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集装箱海上运输对港口和海上运输环境极其敏感,集装箱班轮运输船舶和挂靠的港口容易受到多种不确定性事件干扰。本文站在集装箱班轮运输公司的角度,在操作层研究当枢纽港受到干扰事件而无法挂靠时,班轮公司的集装箱流恢复问题。本文引入替代枢纽港和多种运输方式(公路、铁路、海上运输)的选择,以集装箱流恢复成本最小为目标函数,建立整数非线性规划模型,通过Lingo求全局最优解。结果表明本文建立的模型能为班轮公司提供科学的决策支持,减轻干扰事件对班轮公司的不利影响,提高了班轮公司服务质量以及降低班轮公司的操作成本。  相似文献   

除了传统的加大港口投资力度的措施,如加长码头泊位、安装更多的长臂起重机、浚深岸壁之外,提高港口运作效率、增加自动化技术已经成为应对船舶大型化的关键2017年9月9日,20 568 TEU集装箱船"Madrid Maersk"号停靠安特卫普港,比利时港口工人为此奋战2天,卸载3 000 TEU,装载4 000多TEU。大型集装箱船舶停靠世界各大枢纽港的常态化导致集装箱装卸量激增,港口为此面临巨大的压力。  相似文献   

一、世界集装箱枢纽港发展趋势 当前,船舶大型化的趋势加快,导致能够接纳干线船舶的港口数目越来越少。同时,由于大型集装箱船造价昂贵,在船公司整个物流运输系统中,为挂靠一个港口而增加的船舶成本所占比重上升,支线衔接成本所占比重下降,由此船公司会选择减少干线挂靠港,而多采用支线船。进入 90年代后期,世界港口将有一番角逐,随着一些港口成为物流中心的枢纽港,另一些港口将降级成为支线港。为了吸引班轮公司挂靠,港口必须在设施和服务方面进行改进,以争夺枢纽港的地位。在船舶大型化的驱动下,国际集装箱干线运输正在发…  相似文献   

<正>一、集装箱码头租赁协议 我们已经知道,尽管集装箱码头可以既由港口当局建造同时又由港口当局经营,而有的集装箱码头也可以完全由私人经营者所拥有并营运,但是,由港口当局负责建造码头,然后按照某种形式的租赁协议把它租给独立的码头经营人经营更常见。实际上,码头经营人可以是一家班轮公司、一个航运集团、一个代表几家班轮公司的代表或一家公有或私有的公司。码头所有人把码头租给码头经营人可以采取多种选择:——独家用户协议:对码头拥有独家使用权的一家船公司或航运集团为自己的轮船或为构成集团的各个公司的轮船管理码头,在后者情况下,常称作有限用户协议。——优先用户协议:码头经营人或承租人同意在码头上给一家特定的船公司或航运集团予优先权,但保留在需求增加时其它码头所有人船舶挂靠的权利。  相似文献   

2006年8月12日,A.P.穆勒-马士基集团(A.p.MoUe—MaerSk)在丹麦奥登塞船厂将其载箱能力达11000TEU的集装箱船舶命名为“EmmaMaemk”。A.P.穆勒-马士基集团不但从事航运业务,同时还涉足物流、船舶制造以及码头操作管理等领域。A.p.穆勒-马士基集团拥有目前全球最大的船公司,属下的马士基集装箱码头公司(APMTerminl)经营着分布于全球各地的40多个集装箱码头,其中11个码头正在扩建,另有13个新码头正在建设中;2005年该公司经营的集装箱码头完成集装箱吞吐量2410万TEU。集装箱运输船舶的大型化意味着适应船舶的港口土工建筑规模、港口设备尺度和性能以及航道和港口水域水深要求的进一步增加,可能会使得船公司从船舶大型化降低的运输成本方面获得的效益,难以抵偿为适应这类船舶改扩建港口、添置大型设备以及浚深航道和港口水域需要的巨额投资而导致的港口建设成本和经营费用的提高,由船公司推动的采用大型集装箱运输船舶以降低营运成本为目的船舶大型化发展趋势将受制于港口。前一阶段船舶的大型化以10000TEU载箱能力为限,A.P.Moiler—Maersk既经营航运又经营码头业务,应该能够更有效地保持船公司与码头利益的平衡,其采用11000TEU集装箱船舶的情况表明,尽管当前因为船舶大型化港口建设成本和经营费用急剧增加,但是还不足以制约集装箱船舶大型化发展趋势停留在10000TEU载箱能力上。[第一段]  相似文献   

由于外贸的抑制作用,使得96年香港港口国际集装箱吞吐量增速减缓。香港政府海事处最近公布了1996年香港国际集装箱吞吐量,实际数据比早些时候有关部门估计的略高。去年香港港口国际集装箱吞吐量为1340.95万TEU,比1995年的1254.97万TEU增长了6.85%。其中中流作业304,01万TEU,增长3.8%;内河贸易168.32万TEU,增长23.4%。在香港四大集装箱码头公司中,受班轮公司联盟重组及班轮航线调整的影响,现代码头(MTL)和COSCO—HIT两家码头公  相似文献   

