  相似文献   


Slow‐moving vehicles, including agricultural vehicles, on arterial highways can cause serious delays to other traffic as well as posing an extra safety risk. This paper elaborates on a small‐scale solution for these problems: the passing bay. It investigates the impacts of a passing bay on the total delay for other motorized vehicles, the number of passing manoeuvres and hindered vehicles, and the mean delay per hindered vehicle. The latter is also considered to be an indicator for traffic safety. The calculations are performed for two characteristic trips with a slow‐moving vehicle. The passing bay is an effective solution to reducing delays on arterial highways when two‐way hourly volumes exceed 600–1000 vehicles. The effects depend on the trip length and speed of the slow‐moving vehicle, and on the passing sight distance limitations of the road. A distance of 2–4?km between the passing bays seems an acceptable compromise between the reduction of delay for other motorized vehicles and the extra discomfort and delay for drivers of slow‐moving vehicles. This result also shows that passing bays are not effective in regions where slow‐moving vehicles mainly make trips shorter than this distance.  相似文献   

目前,在自动驾驶车辆技术中已实现量产的功能主要分布于L0-L2 (SAE标准)阶段,其中主要功能以前向碰撞预警(FCW)、车道偏离预警(LDW)、自适应巡航(ACC)以及紧急制动(AEB)等为主;针对前向碰撞预警(FCW)功能技术,目前的测试方法主要依据美国公路交通安全管理局(NHTSA)、欧盟(EU)以及国际标准化组织(ISO)制定的《FORWARD COLLISION WARNING SYSTEM CONFIRMATIONG TEST》、《ISO15623 Transport information and control systems-Forward vehicle collision warning systems-Performance Requirements and Test Procedures》等相关标准;而类似标准在设置TTC规避阈值时间(即安全碰撞时间)均设置为固定值,没有依据不同类型车辆设相关加权系数。本文根据不同车型的多次FCW试验发现,为了保证试验安全,汽车质量和TTC存在一定的相关性。本文依据不同类型车辆制动试验数据计算出相关系数,从而界定了安全的TTC阈值。  相似文献   

This research presents the application of intelligent computing models in Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM). Firstly, multi-agent system in grid computing environment is applied to deal with the problem of ATFM synchronization. The developed system consists of software agents, which are implemented in a Computational Grid platform for congestions identification, conflicts resolution and agreements negotiation among the participating airports. A metric criterion, called Agent’s Balancing Standard (ABS), is used as a basic index to measure the effectiveness of reducing both the amount of communication among agents and the delay of flights. Secondly, a brief discussion about the Meta-Level Control model is introduced in ATFM issues to improve the efficiency of communication among the agents. The system is developed to analyze the traffic flow information received, identify its importance and process it in the most adequate order.  相似文献   

合理的通风设计是降低隧道长距离穿越煤系地层时所面临的严峻瓦斯灾害风险的重要措施。文章针对成贵高铁老房子隧道长距离穿越高瓦斯地层时的通风难题,设计出一套随施工进度变化可进行调整的先压入后巷道式的六阶段通风方案,并采用Fluent软件模拟分析,最后以实际监测结果进行验证。结果表明,第四阶段通风效果最差,为通风最不利工况,该阶段隧道内瓦斯浓度均未超过0.5%的限值,其它阶段隧道内风流中最大瓦斯浓度为0.08%,所有指标均满足规范的要求。由此可知,六阶段通风方案通风效果良好,可为类似工程设计和施工提供良好的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

The family of macroscopic node models which comply to a set of basic requirements is presented and analysed. Such models are required in macro-, mesoscopic traffic flow models, including dynamic network loading models for dynamic traffic assignment. Based on the behaviour of drivers approaching and passing through intersections, the model family is presented. The headway and the turn delay of vehicles are key variables. Having demand and supply as input creates a natural connection to macroscopic link models. Properties like the invariance principle and the conservation of turning fractions are satisfied. The inherent non-uniqueness is analysed by providing the complete set of feasible solutions. The node models proposed by Tampère et al. (2011), Flötteröd and Rohde (2011) and Gibb (2011) are members of the family. Furthermore, two new models are added to the family. Solution methods for all family members are presented, as well as a qualitative and quantitative comparison. Finally, an outlook for the future development of empirically verified models is given.  相似文献   

