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曹萍 《天津航海》1997,(4):20-24
近年来,鱼粉进口数量逐渐增多,随之发生了船运分生温发热以至自燃的现象。从目前记录来看,主要是从智利,秘鲁和泰国等国进口的。鱼粉是危险品,按照其成分不同,其在《国际海运危险货物规则》中被归为4.2类和9类.  相似文献   

<正>鱼粉是以鱼类为原料,经去油、脱水、粉碎加工后制成的高蛋白质饲料产品。世界主要鱼粉生产国有秘鲁、智利、日本、丹麦、美国、挪威等,其中,秘鲁和智利的鱼粉出口量合计约占全球鱼粉贸易总量的70%。鱼粉类货物是一种常见的海运危险货物,其危险性主要表现为自热和自燃,起火后扑灭困难,容易大面积复燃,并伴有大量烟雾。海运史上曾发生过多起鱼粉自燃引发的集装箱船火灾事故。我国  相似文献   

<正>1.煤炭会自燃煤炭是国民经济发展的主要能源,港口船舶从事煤炭装卸运输、储存量大频繁。由于煤炭在储存过程中具有自燃特性,因此,绝不能忽视煤炭的日常防火安全工作。煤炭之所以会发生自燃是因为其在储存过程中能吸附大量空气并将空气中的氧凝聚于煤炭表面及孔隙中而发生缓慢的氧化反应同时  相似文献   

船舶火灾发生的原因很多,如:装载的易自燃的货物,如鱼粉、菜籽饼、煤炭等;机舱、货舱、船员生活区的电路故障、电线老化引起电火;船员自身的疏忽,如:明火作业、乱扔娴蒂着火;船舶装载易燃易爆危险货物不当引起爆炸燃烧:清洁机舱的油抹布长期堆积在角落,引起自燃引发火灾等。船舶火灾严重危及船舶、货物和人命安全。  相似文献   

盛清波 《中国水运》2010,(11):18-19
海上远洋煤炭运输,船舶在海上航行时间长,煤炭在运输中易产生化学危险,产生一氧化炭、甲烷等易燃易爆气体,因煤炭自燃发生火灾,所以船舶承担煤炭运输任务的航次,应落实执行相应的安全措施,确保安全,作者根据多年航海经验,阐述了船舶运输煤炭应采取的安全措施和当发生险情时的应对措施。  相似文献   

煤炭是最重要的能源之一,在航运市场中,大宗的煤炭运输是很常见的。由于煤炭自身的理化性质,在运输煤炭的过程中,易于发生多种危险性的反应。本文就其自燃的性质,针对煤炭的特点,给出一些海运煤炭防止自燃性反应的方法。  相似文献   

煤炭在船舶运输中的自燃过程是一个复杂的物理、化学反应过程。在这个过程中,煤炭的品级、水分、内表面积和缝隙、通风方式、杂质等因素起着重要作用。论文通过讨论以上过程,总结出在船舶生产运输实践中,控制煤炭自燃的方法,希望能对运输企业有所帮助。  相似文献   

刘观周 《中国港口》2002,(10):41-41
<正> 集装箱货物残损的问题历来是集装箱运输中令人头痛的问题。其实,集装箱货物遭损与货物在集装箱内的积载及其装箱、拆箱或在运输及装卸时操作不当有关。也有因集装箱在运输过程中的不同气候形成的温差在箱内产生汗水致使货物湿、霉以及氧化等造成货损。也有因货物的包装缺陷或因集装箱长期使用而磨损后不能适载货物造成货损。如果我们知道了发生货损的原因,及时采取预  相似文献   

汪洋 《航海》2002,(1):38-39
[案情] 原告宁波粮油就其进口的2000吨鱼粉向被告中保财产投保。中保财产在该投保单上注明“接受上述投保”,并加盖公司业务专用章。由于中保财产要根据运输船舶的船龄来确定费率,故该投保单未约定保险费率。投保后,中保财产曾多次要求宁波粮油领取保险单,但其迟迟没有领取。承运货物的巴哈马籍“B”轮抵达上海港后,鱼粉发生自燃。货物出险后,宁波粮油要求中保财产予以理赔,遭中保财产拒绝。宁波粮油遂向上海海事法院提起诉讼,要求法院判令中保财产赔偿货物损失美金40余万元。  相似文献   

郭丰田  李涛 《世界海运》2000,23(4):18-19
M轮在澳大利亚装运特制煤砖时,由于对这类货物的性质和须遵守的专门预防措施缺乏了解,进行了不正确的配货、积载,酿成了货物自燃,本文对这起事故原因进行分析,并针对干散货物运输提出几点建议。  相似文献   

密实黏性土在管路水力输送过程中会形成球块状,成球黏性土水力输送计算是国内外疏浚界的难题。立足浆体输送理论,以大型绞吸式挖泥船施工数据为基础,对成球黏性土的管路输送阻力特性进行研究,分析已有各种土质浆体输送理论用于成球黏性土管路阻力特性计算可能产生的偏差,并根据分析结果对成球黏性土输送计算公式进行研究,进而提出可用于成球黏性土输送的计算公式,供工程界与理论界参考。  相似文献   