孙凯 《集装箱化》2014,25(8):22-24
1 18 000TEU集装箱船舶发展现状 2013年7月18日,马士基航运第一艘3E级18 270 TEU集装箱船舶“马士基·迈克-凯尼·穆勒”号投入亚欧航线运营,宣告集装箱运输进入18 000 TEU大船时代.在当前航运市场持续低迷的情况下,班轮公司和航运联盟为追求规模经济效应和降低运输成本,纷纷订造大型集装箱船舶.如表1所示:截至2014年5月,马士基航运已有8艘18 270 TEU集装箱船舶投入运营;中海集运、阿拉伯航运和地中海航运也已订造或租入18 000 TEU以上大船;达飞轮船有3艘17 700 TEU集装箱船舶在建,并将向中船租赁光船租入3艘17 900 TEU集装箱船舶.  相似文献   

近年来国际上投向加勒比海和中美洲地区港口和码头的巨额投资终于结出了累累硕果:连串的枢纽港群崛起在加勒比海和中美洲地区,众多的国际知名班轮公司“加盟”,大型集装箱船舶云集。欣欣向荣的加勒比海枢纽港群引起了国际航运界的关注和兴趣。经过四年苦心经营,香港和记黄埔投资的巴哈马Freeport集装箱港口(FCP)建立了庞大的客户网,并对同一地  相似文献   

曲铁鸣 《集装箱化》2014,25(3):26-27
为规避市场风险,集装箱班轮公司通常采取自有船舶和租赁船舶并行的营运方式。据Alphaliner航运咨询公司统计,全球十五大集装箱班轮公司的自有运力和租赁运力分别为639.97万TEU和637.56万TEU,即租赁运力约占总运力的49.91%。  相似文献   

2007年11月28日,中国大陆港口集装箱年吞吐量突破1亿TEU庆祝活动在天津举行。本次活动由交通部和天津市政府联合举办,交通部部长李盛霖、副部长徐祖远,天津市市长戴相龙出席活动。出席活动的还有交通部、天津市其他领导及沿海、沿江等省市港口管理部门和地方港口管理部门的领导,来自国内主要港口、航运企业集团和国际驻津集装箱班轮公司、物流公司以及科研院校、媒体的代表,共约600人。当日下午,在天津港五洲国际集装箱码头举行了中国大陆港口集装箱年吞吐量突破1亿TEU起吊仪式,由交通部水运司司长宋德星主持。  相似文献   

Container ports in Southeast Asia accounted for an estimated 30.0% of the world's transhipment traffic in 2004. The share of the region's transhipment trade was forecasted to increase to 32.5% in 2015. The potential offered by this large and expanding market encouraged major container terminal operators located in Port Klang, Singapore and Tanjung Pelepas to compete intensively for this business by attracting major container shipping lines that operated along key east-west sailing routes to hub at their terminals.

This paper analyses the annual slot capacity connected to the three selected ports that was deployed by all the container shipping lines in 1999-2004. The data are computed and categorized based on shipping trade routes. The study aims to shed light on port competition in Southeast Asia for transhipment containers by an in-depth and quantitative analysis.

The analysis finds that competition from Port Klang and Tanjung Pelepas had a negative impact on Singapore's transhipment performance. Although Singapore continued to enjoy a dominant position as the premier transhipment hub in the region in terms of market share by both transhipment throughput and annualized slot capacity, the evidence suggested that its hold on the market appeared to be slipping, albeit gradually. Overall, Tanjung Pelepas is expected to pose the strongest challenge to Singapore's transhipment hub ambitions. Managerial implications for the ports are drawn.  相似文献   

Container ports provide the primary interface where physical exchange between buyers and sellers of containerised shipping capacity can be consolidated and realised. Consequently, ports that are able to complement and add value to the objectives of shipping lines and shippers will become focal points for containerised cargo flows. To evaluate container port competition, the authors propose a practical and direct approach based on revealed preferences of shipping lines with respect to container shipping service dynamics. The container shipping networks are generated as carriers formulate their service schedules to capitalise on opportunities that are presented by evolving container trade patterns along trade routes and relative changes in the competitive profile of the ports of call. Empirical results showed that this approach offers a deeper understanding on the workings and evolution of competitive dynamics between ports, which may not be obvious from observations of port performance at the aggregated level. Benefits of the approach also include raising awareness that policy makers should be aware of the need to understand the nature, extensity and intensity of competitive relationships between ports as they craft and implement policies to correct for the actual or perceived market failures in the industry.  相似文献   

为提高船舶的经济性、适用性和竞争力,针对内贸箱船航运特点,介绍内贸集装箱船的研发设计思路及应考虑的问题。以4 000 TEU佳豪内贸箱船船型为例,根据该船型具有的低油耗、大载重吨、高装箱率、快捷牢靠的堆装系统,以及是目前国内最大的专用内贸集装箱船的特点,对该船型的各项性能指标做了较为系统的分析和探讨。  相似文献   

