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快速公交系统(Bus Rapid Transit,简称BRT)是落实"公交优先"发展战略的重要措施,我国已在21个城市开通运营。BRT作为政府财政投入的公共交通事业项目,需要建立绩效评价、比较和相应的政策反馈机制,以更好地实现对"公交优先"战略中公共财政投入效果的评价和监管。本文从硬件设施水平、公交服务质量、企业经营效益、城市持续发展四个层面,构建了快速公交系统实施绩效的评价指标体系,用于对BRT运营绩效评价,做到及时追踪和动态监控,及时反馈与纠错,以保障BRT项目实施的公共利益。  相似文献   

政府投入,作为当前国内公共交通发展必不可少的决定因素之一,在推动公共交通发展上发挥了巨大作用。尤其是在当前,公共交通事业作为民生工程,已经越来越被政府和社会认可,这就决定了公交运营企业在照顾民生利益的同时要接受外界的补给。政府作为社会公共服务的购买者,理所当然成为公共交通发展的主要投资来源方。  相似文献   

正从2012年交通运输部启动"公交都市"创建活动以来,公交都市循次而进,凝聚起公众、城市政府和全行业的力量,以公交都市托起公交优先,为城市交通行业再添一把力。时至今日,第一批"公交都市"创建城市顺利完成中期任务,形成了一批可复制、可推广的典型经验,城市公共交通面貌发生了显著变化。接下来的"十三五"期,交通运输部将再选择50个左右的城市分主题、分类型进行  相似文献   

正大多城市公交企业依靠政府补贴维持企业经营,公交企业发展信心不足,公交服务水平难以保障,公交企业可持续发展出现困难,何解?随着城市经济发展,国民生产总值持续增长,城市公共交通企业的燃料成本和人工成本不断提升,城市人民政府在公众出行方面不断给予优惠,包括老年人、军人和残疾人免费、学生票折扣、公交IC卡折扣、公交优  相似文献   

与会代表建议分会要围绕各地公交企业普遍关心的公交公益性定位与市场化运作、公交票价形成机制、政府财政补贴办法等问题深入调查研究,向主管部委提出意见和建议,为推动城市优先发展公共交通做出更大的贡献2012年年末以来,国务院、交通运输部先后召开全国公共交通工作会议,并下发被称为史上最高扶持公交发展政策的国发"64号文"。去年刚刚成立的中  相似文献   

在国内一些大中城市,城市公共交通"政府请客、企业埋单"的模式普遍存在,公交企业不堪重负.一些政府干部、业内人士和专家学者认为,企业是自负盈亏的市场主体,政府才是提供公共产品的主体,在公交领域建立"政府购买服务"机制势在必行.  相似文献   

发展巴士快速公共交通系统的建议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
贾倩  贾侃  赵强 《综合运输》2005,(3):21-24
当前中国城市公共交通面临着一系列的挑战: 城市人口的增长;私人汽车拥有量的增加;城市交通拥挤日益严重;石油价格的增长与公共交通运营成本的提高;公交补贴日益萎缩;城市居民对公交的依赖程度日益降低。如何构筑合理的、具有竞争力的城市公共交通体系,尽量降低居民的出行费用与时间,并能权衡改善公共交通的投资运营费用,相关的规划、研究有很多。本文对巴士快速公共交通系统(Bus Rapid Transit,简称为BRT)在中国城市交通中的地位和作用进行系统评估,分析了巴士快速交通在中国的发展前景,并提出中国发展巴士快速交通的初步建议。一、…  相似文献   

<正>自从"公交优先"政策成为多数人的共识以来,我国城市公共交通发展取得了有目共睹的成绩。但是,一种倾向往往掩盖另一种倾向,在不计成本的公交优先背后却隐藏着某些亟待解决的"不可持续"问题。北京市"7年之痒"的公交低票价政策"不可持续"就是一例。从2007年开始,北京以承办奥运会为契机,大力推行公交优先政策,一方面投巨资建设地铁等公共交通设施,另一方面以财政补贴公交地铁企业运营,实行公共交通大幅降价,地铁每人次2元,公交车每人次0.4元。  相似文献   

