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When we evaluate the performance reliability of a network, it is necessary to describe user's behaviour in a partially degraded network. This paper shows that the Stochastic User Equilibrium (SUE) model assuming user's route choice behaviour under uncertain network conditions can be incorporated in the performance reliability model. The effects of providing information are analyzed using the SUE model with two different groups of route choice; informed drivers and non informed drivers. It is found that providing information generally increases network performance reliability. This depends, however, on the probability distribution of the network states.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of assessing the reliability of transport networks in general there is a paucity of suitable techniques. In part this is due to the fact that network performance depends both on the state of the infrastructure and on the behaviour of network users, where user behaviour is governed by expectations about the state of the network. An approach based on game theory is proposed whereby the performance of the network is estimated for the case where network users are extremely pessimistic about the state of the network. Where the routes are prespecified and route utilities depend only on exogenously given scenarios, the estimation problem may be formulated as a linear program. A reformulation of the problem as a non-linear program allows the impact of the degree of user pessimism on expected network utility to be studied. The problems of implementing the method for large networks with multiple origins and destinations is discussed and an algorithm is proposed.  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt to develop a generic simulation‐based approach to assess transit service reliability, taking into account interaction between network performance and passengers' route choice behaviour. Three types of reliability, say, system wide travel time reliability, schedule reliability and direct boarding waiting‐time reliability are defined from perspectives of the community or transit administration, the operator and passengers. A Monte Carlo simulation approach with a stochastic user equilibrium transit assignment model embedded is proposed to quantify these three reliability measures of transit service. A simple transit network with a bus rapid transit (BRT) corridor is analysed as a case study where the impacts of BRT components on transit service reliability are evaluated preliminarily.  相似文献   

Travel time, travel time reliability and monetary cost have been empirically identified as the most important criteria influencing route choice behaviour. We concentrate on travel time and travel time reliability and review two prominent user equilibrium models incorporating these two factors. We discuss some shortcomings of these models and propose alternative bi-objective user equilibrium models that overcome the shortcomings. Finally, based on the observation that both models use standard deviation of travel time within their measure of travel time reliability, we propose a general travel time reliability bi-objective user equilibrium model. We prove that this model encompasses those discussed previously and hence forms a general framework for the study of reliability related user equilibrium. We demonstrate and validate our concepts on a small three-link example.  相似文献   

This paper presents a transit network optimization method, in which travel time reliability on road is considered. A robust optimization model, taking into account the stochastic travel time, is formulated to satisfy the demand of passengers and provide reliable transit service. The optimization model aims to maximize the efficiency of passenger trips in the optimized transit network. Tabu search algorithm is defined and implemented to solve the problem. Then, transit network optimization method proposed in this paper is tested with two numerical examples: a simple route and a medium-size network. The results show the proposed method can effectively improve the reliability of a transit network and reduce the travel time of passengers in general.  相似文献   

This paper is the second of a pair of papers discussing two main themes concerning dense network modelling. These themes are: (1) the changing nature of traffic management technology and the underlying objectives behind traffic management practice, and (2) the use of measures of network reliability in models, especially as an element of the evaluation of alternative network configurations. This paper develops and applies the second theme, the use of network reliability concepts in the evaluation of traffic networks, through consideration of variations in travel times, distinction between local street and arterial road networks, and the definition and application of a set of reliability indices that may be used to study different trip movements in a network. It indicates how these indices may be used in appraising different traffic management plans for a dense network of local streets and arterial roads, using a case study application.  相似文献   

Traditionally, an assessment of transport network vulnerability is a computationally intensive operation. This article proposes a sensitivity analysis-based approach to improve computational efficiency and allow for large-scale applications of road network vulnerability analysis. Various vulnerability measures can be used with the proposed method. For illustrative purposes, this article adopts the relative accessibility index (AI), which follows the Hansen integral index, as the network vulnerability measure for evaluating the socio-economic effects of link (or road segment) capacity degradation or closure. Critical links are ranked according to the differences in the AIs between normal and degraded networks. The proposed method only requires a single computation of the network equilibrium problem. The proposed technique significantly reduces computational burden and memory storage requirements compared with the traditional approach. The road networks of the Sioux Falls city and the Bangkok metropolitan area are used to demonstrate the applicability and efficiency of the proposed method. Network manager(s) or transport planner(s) can use this approach as a decision support tool for identifying critical links in road networks. By improving these critical links or constructing new bypass roads (or parallel paths) to increase capacity redundancy, the overall vulnerability of the networks can be reduced.  相似文献   

