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螺旋桨和不同物理参数的海冰接触碰撞产生的冰载荷会对螺旋桨和推进轴系产生不同的影响,研究其对轴系的影响及轴系的响应规律可为推进轴系的设计和布置提供建议。该文基于流固耦合方法,利用ANSYS/LS-DYNA软件计算不同物理参数的海冰和螺旋桨接触碰撞时螺旋桨受到的冰载荷并分析其冰载荷的变化规律,把获取的冰载荷输入到ABQUAS,计算了对应的冰载荷下的船舶推进轴系的应力、应变值,分析了推进轴系的应力、应变值,得到推进轴系的响应规律;得出推进轴系的动态响应受冰载荷的影响较大,随着海冰径向距离的减小而增大,随海冰尺寸和速度的增大而增大,故对冰区船舶的推进装置而言,其强度有着更高的要求。  相似文献   

为了解决全回转推进器螺旋桨的单向流固耦合问题,实现螺旋桨桨叶结构强度精确评估,文章基于计算流体力学和有限元法开展了螺旋桨桨叶的结构强度计算方法研究,重点探讨了桨叶表面随机分布压力从流体域到固体域的转换技术。在此基础上,文中提出了桨叶固液交界面上水动力载荷的转换方法,详细研究了插值加权系数和有限元网格尺寸对桨叶结构强度计算精度的影响规律,给出了适用于桨叶强度评估的插值加权系数和单元网格尺寸选取原则。最后,该文以5 000 k W级全回转推进器螺旋桨为例,开展了桨叶结构强度数值计算和安全评估,获得了桨叶的应力和变形分布规律,整体上建立了全回转推进器螺旋桨桨叶结构强度评估方法,可为大功率全回转推进器螺旋桨设计提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

本文通过螺旋桨空泡噪声模型试验,研究螺旋桨空泡和噪声特征,以及螺旋桨不同阶段空泡和噪声的关系,探究螺旋桨噪声产生及控制机理。建立了螺旋桨空泡和噪声同步测试方法,针对2400 TEU集装箱船螺旋桨开展模型试验。从螺旋桨模型试验结果分析得出:片空泡脱落形成梢涡空泡产生的噪声量级最高,且具有宽带特性,梢涡空泡噪声量级次之;模型状态下片空泡脱落形成梢涡空泡,以及独立的梢涡空泡引起的空泡噪声均在1 000 Hz附近存在明显峰值,对应实桨的峰值频率为50-60 Hz。  相似文献   

文章研究了小水线面双体船的桨—轴—船体耦合系统在螺旋桨受宽带力激励下的纵向振动特性。建立了考虑周围流体介质作用的桨—轴—船体动态耦合系统的声振数值计算模型,经实船试验表明计算结果与试验结果吻合较好。采用该模型计算分析了桨—轴—船体耦合系统的振动特性。作用在螺旋桨上的激励力传递到船体时,受到轴系子系统的调制作用及推力轴承基座结构的刚度影响,在轴系一阶和二阶纵向振动模态处出现动力放大;考虑螺旋桨的弹性变形时,激励力在螺旋桨的桨叶若干纵向振动模态频率上也出现了明显的放大。在这些低频段的振动模态频率上,船体结构受放大的激励力作用,容易产生共振及声辐射。  相似文献   

The speed of a ship sailing in waves always slows down due to the decrease in efficiency of the propeller. So it is necessary and essential to analyze the unsteady hydrodynamic performance of propeller in waves. This paper is based on the numerical simulation and experimental research of hydrodynamics performance when the propeller is under wave conditions. Open-water propeller performance in calm water is calculated by commercial codes and the results are compared to experimental values to evaluate the accuracy of the numerical simulation method. The first-order Volume of Fluid(VOF) wave method in STAR CCM+ is utilized to simulate the three-dimensional numerical wave. According to the above prerequisite, the numerical calculation of hydrodynamic performance of the propeller under wave conditions is conducted, and the results reveal that both thrust and torque of the propeller under wave conditions reveal intense unsteady behavior. With the periodic variation of waves, ventilation, and even an effluent phenomenon appears on the propeller. Calculation results indicate, when ventilation or effluent appears, the numerical calculation model can capture the dynamic characteristics of the propeller accurately, thus providing a significant theory foundation forfurther studying the hydrodynamic performance of a propeller in waves.  相似文献   

文章对冰载荷预报技术进行了研究与评估。给出了冰载荷的描述、定义,对预报方法进行了分类,并讨论了预报技术中的困难与难点。综述了理论预报方法和数值模拟技术,并分析了这些理论和方法的特点。指出这些预报方法的优点与缺点,并对今后的研究与开发工作给出了几点建议。  相似文献   