城市公共交通是公益性事业和公共服务产品,长期实行低票价政策,但各城市政府财政补贴大多不到位,导致公交企业经济效益较差、处境艰难,已经影响到城市公共交通行业稳定持续健康发展。本文就如何科学合理确定公交票价提出一点看法,以求探讨。  相似文献   

<正>"如何调动公交企业经营者的积极性?如何让公交企业扭亏为盈?如何让政府卸下包袱减压减负?如何让群众乘车满意?为了解决这些问题,梅州公交开启了市场化改革之路。近年来,广东梅州市通过推行公共交通市场化改革,采取引入民间资本、政府购买服务等措施,打破传统单一的国有运营模式,调动了公交企业经营者积极性,取得了企业扭亏为盈、政府减压减负、群众满意的"三赢"效果。"公交民营化"添活力组建于1996年的梅州公交公司靠着2  相似文献   

桂林市公共交通发展难题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从发展城市公共交通的必要性和意义着手,介绍了桂林市公共交通的现状,分析了桂林市公共交通发展存在的问题,探讨了桂林市城市公共交通发展的策略,并提出了相应的发展目标。  相似文献   

文章基于城乡公交发展的背景和特点,阐述了发展城乡公交的积极意义,分析了发展城乡公交存在的主要问题与成因,提出了发展城乡公交的建议,并论述了发展城乡公交进程的阶段性。  相似文献   

Numerous studies have found positive correlation between transportation infrastructure investment and economic development. Basically these studies use a conventional production function model augmented by a public capital input, mainly highways, rail and other transportation facilities. While the range of the measured economic growth effects varies widely among studies, the positive elasticity between transportation investment and economic development is now commonly accepted. Still a major puzzling issue is that the magnitude of the measured effect seems to decline significantly as the econometric model is further refined, mainly with regard to space and time lags. That is, the use of national or state data produces elasticity results, which are much larger than when using county or municipality data. Similarly, when we introduce into the econometric model a lag between the times when the transportation investments are made and when the economic benefits transpire, the measured elasticities decline with the size of the lag. Thus, the main objective of this paper is to investigate these issues analytically and empirically and provide a plausible explanation. We do so by using alternative econometric models, applying them to a database, which is composed of longitudinal state, county and municipality observations from 1990 to 2000. The key result is that transportation investments produce strong spillover effects relative to space and time. Unless these factors are properly accounted for many reported empirical results are likely to be overly biased, with important policy implications.  相似文献   


Many people use public transportation systems to reach their destination, while others use personal vehicles. Poor transportation systems do not attract ridership. Therefore, the usage of passenger cars increases, and traffic and environmental conditions deteriorate. Efficient public transportation has been recognized as one of the potential ways of mitigating air pollution, reducing energy consumption, improving mobility and alleviating traffic congestion. The objective of this study is to optimize a bus feeder service that provides the shuttle service between a recreation center (e.g. Sandy Hook, NJ) and a major public transportation facility, subject to site-specific constraints such as vehicle schedules, bus availability, service capacity and budget. The decision variables include bus headway, vehicle size and route choice. The solution methodology integrating both analytical and numerical techniques is developed, which optimizes the decision variables. Finally, the proposed solution methodology is applied to a case study. Numerical results, including optimal solutions and sensitivity analyses, are presented while the level of coordination between the feeder service and a major transportation service is discussed.  相似文献   