This paper considers the formative steps in the development of an expert system for route selection in transport networks. It discusses the application of knowledge-based system (KBS) technology to the production of an expert system to provide route guidance information for some groups of urban travellers. There is a focus on the possibilities for applying a ‘fifth generation’ programming language, such as PROLOG, to the solution of network path selection problems, and the maintenance of a dynamic network database. There are significant arguments both for and against the use of the fifth generation languages, and the alternatives are discussed in speculative terms, on the basis of trials and experiments with PROLOG. The paper develops the specifications for a route guidance KBS for urban road travel, noting that one particular concern is that of providing the most suitable advice to a given traveller, rather than the system-wide rating of ‘best’ advice. Driver attitudes, behaviour, preferences, and vehicle characteristics differ widely, and the degree of satisfaction with any advice provided would depend largely on how closely the expert system could match the preferences of the individual traveller. Thus the system would need to gauge the characteristics of the user as well as those of the network under consideration. Further, prototype route guidance KBS are probably better directed at some clearly defined groups of urban travellers, such as commercial vehicle operations, rather than as community-wide systems.  相似文献   

Rosenthal has shown that a user-optimized transportation network is equivalent to a pure Strategy Nash equilibrium when the network flows are discrete. Noting that most network equilibrium theorists take flows to be continuous, we extend this result to the nondiscrete case. We prove that a continuous flow, user-optimized network is a pure-strategy Nash equilibrium in a game with a continuum of pure strategies. Our “game”, however, differs from Rosenthal's in its players, strategies, and payoffs. For instance, the players in our model are not the motorists, but the origin-destination pairs. Some possible applications and extensions of our results are discussed.  相似文献   

This study developed a methodology to model the passenger flow stochastic assignment in urban railway network (URN) with the considerations of risk attitude. Through the network augmentation technique, the urban railway system is represented by an augmented network in which the common traffic assignment method can be used directly similar to a generalized network form. Using the analysis of different cases including deterministic travel state, emergent event, peak travel, and completely stochastic state, we developed a stochastic equilibrium formulation to capture these stochastic considerations and give effects of risk aversion level on the URN performance, the passenger flow at transfer stations through numerical studies. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The continuous network design problem (CNDP) is known to be difficult to solve due to the intrinsic properties of non‐convexity and nonlinearity. Such kinds of CNDP can be formulated as a bi‐level programme, in which the upper level represents the designer's decisions and the lower level the travellers' responses. Formulations of this kind can be classified as either Stackelberg approaches or Nash ones according to the relationship between the upper level and the lower level parts. This paper formulates the CNDP for road expansion based on Stackelberg game where leader and follower exist, and allows for variety of travellers' behaviour in choosing their routes. In order to solve the problem by the Stackelberg approach, we need a relation between link flows and design parameters. For this purpose, we use a logit route choice model, which provides this in an explicit closed‐form function. This model is applied to two example road networks to test and briefly compare the results between the Stackelberg and Nash approaches to explore the differences between them.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of motorway circulation under congested traffic conditions, with the aim of arriving at a measurement of the reliability of the motorway transport system. The author suggests a model of the speed process on a motorway lane under conditions of congestion, which was tested experimentally employing a great number of data collected on two motorways, varying considerably in terms of environmental and traffic conditions. It is shown that the relationships between the parameters of this process and the traffic density define in sufficiently complete fashion the behaviour of the motorway transport system under conditions of congestion. Using this speed process model, a simulation procedure was developed which permits calculation of the reliability of a traffic stream. Finally a method was determined for calculating the reliability in real time, which can be usefully employed in motorway traffic control.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the local and global impact of speed limits by considering road users’ non-obedient behavior in speed selection. Given a link-specific speed limit scheme, road users will take into account the subjective travel time cost, the perceived crash risk and the perceived ticket risk as determinant factors for their actual speed choice on each link. Homogeneous travelers’ perceived crash risk is positively related to their driving speed. When travelers are heterogeneous, the perceived crash risk is class-specific: different user classes interact with each other and choose their own optimal speed, resulting in a Nash equilibrium speed pattern. With the speed choices on particular roads, travelers make route choices, resulting in user equilibrium in a general network. An algorithm is proposed to solve the user equilibrium problem with heterogeneous users under link-specific speed limits. The models and algorithms are illustrated with numerical examples.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a dual-time-scale formulation of dynamic user equilibrium (DUE) with demand evolution. Our formulation belongs to the problem class that Pang and Stewart (2008) refer to as differential variational inequalities. It combines the within-day time scale for which route and departure time choices fluctuate in continuous time with the day-to-day time scale for which demand evolves in discrete time steps. Our formulation is consistent with the often told story that drivers adjust their travel demands at the end of every day based on their congestion experience during one or more previous days. We show that analysis of the within-day assignment model is tremendously simplified by expressing dynamic user equilibrium as a differential variational inequality. We also show there is a class of day-to-day demand growth models that allow the dual-time-scale formulation to be decomposed by time-stepping to yield a sequence of continuous time, single-day, dynamic user equilibrium problems. To solve the single-day DUE problems arising during time-stepping, it is necessary to repeatedly solve a dynamic network loading problem. We observe that the network loading phase of DUE computation generally constitutes a differential algebraic equation (DAE) system, and we show that the DAE system for network loading based on the link delay model (LDM) of Friesz et al. (1993) may be approximated by a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). That system of ODEs, as we demonstrate, may be efficiently solved using traditional numerical methods for such problems. To compute an actual dynamic user equilibrium, we introduce a continuous time fixed-point algorithm and prove its convergence for effective path delay operators that allow a limited type of nonmonotone path delay. We show that our DUE algorithm is compatible with network loading based on the LDM and the cell transmission model (CTM) due to Daganzo (1995). We provide a numerical example based on the much studied Sioux Falls network.  相似文献   

