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Decisions to fund light rail (LRT) have been critiqued as instrumentally irrational. This paper examines whether the seemingly more technical LRT routing decisions are instrumentally rational. To this end, we test whether routing decisions are made to address goals that are rationally derived from the challenges faced by the urban region. On the basis of a review of the literature, two rationales that underlie most of the stated goals are identified: providing service for the most heavily travelled and congested corridors and inducing development, and subsequently demand, in areas perceived to be underdeveloped or distressed and in areas that have deteriorated. In a survey of key respondents from 16 cities, we find that goals are only weakly correlated with the challenges. While most routes provide service on the most heavily demanded corridors, routing decisions are no less driven by a desire to cut pecuniary and transaction costs. For this reason existing rights of way are often preferred. This is explained by the intertwining of routing and funding decisions. The implications of these findings for evaluation techniques of LRT routes are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of social interactions on decision-making is a topic of current interest in the travel behavior literature. These interactions have been investigated primarily from an intra-household perspective, but increasingly too in other types of social settings. In the case of interactions within a workplace, it has been suggested that the decision to telecommute may have some important social components. Previous research has concentrated on social isolation, and the effect on job satisfaction of qualitatively different (i.e., telecommunications-mediated) relationships with managers and colleagues. A topic that remains unexplored is the way social norms, in effect the influence of other people’s behavior, may influence the decision to adopt telecommuting. In this paper we set to investigate, within a qualitative framework, the role of social contact in the process of acquiring information on, and making decisions about, telecommuting. The results indicate that social contact does play a subtle but non-trivial role in the adoption and continuation process, and offer some insights about the importance of the social dimension, institutional set-up, and how they interact to influence the decision to telecommute.  相似文献   

Gao  Jie  Ettema  Dick  Helbich  Marco  Kamphuis  Carlijn B. M. 《Transportation》2019,46(6):2441-2463

This study examined whether interactions between travel mode attitudes, urbanization level, and socio-demographics were different for bicycle commuting and cycling for other purposes. Data were obtained from the 2014 wave of the Netherlands mobility panel (MPN). In total, 2673 respondents (18?+?years) who had recorded at least one trip on the days covered by the survey were included in the sample. Four outcomes were constructed, two of which concerned commuting-related cycling: any commuting-related bicycle usage (yes vs. no) and average cycling duration (in hours per weekday). Likewise, two similar outcome variables concerning cycling for other proposes were constructed. These outcomes were analyzed by means of Tobit regression models (cycling duration) and binary logistic models (any bicycle usage). Attitudinal factors concerning different travel modes, namely bus, car, cycling, and train, were constructed by means of factor analysis. The results showed that a positive attitude toward cycling was positively related to bicycle commuting duration, but this association was less strong among those with a positive attitude toward bus use. Having a positive cycling attitude had a weaker association with both bicycle commuting usage and duration in those who do not always have a car available. Regarding cycling for other purposes, cycling attitude had a stronger positive association with cycling duration among residents of very highly urbanized area, compared to residents of less urbanized areas. The available evidence, though limited, suggests that targeting attitudes can have a measurable impact on bicycling, but not to the same extend among all people.


Employers are regularly involved in transport planning and characteristic workplace-oriented tools include: (1) travel plans for building projects, (2) mandatory travel plans, (3) subsidies to employers with an advanced travel plan and (4) best travel plan awards. In all cases, experts judge the level of car use. We argue that decision-makers might benefit from a multiple regression-based benchmark modelling tool that estimates the expected share of the car. In this paper, we estimate the share of car users in the commuting modal split at workplaces. However, since the amount of information available to experts differs, we gradually add information to the model to measure the impact of data availability. Without historic data on modal split, the current share can only be predicted moderately well, i.e. within a 20% range. Besides adding the past, results improve by using homogenous and regional subsamples. Nevertheless, quantitative analyses do not make expert knowledge obsolete.  相似文献   

In this paper, we take an initial look at the spatial and temporal flexibility in the activity patterns of the so-called “baby-boomer” cohort (born 1947–1966) in comparison with younger and older adults. Using a unique longitudinal survey carried in Quebec City from 2002 to 2005, we explore activity patterns and trip rates over a seven-day observation period during the first wave, and take a first look at some aspects of their evolution over two subsequent waves at about one-year intervals. We model the propensity to undertake activities within selected conventional non-work classifications such as “shopping” and “leisure”, and also according to respondents’ own perceptions of the spatial and temporal flexibility of each out-of-home activity that they had executed. While we cannot strictly separate cohort effects from age-related effects, after controlling for gender and household structure, we infer that age and related lifestyle effects dominate in explaining these propensities. However, the boomers were the only age stratum to increase their total out-of-home activity participation over the course of the panel, an intriguing starting point for the future study of this cohort.
Martin Lee-GosselinEmail:

