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On March 11, 2011 a massive, magnitude 9.0 earthquake destroyed most of the rural areas along the Pacific Coast of eastern Japan, an area that had been facing issues of depopulation and aging even before the earthquake. In this paper I discuss reconstruction plans for depopulated rural areas from the perspectives of transportation infrastructure, residential areas, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, consensus building, and nature restoration. We must take a “backcasting” approach to sustainable development, one in which planning strategies lead to successful outcomes. An organizational and planning support platform is needed to build a consensus within an area.  相似文献   

Metro systems act as fast and efficient transport systems for many modern metropolises; however, enhancing higher usage of such systems often conflicts with providing suitable accessibility options. The traditional approach of metro accessibility studies seems to be an ineffective measure to gage sustainable access in which the equal rights of all users are taken into account. Bangkok Metropolitan Region (BMR) transportation has increasingly relied on the role of two mass rapid transport systems publicly called “BTS Skytrain” and “MRT Subway”, due to limited availability of land and massive road congestion; however, access to such transit arguably treats some vulnerable groups, especially women, the elderly and disabled people unfairly. This study constructs a multi-dimensional assessment of accessibility considerations to scrutinize how user groups access metro services based on BMR empirical case. 600 individual passengers at various stations were asked to rate the questionnaire that simultaneously considers accessibility aspects of spatial, feeder connectivity, temporal, comfort/safety, psychosocial and other dimensions. It was interestingly found by user disaggregated accessibility model that the lower the accessibility perceptions—related uncomfortable and unsafe environment conditions, the greater the equitable access to services, as illustrated by MRT — Hua Lumphong and MRT — Petchaburi stations. The study suggests that, to balance the access priorities of groups on services, policy actions should emphasize acceptably safe access for individuals, cost efficient feeder services connecting the metro lines, socioeconomic influences and time allocation. Insightful discussions on integrated approach balancing different dimensions of accessibility and recommendations would contribute to accessibility-based knowledge and potential propensity to use the public transits towards transport sustainability.  相似文献   

基于连通可靠性的自然灾害后应急阶段路网重建研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
道路交通网络系统是自然灾害发生时人员疏散、派遣营救人员及工程队伍和运送抗灾物资的路线,是生死攸关的抗灾救灾生命线,如何恢复道路交通网络使人员疏散和救灾工作能够顺利进行是一个逐渐被人重视的研究课题.文中介绍了连通可靠性和关键重要度概念,在此基础上建立基于连通可靠性的灾后应急阶段路网重建模型并利用灵敏度分析的方法求解此模型,并进行了案例分析.  相似文献   

Efforts are underway in Japan to promote “Smartway” next-generation roadways, which provide a variety of services through the use of advanced ITS technologies. In recent years, the National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management (NILIM), part of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), has conducted public-private joint research on next-generation road services using ITS technologies. Field operational tests (FOTs) of services including forward obstacle information provision and merging assistance using 5.8 GHz dedicated short range communication (DSRC) were conducted on the Tokyo Metropolitan Expressway through FY2007. In FY2008-2009, FOTs were conducted in three major metropolitan areas—Tokyo, Nagoya, and Keihanshin (Kyoto, Osaka, and Kobe)—to promote future deployment nationwide. These included tests of information provision services to alert drivers to forward obstacles hidden beyond the crest of an incline and prevent excessive speed on sharp curves. This paper presents an overview of these FOTs conducted by NILIM in recent years and their results.  相似文献   

科学合理地规划城市道路网络,使之满足抗震救灾需要,对于震后救援及灾后重建具有重要意义。提出了由三级网络组成的抗震救灾主干网,并给出了路段抗震可靠性的计算方法,通过路段的抗震可靠性分析,找到路网中的薄弱环节,进而提出抗震救灾主干网抗震可靠性的计算方法,为抗震救灾主干网的规划及评价提供依据。  相似文献   

合理的运输方式可以提高企业的响应速度,降低企业的物流成本。本文介绍了几种运输方式,及其适用的方向,同时,对陕西重型汽车有限公司的供应商进行分析,初步确定其合理的运输方式以及运输路线、窗口时间、装载率在运输中的重要作用。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to explain why we have conducted “Traffic Safety Education” in the Kagawa Prefecture during the past ten years so as to clarify the important factors for preventing painful traffic accidents in advance. To meet this aim, we firstly clarify the reason why we eventually decided to conduct “Traffic Safety Education” in the Kagawa Prefecture. In other words, the organization of powerful actors and/or leaders to cope with traffic accidents plays a very important role in “Traffic Safety Education.” Then, we specifically describe the essential parts of our “Traffic Safety Education”. In this respect, we have decided to select the following two aims: to reduce the number of traffic accidents, and to improve traffic manners, respectively. Thirdly, we evaluate various measures, such as teaching materials, teaching methods, and other activities of our “Traffic Safety Education” in detail. Lastly, we summarize the remaining tasks, which have been revealed so far, together with some concluding remarks.  相似文献   