The US Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) methodology is used in Spain to evaluate traffic operation and quality of service. The effect of passing manoeuvre on two‐lane highway operational performance is considered through adjustment factors to average travel speeds and percent time spent following. The procedure is largely based on simulations in TWOPAS and passing behaviours observed during US calibrations in the 1970s. It is not clear whether US driving behaviour and vehicles' performance are comparable with Spanish conditions. The objective of this research is to adapt the HCM 2010 methodology to Spanish driver behaviour, for base conditions (i.e. no passing restrictions). To do so, TWOPAS was calibrated and validated based on current Spanish passing field data. The calibration used a genetic algorithm. The case study included an ideal two‐lane highway with varying directional traffic flow rate, directional split and percentage of trucks. The updated methodology for base conditions is simpler than the current HCM 2010 and does not rely on interpolation from tables. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Brooker  Peter 《Transportation》2004,31(1):1-20
The object is to identify characteristics of feasible systems for UK – and European – Air Traffic Management (ATM) in the coming decades. ATM here covers Air Traffic Control (ATC) provision plus wider issues, such as airspace design. The analytical focus is on the financial decision-making processes and constraints that will act to shape this future system. R&D work into control workload and planning based on an "ATM core concept" are proposed as likely to offer the best way forward.  相似文献   

Point-to-point (P2P) speed enforcement is a relatively new approach to traffic law enforcement. Its technology allows vehicles whose average speed exceeds the speed limit over the controlled section to be fined. It therefore encourages compliance over distances longer than those where spot enforcement policies have been in place.In this paper, a procedure for consistently setting speed limits with such enforcement systems is proposed. Such a method has been applied to design the speed limits on two motorways in the district of Naples, Italy, where P2P enforcement systems became operational in 2009 and 2010. The speed limits, which were set using the Italian geometric design standard to assess vehicle stability and stopping sight distance, have been compared with those provided by using well-known international standards.The impact of the newly designed speed limits and of the P2P enforcement system on drivers’ speeding behaviour has been quantified for each highway section and vehicle type. In fact, accurate measurements of the average travel speeds of each vehicle crossing the enforced sections, before and after the activation of the system, were available. The migration from the old speed limits with spot speed enforcement to the new approach resulted in a notable increase in drivers’ compliance to the speed limits with a remarkable decrease in both the average of individual speeds and in their standard deviation.In addition, the analysis of 3 years of data shows that a gradual adaptation of drivers’ behaviour to the system took place. In particular, a decreasing compliance to the speed limits points to a non-optimal system management. Finally, the results of a revealed preference survey allowed us to make a behavioural interpretation regarding the significantly different impacts measured on the two motorways.  相似文献   

文章通过对传统的基于停车视距和基于交通标志视认距离的雾天高速公路限速模型的分析,提出了考虑比较全面的组合限速模型,并采用保守分析与乐观分析方法对各种限速模型的计算结果进行比较,论证各种限速模型的特点和适用条件,同时还提出了不同能见度条件下的高速公路限速值和管理措施,为高速公路雾天行车安全管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The increasing span of control of Air Traffic Control enterprise automation (e.g. Flight Schedule Monitor, Departure Flow Management), along with lean-processes and pay-for-performance business models, has placed increased emphasis on operator training time and error rates. There are two traditional approaches to the design of human–computer interaction (HCI) to minimize training time and reduce error rates: (1) experimental user testing provides the most accurate assessment of training time and error rates, but occurs too late in the development cycle and is cost prohibitive, (2) manual review methods (e.g. cognitive walkthrough) can be used earlier in the development cycle, but suffer from poor accuracy and poor inter-rater reliability. Recent development of “affordable” human performance models provide the basis for the automation of task analysis and HCI design to obtain low cost, accurate, estimates of training time and error rates early in the development cycle.This paper describes a usability/HCI analysis tool that this intended for use by design engineers in the course of their software engineering duties. The tool computes estimates of trials-to-mastery (i.e. time to competence for training) and the probability of failure-to-complete for each task. The HCI required to complete a task on the automation under development is entered into the web-based tool via a form. Assessments of the salience of visual cues to prompt operator actions for the proposed design are used to compute training time and error rates. The web-based tool enables designers in multiple locations to review and contribute to the design. An example analysis is provided along with a discussion of the limitations of the tool and directions for future research.  相似文献   

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