Between 1980 and 1989 container TEUs handled at all world ports increased by a factor of 2.11. On the East Coast of North America, the growth factor was only 1.69; on the West Coast, 2.23. These growth factors, when multiplied by the 1980 TEU volume at individual North American ports, give 1989 expected performance levels for the ports. Comparing the expected performance to the actual, it is found in the Canadian context that the big winner is Vancouver; the big loser is Saint John. Halifax and Montreal have outperformed their nearest US East Coast rivals but have not performed as well as southern ports on the Altantic Seaboard. These and other comparisons are made in order to describe how Canadian container ports have performed in the decade of the 1980s. The paper then speculates on how the ports will do in the future, based on a discussion of five factors: port facilities; inland transportation connections; shipping lines serving the ports; demand for container shipping; and legal arrangements between the United States and Canada.  相似文献   

4250TEU集装箱船的结构设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
韩钰  杨旭 《船舶》2009,20(5):17-22
4000TEU级集装箱船因其经济性深受市场的欢迎。通过对4250TEU集装箱船的设计,根据集装箱船的主要特点,对结构设计中需要注意的一些问题进行了探讨与研究,使船体结构设计更为合理。  相似文献   

超巴拿马型岸桥的发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
集装箱运输船大型化、高速化发展方兴未艾,装载量为9 600 TEU 和10 000 TEU 的超巴拿马型巨轮 已相继出现。如何迎接这些巨轮的到来成为港口码头和集装箱起重机制造商共同的课题。本文主要通过 ZPMC 2005年面向全球供货的188台(占世界市场50%的份额)大型岸桥的各种参数统计,分析岸桥的发展趋势。  相似文献   

于全虎  张平 《船舶》2020,(2):1-8
为提升江苏内河集装箱运输船舶标准化水平,实现船型与船闸、航道等通航基础设施发展相匹配,通过梳理内河标准船型主尺度标准和通航管理规定的修订情况,结合京杭运河江苏段集装箱营运船舶的调研,在船舶主尺度、舱室布置、船体结构和新能源动力的应用等方面分析江苏内河集装箱船标准船型的设计要点,完成48 TEU、64 TEU和96 TEU标准集装箱船设计。虽然受限于内河航运关注船舶成本的现状,标准集装箱船的设计更多采用传统基础船型设计思路,但研发运用先进技术、满足内河EEDI的绿色节能型船舶是标准船型的重要发展方向。  相似文献   


Demand for sea space brought about by increasing container-shipping traffic has important implications on how this space is managed and used. This is particularly important given the long-term nature, high-asset specificity, high- opportunity cost of investment, and significant economic impact of container port activity on a locality. The challenge is especially pressing for ports, which are facing constraints in seaside capacity where container traffic also has to co-exist with the needs of other types of ship traffic. This challenge is likely be multiplied for next generation container ports, which are expected to handle even larger traffic volumes. These ports are also likely to face competing sea space demands from other economic and social activities especially when they are concurrently major confluences of trade, logistics, and urban populations. This is the first research to investigate in detail the impact and importance of investigating sea space requirements from the perspective of cargo traffic composition and ship capacity. Results show that transshipment containers can generate much higher demand for sea space due to the higher volume of shipping capacity that accompanies such traffic. Sustainability issues and managerial and policy implications pertaining to the development of next generation container ports are provided.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the importance of port choice and container terminal selection for deep-sea container carriers. The paper focuses on the research question: on what basis do deep-sea container operators select container ports (strategy) and container terminals (financial reasons) in the Hamburg–Le Havre range over others? In answering this research question, three dimensions are addressed in detail: the buying decision characteristics; port choice strategy; and terminal selection. The results show that strategic considerations at company level are important. For port choice the most important criteria from a carrier's perspective are: availability of hinterland connections; reasonable tariffs; and immediacy of consumers (large hinterland). In addition to these criteria, shipping lines attach great value to often neglected factors, such as feeder connectivity, environmental issues and the total portfolio of the port. The study reveals that port selection and terminal selection are not the same with terminal selection criteria mainly depending on: handling speed; handling costs; reliability; and hinterland connections. The analysis also brought forward that the decision making is different per container carrier, per trade and per port type, implying that a one size fits all approach is not relevant.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
We show in this paper that the throughput data for the top 300 container ports reported each year by the various authorities follows a simple truncated lognormal distribution. This surprising phenomenon repeats itself every year from 1982 to 2006, despite many tumultuous changes in the container shipping world. The empirical data suggests that Gibrat's Law of proportionate growth indeed holds for the world container throughput data. Unfortunately, the classical stochastic growth model and other variants often used to explain the origin of this law appears to be too simplistic for the container terminal industry. We use instead the perspective that the container terminal throughput data are essentially an aggregate measure of the number of visitations as each container circulates on the world shipping network, and use this to propose a Markov chain based container circulation model to explain the origin of this phenomenon. Simulation results show that our network-based model is able to replicate the behavior of the empirical data to a reasonable degree of accuracy, and does not contradict the law of proportionate growth. More importantly, this model is able to replicate the relationship between the degree of connectivity of a port (i.e. number of linkages with other ports) and its association with the container throughput data, an empirical regularity which could not be explained using classical approaches.  相似文献   

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