Luis F. Miranda-Moreno   has been recently appointed as Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics at McGill University. His research focuses on travel behaviour, transportation safety and evaluation of sustainable transport strategies. Martin Lee-Gosselin   recently retired as Full Professor at the Graduate School of Planning and CRAD, Université Laval, Québec, and is Visiting Professor at Imperial College London. His research interests are transport and telecommunications behaviour, survey methods, energy efficiency and the impacts of transport on the environment and public health.  相似文献   

This study aims at investigating the impact and feasibility of charging taxis with toll fee in the pricing zone when designing congestion pricing scheme. A bi‐level programming model is developed to compare the maximum social welfares before and after the congestion charge is imposed on taxis. The lower level is a combined network equilibrium model formulated as a variational inequality program, which considers the logit‐based mode split, route choice, elastic demand, and vacant taxi distributions. The upper level is to maximize the social welfare when toll rates vary. The bi‐level problem can be solved by the genetic algorithm, whereas the lower level is solved by the block Gauss–Seidel decomposition approach together with the method of successive averages and diagonalization algorithm. An application with numerical examples is conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model and algorithm and to reveal some interesting findings. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how the involvement of foreign and local ownerships, intra- and inter-port competition and hinterland affect the container terminal efficiency in China and its neighboring countries. The operational efficiency of sample container terminals is estimated by data envelopment analysis, which is followed by regression analysis to examine factors affecting container terminal efficiency. We find that having some Chinese ownership may make a container terminal more efficient, while a container terminal is less efficient with Chinese as the major shareholder. It is also found that intra- and inter-port competition may enhance container terminal efficiency. Finally, the efficiency growth of terminals is examined, and implications for the regional economic disparity in China are discussed.  相似文献   

Traffic congestion has been a growing issue in many metropolitan areas during recent years, which necessitates the identification of its key contributors and development of sustainable strategies to help decrease its adverse impacts on traffic networks. Road incidents generally and crashes specifically have been acknowledged as the cause of a large proportion of travel delays in urban areas and account for 25% to 60% of traffic congestion on motorways. Identifying the critical determinants of travel delays has been of significant importance to the incident management systems, which constantly collect and store the incident duration data. This study investigates the individual and simultaneous differential effects of the relevant determinants on motorway crash duration probabilities. In particular, it applies parametric Accelerated Failure Time (AFT) hazard‐based models to develop in‐depth insights into how the crash‐specific characteristic and the associated temporal and infrastructural determinants impact the duration. AFT models with both fixed and random parameters have been calibrated on one year of traffic crash records from two major Australian motorways in South East Queensland, and the differential effects of determinants on crash survival functions have been studied on these two motorways individually. A comprehensive spectrum of commonly used parametric fixed parameter AFT models, including generalized gamma and generalized F families, has been compared with random parameter AFT structures in terms of goodness of fit to the duration data, and as a result, the random parameter Weibull AFT model has been selected as the most appropriate model. Significant determinants of motorway crash duration included traffic diversion requirement, crash injury type, number and type of vehicles involved in a crash, day of week and time of day, towing support requirement and damage to the infrastructure. A major finding of this research is that the motorways under study are significantly different in terms of crash durations; such that motorway 1 exhibits durations that are on average 19% shorter compared with the durations on motorway 2. The differential effects of explanatory variables on crash durations are also different on the two motorways. The detailed presented analysis confirms that looking at the motorway network as a whole, neglecting the individual differences between roads, can lead to erroneous interpretations of duration and inefficient strategies for mitigating travel delays along a particular motorway.  相似文献   

Researchers and practitioners highlight the unreliability of travel as a potential weak link in the transportation system which may inhibit individuals’ accessibility and urban economic activity. With the trend towards increasing traffic congestion, the outlook suggests that travel conditions will become structurally less reliable over time, but that not all places will be equally affected. But is travel time unreliability a problem? This study uses global positioning systems travel survey data for Chicago to build a regional model of travel time unreliability. The results suggest that unreliability varies spatially during different time periods, but that the average overall network unreliability varies little across times in the day. Using the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP)’s 2007 Travel Tracker Survey, a household travel diary survey including both GPS and non-GPS components, we estimate a mode choice model for work trips to explore the influence of unreliability on travel behavior. The results suggest that unreliable auto travel conditions induce mode switching to transit and that the influence is strongest when service by train is already faster than by car. This further suggests that auto travel unreliability may have the strongest influence in metropolitan regions with highly-competitive transit systems. Nevertheless, the influence of travel unreliability is limited and is not the underlying driver of travel decision-making.  相似文献   

