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杂货船的装载问题属于典型的三维装箱问题,在分析杂货船装载问题的特点的基础上,以船舱空间利用率最大为目标,建立杂货船装载问题的数学模型。针对模型特点,提出一种结合启发式算法和遗传算法的混合遗传算法,设计一种新的三空间划分方法,并对此算法进行仿真试验验证。以文献[3]的一组经典测试数据为实例,经与同类装箱问题中的同类型算法进行对比分析,发现空间利用率达到了92.94%,与其他算法的结果相比具有明显的优势,验证了优化算法的有效性。  相似文献   

This paper presents the joint optimization of signal setting parameters and dynamic user equilibrium (DUE) traffic assignment for the congested urban road network. The simulation-based approach is employed to obtain the DUE condition for the case of multiple-origin multiple-destination traffic flows. The dynamic traffic assignment simulation program (DTASP), developed in C language is used to assign the traffic dynamically on the road network, whereas method of successive averages (MSA) is modified and used to arrive at the DUE condition. The artificial intelligence technique of genetic algorithms (GAs) is applied to obtain the optimal signal setting parameters and path flow distribution factor for DUE condition. The methodology developed in such a way that joint optimization of signal setting parameters with DUE is obtained. The proposed method is applied to the real network data of Fort Area of Mumbai city comprising of 17 nodes and 56 unidirectional links with 72 Origin–Destination pairs, where all the 17 nodes are signalized intersections. The traffic flow condition for the optimized signal setting parameters is considerably improved compared to the existing signal settings. The results prove that the GA is an effective technique to solve the joint optimization problem for the real network data.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the container rerouting due to a disruption, aims at making the optimal container flow recovery plan for the affected liner shipping company. First, we make the initial effort to bring up with a basic framework of disruption management for liner shipping. Second, we present a compact integer linear programming model for addressing the container rerouting problem under the proposed framework in a hub-and-spoke liner shipping network, based on a given recovery vessel schedule that determines to omit a port of call. Other shipping companies’ services and other modes (roadway, railway, and airline) as candidate alternative means to transport the miss-connected containers are also incorporated in the proposed model. The container flow recovery plan would select the optimal alternative paths for the miss-connected containers balancing the trade-off between container transport costs and delivery delay penalty costs. Finally, a case study from a global liner shipping company is investigated and the computational results indicate the model can be solved effectively and efficiently for the real-scale problem. Thus, the proposed approach in this paper can supply real-time decision support tool for the liner shipping operators on handling the process of container flow recovery.  相似文献   

倪学伟 《中国海事》2011,(5):25-27,31
沿海、内河货物运输合同关系,在法律适用方面,以《合同法》和《民法通则》为基本标尺,以《国内水路货物运输规则》为基本规范。相关货运合同的签订,遵循《合同法》规定的要约与承诺方式,运单是运输合同的证明和承运人已经接收货物的收据。未取得《水路运输许可证》的水运企业所签的沿海、内河货物运输合同,应依法认定为有效合同,但这不影响水运行政主管机关对有关承运人追究行政责任。  相似文献   

一种求解结构可靠度的新型计算方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈永春  俞晓正 《船舶力学》2007,11(4):609-614
提出了一种求解结构可靠度的软计算方法,该方法综合了人工神经网络的柔软性和遗传算法的全局性及并行快速性的优点.利用人工神经网络的柔软性,可以生成任意形状的函数,因而可以更加贴切地拟合功能函数;由于遗传算法具有并行处理能力,可以对多组样本同时进行处理,因此收敛速度加快.除此之外,文中的遗传算法还使用了小生境共享技术,有效地克服了陷入局部解的缺陷.并根据上述方法研制了结构可靠度分析的电算程序,算例计算表明,计算结果具有很高的精度,该算法为结构可靠度研究提供了一种新的思路和实现路径.  相似文献   

The genetic algorithm, known as GA, is used to optimize engine room structure, not only under static constraints, but also under dynamic constraints. A penalty function method is used to handle the complicated constraint conditions based on the numerical results of dynamic and static analyses. There are several ways to take the dynamic effect into account in the optimum design of ship structure. First, the inequality constraint condition is applied to separate the natural frequency and the exciting frequency. Second, generalized design variables are introduced in order to transfer not only the dynamic but also the static equilibrium equations into the equality constraints, resulting in the optimal structural design without the need to solve these equilibrium equations. Third, the magnitudes of the acceleration and displacement are constrained instead of applying the natural frequency constraint condition. In order to achieve better convergency in the optimization with least resources, several operators and methods are considered and then introduced into the structural design of the engine room. The new operator, called either objective elitism or fitness elitism, is introduced to improve the efficiency of the method. The effect of boundary mutation and nonuniform mutation on the performance of the GA is examined. Not only binary representation but also floating-point representation are used to express the design gene in the GA. Fuzzy theory is applied in the GA to handle the uncertainty of the constraint conditions. Two ways of solving fuzzy optimization are investigated in order to obtain a fuzzy solution and a crisp solution. Received: October 2, 2000 / Accepted: November 30, 2000  相似文献   

