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船舶气象导航最省燃料航线研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
船舶气象导航是保证船舶航行安全和节能的重要手段。本文应用最佳控制理论研究和建立船舶最省燃料航线数学模型。在分析比较船舶最短时间航线和最省燃料航线数学模型的基础上,讨论了最省燃料航线算法实现。并针对冬季北太平洋进行了最省燃料航线模拟试验。  相似文献   

From 1986 to 1992, 125Sb released by the nuclear fuel reprocessing plant at La Hague has been used to study the transfer of waters from mid-Channel areas towards the Straits of Dover. Since 1940, these investigations have formed part of the MAST 53 FLUXMANCHE programme and have involved repeated measurements on a Straits of Dover transect. A discussion of the results is presented here which takes into account new information provided by a hydrodynamic model developed in the framework of FLUXMANCHE; it combines knowledge of the monthly fluxes of water trough the Straits of Dover and week-by-week simulation of the 125Sb activities of waters flowing in this aera. It is proposed that soluble radionuclides introduced into the central Channel are transferred towards the Straits of Dover over a time which varies from four to seven months depending on the route taken.  相似文献   

The increase in the world's trading capacity, which has been spurred by globalization, has caused problems in marine transportation, namely congestion. Despite the safety measures currently in place, marine accidents are still not being prevented. This study focuses on marine accidents in the Turkish Straits that have done serious harm to humans, the natural environment, and the economy. To reduce the negative impacts mentioned above, this study considered the most common types of accidents, their causes, and their results. For this purpose, 850 serious marine accidents, which took place in the Turkish Straits between the years of 2001 and 2010 (as recorded by the Undersecretaries for Maritime Affairs), have been analyzed and the data obtained have been systematically tabulated using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) methodology. According to the data, the most significant cause of marine accidents in the Turkish Straits is human error. This study proposes measures to ensure that ship personnel are competent, mentally and physically, to navigate narrow and dangerous waterways in order to minimize the amount of accidents caused by human error.  相似文献   

就船舶从马六甲海峡和新加坡海峡东部航行到新加坡锚地的航法和自引抛锚的方法以及抵达该区域抛锚的注意事项进行全面阐述,并将最近自引抛锚的体会进行汇总和介绍,为船舶在新加坡自引抛锚提供具体详尽的参考资料和指导。  相似文献   

This paper seeks to develop a multi-commodity network model to analyse the flow of containers within the Asia Pacific context. The model is used to evaluate the impact of container throughput in Asia's port by varying terminal handling charges and turnaround time. The three main regions analysed are north-east Asia, east Asia (Chinese port region) and south east Asia. Using the model, it could be shown that Busan port, which is an important transhipment hub in north-east Asia, could boost the container activities in the north-eastern part of China by improving its service quality. It is also found that the efficiency of the land link between Hong Kong and mainland China plays a crucial role for the future of Hong Kong port. While Singapore port maintains its position as a transhipment hub in south-east Asia, there would be expected competition from neighbouring low costs ports.  相似文献   

UUV的航行安全和所装载的武器、探测设备作战效能受海洋环境影响很大,是确定 UUV航线和深度等具体方案时需重点考虑的因素。从海流、海况、内波、声场特征和密度跃层5个方面论述它们对 UUV的影响,建立海流对 UUV航速和航向影响的数学模型,并对模型进行计算分析。结果表明,对海洋环境加大研究至关重要。  相似文献   

李积轩 《船艇》2006,(9):34-35
新加坡正在争取在由韩国、日本和挪威垄断的海洋工程建造中的更大份额。虽然目前新加坡船厂已经接获了全世界正在建造的92座石油钻井平台中一半以上的钻井平台,但为了满足新一轮对从海底打出石油和天然气供应市场的海上钻探船和钻井平台的需求,新加坡的造船企业正在寻求扩大海上石油钻井平台的建造能力。  相似文献   

