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针对对北极资源和市场供需分析,依据海冰环境和通航趋势,建立东北航线ARC6冰级油船运输模式,采用航线里程、单位航次成本和必要运费率等进行东北航线和北极-苏伊士航线油船运输经济性比较,以净现值和内部收益率等分析ARC6冰级油船的经济性,并展望东北航线前景。研究结果表明:东北航线航程缩短、全年航次增加,单位航次成本和必要运费率偏高,破冰护航船收费阻碍商业通航,ARC6冰级油船的期租租金在2. 4万美元/d以上,得出东北航线全年油船运输暂时没有经济性优势,但气温上升和商业活动的持续,东北航线的成本不断降低,长期来看东北航线具有可行性的结论。  相似文献   

罗捷 《中国船检》2011,(4):15-15
他预测.港口和集装箱航线的关系将随着马士基“3r级1.8万TEU集装箱船的诞生而发生根本改变。“3F级船的”瀑布效应”,将亚欧航线现有贸易吨位推至其它航线,使其它航线或达1万TEU级。他认为.1.8万TEU集装箱船是对深水港口和泊位、起重设备以及创造更多可用泊位能力的挑战。还需大力发展港口腹地基础设施.以满足在某些时段内大量泊位的需要。  相似文献   

长荣海运在远东一中东航线投入7000TEU船舶 长荣正在将其s级系列7000TEU船舶投入远东-中东波斯湾APG航线。7024TEU的EVERSMILE和EVERSUPERB在本周和下周投入航线,取代5090TEU的巴拿马型ITALLIRICA和ITALLAGU—NA。这些s系列的船舶是从远东-欧洲CES航线上被L级8400teu的新船所替换下来,并将以蛇口港挂靠替代香港和盐田。APG航线同时为中远、商船三井和现代提供舱位。  相似文献   

根据英国水文局发布的2016年海图资料,整理出2016年全球9条典型航线上不同风力、不同风向的概率数据。分析这些数据,获得各往返航线4级以上可用风天数、5级以上强风顺风天数,发现香港→新加坡的南海航线、科伦坡→新加坡的马六甲海峡孟加拉湾航线、亚丁湾→科伦坡的印度洋阿拉伯海航线、上海→香港的东海航线、毕晓普岩→努瓦迪布的北大西洋航线和横滨→洛杉矶的北太平洋航线都有较好的风能资源,特别是后3条航线的风能资源最丰富,是未来运用风帆助航技术的最佳航线。对有效助推强风的顺风天数和风能资源的有效性进行分析,提出风能资源的强度指数、综合风能资源强度指数和综合有效强度指数,用来衡量海上航线风能资源的综合强度和有效性,可作为未来风帆助航船舶航线优化的重要选择指标。  相似文献   

正利和德翔升级北中国-越南航线 正利与德翔将提升其合作的北中国-胡志明航线近50%舱位,以2500teu船型替换目前的3艘1700teu船,并引入宏海航运。新航线挂靠大连、新港、青岛、  相似文献   

根据湖区水域险情的特点,剖析了江苏省湖区水上搜救工作的难点,分析难点工作产生的原因,提出五点对策。荩湖区水上搜救工作的难点从水上人命搜救看,内河水上搜救工作的难点主要集中在湖区搜救。湖区湖面宽广,能见度低,航线里程长,等级低。航线水位一般在2.5—4米,底宽在80—100多米,其他湖区水位一般在2米左右,且受4级以上大风影响时,湖区航  相似文献   

张嬿 《集装箱化》2013,24(5):1-4
在航运需求疲弱的背景下,2013年亚欧航线扭转颓势的关键在于:船公司准确把握市场波动节奏,配合季节性需求有效控制运力,营造良好的运价环境。本文通过梳理亚欧航线现有运力情况,结合加船减速、运力升级、新开航线等万箱级集装箱船舶可能的上线方式,预测2013年亚欧航线运力走势。  相似文献   

本文通过对12000TEU级集装箱船主尺度的统计,简要介绍了巴拿马运河拓宽的背景,分析了目前远东-美东航线硬件条件对12000TEU级集装箱船的限制,指出新巴拿马型船的主尺度仍存在变动的空间,12000TEU级集装箱船短期内不会投入远东-美东航线,现有的船闸将依然发挥作用。  相似文献   