In this study, a series of numerical calculations are carried out in ANSYS Workbench based on the unidirectional fluid–solid coupling theory. Using the DTMB 4119 propeller as the research object, a numerical simulation is set up to analyze the open water performance of the propeller, and the equivalent stress distribution of the propeller acting in the flow field and the axial strain of the blade are analyzed. The results show that FLUENT calculations can provide accurate and reliable calculations of the hydrodynamic load for the propeller structure. The maximum equivalent stress was observed in the blade near the hub, and the tip position of the blade had the largest stress. With the increase in speed, the stress and deformation showed a decreasing trend.  相似文献   

通过求解雷诺时均的RANS方程数值模拟了单独喷水推进器和螺旋桨的流场,并用试验数据验证了数值计算的结果。在得到满意的结果之后,数值模拟了一台喷水推进器与两个螺旋桨混合推进系统的流场。通过流线和压力分布等研究混合推进系统流场特点。混合推进系统中,喷水推进器与螺旋桨的进、出流条件都发生了的改变,其中螺旋桨的改变较大。不同螺旋桨旋向计算结果表明,外旋桨有助于改善混合推进系统中喷水推进器的进流、提高整个推进系统的效率。数值计算和理论分析都表明,混合推进系统中,螺旋桨性能对流场的变化更敏感,在设计时应给予更多的关注。  相似文献   

文章应用分离涡模型(DES)对螺旋桨尾流中梢涡流场分布进行了数值研究。为准确模拟螺旋桨梢涡流场的信息,应用全六面体网格对螺旋桨计算域进行网格划分,通过迭代计算确定螺旋桨梢涡涡核的位置。为避免数值离散误差,对梢涡区域进行了网格加密处理。为了研究螺旋桨梢涡空间形态,文中采用涡核识别的"Q准则",对螺旋桨梢涡等值面进行定义。计算结果表明,该文建立的尾流中梢涡流场分布数值模拟方法能够准确预报出螺旋桨梢涡流场的分布及涡核形状,与实验测量结果相符。  相似文献   

船舶碰撞海冰引起的冰载荷分布是十分复杂的。文章选取Thikhonov正则化这一反向方法,根据极地科考补给船S.A Agulhas II号于2013-2014年间南极航行时实测的数据,分析得到了船体艉肩部的冰载荷。通过应用三种独立的冰载荷离散方式来模拟海冰的自然特性,在有限元中得到模型的影响矩阵,并应用Matlab对Thikhonov正则化方程进行了优化。研究结果表明,反向方法可以克服数据处理过程中的不适定性,并计算得到船体冰载荷。  相似文献   

本文针对中国新型极地考察船所受冰载荷进行了研究,其中包含了平整冰阻力和浮冰碰撞力。对于船舶设计者和建造者来说,船舶冰载荷的预估非常重要。本文采用经验公式方法计算了该船在平整冰中航行的冰阻力,并且与模型试验结果进行了对比。结果显示,计算和试验结果中的冰阻力都随船舶航行速度的增大而增大,经验公式方法可以预测出合理的平整冰阻力。通过计算得到了该船的性能曲线,即该船在不同厚度平整冰中航行所能达到的速度。此外,本文还考虑了该船与圆形浮冰之间的三维斜向碰撞问题,采用解析方法评估了浮冰对船舶的撞击力,研究了撞击位置、法向框架角度以及浮冰尺寸对碰撞力的影响。基于计算结果,本文就冰载荷的预测进行了讨论并提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

The unsteady performance of drag and double reverse propeller podded propulsors in open water was numerically simulated using a computational fluid dynamics(CFD) method. A moving mesh method was used to more realistically simulate propulsor working conditions, and the thrust, torque, and lateral force coefficients of both propulsors were compared and analyzed. Forces acting on different parts of the propulsors along with the flow field distribution of steady and unsteady results at different advance coefficients were compared. Moreover, the change of the lateral force and the difference between the abovementioned two methods were mainly analyzed. It was shown that the thrust and torque results of both methods were similar, with the lateral force results having the highest deviation  相似文献   

螺旋桨-冰接触工况下载荷试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
船舶在冰区航行时,经常会发生碎冰在艏部下沉,并沿着船体滑入螺旋桨前的流场中,导致高速旋转的螺旋桨与冰发生切削作用,使得螺旋桨桨叶发生严重变形和损坏。为了进一步分析和研究螺旋桨-冰切削过程中的各种载荷,文中首先在拖曳水池中搭建了螺旋桨-冰切削试验平台,详细叙述了测量设备和模型冰推送装置。然后,通过重复性分析以及与其他学者的研究进行对比分析,验证了试验平台的可行性和可靠性。最后,对螺旋桨-冰在空气中以及在水中切削时受到的载荷情况进行了详细的分析。试验结果表明:螺旋桨-冰切削试验平台的搭建具有可行性,能够较好地测量螺旋桨-冰的切削载荷;模型冰移动的速度越快,螺旋桨受到的挤压载荷越大;螺旋桨-冰切削过程中接触载荷的详细描述对冰级螺旋桨的结构设计具有重要的工程意义和应用价值。  相似文献   

