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2.6动态负荷对车辆牵引系统各总成性能的影响及有关措施 上节讨论了工程车辆作业中动态牵引负荷的特性,为了了解这种负荷对车辆牵引性能的影响,有必要讨论车辆的发动机、传动系、行走机构在这种动态负荷条件下的工作状态,如此才能找到提高车辆在动态负荷条件下工作性能的方法.  相似文献   

3.4牵引动力学模型的分析与总结 通过上述机器牵引系统各部件的运动方程式(1.50)~式(1.56)的联立求解,可以分析机器的各种工作状态,计算出相应的动态性能指标.对机器系统来说,输入为发动机的循环供油量△g=△g(h,ωe),或者说是供油拉杆的位移h(PT的压力pe);干扰有工作负荷Fx(t)和影响行走机构滑转性能的诸因素,在取静态滑转曲线计算时,干扰仅为工作负荷Fx(t);系统输出为牵引力fk(t)、行走速度V以及在此基础上计算的牵引功率NT、牵引效率ηT、牵引比油耗gT、牵引小时油耗GT等.  相似文献   

2.5工程车辆动态牵引负荷特性分析[6,18-20] 循环式作业机械的牵引负荷波动剧烈,为车辆动态负荷的典型代表,从机种的普及程度和负荷特性而言,其中又以推土机和装载机为最.因而讨论这2个机种的负荷特点有着重要意义.  相似文献   

工程车辆牵引动力学的研究分为2个阶段,即静态研究阶段和动态研究阶段。静态研究阶段主要集中在20世纪70年代以前,其主要方法是假定车辆为固定不变的负荷和地面条件,保持档位和发动机油门不变研究车辆在此静态条件下的性能以及车辆为达到最高的静态性能而应有的总体参数匹配方法与条件。其工况是静态,其方法是点工况参数匹配,不涉及到参数变化的过程问题。静态工况为一种假定工况,是对实际动态工况的高度抽象与假定,是为了简化问题而采取的一种近似方法。因此,静态性能并不能真实地描述车辆在实际的动态工况下的工作性能,其优化方法——固定参数匹配也不能使车辆在动态工况下达到最佳的性能。因此,自20世纪70年代以后,牵引动力学研究进入动态阶段,即研究车辆实际动态变负荷工况下的真实性能及其为达到最佳性能而应该采取的相关措施。  相似文献   

2.3随机负荷的分解与合成[7,9,10,14,15] 视车辆类型不同,其牵引阻力可以看成为一个平稳或非平稳的随机函数,这一函数由确定的牵引阻力E[F(t)]和一个随机分量F0(t)组成:  相似文献   

2.2动态牵引试验方法[7] 研究机器动态牵引性能的试验方法可分为现场试验、台架模拟试验和负荷车模拟试验.  相似文献   

工程车辆牵引动力学概述及其研究回顾(5)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2.4动态牵引性能的评价指标和计算方法 机器牵引性能的试验结果通常带有很大随机性,对于一个随机函数来说,它的规律性只能通过数值域、时差域和频率域的概率统计特性来进行描述和评价.从实用角度考虑,关心的是机器在动态条件下究竟能输出多大的牵引功率,消耗多少燃料,发挥多大的生产能力等实际问题.这些问题将主要涉及试验结果在幅值域内的统计特性,因此评价机器动态牵引性能的数量化指标将主要根据实验数据在幅值域内的特征来建立.此外,这些指标中还应包括一些相对指标,以便用来评价机器在动态条件下工作时,其动力性和经济性相对于静态特性下降的程度.  相似文献   

2.5.3装载机负荷特性[18,25,27] 轮式装载机是一种很普及的工程车辆,尽管其工作模式与推土机截然不同,但其牵引力负荷应该仍具有循环式作业机械的特点:即非平稳随机过程中包含有确定趋势项和平稳随机项.大的趋势波动由装载机作业工序的变化产生,这一趋势决定着装载机的特点,是影响机器工作的主要因素;大波动上叠加的高频小幅波动,则由工作介质的随机因素造成.  相似文献   

工程车辆牵引动力学概述及其研究回顾(2)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1.2.1工程车辆的性能指标及其实现方法。牵引型车辆的总体性能指标为动力性、经济性、作业生产率,要求车辆工作中发动机功率充分发挥且有最好的燃料经济性,传动系统有最好的效率,整个车辆有最好的作业生产率。车辆作业生产率通过附着重量与行走机构滑转率的合理匹配来实现,与传动系统间接相关。因此,对车辆传动系统的综合性能要求主要为动力性、经济性,这一点无论对机械传动、液力机械传动.还是液压传动都应该是适应的。  相似文献   

