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This paper reviews a number of recent innovations in the regulation and operation of taxicabs in U. S. cities. The paper discusses the growing involvement of various levels of government in public transportation programs which affect the taxicab industry, and identifies the opportunities and problems created for the industry by this increased government activity. Innovations in the types of public transportation services which can be provided by taxicabs are discussed first, followed by a review of the administrative procedures which can be employed to involve taxicab companies in publicly funded programs. Proposals for changes in the regulations governing taxicab services and prices are discussed next, with particular attention to significant regulatory changes which have been implemented in U.S. cities in recent years. Finally, innovations in the technology of taxicab operations are reviewed, including improvements to vehicles, computerized dispatching techniques, and procedures and equipment for computing fares for taxicab services.  相似文献   

Taxicab deregulation: Economic consequences and regulatory choices   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The regulation of taxicab services is receiving an increasing amount of attention by city governments. At issue are the questions of whether local regulations should limit the supply of taxicabs and whether the regulations should control taxi fares.Recently, deregulation has become a popular suggestion; however, little empirical or theoretical evidence has existed to indicate the effects of taxi deregulations. This paper discusses these effects within a framework of eight regulatory scenarios involving different price, entry, and industry concentration factors. The analysis provides support for a public brokerage function.The preparation of this paper was supported, in part, by a contract from the Urban Mass Transportation Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, DC.  相似文献   

Taxicab transportation is a significant segment of urban transportation. Taxicabs, along with other “paratransit” type systems, provide service with characteristics between the automobile and mass transportation. Consequently, they are well suited to a number of special purposes. Taxicabs currently serve a wide range of trip purposes by travellers with varied socio-economic characteristics. Taxicab transportation is most attractive for serving lower density area and off-peak travel particularly where there is only minimal mass transit service. In this regard, taxicabs are a supplement to conventional mass transit. The use of taxicabs for collection and distribution functions for both passengers and freight is gradually being realized. The multiple use of taxicabs offers advantages of increasing taxicab productivity and reducing individual trip costs. Many of the problems related to taxicabs are regulatory and institutional in nature. Unless these constraints are eased or removed, wider application of taxicab transportation, including productivity gains, will be limited.  相似文献   

Changes in the economic and demographic characteristics of US cities over the past two decades have modified but have not diminished the need for extensive public transportation service in these areas. The vast bulk of trips to work, to shop, and for most other purposes within large American cities are still made by residents of those cities, a significant portion of whom do not own or have access to an automobile. Expensive and far-ranging programs to enhance surburban commutation to the central city by means of rail rapid transit do little to meet the needs of those who still must rely upon local, extensive service within the city.One form of public transport — the taxicab — offers the quality and flexibility of service which even those of limited means find well worth the price. As a consequence, fleet taxicabs serve almost 40 percent more passengers than all US rapid transit systems and about 60 percent as many passengers as all bus transit systems. Removal of archaic and restrictive regulations governing the number and use of taxicabs in major US cities would promote more effective and widespread use of this, the only form of public transit that still operates — at a profit — without public subsidy.  相似文献   

The spread of GPS-based location services using smartphone applications has led to the rapid growth of new startups offering smartphone-enabled dispatch service for taxicabs, limousines, and ridesharing vehicles. This change in communicative technology has been accompanied by the creation of new categories of car service, particularly as drivers of limousines and private vehicles use the apps to provide on-demand service of a kind previously reserved for taxicabs. One of the most controversial new models of car service is for-profit ridesharing, which combines the for-profit model of taxi service with the overall traffic reduction goals of ridesharing. A preliminary attempt is here made at understanding how for-profit ridesharing compares to traditional taxicab and ridesharing models. Ethnographic interviews are drawn on to illustrate the range of motivations and strategies used by for-profit ridesharing drivers in San Francisco, California as they make use of the service. A range of driver strategies is identified, ranging from incidental, to part-time, to full-time driving. This makes possible a provisional account of the potential ecological impacts of the spread of this model of car service, based on the concept of taxicab efficiency, conceived as the ratio of shared versus unshared miles driven.  相似文献   