2007年5月31日,交通部颁布了新的《中华人民共和国船舶签证管理规则》,这是一部加强船舶安全管理,规范船舶签证行为,保障水上交通安全的重要规章。文中从法律角度和实际操作两个方面试进行了分析。  相似文献   

2007年5月31日,交通部颁布了新的《中华人民共和国船舶签证管理规则》,这是一部加强船舶安全管理.规范船舶签证行为,保障水上交通安全的重要规章。文中从法律角度和实际操作两个方面试进行了分析。  相似文献   

Nowhere else in the world are there marine transportations highly confined than across the Taiwan Straits (mainland China and Taiwan). This study strives to explore the present employment status of Taiwanese ship officers under the influence of special shipping across the Taiwan Straits, and to make sure if such an employment trend has a negative impact on the future operating mode of Taiwan shipping companies. By means of field interview and questionnaire, this study collected the employment data of ship officers from 21 leading shipping companies in Taiwan, and made a statistical analysis. The research findings show that the existing cross-strait shipping relationship, which is seriously distorted by the hostility between the governments of Taiwan and mainland China across the Taiwan Straits, has made Taiwanese shipping companies turn to flagging-out in order to enter the extensive shipping market of mainland China. This leads to a decline of job opportunities for Taiwanese ship officers. Ironically, the ship officers from mainland China pose a biggest threat to those in Taiwan in this respect. In addition, the operating modes of Taiwanese shipping companies also change gradually in tune with the increasing number of non-Taiwanese ship officers (mainly those from mainland China).  相似文献   

Nowhere else in the world are there marine transportations highly confined than across the Taiwan Straits (mainland China and Taiwan). This study strives to explore the present employment status of Taiwanese ship officers under the influence of special shipping across the Taiwan Straits, and to make sure if such an employment trend has a negative impact on the future operating mode of Taiwan shipping companies. By means of field interview and questionnaire, this study collected the employment data of ship officers from 21 leading shipping companies in Taiwan, and made a statistical analysis. The research findings show that the existing cross-strait shipping relationship, which is seriously distorted by the hostility between the governments of Taiwan and mainland China across the Taiwan Straits, has made Taiwanese shipping companies turn to flagging-out in order to enter the extensive shipping market of mainland China. This leads to a decline of job opportunities for Taiwanese ship officers. Ironically, the ship officers from mainland China pose a biggest threat to those in Taiwan in this respect. In addition, the operating modes of Taiwanese shipping companies also change gradually in tune with the increasing number of non-Taiwanese ship officers (mainly those from mainland China).  相似文献   

秦皇岛作为我国北方海域的重要航海口岸,自古人类活动以来,就与中原地区发生了海上联系,其航海地位已初具雏形。自先秦至隋唐时期,由于历代帝王对秦皇岛航海地位的重视,使秦皇岛与山东、辽东及东南沿海的联系更加密切,其航海规模一次比一次宏大。迨至明清时期,因秦皇岛所处的战略地位,以军事运输为主的航海活动空前活跃起来。设置"海运厅"后,秦皇岛地区的海运管理更趋健全和严密;为保障行船安全,出现了早期的导航标志和组织,是秦皇岛航海技术和航海设施的重大进步。清末,秦皇岛自开口岸被帝国主义骗占后,其航海地位是悲惨和畸形的,直到1948年秦皇岛解放,其航海地位揭开了崭新的一页。本文比较系统地概述了古代秦皇岛航海地位,对文史工作者研究秦皇岛古代航海活动有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

分析论证适用于大陆和台湾通航的客船船型。首先预测未来几年台湾与大陆之间往来的客流量及其流向 ,提出拟开辟台—闽间的海峡航线和基隆—上海航线。针对台闽间的海峡航线 ,在列举台湾海峡历年风浪情况的基础上 ,在作技术性能和经济效益综合评估后 ,建议采用 6种复合型高速船型。接着就 6种船型作营运经济估算及其排序 ,作变客位、车位的比较 ,变航速的比较 ,以及与常规客船船型的比较。结论是 :从技术和经济性角度考虑 ,双体气垫船和双体穿浪船较好 ;从客流量和货载量考虑 ,高速客船和常规客船按 5 0 0客位、4 5 - 10 0辆车位设计已能满足要求。从航速考虑 ,宜采用 4 0kn的客船。最后还就适用于基隆—上海航线的船型作简略探讨 ,提出宜采用集装箱—客船和客—滚装船  相似文献   

