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据英国纽卡斯尔大学和英国造船商暨修船商协会的一份联合报告称目前拆船厂大多集中在劳动力成本低廉的亚洲国家和地区,本来相当发达的东欧地区拆船厂因为受不了当地环境保护法规条列过严、罚款太高而纷纷转移到亚洲,但是随着全球环境保护法规的逐步到位和正规实施,不久的将来,包括亚洲在内的全球拆船厂和海上设施均必须符合现代化循环技术的要求,进一步严格受制于国际社会标准化环境保护法规。  相似文献   

在我国工业化高速发展的今天,一般工业固体废弃物的资源化利用备受瞩目,其中,一般工业固废在公路行业的应用是一个具有显著效益的途径。本文分析了目前工业固废在国内外公路行业的应用现状、我国相关政策的制订情况以及现行的相关标准,提出了该领域下目前存在的不足和相应的决策建议,为一般工业固废在公路行业应用的发展和标准化体系构建提供参考。  相似文献   

文章针对广西在建高速公路行业管理遇到的难题,分析存在难题的原因,从搭建监管工作平台、明确监管工作任务、建立行业监管体系、健全行业监管依据、创造良好的工作环境、推行工程项目管理信息系统应用、建立行业管理信息平台和制定价格变化联系机制等方面提出了解决难题的相关对策。  相似文献   

2015年3月18日,交通运输部发布了《关于加快推进新能源汽车在交通运输行业推广应用的实施意见》(以下简称"《意见》")。《意见》明确提出,到2020年,新能源汽车在城市公交、出租汽车和城市物流配送等领域的总量达到30万辆。《意见》的正式出台,明确了交通运输行业是新能源汽车推广应用的重要领域,对新能源汽车在交通运输行业推广应用的重点领域、目标规模、技术标准和相关支持配套政策作出详细规定,得到了行业的充分关注。  相似文献   

企业的经营风险是国内汽车租赁行业发展二十多年来面对的一个重大课题,这个问题的持续存在,直接影响到了汽车租赁行业的兴衰和走向。对此,业内人士在反复探讨,行业管理机构也在寻找突破口,相关部门将专门立法列入议  相似文献   

非常感谢《运输经理世界》杂志社举办的"2010年运输经理年会"为我们提供了这样一个机会,使我们能够与道路运输的行业高层管理者、各位行业专家,与各位优秀客运企业家们进行交流和沟通,我本人非常荣幸能够在这儿与大家共同探讨关于运输行业现代化的相关问题。  相似文献   

结合全省行业工作实际,遵循科学性、系统性、可操作性以及定量与定性相结合等原则,依据相关法规和标准,运用层次分析法建立了评价指标体系,确定了各评价指标的权重,最后以某市交通运输行业工作评价为例,采用模糊综合评价法对该指标体系进行了验证。  相似文献   

文章结合广西交通运输行业职业资格管理工作实际情况,分析了当前存在的主要问题,提出了促进交通运输行业职业资格管理工作发展的相关对策。  相似文献   

中国,南京——2012年3月,为期三天的第十二届中国(南京)国际客车及零部件展览会隆重举行,艾里逊变速箱公司再次助阵此次在国内极具规模和影响力的行业盛会。本届展会展示了城市客车、旅游车及相关零部件等六大领域的最新产品和技术,引起了代理商、整车厂商和其他行业的广泛关注。  相似文献   

中国,南京——2012年3月,为期三天的第十二届中国(南京)国际客车及零部件展览会隆重举行,艾里逊变速箱公司再次助阵此次在国内极具规模和影响力的行业盛会。本届展会展示了城市客车、旅游车及相关零部件等六大领域的最新产品和技术,引起了代理商、整车J。商和其他行业的广泛关注。  相似文献   

Questionable practices for dismantling end-of-life ships or ‘ship recycling’ on South Asian countries’ shores have elicited unease given their dominance of this unevenly regulated global industry. International efforts to establish enforceable regulations have met with limited success so far, and yet this limited success may be further eroded as different interests promote their own preferred arrangements—or ignore them altogether. This paper focuses on narrowing differences between the European Union and South Asian ship recycling nations over regulating this trade by sequentially detailing its economic rationales, environmental regimes and relevant sustainability principles. These tasks performed, I deductively build a case for an aid-based, ‘demandeur pays’ approach to meaningfully address this impasse after considering other options to fund improved ship recycling practices in South Asia.  相似文献   