The objective of the paper is to analyze evolution of urbanization, transport demand and supply in Greater Cairo (GC) over the last three decades of the 20th century. This is in addition to investigating the impact of city growth on energy consumption and emissions from transport. It utilizes results of 1971, 1978, 1987, 1998 and 2001 travel demand surveys, undertaken during the corresponding GC transport studies; each was published a year or two later. No further transport studies have been carried out in GC over the past decade and in view of the current political situation, it is not envisaged that similar studies will be undertaken in the near future. The analysis includes the evolution of daily trips, trip purpose share, modal share and number of cars. More recent trends for 2006/2007 vehicle registration by type and size are given. The evolution of transport supply covers projects until early 2012. In parallel estimates of the evolution of energy consumption and cost, emissions of greenhouse gases (CO2) and pollutants (CO, HC and NOx) are given for 1971/2001. The adopted estimation methodology is summarized. Comparative analysis of relevant evolution indexes and trends of growth between 1971 and 2001, taking the former as base year, is given. Land use and transport policies and projects that in some cases helped, directly or indirectly, to reduce traffic congestion, or at least prevented an increase, are addressed, commenting on their outcomes. Thus, transferable experience are useful to sister cities benefiting from successes and avoiding drawbacks. The evolution of the impact of GC metro on energy consumption and cost, and GHG emissions is given for 1987/2001, assuming the scenario “metro did not exist”. More recent impact analysis is given for 2007/2008, as the data allowed estimating traffic volumes that would have been added to the congested metro corridors under the above scenario; and the related fuel consumption and cost and GHGs. The paper ends with conclusions on GC evolution, learned lessons and suggests repeating similar work in other mega cities of the developing countries. Further research is emphasized, e.g., modeling the relationship between land use, transport, energy and emissions; modeling emission factors by vehicle type; and studying fuel-subsidy-reduction scenarios and their socio-economic effects.  相似文献   

The objective of this work is that of illustrating a methodology to derive, in terms of trade-offs, the relative values of transport service attributes for logistics operators. In particular, the analysis yields insights on the preferences for time-savings, frequency and reliability of the transport service in terms of price, of a sample of freight forwarders located in the South of Italy. The data is gathered using an Adaptive Stated Preference application and the estimates are obtained through a Tobit ML estimator on both company specific data and pooled data. The results show that frequency is the most highly rated characteristic of the service together with reliability. The value of time is significantly lower in both cases. The outcome is consistent across estimations and, substantially in line with the outcome of previous studies carried out on operators active at different levels of the transport-logistic chain. Until now, in fact, studies have been carried out uniquely on carriers or producers. The selection of freight forwarders allows to shed light on a segment of the market that accounts for more than half of the transport-related decisions. Furthermore, the present study focuses on a comparison between all land transport and maritime ro-ro alternatives, in line with the growing interest on the integration among transport modes. The output signals both the absence of any a priori preclusion for ro-ro maritime services and the extremely important role that frequency of service assumes for the development and the establishment of maritime services as realistic alternatives to all land transport.  相似文献   

In discussion of the modelling methods that can be used to assess the impacts of transport change on regional and local economies, “land-use/transport interaction (LUTI) models” are often referred to as if all such models were examples of a single, homogeneous commodity. The first and major purpose of this paper is to correct this impression by comparing and contrasting some key features of the main models or modelling packages in the LUTI tradition, particularly those which are generally recognized as constituting the current “state-of-the-art”, or at least the “state of practice”. One particular point within the comparison will be the differing use which is made (or not made) of spatial input-output models in the different approaches.The second purpose of the paper is (more briefly) to compare LUTI modelling with alternative approaches and in particular with spatial computable general equilibrium (SGCE) modelling. One of the common features to emerge from the preceding comparison is that LUTI modelling has been mainly concerned with predicting the location of fixed totals of jobs and of households under different transport scenarios. This is a general feature, even though in some cases these totals are directly fixed by the user whilst in other cases they are the results of long chains of calculations that are insensitive to transport scenarios; in a few cases, the total levels of economic activity are variable according to accessibility-related variables. In contrast, the use of SCGE modelling in testing the impact of transport proposals is very much concerned with the consequences for the total size of the economy in question, usually with a less detailed concern for the spatial distribution of impacts. This comparison leads to a discussion of whether LUTI modelling and SCGE modelling are mutually exclusive or whether some form of synthesis or integration between the two may be theoretically appropriate and/or practically desirable. The requirements of project appraisal - i.e., the assessment of benefits - are also considered.  相似文献   