An understanding of the interaction between individuals’ activities and travel choice behaviour plays an important role in long-term transit service planning. In this paper, an activity-based network equilibrium model for scheduling daily activity-travel patterns (DATPs) in multi-modal transit networks under uncertainty is presented. In the proposed model, the DATP choice problem is transformed into a static traffic assignment problem by constructing a new super-network platform. With the use of the new super-network platform, individuals’ activity and travel choices such as time and space coordination, activity location, activity sequence and duration, and route/mode choices, can be simultaneously considered. In order to capture the stochastic characteristics of different activities, activity utilities are assumed in this study to be time-dependent and stochastic in relation to the activity types. A concept of DATP budget utility is proposed for modelling the uncertainty of activity utility. An efficient solution algorithm without prior enumeration of DATPs is developed for solving the DATP scheduling problem in multi-modal transit networks. Numerical examples are used to illustrate the application of the proposed model and the solution algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the role of transport pricing in network design and describes two facts about flow pattern in a transportation system. The first, illustrated by an example of Braess paradox, is that adding a new link to the network does not necessarily minimize the total travel time. The second is that introducing of appropriate toll pricing may reduce not only the total network time but also the travel time for each individual traveller. It follows with the investigations of different system objectives and different pricing policies (only toll pricing and distance‐based pricing are considered), and shows how they affect the system performance and flow pattern. Lastly, a systematic optimization process is proposed for integrated planning of transport network and pricing policies.  相似文献   

Evaluating the reliability of a transportation network often involves an intensive simulation exercise to randomly generate and evaluate different possible network states. This paper proposes an algorithm to approximate the network reliability which minimizes the use of such simulation procedure. The algorithm will dissect and classify the network states into reliable, unreliable, and un‐determined partitions. By postulating the monotone property of the reliability function, each reliable and/or unreliable state can be used to determine a number of other reliable and/or unreliable states without evaluating all of them with an equilibrium assignment procedure. The paper also proposes the cause‐based failure framework for representing dependent link degradation probabilities. The algorithm and framework proposed are tested with a medium size test network to illustrate the performance of the algorithm.  相似文献   

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