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An active suspension with preview is developed for the rear axle of a commercial vehicle. The obtained improvements are promising and justify further investigation of the more feasible semi-active suspensions with preview. The inherent non-linearity of semi-active suspensions with switching shock absorbers and the need for controllers that can handle a broad class of control objectives has led to the development of several numerical control methods for both multi-level and continuously variable shock absorbers. The most promising control method and shock absorber type are selected and mounted in a test vehicle. Some first experimental results are discussed.  相似文献   

目前,主动安全技术作为汽车安全的重要手段之一,已经得到汽车制造厂商的普遍重视。与此同时,车辆局域网的普遍采用,使得早期相对独立的各种功能,通过计算机网络重新组合起来,相互协同,组成一个新的更强的系统。其中的车辆稳定控制系统就是这一组合系统的典型范例。它将发动机的  相似文献   

Lateral Control of Commercial Heavy Vehicles   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Two nonlinear lateral control algorithms are designed for a tractor-semitrailer type commercial heavy vehicle. The baseline steering control algorithm is designed utilizing input-output linearization. To enhance the lateral stability and furthermore reduce tracking errors of the trailer, braking forces are independently controlled on the inner and outer wheels of the trailer. The coordinated steering and braking control algorithm is designed based on the multivariable backstepping technique. Simulations conducted using the complex model show that the trailer yaw errors under coordinated steering and independent braking force control are much smaller than those without independent braking force control.  相似文献   


In this paper a simulation model of tractor-semitrailers suitable for design and performance analysis of anti-lock systems is presented. The model is used to evaluate the effects of various methods of prediction and reselection of the anti-lock system on the braking performance of tractor-semitrailers. The characteristics and the equivalent control logic of a commercially available anti-lock system are examined and its deficiencies are identified. To rectify these deficiencies, improved methods of prediction and reselection are proposed. A comparison of the slip characteristics and braking effectiveness between the proposed and the commercially available systems is made. The effects of various types of control logic on the steerability and directional stability of tractor-semitrailers and on the air consumption of the brake systems will be examined in a separate paper.  相似文献   

Two nonlinear lateral control algorithms are designed for a tractor-semitrailer type commercial heavy vehicle. The baseline steering control algorithm is designed utilizing input-output linearization. To enhance the lateral stability and furthermore reduce tracking errors of the trailer, braking forces are independently controlled on the inner and outer wheels of the trailer. The coordinated steering and braking control algorithm is designed based on the multivariable backstepping technique. Simulations conducted using the complex model show that the trailer yaw errors under coordinated steering and independent braking force control are much smaller than those without independent braking force control.  相似文献   

In this paper a simulation model of tractor-semitrailers suitable for design and performance analysis of anti-lock systems is presented. The model is used to evaluate the effects of various methods of prediction and reselection of the anti-lock system on the braking performance of tractor-semitrailers. The characteristics and the equivalent control logic of a commercially available anti-lock system are examined and its deficiencies are identified. To rectify these deficiencies, improved methods of prediction and reselection are proposed. A comparison of the slip characteristics and braking effectiveness between the proposed and the commercially available systems is made. The effects of various types of control logic on the steerability and directional stability of tractor-semitrailers and on the air consumption of the brake systems will be examined in a separate paper.  相似文献   

Looking at the future trends of the road traffic, one will recognize that the commercial vehicle participation will not decrease, although it is required from the environmental and social viewpoints. The reason is that the other means of freight transport (water, railway, air) do not provide the same flexibility as the road transport, and direct business interest of those companies, who are using this transport form is larger than the eventual loss caused by the penalties to be paid (taxes, compensation of higher axle load). This conflict is hard to solve, but the effect can be minimized. The commercial vehicle industry attempts to introduce systems to the vehicles, which are targeting on reduction of the environmental impacts caused by heavy vehicles. These systems, which are named generally as “intelligent chassis systems”, electronically control the operation of the chassis subsystems (engine, transmission, brake, suspension) and co-ordinate their operation on a higher level (vehicle controller, intelligent control systems, such as adaptive cruise control, video camera based lane change recognition system, etc.). This paper reviews the state-of-the-art of the commercial vehicle chassis systems, and tries to project their future development.  相似文献   


A vehicle model, with 10 degrees of freedom is used to investigate the skidding conditions of any wheel of the vehicle in motion. Equations for the load transfer and equations for the pneumatic tire spring and shock absorber are derived. Parameters such as gradual cornering, U-curve cornering, the wavy road surface of different wave lengths and cases of independent and connected suspension systems are inputs to the system. The tire calculated forces and their corresponding maximum resistance forces are the outputs of the systems. A connected suspension system is found to resist skidding better than the independent suspension system. The system is non-linear, and numerical solutions are obtained.  相似文献   

A vehicle model, with 10 degrees of freedom is used to investigate the skidding conditions of any wheel of the vehicle in motion. Equations for the load transfer and equations for the pneumatic tire spring and shock absorber are derived. Parameters such as gradual cornering, U-curve cornering, the wavy road surface of different wave lengths and cases of independent and connected suspension systems are inputs to the system. The tire calculated forces and their corresponding maximum resistance forces are the outputs of the systems. A connected suspension system is found to resist skidding better than the independent suspension system. The system is non-linear, and numerical solutions are obtained.  相似文献   