The economic literature shows that entry regulation in taxicab markets brings about a dramatic increase in medallion prices or license values of taxicabs. However, there is no study estimating what the effect of regulation is exactly on real medallion prices. We develop a model to estimate the effect of entry restrictions in the Istanbul taxicab market over real medallion prices and inflation. Our findings contribute that entry regulation in taxicab markets increases medallion prices. Moreover, we find that entry regulation in Istanbul pressures inflation rates as well.  相似文献   

This paper comments on the possible future of the taxicab industry within the context of a familiar economic-growth model. The future capability of the taxicab industry to check increases in real costs is shown to be an important determinant in the industry's long-term viability. More importantly, the effect of rising real incomes on the demand for taxicabs is postulated also to have a strong effect on future demand. The strength of this effect and the exact position of the taxicab in the transit tree have important implications not only for the future demand for taxis but also for the more traditional modes of public transport.  相似文献   


A decade of increasing Federal attention to urban transportation needs has culminated in the 1970 Urban Mass Transportation Assistance Act. This Act is intended to provide 10 thousand million dollars over the next 12 years in Federal assistance money to urban public transportation systems. This paper examines the needs of selected U.S. cities as a basis for (1) understanding the vast, various and complex transportation needs of urban areas throughout the country, and (2) assessing the sufficiency of these funds. The sample cities have been placed into three broad categories based on the state of development of their transportation systems. In Category I cities, the essential need is to ensure the survival of bus systems for the use of non‐drivers, or to provide some other viable alternative to the automobile; in Category II cities, the primary needs are to relieve auto congestion and to improve public transportation components, while in Category III cities, the primary need is massive investment to improve and to extend public transportation facilities. It is concluded that the presently intended Federal funding level for transportation will not meet the financial requirements of the Category III cities.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the results of an origin-destination survey conducted in Beirut, Lebanon. The survey was conducted according to the techniques developed and used in the U.S.A.There has always been some doubt that methodologies and techniques, namely dwelling unit interviews, developed for use in U.S. cities would work in cities of developing countries. The results of the study indicated that such methods proved to be useful and effective.In spite of the higher residential density and lower level of car ownership, trip rates in the city of Beirut were within the ranges observed in U.S. cities. The comparison of travel parameters acquired from various cities around the world might show that the regularities and trends in urban transportation are universal.  相似文献   

As a means of transportation and as a form of physical activity, bicycling generates benefits to the bicyclist as well as to the community as a whole. Bicycling now accounts for less than 1 percent of all trips for all purposes in the U.S., but evidence from other western countries suggests that under the right conditions, bicycling levels can be significantly higher. Indeed, the experiences of some U.S. cities suggest that it is possible to create conditions conducive to higher levels of bicycling even in the U.S. However, the extent to which bicycle investments have contributed to bicycling levels in these communities has not been rigorously assessed. The purpose of this study is to provide a better understanding of the determinants of bicycle ownership and use as a basis for identifying ways to promote bicycling. A cross-sectional study of six cities was designed to test the importance of bicycle infrastructure and other physical environment factors relative to individual factors and social environment factors, using a nested logit model to examine ownership and use decisions jointly. The results show strong effects of individual attitudes and physical and social environment factors on bicycle ownership and use.  相似文献   

In 1982, a national survey of U.S. taxicab operators was conducted. This survey sought to assess the economic, operational and organizational status of the industry and to determine how these characteristics have been changing in response to rising costs and an economic recession. Two results of this survey are reported in this paper; the size structure and the organization of the industry. Both of these characteristics show that it has recently been undergoing two fundamental changes. These are the rapid switch away from employees as drivers to independent contractor drivers and decreasing average company size.  相似文献   