Smartcard technologies offer the potential for bringing transport and citizen services onto a single smartcard platform – referred to henceforth as an integrated ‘Transport-Citizen’ (TranCit) card. One question never fully addressed thus far is whether the general public see the integration of services onto a single card as desirable. Based upon research undertaken through the Yorcard project trials, this paper presents the analysis of a series of three focus groups and responses to a public questionnaire which investigated the general desire for multi-application, integrated smartcards. Our findings suggest there is potential for an integrated TranCit card, facilitating easier access to services and travel options across boundaries, even at the international level. A number of operational, technical and data security issues exist which need to be resolved before there would be a greater acceptance of an integrated TranCit card, from both the traveller and the service provider perspective.  相似文献   

Current research on willingness to use automated cars indicates differences between men and women, with the latter group showing lower usage intentions. This study aims at providing a first explanation of this effect. Research from other fields suggests that affective reactions might be able to explain behavioral intentions and responses towards technology, and that these affects vary depending on age levels. By examining a sample of 1603 participants representative for Germany (in terms of biological sex, age, and education) we found evidence that affective responses towards automotive cars (i.e., anxiety and pleasure) explain (i.e., mediate) the effect of biological sex on willingness to use them. Moreover, we found that these emotional processes vary as a function of respondent age in such a way that the differential effect of sex on anxiety (but not on pleasure) was more pronounced among relatively young respondents and decreased with participants’ age. Our results suggest that addressing anxiety-related responses towards automated cars (e.g., by providing safety-related information) and accentuating especially the pleasurable effects of automated cars (e.g., via advertising) reduce differences between men and women. Addressing the anxiety-related effects in order to reduce sex differences in usage intentions seems to be less relevant for older target groups, whereas promoting the pleasurable responses is equally important across age groups.  相似文献   

Although governments often respond to the prevalent cost overruns of transportation projects by reforming the agencies charged with overseeing the construction of projects, the transportation research literature has not provided statistical evidence as to whether such reforms assist in reducing cost overruns. This paper provides such evidence using the Norwegian road sector as a case study. The agency in question was reformed twice, from a monopolistic to a semi-monopolistic organization, and finally, to a fully competitive organization in which road construction was divided out into a separate company and privatized. In this work, we use statistical inferences to explore the related issues. The data set is composed of 1045 projects evenly distributed across the three organizational forms. The results demonstrate that the impact of the reforms has not been equal. The most important impact occurred in the final reform of full competition in which both the cost overruns and delays in construction among larger projects were greatly reduced. The second reform appears to have had a contrasting impact. For transportation research in general, we call for additional studies that will reveal the extent to which efforts carried out by governments (such as reforms) improve the efficiency of these sectors.  相似文献   

Ports in the European Union and North America have enforced environmental regulations on controlling SOx and NOx emissions from ships in their coastal areas known as Emission Control Areas (ECAs). This study uses two-stage approaches to examine whether ECA regulations impact the efficiency of ports operating in such areas. First, port efficiencies are estimated using non-radial slacks-based measure (SBM) Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) models. The efficiency scores estimated by the SBM DEA models are then regressed on explanatory variables, including the ECA factor, and macroeconomic indicators using bootstrapped truncated regression (BTR) models. Panel data is collected on countries in EU ECAs and non-ECAs regarding such input variables as capital and labor, with cargo as an output variable. The results indicate that ECA regulations can harm port efficiency, reflecting concerns of policy-makers and industrial managers: the average efficiency loss from an ECA designation amounts to 0.058–0.066 on a scale of 0–1, accounting for a 15–18% loss from ECA ports’ average efficiency scores.  相似文献   

It is widely believed air pollution is an obstacle to cycling as it has negative effects on cyclists’ health outcomes and deteriorates their cycling experiences. However, the empirical studies investigating the impact of air pollution on cycling behaviour remains scarce. The aim of this paper is to fill the gap by looking at Beijing as a case study. The authors conducted a survey of 307 cyclists on the days with different levels of air quality in terms of concentration of PM2.5 in 2015. The results show that in the polluted weather, those who persist in cycling are more likely to be male, over 30 years old, lower income or those who travel short distances. Specifically, female cyclists have a higher tendency to shift from cycling to public transit than the males and medium and high-income earners are more likely to shift to using a car than low income earners. The residents’ subjective perceptions of safety and comfort have major effects on their cycling behaviour. A higher perception of comfort and safety is related to a higher possibility of continuing cycling when air quality became polluted. Cycling for commuting trips is less likely to be replaced by other modes than cycling for non-commuting trips, such as shopping. Results of this study reveal that improving air quality in a metropolitan area such as Beijing has co-benefits of cycling renaissance. The huge investments into cycling infrastructure should be integrated with policies designed to create an attractive environment for cycling.  相似文献   