根据我国与近邻东南亚各各国的贸易特点以及东南亚航线特色,对4 000 t级与5 000 t级杂货(兼装散货)船进行经济性能比较.以上海--仁川,上海--新加坡两条型航线为例,进行全过程经济指标分析,充分考虑时间价值、运价、油价的波动影响,分析结果表明:5 000 t级杂货船明显有利.  相似文献   

航道 《珠江水运》2005,(B10):16-17
航道是文明航线建设的基础和前提,没有安全、畅通的航道,就不可能有文明的航线漓江航道是桂林旅游的黄金水道,也是第一批“国家4A级旅游景区”和部级文明航线多年来,佳林航道管理处以搞好漓江航道、航标管理维护为重点,坚持精神文明建设不放松,积极开展文明窗口创建活动,推进了漓江文明航线和行业文明建设的发展。  相似文献   

Navigation safety on coastal waters is an extremely important issue. Fatigue is an important factor threatening navigation safety. Considering that the vessel type is an oil tanker, such a threat is not posed only to the crew but also to the environment. Most of the tankers navigating coastal waters are in the small tanker category. Therefore, this study examined the working and resting hours of the deck officers in the oil tankers navigating coastal waters. The study utilized the ISF Watchkeeper 3 program for assessing and interpreting the working periods. The study reached the conclusion that the first and second officers in particular are working under unsuitable conditions. To improve the working conditions of the deck officers, effects of additional cargo officer on board was investigated. This study is in quality of recommendation. The study elucidated that the cargo officer practice determines the working and resting hours of deck officers, in the work on the oil tankers, and compliance with the related conventions.  相似文献   

This study adopted a 5-year moving average to calculate the transition probability of deck officers in Taiwan from 1993–1998 at different levels in the hierarchy. An absorbing Markov transition matrix was also constructed to forecast the terms of seniority and the annual supply of deck officers. In addition, this work applied the GM (1,1) model of Grey theory to forecast the annual demand of deck officers, and used cross analysis to investigate the manpower supply and demand of ocean deck officers in Taiwan. Results in this study can provide a valuable reference for pertinent authorities when determining the manpower policy of shipping companies in Taiwan.  相似文献   

This study adopted a 5-year moving average to calculate the transition probability of deck officers in Taiwan from 1993-1998 at different levels in the hierarchy. An absorbing Markov transition matrix was also constructed to forecast the terms of seniority and the annual supply of deck officers. In addition, this work applied the GM (1,1) model of Grey theory to forecast the annual demand of deck officers, and used cross analysis to investigate the manpower supply and demand of ocean deck officers in Taiwan. Results in this study can provide a valuable reference for pertinent authorities when determining the manpower policy of shipping companies in Taiwan.  相似文献   

The UK has a requirement for people with seafaring expertise to fill a wide range of jobs in the maritime-related sector of the economy ashore. The pool of seagoing ships' officers has now reached the level where shore-based demand for such officers cannot be satisfied by natural wastage from this pool alone. This paper considers the implications of this for the Government's recently announced strategy for maintaining the maritime skills base. The paper concludes that it is inevitable that the Government's present strategy will fail, and suggests what measures need to be taken if the skills base is to be saved.  相似文献   

The UK has a requirement for people with seafaring expertise to fill a wide range of jobs in the maritime-related sector of the economy ashore. The pool of seagoing ships' officers has now reached the level where shore-based demand for such officers cannot be satisfied by natural wastage from this pool alone. This paper considers the implications of this for the Government's recently announced strategy for maintaining the maritime skills base. The paper concludes that it is inevitable that the Government's present strategy will fail, and suggests what measures need to be taken if the skills base is to be saved.  相似文献   