To enhance the efficiency of intermodal transportation for large quantities of goods, the current sea–land transportation system has been reviewed and systematically analyzed, and a bottleneck is pinpointed in the linkage or goods transfer between the waterway and railway. The bottleneck impacts the efficiency of the goods through transportation combining the two modes. To eliminate the existing bottleneck and inefficiency towards intermodality, a new type of flexible double-rail track has recently been invented together with innovations both in trestle bridges and in train ferries. The outcomes of the research in progress show that the flexible double-rail track is feasible from the viewpoints of both geometry and engineering mechanics, it can be used to improve the compatibility of a trestle bridge with various types of train ferries and hence it can support the development of train ferries on a large scale. Based on the innovations, an integrated sea–land transportation system model is proposed as a systematic solution, which is expected to effectively overcome the existing bottleneck and to enhance the efficiency of the whole sea–land combined transportation. Further research on this system model and its major components is also addressed in the paper.  相似文献   

In recent years in the European Union (EU), we have witnessed an externalization process of the provision of local government services, in order to separate the political responsibility and the direct delivery of the service. The reasons that justify this process are focused on the belief that the private sector is more efficient in carrying out economic activities, the pressure to reduce the public deficit and the public debt, the search for management systems that bypass public administration procedures, and the increase of control on local governments in auditing and accountability issues.The objective of this paper is to compare the efficiency of public and private sectors in the provision of urban transportation services. This paper shows the results of an empirical study commissioned by the Regional Audit Office of Catalonia (Spain), in order to evaluate the efficiency with which urban transportation services are delivered in the most important cities of this region. This efficiency study has been carried out using the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model, multiple linear regression and logit and cluster analysis. The results allow us to conclude that, in the cities studied, exogenous factors are not relevant and the private management of urban transport service is not more efficient than public management.  相似文献   

The transportation industry—particularly light-duty vehicles—is a significant contributor of greenhouse gasses, accounting for about one-third of overall emissions in the U.S. Research to date has studied various factors that impact travel behavior of residents with varying socio-economic characteristics. However, research on the socio-economic characteristics of residents and their impact on environmental burdens within a single urban region, as measured by fuel consumption and vehicular emissions, is recognized as under-represented in the U.S. planning and transportation literature. This study focuses on the Detroit region, Michigan, a unique case study due to the scale of suburbanization and urban decline, yet representative of many mid-western cities. The article explores how socio-economic characteristics impact travel patterns and environmental burdens within six Detroit region neighborhoods. Data on individual travel behavior and personal vehicle characteristics gathered from a mail survey enabled an analysis into how associated environmental burdens varied with socio-economic composition. The analysis explores contributions to environmental burdens between poorer urban and wealthier suburban populations.  相似文献   

The Austin MetroRail line in Texas, U.S.A. began operations in 2010 and since then transit-oriented development projects have been fuelled around train stations. Traditional location theory holds that proximity to a transit station should be capitalized into land prices, and numerous empirical studies have demonstrated the effects with mixed results. However, to date no empirical study has investigated this relationship between the newly built rail line and land prices in Austin. This study fills the research gap and suggests a positive effect associated with transit proximity by employing spatial hedonic models. This study also contributes to the existing literature especially in the context of Texas cities where there is a lack of relevant research on transit-capitalization-related topics, and provides insights for decision-makers with different perspectives regarding further rail investment or transportation financing strategies such as value capture programs.  相似文献   

Although public transportation is considered effective at reducing the external cost of driving private vehicles, many urbanites do not use public transportation. This study develops measures employing accessibility, mobility, and seamless connectivity for an entire public transportation service chain as indicators for evaluating public transport services, prioritizes underperforming scenarios from the perspective of urban travelers, and derives various market segmentation strategies that consider different socio-demographic characteristics. A conceptual model is set up herein to assess these latent constructs that describe unobservable and immeasurable characteristics. As a Likert ordinal scale can generate misleading statistical inferences, the Rasch model is used to eliminate bias generated by an ordinal scale when measuring these three latent constructs separately. The Rasch model compares person parameters with item parameters, which are then subjected to logarithmic transformation along a logit scale so as to recognize specific difficulties of service scenarios that cannot be easily eliminated by certain urban travelers. The multidimensional Rasch model also measures the perceptions of urban travelers in terms of the interactions between accessibility, mobility, and seamless connectivity of this public transportation system. While comparing urban travelers of two large cities in Taiwan, Taipei and Kaohsiung, the empirical results demonstrate that perceived accessibility, mobility, and seamless connectivity differ based on travelers’ age, frequency of weekly sports activities, and environmental awareness. This paper also advances appropriate improvement strategies and provides policy suggestions for urban planners, public transportation service operation agencies, and policy makers when they seek to create user-friendly public transportation services. The proposed approach can be generalized in other cities by considering their local context uniqueness and further evaluating their public transport services.  相似文献   