The incorporation of new international regulations is a rational way to avoid the use of substandard Asian ship-breaking yards. However, more restrictive regulations and agreements could lead to increase the proliferation of the use of third countries in connection with ship recycling industry. The new Open Registries provides ship-owners with legal loopholes in order to avoid strict national legislations and international rules, thus the “genuine link” disappears and the ship-owner’s responsibilities relax. Ship-breaking industry is a complex interconnected system with many important key actors, such as shipping companies, ship-owners, ship registries, brokers, and ship-breaking yards, all of which are discussed in this paper under the vision of a new global ship recycling policy, and focusing in those cases when a ship changes its flag state registration just before scrapping. This paper analyses the most common flags selected in order to send ships for scrapping. Empirical investigation to determine the relation between States and ship-breaking industry has been carried out using the multivariate statistic technic known as “Simple correspondence analysis”. The results show a relation between ship registry selection and ships that are about to end their lives, re-flagging solely for the purpose of scrapping. If we observe the evolution of the different flag states at the end of the ship’s life, we find incremented use of new open registers or “Mirror Flags”. General abuse of new registries in ship-breaking industry would lead to a ship-breaking industry without rules or transparent procedures, which could violate labour and environmental standards.  相似文献   

文章结合广西民营造船产业的现状,分析了民营船厂现阶段存在的主要问题,阐述了广西船检机构的技术优势,并在此基础上提出了船检机构服务民营船舶业、推动民营造船业健康发展的三方面对策。  相似文献   

文章针对南宁水运事业的新形势,分析了船检工作的现状与需求,并从船检人员的角度提出了船检工作的新思路。  相似文献   

文章分析了现阶段广西船舶生产企业现状及存在的主要问题,并从管理角度提出了推动船舶修造工业健康发展的对策和建议,为广西船舶生产企业提升船舶生产水平、实现跨越式发展提供思路。  相似文献   

The scope of state authority to regulate railroads tends to be broader in states with relatively concentrated populations and in states where economic sectors likely to ship by rail, especially mining, are relatively small. Regulatory scope is generally not related to the size of the railroad industry, number of railroads, or ideological-cultural factors.  相似文献   

2019年2月18日中共中央、国务院印发了《粤港澳大湾区发展规划纲要》,其中航运清洁发展是重要的内容之一。面对粤港澳大湾区水路运输高速发展的态势,尤其是石油及其制品的运量快速增长,船舶及其有关作业活动对水域环境造成的污染风险越来越大,大湾区内各市均不同程度面临着严峻的船舶污染防治形势。为保障国家、行业以及《规划纲要》关于船舶污染防治措施和要求的落实,本研究对大湾区船舶污染风险进行了分析,梳理了大湾区船舶污染防治现状,并提出了相应的污染防治对策。  相似文献   


Since 1990s the liner shipping industry has faced a period of restructuring and consolidation, and been confronted with a continuing increase in container vessel scale. The impact of these changes is noticeable in trade patterns, cargo handling methods and shipping routes, in short ‘operations’. After listing factors influencing size, growth in container ship size is explained by economies of scale in deploying larger vessels. In order to quantify economies of scale, this paper uses the liner service cash flow model. A novelty in the model is the inclusion of +6000-20-foot Equivalent Unit (TEU) vessels and the distinction in costs between single and twin propeller units on ships. The results illustrate that scale economies have been – and will continue to be – the driving force behind the deployment of larger container vessels. The paper then assesses the link between ship size and operations, given current discussions about the increase in container vessel scale. It is found that (a) ship size and operations are linked; (b) optimal ship size depends on transport segment (deep-sea vs. short-sea shipping, SSS), terminal type (transhipment terminals vs. other terminals), trade lane (East-West vs. North-South trades) and technology; and (c) a ship optimal for one trade can be suboptimal for another.  相似文献   

This article uses visualization techniques to investigate global ship risk profiles and their changes over time. With a unique data set of 49,151 observations, the authors link changes in risk profiles to legislative developments and industry actions, as well as identify areas prone to general safety, loss of life, and pollution risks. Improved risk profiles over time have resulted from legislative measures, including the International Safety Management Code, the Oil Pollution Act, amendments to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, and the introduction of port state controls and industry vetting inspections.  相似文献   


The stringent ship emission regulations under IMO's (International Maritime Organization) MARPOL Annex VI are a main driver to consider liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a ship fuel. Research into LNG as a marine fuel saw a strong growth in recent years, but no study has analyzed in a systematic way the level of convergence among the findings presented in the wide range of studies. In order to fill this gap, this paper seeks to perform a systematic review to synthesize the findings of 33 published studies on the use of LNG as a ship fuel. The aim is not only to obtain a much broader understanding of the current perspectives and challenges for applying LNG as a bunker for ship propulsion, but also to identify the gaps and weak points in the literature which could suggest future research. Moreover, given the output of the synthesis, the paper presents an extensive decision-making framework for shipowners when deciding on a fuel switch for their fleet from conventional oils to LNG in order to achieve a level of conceptual development beyond that attained in individual studies. In addition, the study also identifies the important role of ports in facilitating and encouraging the large-scale adoption of LNG in the maritime industry.  相似文献   

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