A macroscopic assessment of the impacts of private and public transportation systems on the sustainability of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) is undertaken from economic, environmental and social perspectives. The methodology draws upon the urban metabolism and sustainability indicators approaches to assessing urban sustainability, but compares modes in terms of passenger-kms. In assessing the economic sustainability of a city, transportation should be recognized as a product, a driver and a cost. In 1993, the traded costs of automobile use in the GTA were approximately balanced by the value of the automobile parts and assembly industry. But local transit costs 1/3 to 1/6 of the auto costs per person-km, in traded dollars, mainly because local labour is the primary cost.Public transportation is more sustainable from an environmental perspective. Automobile emissions are a major contributor to air pollution, which is a serious contemporary environmental health problem in Toronto. Public transportation modes are less energy intensive (including indirect energy consumption) and produce CO2 at an order of magnitude lower, although these benefits are partially undermined by under-utilization of transit capacity and the source of electricity generation.The social benefits of automobile use are likely more significant than costs in determining GTA residents' preferential mode choice. The speed and access of auto use provide important economic benefits, e.g. relating to employment and product choice. Nevertheless, offsetting the service attributes of private transportation are large social costs in terms of accidents. The costs of automobile insurance provide one tangible measure of such negative impacts.In order to improve the sustainability of the GTA, innovative approaches are required for improving the performance level of public transportation or substantially reducing the need for the service level provided by automobiles. Efforts such as greater integration of bicycles with public transit, or construction of light-rail systems in wide roadways, might be considered. But to be sustainable overall, a transportation system has to be flexible and adaptable and so must combine a mixture of modes.  相似文献   

文章根据钦州市公交的基本情况,从管理体制、经营模式、营运服务、经营环境四方面分析了当前钦州公交存在的问题,提出了加强行业管理、创新管理模式、优化公交线路的公交发展思路。  相似文献   

In this study, the modal shift potential of introducing a free alternative (free public transportation) and of changing the relative prices of transportation is examined. The influence of a cognitive analysis on the zero-price effect is also analyzed. The data used for the analysis stem from a stated preference survey with a sample of approximately 670 respondents that was conducted in Flanders, Belgium. The data are analyzed using a mixed logit model. The modeling results yield findings that confirm the existence of a zero-price effect in transport, which is in line with the literature. This zero-price effect is increased by the forced cognitive analysis for shopping trips, although not for work/school or recreational trips. The results also demonstrate the importance of the current mode choice in hypothetical mode choices and the importance of car availability. The influence of changing relative prices on the modal shift is found to be insignificant. This might be partially because the price differences were too small to matter. Hence, an increase in public transport use can be facilitated by the introduction of free public transport, particularly when individuals evaluate the different alternatives in a more cognitive manner. These findings should be useful to policy makers evaluating free public transport and considering how best to target and promote relevant policy.  相似文献   

百色市农村客运站经营管理实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村客运站场网络是公路客运站场网络的重要组成部分,是发展农村客运、促进农村地区经济社会发展和城乡商品交流的重要平台.文章结合当前百色市农村客运站经营管理现状,分析经营管理中存在的问题,提出了相关的对策和措施.为规范当地农村客运市场秩序、加快农村客运网络建设、提高社会主义新农村建设水平提供参考.  相似文献   

Sustainable transportation is a significant component of overall sustainable development. Increasingly, evaluation and decision-making with respect to major complex projects (for example, transportation and land use projects), a multiple attribute perspective is taken. This paper illustrates a multiple attribute decision-making approach for selecting sustainable public transportation systems under uncertainty, that is, with partial or incomplete information represented by single-valued neutrosophic sets (SVNSs). A SVNS is a generalization of a classical set, a fuzzy set, and an intuitionistic fuzzy set. Here, SVNSs and SVNS connectives are illustrated in the context of a ‘Public Transit Sustainable Mobility Analysis Tool’ (PTSMAT) which involves a composite (multiple attribute) sustainability index. A case study of PTSMAT is provided for the UBC Corridor study in Vancouver, Canada. As expected, similar results are obtained to the original study, though the neutrosophic formalism opens a wide range of possibilities for recognition of uncertainty in sustainability assessment.  相似文献   


Through the comprehensive consideration of four subsystems – overall development level, infrastructure construction, public transportation service level and policy support – an index system of public transport priority performance evaluation is established. A performance evaluation of bus priority implementation in Wuhan City from 2007 to 2016 is carried out by applying the difference coefficient CRITIC-TOPSIS model. The obstacle factor model is also used to diagnose the factors affecting the priority performance of urban public transport. The research results show that, during this decade, the comprehensive performance of Wuhan City’s public transport priority developed from poor to medium, then to good and finally to excellent. The overall development level and infrastructure construction performance subsystems have the highest obstacle degree, followed by public transportation service levels and policy support performance subsystems. The research idea and method of this paper provide a realistic basis for promoting the priority performance of urban public transport.  相似文献   

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