Public transport projects, like its operations, most often have a substantial dependence on public funding. The rationale behind the public contribution is that governments on different levels want to secure certain public values by supporting public transport, e.g., mobility, accessibility, sustainability, social inclusion. These are all public values that public transport, projects and operations are expected to support. Evaluations show that the outcomes of the projects are often different than expected. The goal of the research described here was to understand what happens to the public values during the process of project realisation. Four Dutch projects were researched: ZuidTangent (a bus rapid transit project near Schiphol); ParkShuttle (a people mover near Rotterdam); Phileas (guided bus rapid transit near Eindhoven); and RandstadRail (a light rail conversion near The Hague). All the projects were initiated with innovation as one of the key elements/values. Moving away from the traditional ante-post analysis, we saw patterns in the way in which public values shift during the project. First, the projects under study show how too much focus on innovation can harm the project. Second, we see crowding out of values; high ambitions of key values during the early phases of the project lead to neglect of values which were not key to the project. Third, although more innovation was a key reason to introduce competition in the governance of Dutch public transport, it became apparent that introducing competition has complicated execution of these innovative projects significantly.  相似文献   

URANS analysis of a broaching event in irregular quartering seas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ship motions in a high sea state can have adverse effects on controllability, cause loss of stability, and ultimately compromise the survivability of the ship. In a broaching event, the ship losses control, naturally turning broadside to the waves, causing a dangerous situation and possibly capsizing. Classical approaches to study broaching rely on costly experimental programs and/or time-domain potential or system-based simulation codes. In this paper the ability of Reynolds averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) to simulate a broaching event in irregular waves is demonstrated, and the extensive information available is used to analyze the broaching process. The demonstration nature of this paper is stressed, as opposed to a validated study. Unsteady RANS (URANS) provides a model based on first principles to capture phenomena such as coupling between sway, yaw, and roll, roll damping, effects of complex waves on righting arm, rudders partially out of the water, etc. The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method uses a single-phase level-set approach to model the free surface, and dynamic overset grids to resolve large-amplitude motions. Before evaluating irregular seas two regular wave cases are demonstrated, one causing broaching and one causing stable surf riding. A sea state 8 is imposed following an irregular Bretschneider spectrum, and an autopilot was implemented to control heading and speed with two different gains for the heading controller. It is concluded that the autopilot causes the ship to be in an adverse dynamic condition at the beginning of the broaching process, and thus is partially responsible for the occurrence of the broaching event.  相似文献   

基于三维势流理论,运用水动力分析软件WADAM,对一种沉管隧道双体运输船带有沉管隧道的浮运工况下,进行了波浪中的响应分析。并根据分析结果研究了连接支墩结构在波浪中的受力特性,分析了包括波谱形式,波浪方向,波浪周期以及水深在内的多个参数对支墩载荷的影响。计算结果对沉管隧道浮运工况的选择,连接支墩的结构设计等方面有着重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

近年来,渤海湾海上交通安全形势严峻,海上非法采砂船、砂石运输船险情频发,船沉人亡事故时有发生。文中通过对渤海湾砂石船事故原因的分析,并结合海事监管工作实际,对非法采砂船、砂石运输船的长效监管问题提出了看法和相关建议。  相似文献   

Mean length in the catch of Peruvian hake (Merluccius gayi peruanus) declined drastically by 8 cm in a few months in 1992. The 1991–93 El Niño event marked the beginning of changes in bottom environmental conditions, that along with other changes in the ecosystem, were the cause of the disappearance of large sized old hake from the traditional fishing grounds and the invasion of these areas by high concentrations of small sized young hake, traditionally distributed in the southern areas. A misinterpretation of this change gave an optimistic perception of the state of the stock, leading to a large increase of the fishing fleet and therefore to an increase of the fishing pressure on this resource. Catch increased quickly to very high levels in 1996, the fishery indicators of relative abundance remained stable, while global abundance of hake was diminishing. The resource responded to these natural variations of environment and to the intense fishing pressure with changes in some aspects of its biology and ecology. The most remarkable was the decrease of the length and age at first maturity that led to spawning by 1 year old (19 cm) individuals in a species whose observed longevity was 14 years.In 2002 a total and indefinite fishery closure was established by the Peruvian government and a technical commission for the hake recovery was created, which carried out continuous monitoring of the stock. After a closure of 20 months the indicators showed signs of recovery and the fishery was reopened in 2004. However, after an encouraging beginning during 2004 and the first quarter of 2005, neither abundance nor age structure had improved by the end of 2005, and in fact were deteriorating by the start of 2006. The survival of the age 2 and 3 groups was very low and few 4+ years old individuals were observed. Several factors working at different time scales have been proposed to explain the status of hake. The impact of the fishery, variations in the abiotic environment, predation by the jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas) and cannibalism were considered as potential causal factors of this decline.  相似文献   

在总结际城市土地利用与交通发展历程的经验教训基础上,分析了土地利用与交通的互为反馈、互相促进的关系,并在借鉴国际上土地利用与交通一体化理念和国内实践案例经验基础上,就如何建立相关城市发展引导机制进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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