In this paper we carry out a container port performance analysis of the developing world between 2000 and 2010, using both parametric and nonparametric approaches. From a unique dataset – our sample covers 70 developing countries, 203 ports, and 1750 data points–, we examine the evolution and drivers of productivity and efficiency changes across developing regions. We show that productivity growth rates between 2000 and 2010 vary significantly and that this heterogeneity is explained by pure efficiency changes rather than scale efficiency of technological changes. Therefore, we carry out a detailed efficiency analysis to determine the drivers of port efficiency. Time series results show an upward trend for port efficiency in developing regions, as it increased from 51 percent in 2000 to 61 percent in 2010. Our analysis indicates that private sector participation, the reduction of corruption in the public sector, improvements in liner connectivity and the existence of multimodal links increase the level of port efficiency in developing regions.  相似文献   

This paper studies the memory representations of residents regarding the public transport system in their city. Telephone interviews were conducted with a representative sample of 204 inhabitants in a selected residential inner-city area in Stockholm. Route knowledge questions, recognition tasks, free-recall tasks and estimations of service frequency were used to explore memory representations. The results showed that, in general, residents in metropolitan areas have good knowledge of the public transport options along well-known transport corridors. The memory representation of lesser-known transport corridors tends to be of a poorer quality. In the results presented here, the variables gender, age, employment status, level of education and car availability had no correlation with the quality of the memory representation, but experience increased knowledge. Although frequent users of public transport had a more detailed representation of the system, the less frequent users also had a considerable- and good-memory representation. An explorative hierarchy for representation of public transport lines in the memory is proposed. It is hypothesised that memory representations of a transport line can be affected by the following three factors: the extent to which a line is visible in the urban area, the straightness of the routes and whether or not stops are labelled, for example, by destination area. Simply put, these factors determine how well a person knows a line. It was found that people first remember a commuter train and a trunk bus line, followed by metro lines and suburban buses and finally normal inner-city buses with the poorest anchorage in memory.
Katrin DziekanEmail:

Starting from the intuition that people with high environmental concern have a better perception of public transport and therefore a better perception of the utility of public transport, we construct a theoretical model in which the effect of environmental concern on mode choice habits is mediated by the indirect utility of travel. Travel procures the direct utility of providing access to activities, but it also offers an indirect utility that is inherently personal and perceptual. We approach the indirect utility of public transport by measuring perceptions of time and feelings. The indirect utility of the car is approached by measuring affective and symbolic motives. Taking into account car use habits and habits of public transport use, the results show that people who have a high environmental concern perceive public transport use as easier, more useful and more pleasurable than people who do not have that environmental motivation. Such positive attitudes foster public transport use. Conversely, low environmental concern generates non-instrumental motives for car use, such as affective and symbolic motives. However, the relationship between affective and symbolic motives and car use habits is not robust. We can conclude that environmental concern influences mode choice habits and that the effect is partially mediated by perceptions and feelings towards public transport but not significantly by affective and symbolic motives for car use.  相似文献   

The extent to which Stated Choice (SC) experiments suffer from hypothetical bias continues to be a controversial topic in the literature. This research provides further evidence in this debate by examining the existence of hypothetical bias in a transport-related SC experiment. Data for this research were sourced from a University of Sydney study exploring the effect of exposure-based charging on motorist behaviour. The sample included 148 Sydney motorists who were recruited to take part in the 10-week GPS driving field study (Revealed Preference/RP data). In addition, participants were also required to complete an SC survey which was designed to mimic the RP decision context in order to capture what participants indicated they would do as opposed to what participants actually did in reaction to the charging regime.The current state of practice for measuring hypothetical bias in the literature is to compare aggregate differences in model outcomes using SC and RP data sources. Aggregate analysis is limited in its scope and does not allow for the calculation of the prevalence of hypothetical bias (i.e., how many participants are affected by hypothetical bias). This research is uniquely structured to allow for individual categorisation of hypothetical bias by comparing SC and RP data from the same sample for the direct purpose of investigating the prevalence of hypothetical bias. Furthermore, the extent to which mitigation techniques (cheap talk and certainty scales) influence hypothetical bias is also explored. The findings from this research show that the SC model estimates are prone to hypothetical bias and that the mitigation techniques have potential to compensate for this inherent bias.  相似文献   

<正>一大波新能源强势来袭,为这个春天再添一抹新绿。经过多年蛰伏,2015年1~4月,中国的新能源车市持续发力:新能源汽车累计生产3.44万辆,同比增长近3倍。尽管这成绩惊呆了小伙伴们,但顾不上窃喜,因为争议和凸现的问题也让人心塞:一旦离开政策的扶手,新能源车市场立刻变脸为"冷酷仙境"。2015年,政策支持依旧相当给力,但新能源车究竟靠什么让市场心动?仅仅  相似文献   

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