Looking at the future trends of the road traffic, one will recognize that the commercial vehicle participation will not decrease, although it is required from the environmental and social viewpoints. The reason is that the other means of freight transport (water, railway, air) do not provide the same flexibility as the road transport, and direct business interest of those companies, who are using this transport form is larger than the eventual loss caused by the penalties to be paid (taxes, compensation of higher axle load). This conflict is hard to solve, but the effect can be minimized. The commercial vehicle industry attempts to introduce systems to the vehicles, which are targeting on reduction of the environmental impacts caused by heavy vehicles. These systems, which are named generally as “intelligent chassis systems”, electronically control the operation of the chassis subsystems (engine, transmission, brake, suspension) and co-ordinate their operation on a higher level (vehicle controller, intelligent control systems, such as adaptive cruise control, video camera based lane change recognition system, etc.). This paper reviews the state-of-the-art of the commercial vehicle chassis systems, and tries to project their future development.  相似文献   

肖雄建 《商用汽车》2012,(9):136-137
汽车诞生百余来年,汽车技术也经历了无数次的飞跃与进步,除了发动机之外,在机械结构方面最具革新性的就当属悬架技术了.近日,由中国汽车工程学会主办、株洲时代新材料科技股份有限公司承办的"中国汽车工程学会悬架技术分会成立大会暨悬架技术分会首届学术年会"在湖南株洲举行.会议期间,记者看到了我国悬架技术的发展成果,特别是在商用车悬架领域,通过诸多研发人员对现有产品与创新技术的深入研究,使得这一领域呈现百家争鸣之势.  相似文献   

为利用半主动悬架阻尼连续可调的特性来提高汽车的主动安全性,建立了汽车侧翻预测模型,并以此为基础设计了一种双层结构的连续减振控制器,进行汽车防侧翻控制.上层控制器采用滑模控制方法输出期望侧倾力矩,下层控制器根据这个期望侧倾力矩,利用线性插值方法输出半主动悬架中各减振器的输入电流.利用MATLAB/Simulink对整个系统进行了仿真,结果表明,该控制器能有效提高汽车的防侧翻能力.  相似文献   

贝洱公司开发的(减少柴油机NOx排放对策的)冷却废气再循环(EGR)和间接中冷器(iCAC)系统不需要像选择性催化还原(SCR)那样的排气后处理系统或另建加尿素站,就能满足欧5的排放要求.  相似文献   

综述汽车悬架控制系统的基本类型,以半主动悬架为研究对象,推导建立汽车两自由度1/4车体模型,提出一种汽车半主动悬架系统的模糊控制方法,并利用MATLAB进行仿真,结果证明该控制策略有效.  相似文献   

2001年7月,一个不平凡的月份:从月初纪念中国共产党成立80周年,紧接着国家经贸委向社会公布了包括汽车、机械、冶金等1 3个行业的"十五"规划;7月4日又传来了中国加入WTO实质性谈判已经完成的消息;而7月1 3日晚北京赢得了2008年奥运会的主办权,又将中国与世界之间的距离拉近.在冷静思考之后,笔者深切地感受到我国商用汽车行业发展的历史性机遇已经呈现,相信借着良好的政策导向和社会需求拉动,我国的商用汽车在最近的几年中将会有突飞猛进的发展.  相似文献   


Most vehicle suspensions are composed of passive spring and damper devices, although improved suspension performance is possible if an active system is used to control forces or relative velocities. The complexity, power requirements, and cost of fully active suspensions have restricted their use. Various partially active suspensions have been proposed and suspensions with slow load levelers and variable dampers are in widespread use. Here we analyze a class of basically passive suspensions the parameters of which can be varied actively in response to various measured signals on the vehicle. These suspensions can come close to optimal performance with simpler means than many of the active or semi-active schemes previously proposed.  相似文献   

Adaptive Suspension Concepts for Road Vehicles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most vehicle suspensions are composed of passive spring and damper devices, although improved suspension performance is possible if an active system is used to control forces or relative velocities. The complexity, power requirements, and cost of fully active suspensions have restricted their use. Various partially active suspensions have been proposed and suspensions with slow load levelers and variable dampers are in widespread use. Here we analyze a class of basically passive suspensions the parameters of which can be varied actively in response to various measured signals on the vehicle. These suspensions can come close to optimal performance with simpler means than many of the active or semi-active schemes previously proposed.  相似文献   

The paper describes the development of an adaptive control algorithm for active suspension systems based on optimal regulation methods. The objective is to design an algorithm which will automatically tune at start-up to changed vehicle conditions and adaptively re-tune to changes in driving conditions (in particular road generated disturbances). The proposed algorithm is a self-tuning regulator based on generalised minimum variance (GMV) control. Simulation results obtained for a 3 degree-of-freedom (DOF) quarter car suspension demonstrate potential benefits of fully adaptive control in automotive suspensions.  相似文献   

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