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The available highway alignment optimization algorithms use the total cost as the objective function. This is a single objective optimization process. In this process, travel‐time, vehicle operation accident earthwork land acquisition and pavement construction costs are the basic components of the total cost. This single objective highway alignment optimization process has limited capability in handling the cost components separately. Moreover, this process cannot yield a set of alternative solutions from a single run. This paper presents a multi‐objective approach to overcome these shortcomings. Some of the cost components of highway alignments are conflicting in nature. Minimizing some of them will yield a straighter alignment; whereas, minimizing others would make the alignment circuitous. Therefore, the goal of the multiobjective optimization approach is to handle the trade‐off amongst the highway alignment design objectives and present a set of near optimal solutions. The highway alignment objectives, i.e., cost functions, are not continuous in nature. Hence, a special genetic algorithm based multi‐objective optimization algorithm is suggested The proposed methodology is demonstrated via a case study at the end.  相似文献   

Establishment of industry facilities often induces heavy vehicle traffic that exacerbates congestion and pavement deterioration in the neighboring highway network. While planning facility locations and land use developments, it is important to take into account the routing of freight vehicles, the impact on public traffic, as well as the planning of pavement rehabilitation. This paper presents an integrated facility location model that simultaneously considers traffic routing under congestion and pavement rehabilitation under deterioration. The objective is to minimize the total cost due to facility investment, transportation cost including traffic delay, and pavement life-cycle costs. Building upon analytical results on optimal pavement rehabilitation, the problem is formulated into a bi-level mixed-integer non-linear program (MINLP), with facility location, freight shipment routing and pavement rehabilitation decisions in the upper level and traffic equilibrium in the lower level. This problem is then reformulated into an equivalent single-level MINLP based on Karush–Kuhn–Tucker (KKT) conditions and approximation by piece-wise linear functions. Numerical experiments on hypothetical and empirical network examples are conducted to show performance of the proposed algorithm and to draw managerial insights.  相似文献   

文章结合广西桂林-龙胜段二级公路沥青路面病害修补实践,介绍采用沥青路面热再生修补机的施工过程,通过对沥青路面热再生修补法与传统方法的工艺对比,分析其成本和效率,探讨其在公路养护中的应用前景。  相似文献   

冷再生沥青混合料施工技术是一种节能环保的公路路面修复技术,不但可以有效减少石料、沥青、水泥的需求量,降低工程成本,减少了资源浪费,并且与热再生技术相比可以有效降低CO2排放量。配合比设计是影响冷再生沥青混合料质量的关键因素,本文以某公路沥青路面修复工程为例,对沥青路面冷再生沥青混合料配合比进行研究,以加强冷再生沥青混合料质量控制。  相似文献   

Climate change has the potential to impact long-term road pavement performance. Consequently, to maintain pavements within the same ranges of serviceability as before, current pavement maintenance strategies need to be re-assessed and, if necessary, changed. Changes in maintenance may lead to different agency costs and user costs as a consequence. This paper commences by defining an assessment procedure, showing how maintenance intervention strategies and Life-Cycle Costs (LCC) may be affected by future climate. A typical Virginia flexible pavement structure and anticipated climate change was used as an example. This example is believed to be representative for a great number of localities in the United States. A method using historical climatic data and climate change projections to predict pavement performance using Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) under current or future climate was introduced. Based on pavement performance prediction, maintenance interventions were planned and optimized. The maintenance effects of three treatments (thin overlay, thin overlay with an intermediate layer, and mill & fill) were considered. A Life-Cycle Cost analysis is reported that used binary non-linear programming to minimize the costs (either agency costs or total costs) by optimizing intervention strategies in terms of type and application time. By these means, the differences in maintenance planning and LCC under current and future climate can be derived. It was found, that for this simplified case study, pavement maintenance and LCC may be affected by climate change Optimized maintenance may improve resilience to climate change in terms of intervention strategy and LCC, compared to responsive maintenance.  相似文献   

公路工程造价控制,是工程项目管理的重要内容。文章分析了在公路基本建设项目设计阶段控制工程造价的重要性,阐述了设计阶段工程造价控制的必要条件,提出了对公路基本建设项目工程造价进行有效控制的措施。  相似文献   

This research empirically evaluates the public sector investment in the US freight transportation infrastructure. In particular, the infrastructures to support the two most comparable modes of freight transportation – highway and intermodal rail – are examined as alternatives for public fund allocation. Indicators for public sector transportation infrastructure investment mix are established based on financial analysis of both private and social costs and benefits, as well as the propensity of freight shippers to utilize such infrastructures. The research results in recommendations for the aggregate allocation of public funds in the US based on these indicators. We find that approximately a quarter of truck freight could be handled at a 25% lower cost if rail infrastructure to support it existed. Because an additional 80% reduction in social costs could be achieved through this modal conversion, the public sector is a critical participant in creating a more efficient transportation infrastructure.  相似文献   

