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随着我国经济的快速持续增长,国家大型重点项目不断实施和道路建设迅猛发展,公路大件运输对车辆的牵引能力、安全性能、机动性能、经济性和可靠性提出了更高的要求,所以高档重型牵引车在国内市场的需求逐步增加。MAN重型牵引车是世界著名品牌之一,具有较强的技术优势。由于它良  相似文献   

周丽 《上海汽车》2006,(9):43-45
作为全球顶级SUV市场上的首款第三代SUV,奥迪Q7前所未有地将越野车、高档跑车、豪华轿车的设计和多功能性完美地融为一体,这种融合决不是各种功能的简单折衷或妥协,而是使各种性能都得到淋漓尽致的体现,从而极大地满足了用户在日常城市驾驶中的舒适性与在野外驾驶中的安全性和动力性的双重要求。它完美地体现了奥迪“突破科技、启迪未来”的品牌理念和“尊贵、动感、进取”的品牌价值,并将为中国高档用户群中的顶级SUV爱好者带来全新的选择和令人激动的驾驭体验。  相似文献   

必须提高车辆装备性能一要提高车辆装备的越野机动性能.目前我军装备车辆的越野机动性能有限,应尽快研制和为各级运输分队装备车型齐全、配置有全轮驱动装置、中央轮胎充放气系统和宽断面轮胎等的越野机动性能更强的运输车辆.  相似文献   

杨亮 《商用汽车》2008,(1):46-47
品牌跳跃的勇气 如果将品牌导向分为2大类的话,那么在"中国客车专家"之前的大多数品牌理念更偏向于"产品性能型"品牌导向.无论"耐用""安全"还是"节油",都是基于产品性能诉求而形成的核心理念,这本无可厚非.  相似文献   

佛教禅语“印心”是个意味深长的词语,最贴切的解释有三种:触摸思想.接收思想和传达思想。这确实道出了制定市场策略的真理——市场发生了什么?顾客需要什么?我们怎样回应这些需要?举例来说,即使汽车产品质量较好.也不一定总能吸引购买者的眼球.除非他们能满足消费者在设计.性能、价格或者其他方面的要求和期望:反之亦然。  相似文献   

所谓汽车“绿色再制造”,就是以先进技术和产业化生产为手段,将报废汽车上还有利用价值的零配件,经过修复、改造等再制造,使之恢复原有性能甚至形成新的性能,延长使用寿命,变成质量合格的产品并加以重新使用。汽车“绿色再制造”业十多年前兴起于欧美,并逐渐在一些发达国家汽车维修行业中占据主导地位。  相似文献   

"转矩"和"功率"是发动机动力性能的重要指标,下面将发动机"转矩"和"功率"所代表的含义及它们之间的联系等内容介绍给广大汽车爱好者.  相似文献   

自"赢运中国--大金龙新产品新技术全国巡展暨公测活动"开始以来,大金龙XMQ6799Y就一直成为备受关注的焦点,在西线巡展过程中,很多用户对其承载能力和优越的性能钟爱有加.<商用汽车>杂志对该车型进行了为期26 d的跟踪测试,"新捷冠"ZMQ6799Y以优异表现向用户交上了一份满意的答卷.  相似文献   

陈欢 《汽车与配件》2006,(28):43-45
我们不应该只看到自己的发展,中国汽车工业崛起的同时,世界各地的几个新兴市场也正在快速前进。把这些国家拿来和中国一同进行比较将会是件很有趣的事情。本期我们将中国、印度、巴西和  相似文献   

"快节奏"一定程度上反映了现代社会的先进与文明,但也给现代社会的主人带来了相应的苦恼.长期处在"快节奏"中的人,大脑的活动也就经常处于连续的、快速的状态中.应接不暇的生活与工作使大脑得不到应有的休息和复原,精神压力过大,心理上也往往产生紧张、沉重、不安和忧虑感.  相似文献   

Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is about improving mobility for people. Since Gothenburg piloted the first multi-modal Mobility as a Service (MaaS) scheme from 2012, there have been many further attempts at introducing connected and bundled services globally, invariably provided as a mobile app and a single, simple ticketing interface. As in any emerging paradigm, the varying flavour, or ‘shapes’ of MaaS that are piloted reflect the search for a sustainable business model and connectivity between transport operators at varying levels that includes risk reallocation and data sharing. The varying levels of success of MaaS and Mobility on Demand (MOD) lead the authors to propose MaaS Lite, which reflects an incremental approach to MaaS based on a simpler organisational arrangement that does not depend upon the introduction of a Mobility Operator as a new player. MaaS Lite also recognises that most trips are not complex at all, often based on one or two connected mechanised modes that meets highly local needs, including FMLM service connectivity.Overall, MaaS is not a ‘one size fits all’ solution for all regions but the benefits of the highly targeted MaaS Lite could realise early public benefits as a first step in the development of a multi-phased ‘services road map’ that evolves towards the implementation of multi-modal, region-wide operationally integrated MaaS. Case studies in Hong Kong and Brisbane demonstrate the merits of MaaS Lite in these two contrasting environments having different regulatory regimes, population densities and levels of private car ownership.  相似文献   

张希海 《商用汽车》2007,(3):112-113
众所周知,人体血液循环有大循环(体循环)和小循环(肺循环)之分,而汽车发动机的冷却系统也主要是通过大、小循环的方式来调节冷却液温度的(也有部分发动机采用根据冷却液的温度,改变冷却风扇的工作状态,如利用耦合器,通过变更冷却液散热器空气流量的方法来实现调节冷却液的冷却强度.本文特指水冷发动机).  相似文献   

古语有云:上兵伐谋,攻心为上。意思就是最高的兵法首先在于谋略,并且以攻心为上策。对于企业营销来说,关键就在于抓住并迎合顾客的心理,以达到激发顾客的购买欲望,并最终促成销售的目的。  相似文献   

第一次见到骏逸,就有一种要带着一家老小驾车出行的冲动,2006年10月22日至28日,记者的愿望终于部分实现,东风日产乘用车公司在湖南举行骏逸媒体试乘试驾活动,一向擅长营造气氛的东风日产,把此次试驾的目的地安排在风景如画的常德。在美丽的柳叶湖边,细细品味骏逸散发出来的魅力  相似文献   

随着中国汽车产业的迅猛发展,全球众多知名汽车厂商纷纷来华投资,中国成了全球知名的汽车生产国.快速发展的汽车产业为汽车电子产品提供了广阔的应用市场.  相似文献   

王概 《时代汽车》2010,(2):93-93
德国卡尔·冯·克劳塞维茨在《战争论》中强调进攻就是最好的防守。所以不发扬大庆油田“有条件要上,没有条件创造条件也要上”的艰苦创业精神去造豪华车是一定不行的。  相似文献   

众所周知,汽车的心脏——发动机是决定汽车寿命最重要的因素。除了过载、高速行驶、启动和停车等的不良驾驶习惯可以导致削减发动机年限,汽车内部系统的污染也是危害发动机较大的杀手之一,而这一点却常常被人们所忽略。  相似文献   

Estimates by the World Health Organization suggest that, on a yearly basis, road crashes kill 1.25 million people—nearly 3400 road fatalities per day—and injure up to 50 million. Traffic injuries are not equally spread over the world, however; some countries are hit harder than others, and the chance of being killed in a road crash depends on where one lives. Almost 90% of all traffic casualties occur in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). Globally, the number of fatalities per 100,000 population (mortality rate) ranges from less than 3 to almost 40. The rate is less than 9 in high-income countries (HIC) but averages around 20 in LMIC, with the African region demonstrating the highest rate (26.6). While road safety trends have been positive in HIC over the last few decades, trends in LMIC are not telling a positive story: road fatalities are expected to increase to almost 2 million road fatalities per year by 2020.The United Nations has adopted several resolutions on road safety and proposes actions to tackle the global road safety crisis. Considering the current level of road safety to be unacceptable, the UN has taken several initiatives. One effort, the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011–2020, has generated substantial activity around the world over the last couple of years. Furthermore, it is very encouraging that the UN included road safety in the Sustainable Development Goals that it laid out in September 2015. Road safety is part of the public health agenda and the urban development agenda. Measured in “real actions,” however, the responses so far from the overall global community and individual countries do not suggest that we are already on the right track to bringing down the death toll on roads.The future of road safety is uncertain and definitely not the same for all regions of the world. Countries with a mature road safety approach and an ambition to make further progress are expected to move in the direction of a pro-active approach: a Safe System approach. It is reported that many LMIC, meanwhile, are on the brink of designing road safety strategies and implementing action plans. The international community is willing to support LMIC, but LMIC cannot simply copy successful HIC strategies because local circumstances differ. The principles of successful HIC strategies are applicable, but the priorities and action plans should take root in and align with local conditions.  相似文献   

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