多目标遗传算法在水面船舶快速性优化设计中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在船舶设计中,船、机、桨的匹配问题一直是设计人员最关注的问题之一.快速性良好的船舶应使得船、主机和螺旋桨之间的性能综合匹配.通过采用改进的非支配解排序的多目标遗传算法,讨论了船舶概念设计阶段快速性优化问题.以推进系统综合效率和排水量为优化目标,考虑了混合变量的多目标优化问题.文中给出了载重量为35000t油船的快速性优化设计例子.结果表明,多目标遗传算法能够快捷搜索到全局最优解.  相似文献   

Secure storage yard is one of the optimal core goals of container transportation;thus,making the necessary storage arrangements has become the most crucial part of the container terminal management systems(CTMS).This paper investigates a random hybrid stacking algorithm(RHSA) for outbound containers that randomly enter the yard.In the first stage of RHSA,the distribution among blocks was analyzed with respect to the utilization ratio.In the second stage,the optimization of bay configuration was carried out by using the hybrid genetic algorithm.Moreover,an experiment was performed to test the RHSA.The results show that the explored algorithm is useful to increase the efficiency.  相似文献   

一种适用于船舶时域运动快速计算的混合方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在时域内建立Rankine源法和时域Green函数法互相匹配的数学模型,控制面上的解既满足内部自由面条件,又满足远方辐射条件。由匹配数学模型可知只有控制面涉及到时域Green函数且与主尺度满足比列关系,因此不需每次都制表插值,实现了时域内船舶运动快速计算。将文中方法应用于零航速船舶瞬时运动数值计算,结果表明该方法具有良好的精确性、稳定性、高效性和普适性。  相似文献   

多学科设计优化:载人潜水器设计的一种新工具   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
刘蔚  崔维成 《船舶力学》2004,8(6):95-112
多学科优化作为一种新的设计方法,已经成功地应用在很多领域,如飞机制造,太空船,汽车制造等.传统的载人潜水器设计并不是一种最优的设计方法,并且在载人潜水器的设计过程中所要涉及多种技术学科.将多学科优化方法引进载人潜水器的设计,从而可以实现真正的设计优化.本文介绍了多学科优化的基本理论和方法,整体构架,并介绍了探索设计空间的算法.在对多学科优化设计方法理解的基础上,提出了在载人潜水器设计中如何应用的初步考虑.  相似文献   

Authority intervention in the public transport sector has a long history and has led to a growing corps of legal texts in European countries. These texts are often divergent, if not incompatible. This was no problem until the rather recent internationalization of the sector. With this internationalization, the European Commission decided to address this issue. This chapter describes what has led to the appearance of this new Regulation and the main steps on the 10-year long road that led to the adoption of the new Regulation. The chapter also formulates some comments on the results reached.  相似文献   

分析武器系统的安全可靠性与费用的关系,提出了一个两目标优化问题的数学模型。并用遗传算法对其求解,为进行武器系统的安全优化设计得出了基于费用的多个备选方案。遗传算法设计中采用了性别编码、保留Pareto最优解、共享函数的处理,很好地解决了此两目标优化问题。最后给出的应用实例,也充分说明了此方法的可行性。  相似文献   

基于并行策略遗传算法对双体无人艇性能进行综合优化分析.首先建立以快速性、操纵性、抗倾覆性和耐波性为目标函数的综合优化数学模型,并使用响应面拟合的方法建立了3种不同的阻力数据库,通过遗传算法对其进行优化分析选出一组最适合本文的阻力数据库.在此基础上选取5个设计变量作为敏感变量进行讨论,其中最为敏感的2个变量将进行并行策略...  相似文献   

Modern ports need to be inserted in an efficient network in order to exploit all their potential, positively affecting both the efficiency of the local markets and the external costs of the served industries. Moreover, the role of the ports within the whole supply chain is affected by the location and the organization of intermediate facilities—such as logistics parks or inland ports—that heavily influence both the effectiveness of the logistics corridors and the externalities generated by the transport industry. New and adequate infrastructures can then reduce congestions, pollution, and accidents smoothing the whole logistics chains. The proposed study aims at discussing the effects in terms of rail share of the different planned interventions that are aimed at increasing the rail capacity of the network under investigation. In order to achieve this goal, a network optimization model has been solved by the optimizer solver of a spreadsheet. Outcomes can be used in order to improve current transport policies that might foster a more efficient and less impacting hinterland transport solution.  相似文献   