Traditionally, asphalt pavement maintenance mainly considers pavement performance and cost and largely ignores the environment while substantial amount of environmental burdens are released in the process. In this study, a multi-objective optimization model was developed integrating the three elements in order to optimize the asphalt pavement maintenance plans at the project level. Pavement performance element was decided as the multiplier of pavement serviceability index and traffic volume. Cost element was represented by the net present value, including components of agency cost, vehicle operation cost and salvage value. Environmental element, integrating energy consumption, global warming potential, acidification potential and respiratory effects potential, was measured by the life cycle assessment model. A hypothetic asphalt pavement maintenance case study was conducted using the developed multi-objective optimization model and harvested 103 sets of feasible combinations of maintenance plans, each of which is non-dominated by the others. Trade-offs analysis was performed among the three objectives and visualized in both two- and three-dimension forms. It is found there is an opportunity of reducing the cost and environmental impacts to 80.3% and 77.8% and increasing the pavement performance to 146.6% compared to the base case. However, they are mutually compromised and cannot be reached simultaneously. The developed model reveals the quantitatively interactive relationship of the three objectives and helps optimize the asphalt pavement maintenance plans.  相似文献   

This paper presents a decision analysis technique to allow highway agencies to assess the tradeoffs between costs, condition and energy consumption. It is shown how the entire feasible solution space can be evaluated between multiple stakeholders with differing values to assess the desirability of the outcomes resulting from infrastructure management decisions. Furthermore, an example network-level analysis is presented using data from the Virginia Department of Transportation. The example analysis clearly shows a tradeoff between the most cost effective outcomes (i.e., minimizing the cost divided by the condition) and the outcomes where the energy consumption is minimized, and how decision analysis should account for this tradeoff. The results of the method presented in this paper show that various pavement management alternatives can be represented in terms of desirability, and that this desirability can assist the decision maker with making decisions about performance goals and targets.  相似文献   

《高性能半柔性复合路面与基层的开发应用研究》项目,为了提高西部地区高速公路建设水平,特别是提高路面的使用性能和延长路面的使用寿命,减少路面建设投资等诸多方面,进行对半柔性路面现状的调研和归纳分析,并从五个方面开展研究。本篇阐述了该项目的主要研究成果,指出了项目的创新点,对提高公路交通行业整体的科技水平及新型路面的推广应用具有重要作用。  相似文献   

Transportation infrastructure management has been a subject of growing economic importance in recent years due to the magnitude of agency expenditures. Increasingly sophisticated methods have been developed to model pavement deterioration and solve for optimal management strategies. However, it is unclear whether these more complex methods are providing more useful results. This paper presents a simple approach for optimizing the frequency and intensity of resurfacing for multiple highway facilities. It builds upon existing optimization methods for the single-facility, continuous-state, continuous-time problem and corresponding results, which include a threshold structure for optimal solutions. This threshold structure allows for mathematical simplifications and for a straightforward optimization approach to be applied to the multi-facility case. The approach is bottom-up rather than top-down, preserving facility-specific features to develop informative budget allocation results. Application of the approach in a case study indicates that solutions are likely to be robust to deterioration model uncertainty, which is consistent with previous facility-level findings. In addition, the methodology is shown to be robust to the form of the deterioration model.  相似文献   

水损害作为高等级公路沥青路面早期破坏的主要原因之一,严重影响公路的使用性能,增加了养护成本。文章分析了沥青路面水损害的破坏机理及其形成的主要原因,并结合工程实际,从严格控制现场空隙率、减少离析现象的发生、合理选材三个方面提出了相应的预防措施。  相似文献   

Environmental nuisances (such as greenhouse gases and noise) may be generated during the use phase of the pavement life cycle, with these known to significantly affect the environment. However, no attempt has yet been made to gather information concerning the processes involved in the generation of environmental impacts, and to evaluate them. To address this issue, this paper reviews the knowledge base and relevant methods relating to environmental impact assessment and pavement management. It then presents a conceptual model, integrating impact pathway approach and life cycle cost analysis principles and providing a comprehensive framework for quantification and incorporation of environmental impacts into pavement management. This study shows that pavement management influences environmental impacts occurring during the use phase of the pavement life cycle. It establishes causal links between pavement management and nuisance generation, between nuisances and their impact on receptors, and finally between these impacts and their costs. This study also suggests that incorporating environmental impacts into pavement management systems is feasible and describes how existing and future methodologies and tools may be integrated to support this incorporation. Finally, this study underlines that the inaccuracy of current knowledge and data limits the scope of this conceptual model to network-level decisions.  相似文献   