Nowhere else in the world are there marine transportations highly confined than across the Taiwan Straits (mainland China and Taiwan). This study strives to explore the present employment status of Taiwanese ship officers under the influence of special shipping across the Taiwan Straits, and to make sure if such an employment trend has a negative impact on the future operating mode of Taiwan shipping companies. By means of field interview and questionnaire, this study collected the employment data of ship officers from 21 leading shipping companies in Taiwan, and made a statistical analysis. The research findings show that the existing cross-strait shipping relationship, which is seriously distorted by the hostility between the governments of Taiwan and mainland China across the Taiwan Straits, has made Taiwanese shipping companies turn to flagging-out in order to enter the extensive shipping market of mainland China. This leads to a decline of job opportunities for Taiwanese ship officers. Ironically, the ship officers from mainland China pose a biggest threat to those in Taiwan in this respect. In addition, the operating modes of Taiwanese shipping companies also change gradually in tune with the increasing number of non-Taiwanese ship officers (mainly those from mainland China).  相似文献   

Nowhere else in the world are there marine transportations highly confined than across the Taiwan Straits (mainland China and Taiwan). This study strives to explore the present employment status of Taiwanese ship officers under the influence of special shipping across the Taiwan Straits, and to make sure if such an employment trend has a negative impact on the future operating mode of Taiwan shipping companies. By means of field interview and questionnaire, this study collected the employment data of ship officers from 21 leading shipping companies in Taiwan, and made a statistical analysis. The research findings show that the existing cross-strait shipping relationship, which is seriously distorted by the hostility between the governments of Taiwan and mainland China across the Taiwan Straits, has made Taiwanese shipping companies turn to flagging-out in order to enter the extensive shipping market of mainland China. This leads to a decline of job opportunities for Taiwanese ship officers. Ironically, the ship officers from mainland China pose a biggest threat to those in Taiwan in this respect. In addition, the operating modes of Taiwanese shipping companies also change gradually in tune with the increasing number of non-Taiwanese ship officers (mainly those from mainland China).  相似文献   

Until recently little research had been carried out into job satisfaction of seafarers. Wastage in the shipping industry is higher than most other industries and although some improvements have been made to working conditions and facilities the wastage is still very high.

During the last two decades shipping technology has changed drastically, necessitated by changing economic factors, resulting in the need for highly trained personnel. Training costs are high, particularly for officers, and could be reduced if efficient selection processes were employed.

The project is designed to study perceived and implied (calculated) job satisfaction of officers who have served in the Merchant Navy for five years or more. Gone are the days of high port-time/sea-time ratios due to increased port and labour costs. Consequently seafarers may be confined together for longer periods at sea such that a different type of personality may be required to survive the stresses and strains of such a way of life. The project also attempted to discover whether the personalitics of the seafaring officers differ from those of the shoreside population and whether personality is related to job satisfaction at sea.

The project took the form of a survey by applying a questionnaire to Merchant Navy deck, engineer and radio officers at nautical educational establishments between September and October 1978.

The results showed that the majority of officers have a moderately high level of perceived job satisfaction whereas implied satisfaction was comparatively low. The personality of officers was found to be significantly different from that of the shoreside population in almost 50% of the 31 personality scales measured. There were also found to be differences between the personalities of deck and engineer officers.

A correlational study indicated that the personality of the Merchant Navy officer is related to overall job satisfaction.  相似文献   

The employment of women on cargo ships, particularly at officer’s level, is paid more attention in order to supplement the shortage of qualified officers. However, seafaring jobs are still overwhelmingly dominated by men, and there seems to be gender-related challenges for women in such work environment. Women seafarers in this research are those who work in the ship operational sections on cargo ships as deck officers, engineers or radio officers. A total of 36 female and 8 male seafarers from eight different countries participated in the project and shared their experiences of working on board ships. The research revealed that the occupational culture of seafaring often reflects masculine norms and values which could affect women seafarers’ behaviour and attitudes. This paper further explores how women manage such situations on board by utilising various strategies in order to avoid gender-related problems. This study identifies a typical pattern of women seafarers’ identity management and creates a model of women’s strategic shifting patterns over time.  相似文献   

The most recent reports on the supply and demand for seafarers suggest that there is an increasing lack of officers for the expanding world's merchant fleet. With a focus on Brazil, this paper discusses a particular seafaring labour market highlighting specific challenges that need to be overcome. The paper looks into the current condition of the imbalance in Brazilian seafaring labour market as well as the prospects for merchant marine officers from the only two maritime schools in the country. Key issues on demand forecast and supply expectation, policy amendment, promoting maritime career, sea career commitment and maritime career empowerment are discussed to illustrate possible means to overcome the imbalance.  相似文献   

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