本文概括了喷水推进器与固定螺矩螺旋桨吸收主机功率方面的主要不同之处,这些不同点对于操作人员、主机选型和主机都有影响。本文涉及以下范围的内容:功率与转速之间的固定关系,这意味着喷水推进器和作为主机功率计,而与转速与船速相关的螺旋浆则不同;功率吸收偏离匹配点的差别和喷水推进器不会使主机过载的实际情况,及这些对于操作员和主机的意义;主机转还与船速的比较,喷水推进和螺旋浆可获得的推进功率与船速的关系;船超  相似文献   

海洋结构物的水动力性能研究对于安全、经济的工程设计至关重要。近年来,由海浪巨大波浪引起的事故越来越多地见诸报道,因此,有必要深入研究波浪尤其是畸形波对结构物产生的载荷及运动响应。海上浮式平台的运动响应与系泊载荷密切相关,而文中的出发点正是研究在何种波浪条件下会引起平台的最大运动响应。通过对一座设计作业水深为500 m的半潜式平台进行频域计算,获得了平台在自由漂浮状态下的响应函数(RAO),并与实验数据进行了比较。通过时域模拟,获得了新年波和三姐妹波作用下的平台运动响应,研究了畸形波的存在对于平台运动的影响。此外,还研究了畸形波中最大波峰值及连续大波的出现间隔对平台垂荡和纵摇运动的影响,可为后续研究和工程设计提供参考。  相似文献   

Experimental tests were conducted to evaluate the hydrodynamic performance of an L-type podded propulsor in straight-ahead motion and off-design conditions using an open-water measuring instrument developed by the authors for podded propulsors, a ship model towing tank, and under water particle image velocimetry(PIV) measurement systems. Under the three types of conditions, the main parameters of an L-type podded propulsor were measured, including the propeller thrust and torque, as well as the thrust, side force, and moment of the whole pod unit. In addition, the flow field on the section between the propeller and the strut was analyzed. Experimental results demonstrate that the dynamic azimuthing rate and direction and the turning direction affect the forces on the propeller and the whole pod unit. Forces are asymmetrically distributed between the left and right azimuthing directions because of the effect of propeller rotation. The findings of this study provide a foundation for further research on L-type podded propulsors.  相似文献   

由于船体结构受到的外部载荷及载荷承受能力决定了船体结构的损伤程度,因此船舶在冰区海域航行的安全性与其受到的冰载荷直接相关。本文根据极地科考补给船S.A. Agulhas II的原型测量数据,给出了两种艉肩部冰载荷的反演确定方法:一种为根据试验建立的影响系数矩阵法来确定肋骨处受到的冰载荷,另一种为利用Tikhonov正则化建立的三种离散方式来确定外板区域受到的冰载荷。计算结果表明,这两种方法均能克服数据处理过程中的病态性并得到船体结构的冰载荷。  相似文献   

Fishing is a major local industry in Malaysia, particularly in rural areas. However, the rapidly increasing price of fuel is seriously affecting the industry's viability. At present, outboard petrol engines are the preferred choice for use in small-scale fishing boats because they deliver the advantages of high speed and low weight, they are easy to install, and they use minimal space. Petrol outboard engines are known to consume a greater amount of fuel than inboard diesel engines, but installing diesel engines with conventional submerged propellers in existing small-scale fishing boats is not economically viable because major hullform modifications and extra expenditure are required to achieve this. This study describes a proposal to enable reductions in fuel consumption by introducing the combined use of a diesel engine and Surface-Piercing Propeller(SPP). An analysis of fuel consumption reduction is presented, together with an economic feasibility study. Resulting data reveal that the use of the proposed modifications would save 23.31 liters of fuel per trip(40.75%) compared to outboard motors, equaling annual savings of RM 3962 per year.  相似文献   

This study investigates the resistance of a transport ship navigating in level ice by conducting a series of model tests in an ice tank at Tianjin University. The laboratory-scale model ship was mounted on a rigid carriage using a one-directional load cell and then towed through an ice sheet at different speeds. We observed the ice-breaking process at different parts of the ship and motion of the ice floes and measured the resistances under different speeds to determine the relationship between the ice-breaking process and ice resistance. The bending failure at the shoulder area was found to cause maximum resistance. Furthermore, we introduced the analytical method of Lindqvist(1989) for estimating ice resistance and then compared these calculated results with those from our model tests. The results indicate that the calculated total resistances are higher than those we determined in the model tests.  相似文献   

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