(2)发动机动态性能的台架试验研究 文献13利用DM-1型液压加载试验台对6135-K13型机械调速柴油机(标定功率105 kW,额定转矩500N·m,最大转矩580 N·m)进行了阶跃加载和正弦加载动态模拟试验,发动机为全油门工作,由于载荷配置高低不同以及载荷波动,使发动机在调速区段和转矩校正区段变换工况,进一步探明了动态载荷对机械调速发动机性能的影响.  相似文献   

因此,展开可调变矩器与液压传动系统在牵引式工程车辆上应用的研究将是今后的主要课题。与可调变矩器相比,液压传动元件经过数十年的发展,从性能、质量、批量配套、控制完善性以及价格等方面考虑均相对成熟。  相似文献   

工程车辆牵引动力学概述及其研究回顾(12)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2.7.2 机械有级自动变速研究状况 机械自动变速器可分为液力自动变速器(AT)~I电控机械式自动变速器(AMT)。动力换档的AT与变矩器一起构成液力自动变速传动系统,用于牵引和运输车辆,机械换档的(ATM)主要用于机械传动的运输车辆。在液压传动的工程车辆上,AT和AMT均可应用.前者用于单马达驱动系统,后者则用于单马达与多马达的驱动系统。  相似文献   

3.3工程车辆动态分析与数学模型 3.3.1机器-地面系统结构框图 机器工作过程中承受的外部激励和内部干扰有:(1)机器操作工艺变化,主要是切削深度和运土量变化,它取决于驾驶员的操作方式和地面形状,基本构成负荷过程的确定性趋势项。  相似文献   

Nonlinear Dynamics of Vehicle Traction   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary The purpose of this study is to understand the nonlinear dynamics of longitudinal ground vehicle traction. Specifically, single-wheel models of rubber-tired automobiles under straight-ahead braking and acceleration conditions are investigated in detail. Customarily, the forward vehicle speed and the rotational rate of the tire/wheel are taken as dynamic states. This paper motivates an alternative formulation in which wheel slip, a dimensionless measure of the difference between the vehicle speed and the circumferential speed of the tire relative to the wheel center, replaces the angular velocity of the tire/wheel as a dynamic state. This formulation offers new insight into the dynamic behavior of vehicle traction. The unique features of the modeling approach allow one to capture the full range of dynamic responses of the single-wheel traction models in a relatively simple geometric manner. The models developed here may also be useful for developing and implementing anti-lock brake and traction control control schemes.  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of this study is to understand the nonlinear dynamics of longitudinal ground vehicle traction. Specifically, single-wheel models of rubber-tired automobiles under straight-ahead braking and acceleration conditions are investigated in detail. Customarily, the forward vehicle speed and the rotational rate of the tire/wheel are taken as dynamic states. This paper motivates an alternative formulation in which wheel slip, a dimensionless measure of the difference between the vehicle speed and the circumferential speed of the tire relative to the wheel center, replaces the angular velocity of the tire/wheel as a dynamic state. This formulation offers new insight into the dynamic behavior of vehicle traction. The unique features of the modeling approach allow one to capture the full range of dynamic responses of the single-wheel traction models in a relatively simple geometric manner. The models developed here may also be useful for developing and implementing anti-lock brake and traction control control schemes.  相似文献   

Effect of Traction Force Distribution Control on Vehicle Dynamics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this study is to clarify vehicle dynamics effected by traction force distribution, not only between the front and rear wheels but also between the left and right wheels. Contribution of traction force distribution to vehicle turning performance was investigated using a mathematical simulation and an experimental vehicle. The results indicates that the control of traction control distribution between the left and right wheels greatly influences vehicle turning characteristics and improve the performance even in a marginal turning condition.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to clarify vehicle dynamics effected by traction force distribution, not only between the front and rear wheels but also between the left and right wheels. Contribution of traction force distribution to vehicle turning performance was investigated using a mathematical simulation and an experimental vehicle. The results indicates that the control of traction control distribution between the left and right wheels greatly influences vehicle turning characteristics and improve the performance even in a marginal turning condition.  相似文献   

Damper Models for Heavy Vehicle Ride Dynamics   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
A laboratory rig for testing hydraulic dampers using the 'hardware-in-the-loop' method is described, and the accuracy of the test method is investigated. A mathematical model of a hydraulic shock absorber is then developed. The model is suitable for vehicle simulations and has seven parameters which can be determined by simple dynamic measurements on a test damper. The shock absorber model is validated under realistic operating conditions using the test rig, and the relative importance of various features of the model on the accuracy of vehicle simulations is investigated.  相似文献   

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