Private participation in all aspects of transportation has been prevalent throughout the history of the United States. The U.S. approach to transportation finance evolved from European influence. Particularly, the English economist Adam Smith described the role of public works in facilitating national commerce. The notion of user charges or tolls as opposed to general revenue as the source of financial support was offered as a means for constructing and maintaining roads. Highway and transportation development has undergone significant changes in the last few decades. The 1970s ushered in an era of escalating costs of highway development and maintenance. Dependency on imports of foreign oil, global economics, and related events affecting the supply and demand of motor vehicle fuel have had dramatic effects on contemporary means of funding highway programs in the U.S. In responses to this funding dilemma states highway officials began exploring various alternatives for funding transportation improvements. The role of transportation agencies has changed in emphasis since the 1950s. A variety of financial, legal, and logistical issues have forced governments to closely evaluate options for transportation development and finance. State responses to these issues vary. However, there remain a variety of funding alternatives including financing districts, impact fees, tax increment financing, toll financing, and private sector funding.  相似文献   

In order to reduce energy use and cut emissions that contribute to climate change, countries need to radically reinvent their fossil-fuel intensive transportation systems. As a major consumer of energy and contributor to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the U.S. transportation sector faces extraordinary challenges in the twenty-first century. Transportation in the U.S. depends heavily on fossil-fuel dependent cars and planes to the near exclusion of more energy-efficient electric trains. In order to address this concern, some policy makers refer to “technological optimism” which seeks no systemic change but instead focuses on employing technology to reduce the energy demand and environmental impact of the status quo. On the other hand, some researchers suggest a systematic paradigm shift away from cars and planes to intermodal systems that improve the sustainability of the system as a whole. High-speed rail (HSR) is arguably such an investment that can further this shift and help to achieve a more diversified and balanced transportation system. In this respect, by largely examining the role of the U.S. cars and planes “culture” in the economy, this paper elaborates on how building a HSR system may help U.S. advance towards environmental sustainability in transportation, make a break from the status quo, and create a more balanced, multimodal transportation system that will improve the quality and efficiency of travel.  相似文献   

In Germany, the need for coordination and integration of transport services has been seen as a pre-condition to improving public transportation. A major step in this direction,which attracted world-wide attention, has been the institution of the Transport Federation (Verkehrs verbund). The paper discusses the operation of the Hamburg Transit Federation and considers a number of factors which have created a favorable climate for the development of public transportation in Germany.  相似文献   

Despite its pivotal role in European trade, today’s short sea shipping (SSS) industry faces the dual challenge of lessening its environmental footprint while improving its economic performance. To reduce the pollution caused by their operations, SSS companies are required to comply with increasingly stringent environmental regulations enacted by global and regional authorities such as the European Union and the International Maritime Organization. However, the companies tend to regard those regulations as imposing an additional burden of cost that compromises their capacity to enhance their economic performance. This paper examines the impact of external institutional driver namely regulatory pressure on the adoption of green innovations in SSS and in turn, the impact of those innovations on the environmental and economic performance of SSS companies. To investigate the hypothesised relationships of those constructs, a structural equation model was developed and tested with data from a survey conducted amongst 101 short sea shipping companies headquartered in Europe. As detailed in the paper, the analysis revealed that regulatory pressure has generated green innovations that have enhanced the environmental and economic performance of European SSS companies and, as a result, led to a win–win situation for all parties involved. The paper discusses what those findings imply for SSS firm managers and policymakers who seek to improve the environmental or economic performance of Europe’s SSS industry.  相似文献   

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