Despite the hundreds of billions of dollars being spent on infrastructure development -- from roads, rail and airports to energy extraction and power networks to the Internet -- surprisingly little reliable knowledge exists about the performance of these investments in terms of actual costs, benefits and risks. This paper presents results from the first statistically significant study of cost performance in transport infrastructure projects. The sample used is the largest of its kind, covering 258 projects in 20 nations worth approximately US$90 billion (constant 1995 prices). The paper shows with overwhelming statistical significance that in terms of costs transport infrastructure projects do not perform as promised. The conclusion is tested for different project types, different geographical regions and different historical periods. Substantial cost escalation is the rule rather than the exception. For rail, average cost escalation is 45% (SD=38), for fixed links (tunnels and bridges) it is 34% (62) and for roads 20% (30). Cost escalation appears a global phenomenon, existing across 20 nations on five continents. Cost estimates have not improved and cost escalation not decreased over the past 70 years. Cost estimates used in decision-making for transport infrastructure development are highly, systematically and significantly misleading. Large cost escalations combined with large standard deviations translate into large financial risks. However, such risks are typically ignored or underplayed in decision-making, to the detriment of social and economic welfare.  相似文献   

文章对国道322线全州-桂林一级公路维修改造工程的维修方案及各种路面结构设计进行了介绍,并结合改造工程完工后的路面状况调查,评价了各种路面结构的使用效果,推荐了适合于广西水泥砼路面改造的路面结构型式。  相似文献   

Morning commuters choose their departure times and travel modes based on a combinational evaluation of factors associated with the chances of running into bottleneck congestion, likely schedule delays, parking space availability as well as monetary costs of traveling and parking. This study investigates a morning commute problem with carpooling behavior under parking space constraint at destination. We consider such a scenario that as a competing mode of the transit line, the highway contains a carpool lane only used by carpoolers while all solo drivers are forced to use a general purpose (GP) lane. Unlike the standard bottleneck model, the rush-hour dynamic departure patterns with a binding parking supply vary with the relative proportion of the two lanes’ capacities. The possible departure pattern domain with different parking supply and lane capacity allocation is explored in terms of the relative extra carpool cost and distinguished between the bi-mode and multi-mode equilibria. It is found that compared with solo drivers, carpoolers have shorter rush hour in order to smooth the extra carpool cost. With the decrease of parking spots, the number of solo drivers cuts down gradually, whilst the number of carpoolers climbs up firstly and then declines in the multi-mode system. Under mild assumptions, the best system performance can be realized with the joint consideration of total travel cost and vehicle emission cost through optimizing the lane capacity allocation and the parking supply.  相似文献   

我国多年冻土地区公路受气温及水分变化等影响,公路病害发生严重。为了使公路养护部门合理利用资金,最大限度避免冻土病害,有必要建立冻土区公路路基路面评价预测系统。文章介绍了冻土区公路路基的评价指标和评价方法。在常规路基路面评价预测的方法上,还使用了马尔可夫等预测方法,以适合冻土区公路路面破坏机理复杂、影响因素多的实际情况。  相似文献   

为了准确估算MOH材料半柔性路面常温施工技术的环保效益,构建了具有测算对象、边界、指标及测算方法的测算体系,测算了MOH材料半柔性路面施工期的能耗、碳排放等,并与传统沥青路面进行了对比分析。结果表明,MOH材料半柔性路面施工期的能耗、碳排放分别为81.60 MJ/t、6.05 kg/t,较传统沥青路面能耗、碳排放降幅均达到71.20%;在设备及人员配置、成本、扬尘、有害气体、颗粒物排放等方面也表现出显著的优势。  相似文献   

公路路面冷再生翻新技术充分利用旧路破拆材料,处理和避免了旧路破拆垃圾,也一定程度节省了新料的投入,符合节能环保公路建设理念。但旧料冷再生利用,必须以新路面基本技术性能得到充分保证为前提。本文基于JTGD50-2017规范,参考国内公路沥青路面的毁损病害多发状态与冷再生复合料的基本性能功效,对公路沥青复合料冷再生新路面开展结构设计分析研究,探讨了三种路面厚度设计方案,提出了一个新的沥青复合料冷再生新路面的结构设计方法。  相似文献   

This paper presents various methods of estimating the full marginal cost (FMC) of highway passenger transportation. First, the computation of FMC is performed using the marginal cost functions, most of which were developed by Ozbay et al. [Ozbay, K., Bartin, B., Berechman, J., 2001. Estimation and evaluation of full marginal costs of highway transportation in New Jersey. Journal of Transportation and Statistics 4 (1)]. FMC is defined and calculated as “total cost per trip” as explained in this paper. However, in multiple origin-destination and multiple route highway networks, the practical application of the network-wide FMC concept is complicated. These issues are addressed in detail in this paper. Therefore, in the second method, a multiple route based FMC approach is proposed for a given origin-destination pair in the network. It is observed that the marginal values of different paths vary as much as 28%. Third, a comparison of FMC estimation results of two distinct measurement tools is presented. The FMC estimation is performed between a selected OD pair using the static transportation planning software output (TransCAD). The same analysis is repeated using the stochastic traffic simulation software output (PARAMICS). The differences in FMC values estimated by static transportation planning software and microscopic traffic simulation software are discussed.  相似文献   

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