台湾海峡船舶交通安全的综合评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
综合考虑台湾海峡的交通量、航行环境、海上交通事故等多种因素,建立评价台湾海峡船舶交通安全的指标体系,同时运用模糊数学原理构建每个评价指标的隶属度的模糊子集,并由层次分析法得到每个指标的权重,从而建立综合评判模型,对海峡交通安全进行定量的评价,为台湾海峡定线制的实施,改善台湾海峡交通状况提供科学的依据。  相似文献   

牛国臣 《世界海运》2006,29(1):23-25
全面阐述了大型船舶从澳大利亚东部到新加坡的航路、航法、潮流及通过该区域的注意事项,并将最近走过此航路的体会进行了汇总,为船舶从澳东到新加坡航行提供了具体详尽的资料和指导。  相似文献   

他是上海远洋运输有限公司的一位高级船长,30年航海生涯中有20年担任远洋船长的经历。在他眼中,确保船舶安全是船长的天职,他用实际行动履行着自己的职责。  相似文献   

This paper seeks to develop a multi-commodity network model to analyse the flow of containers within the Asia Pacific context. The model is used to evaluate the impact of container throughput in Asia's port by varying terminal handling charges and turnaround time. The three main regions analysed are north-east Asia, east Asia (Chinese port region) and south east Asia. Using the model, it could be shown that Busan port, which is an important transhipment hub in north-east Asia, could boost the container activities in the north-eastern part of China by improving its service quality. It is also found that the efficiency of the land link between Hong Kong and mainland China plays a crucial role for the future of Hong Kong port. While Singapore port maintains its position as a transhipment hub in south-east Asia, there would be expected competition from neighbouring low costs ports.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to investigate maritime safety from an occupational hazards perspective as opposed to a maritime casualty perspective. It is recognised that safety in shipping should encompass casualties arising from accidents occurring in the course of performing normal seafaring duties, not just those arising from technical defects or maritime disasters. The paper discusses an investigation involving a survey of 19 flag states and two detailed studies of records kept at the Hong Kong and Singapore maritime administrations. The results indicate that occupational accidents account for a significant proportion of fatalities at sea. The statistics presented specify the ship types that are most at risk, as well as the types of occupational hazards that can most frequently lead to accidents and fatalities. The results of this study indicate voids in the process of investigating fatalities that relate to occupational accidents. These results also indicate inadequate investigation of events and causes. The creation of a database of such information could potentially be used for the development of appropriate regulations that could prevent fatal and non-fatal occupational accidents through regulatory processes.  相似文献   

This paper quantifies likely changes in greenhouse gas emissions which contribute to anthropogenic climate change, resulting from the expansion of the Panama Canal and the consequent increase in ship-borne commercial transportation from east Asia to the US east coast. Ocean transportation offers higher fuel economy and lower pollutant emissions compared with land transport. Additionally, truck and train transportation of cargo along the US land bridge threatens to overwhelm existing highway and rail systems and limit economic growth. The alternate transportation route for easterly transit of the Panama Canal will reduce overland traffic congestion and enhance economic development by maintaining freight flow efficiency.  相似文献   

垫升风机是气垫船的关键设备,是气垫船振动噪音的主要激励源之一。通过分析某气垫船左舷垫升风机的设计特点,选择关键位置开展振动响应频谱测量,分析不同测点位置、不同转速条件下测点的振动烈度响应。采用有限元方法分析单舷垫升风机的固有频率和振型,研究影响垫升风机振动的主要因素。在此基础上,提出降低垫升风机振动的措施,并基于试验评估实际降振效果,其可作为气垫船垫升风机设计的技术参考。  相似文献   

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