以中型随车起重机折叠臂架结构为研究对象,为了降低此结构中液压缸最大受力和液压油波动对整机性能的影响,依据工作装置的工作原理,建立铰点优化数学模型,以液压缸受力最小为优化目标,各个铰点间长度为设计变量,在MATLAB中采用遗传算法对折叠臂架铰点位置进行优化设计,从优化结果可以看出,液压缸最大受力值明显减小,同时在整个工作过程中受力曲线较优化前曲线趋势明显变缓,液压油波动情况减弱,对液压缸安全性、稳定性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

李纳  陈明  刘飞  林焰  谌志新 《船舶工程》2012,34(4):18-20
利用神经网络的非线性拟合能力,建立了基于广义回归神经网络的"船型要素-船体阻力"数学模型,提高了模型的拟合精度。同时结合遗传算法的非线性寻优能力,利用改进的遗传算法完成了船型要素的优化设计。优化结果可以作为玻璃钢渔船初步设计的技术参考。  相似文献   

Based on Hilbert space theory, an infinite-dimensional optimization method to find the optimal pitch distribution of marine propellers was developed. Thereby, the three-dimensional effect of induced velocity could effectively be controlled in an optimal way; i.e., an investigation was carried out to learn whether the present method is applicable to the design of marine propellers, especially pitch distributions, by maximizing the propeller efficiency functional. In addition, with the help of Hilbert space theory, it was successfully shown that the optimization method developed has a unique mathematical solution. In this work, only the pitch distribution was optimized, while other parameters such as the camber and thickness of the trial propeller remained as in the original. With a numerical study, it is shown that the present optimization method gives an optimal pitch distribution, the open-water characteristic curve being superior to the original curve. Received: August 24, 2000 / Accepted: July 16, 2001  相似文献   

  目的  为了实现安全、轻量化的钻井船结构设计,通常需要进行结构优化。  方法  构建一个基于ISIGHT平台和有限元法的结构优化平台。建立深水钻井船的参数化模型,将板厚和加强筋尺寸视作离散变量,在搭建的优化平台上进行横向结构优化。  结果  经过结构优化后,深水钻井船横向构件的结构重量可降低11%。  结论  研究表明,对深水钻井船进行强框架结构优化设计可有效减轻结构重量。  相似文献   

Dual cycling is an operation technique whereby quay cranes perform loading and unloading operations simultaneously in the same ship bay. In this article, a mixed-integer programming model for quay crane dual-cycling scheduling is developed. The model considers the stowage plan of outbound containers and the operation sequence of quay cranes. To solve the model, a heuristic method, called bi-level genetic algorithm, is designed. Meanwhile, a simulation optimization method integrating the intelligent decision mechanism of the optimization algorithm and evaluation function of simulation model is proposed. Numerical experiments indicate that dual cycling can reduce the operation time of quay cranes compared to the method of scheduling loading and unloading separately. Moreover, the model and algorithms developed in this article can tackle quay crane dual-cycling problem efficiently.  相似文献   

Numerical uncertainty due to discretization on the Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) Finite Element method is investigated in the study. The paper quantifies uncertainty using two ITTC recommended methods, and also applies a constant Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) number based discretization approach, instead of performing the independent grid and time-based discretization recommended by ITTC. As a case study, water entry of a flat bottom rigid and flexible plate is simulated considering various entry velocities. The total slamming loads and structural responses on both the rigid and elastic bottom plates are predicted and validated against available experimental data. Results indicate that numerical errors due to discretization differ in the various parameters and from case to case. They do affect the analysis of slamming loads and associated structural responses, and the hydroelasticity analysis as well. The hydroelasticity effects on the slamming force generally increase as the entry velocity increases, however, the quantitative results differ much for models with different grids. For example, when the hydroelasticity effect is estimated using the finer model, the deviation of the total slamming force on the elastic plate relative to the one on the rigid body are 56%, 57%, and 63% respectively for the three constant entry velocities, whereas the estimations are −27%, −4% and 3% with the coarser model. The study concludes that the uncertainty due to discretization in ALE is not just case-specific, but also parameter specific. The uncertainty quantification procedures with a constant CFL number based refinement are recommended to investigate the uncertainty comparing to the individual grid and time step study, in particular for the ALE solution where the time step is adjusted automatically as the grid changes. Thus, consideration should be given to updating the ITTC guidelines to incorporate the constant CFL based discretization approach.  相似文献   

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