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Along with the rapid development of China’s auto industry, a comparatively completeauto parts industry hasbeen formed and transnational autogroups areintegratingChineseparts suppliers into their global supply chains. Almost all world famous auto parts suppliers have established their plants here orengaged in technical cooperation with them. A total of 1200 out of 5000 autoparts makers in China are jointventures. Their aim isto capture the Chinese market and make China into one of the glob…  相似文献   

Almost 20 years have passed since China’s auto parts industry started to introduce foreign capital. The situation has changed radically from inviting foreigners to come to meet the threshold requirements of local rate, to a current situation where foreign parts suppliers are entering in groups and people are worrying that the industry is in danger. Statistics show that more than 70 percent of the world’s top 100 suppliers are doing business here and wholly foreign owned or joint ventures are…  相似文献   

Production and sales in China’s auto industry in 2006 exceeded 7 million units, both 23 percent up over the previous year. Compared with other world markets, all Chinese auto makers are winners. The growth rate of passenger cars is much higher than that …  相似文献   

Innovation begins to lead the industry China’s auto industry has entered a new innovative stage, while undergoing further improvement and restructuring. The entire industry has reached a  相似文献   

Automotive manufacturing at the present time is still a growing industry and it is crucial to the economy of the nation. Since the 1950s, particularly in the year 1979 when rapid growth began because of the adoption of economic restructuring and the opening policy, China has worked economic magic and has made great achievement in the automotive industry.  相似文献   

The Tenth-Five-Year-Plan of the auto industry recently issued has made an analysis on the market demand, development environment and situation that the auto industry will face and advanced the idea for solving contractions and problems, taking the restructuring as motif. Compared with the previous medium-and-long-term programs, the plan is more macroscopic, strategical,  相似文献   

An ongoing chess     
Knot of SAIC and Nanqi-the largest restructuring in the history of China’s auto industry has unveiled its first-stage results. But there are too many uncertainties ahead  相似文献   

Recently there were two pieces of news in China’s auto parts industry, one of themfrom WEI Jianguo, vice minister of Commerce. WEI said that the active use of foreigninvestment is a crucial factor in the development of China’s auto parts industrydomestically and for export; China needs to take the opportunity of the global strategies oftransnational companies to foster the power of automobiles and auto parts. Meanwhile, itneeds to actively promote domestic auto parts suppliers to enter t…  相似文献   

The development of auto industry is mainly geared by car manufacturing. Along with the national economic boom, the production and demand for trucks are also experiencing radical changes, i. e. larger size-dieselized and easier operation lightenized of trucks. These two trends are acting profoundly on and restructuring  相似文献   

Ⅰ. The importance and necessity to develop clean and alternative fuelled vehicles in the new age 1. The auto industry needs fresh development approaches in the new age China’s auto industry has developed responding to the national economy. In 2006, its vehicle production bypassed German to become world No third and its vehicle market size ranked world second. Meanwhile,  相似文献   

1 The Investment Situation of Auto Industrial Powers in China Chinese auto industry has made rapid progress after development of 50 years. However it is still at the infant stage. The government has to protect it by means of long-term, rigorous tariff and non-tariff devices. But the U.S., Japan and other European countries have made investment into Chinese auto industry, because it's incontrovertible that China is the most potential market in the world.  相似文献   

Ⅰ. Chinese auto industry in 2002 Since the WTO entry, Chinese economy has maintained an exciting development trend in the first seven months of this year. The GDP growth is as high as 7.8%. Meanwhile, auto production and sales have also increased rapidly. More and more new types of domestic-made vehicles are being launched, auto prices have been reduced and the service is  相似文献   

"The Research Materials Collection of the Tenth-Five-Year-Plan of China's Auto Industry" The book is jointly edited by the State Economic and Trade Commission and CATARC, including 8 parts, i.e.: The Tenth-Five-Year-Plan of the auto industry, basic research on China's auto industry, research on the development of China's auto products, research on  相似文献   

Now the global automotive industry is in face of excess capaci-ty, saturated market and sluggish sales. The competition in world auto market is fierce. Annexing and merging among auto manufac-tuners are like the rising wind and scudding clouds. In the 1980s, Volkswagen purchased Audi; PSA  相似文献   

The influence of SARS on the auto market will appear in the fourth quarter The auto industry is taking a prudent, optimistic attitude towards the brisk vehicle market during the SARS period. ZHAO Zengjun, director of market department of FAW Audi, said he believed that SARS has promoted sales of low and medium-end vehicles while the influence on high-end vehicles is weak. However, in looking at the trend in 2003, its  相似文献   

1 Current situation of foreign direct investment accepted by the auto industry 1.1 General condition By the end of 1998, there were in Chinese auto sector over 400 joint ventures of which some 50 were manufacturers together with around 20 motorcycle makers, some 240 enterprises that were engaged in the production of key assembles and parts, and 40 firms were concerned with services and consultancy and other business. The agreed  相似文献   

1. A prediction of the auto market based on the economy in 2005 The auto industry is still the hot spot in 2005. Its economic efficiency is improving further; its agriculture moves towards positive direction, with supporting policies from the central government being practiced; it is drawing increasing foreign direct investment; residents are receiving growing pay. All these are the basic conditions for China’s auto industry. ·Heavy industrialization is speeding up. Over the recent years, i…  相似文献   

Ⅰ. Reverberations of the "Industrial Policy of Motor Industry" The announcement of the "Industrial Policy of Motor Industry" (Industrial Policy, hereinafter) has brought many new changes to China motor industry, and has great influences upon its development and the cooperation between China auto industry and that of the world.  相似文献   

The topic of independent development of automobile products, which was hot for awhile, is now rarely discussed. But in comparing the weight of the auto industry with theentire economy, these appeals should enlighten doubters. Of the GDP growth in 2002, the auto industry accounted for nearly 1/4. 2003’s autoindustry accounted for 38.1 percent of the sales income and 26.7 percent of the profits ofthe machinery industry. China produced 5 million vehicles in 2004 and it is predicted it willex…  相似文献   

In early 2004, the Chinese government took measures to restrain the hasty development of the industries of energy, steel and electrolytic aluminum. Statistics show that the auto industry has been deeply influenced by the macro regulation with a complicated market situation appearing.1. The macro economic situation in the first half of 2004 During the period, China’s GDP experienced a growth of 9.7 per cent year on year, 0.9 percentage point higher period on period. The growth in the second …  相似文献   

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