恢复力研究已成为灾害风险领域的研究热点,但在道路交通领域的研究较少。为应对自然灾害等突发事件对道路交通的影响,促进我国交通恢复力的研究,对国内外恢复力领域的相关研究成果进行了总结。首先对恢复力及交通领域恢复力的概念进行了梳理,重点对交通恢复力的内涵和外延进行了深入研究和探讨,总结提出了交通恢复力的定义,并对相关概念进行了区分讨论。同时对恢复力的量化评价体系与方法,以及相关指标计算进行了总结分析,并梳理了交通恢复力基本特性,最后提出在概念统一、量化标准、多学科交叉研究及实际应用等方面作为未来交通恢复力的研究重点。   相似文献   

钢—UHPC组合桥面移动车辆加载试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着公路交通运输的发展,车辆荷载不断提高,导致钢桥面板疲劳问题日益突出,尤其是对桥面系安全使用危害很大的顶板疲劳开裂问题.采用超高性能混凝土(UHPC)形成钢—UHPC组合桥面,因有望解决该类疲劳问题而成为近年来的研究热点.以武汉军山大桥改造工程为背景,利用工程现场的运输卡车,开展了钢—UHPC组合桥面移动车辆加载试验...  相似文献   

以某高海拔、大型水电站库区复建公路隧道的一处典型隧道塌方体为研究对象,采用定性与定量相结合的研究方法,研究了隧道塌方原因,提出了合理的塌方处治措施,并成功地完成了隧道塌方处治。  相似文献   

安全是决定交通运输系统竞争力与可持续发展的关键因素.新冠疫情对全球航空运输业带来了巨大的冲击,全球航空运输安全形势严峻,疫情危机下运行安全与运行新模式,受到业界与学术界的广泛重视.在分析航空运输安全形势的基础上,围绕航空安全的研究前沿,综述了飞行疲劳检测、安全数据分析、单一飞行员驾驶(SPO)安全性等3个研究热点,根据...  相似文献   

本文以郑州金水路改造更新过程中机动车地下通道、绿地与地下车库的结合以及非开挖人行地下通道等地下交通设施的设计为例,为城市中心核心区道路改造更新在适当保证机动车通行和停放的同时,更好地以民为本、还路于民提供了有益的探索和借鉴。  相似文献   

介绍了2017年第96届美国交通运输研究委员会年会(2017 Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting, TRB2017)的概况,包括TRB的组织构架、TRB年会的组织形式及所涉及的领域等.重点介绍行人交通及智能交通2个研究领域的最新进展,并对其未来的发展进行了展望.行人交通方面,结合交通流理论与特征、应急疏散、行人等6个相关TRB(分)委员会的会议组织情况,分别从群集动力学、人员疏散、道路行人交通和客流服务与安全4个方面进行了分析和展望;智能交通方面,结合智能交通系统、自动化与互联化车辆的角色和车辆-高速公路自动化3个TRB委员会的大会组织情况以及讨论情况,分别从智能交通对驾驶安全的影响以及车路协同对交通效率和环境的影响2个方面进行了分析和展望.   相似文献   

交通信息是交通运输发展的基础,交通安全是交通运输的重要目标,智能网联环境下的交通信息与安全越来越受到学术界的重视.第4届交通信息与安全国际学术会议(ICTIS 2017)在此背景下隆重召开.围绕交通信息与交通安全的核心内容,分别从道路、水路的信息与安全角度出发,研讨了水路信息多元化应用、海上事故分析与船舶避碰、道路基础设施信息交互、公共交通优化等热点问题,展示了最新的研究成果.综述了会议报告的热点,分析了交通安全趋势以及存在的问题,并指出新能源动力船舶系统安全与防控、多种类多模式交通流动态预测、无人船开发与应用、道路安全建模等是交通安全与信息未来的研究方向.   相似文献   

汤建良 《中南公路工程》2013,(2):190-192,201
通过反应谱及有限元分析方法,对高烈度地震区公路隧道在衬砌刚度材料变化时的地震反应,采用3种工况分析,其计算结果与震害区公路隧道情况调研吻合,为高烈度地震区公路隧道设计提供参考。  相似文献   

随着我国大中城市经济的发展,我国私人汽车数量快速增长,私人汽车将大规模的进入家庭。但现有住宅小区大部分缺少必要的停车库,小区内的空地面积又少,小轿车到处乱停乱放,严重影响小区内的居民出行、交通和生活质量,城市住宅小区停车难问题已成为影响一个城市可持续发展的重要问题。本文通过对我国城市停车问题现状的调查、研究、分析,参考国外解决停车难问题的措施,提出了解决城市住宅小区停车难问题的可行性措施建议:落实新小区车位配套标准、多种途径增加居民区停车位供给、提高停车费用以及推广立体车库的使用等。  相似文献   

分析了交通信息对出行者在驾驶员路径选择行为中的作用机理和过程,阐述了之间的相互作用关系,论述了交通信息的效用度和出行者信任度之间的影响并提出相应的定性模型。  相似文献   

交通运输高质量发展是复杂的系统工程,立足于《交通强国建设纲要》,从交通运输基础设施规模、运输服务品质、适配经济发展、时间价值、方式费用、社会责任与经济效益等方面,凝练出基本条件、根本追求、重要表现、价值体现以及平衡点等5个维度,深入解析了交通高质量发展的内涵,结合经济发展情况与中国国情提出了交通高质量发展的时代要求.提...  相似文献   

机动车尾气排放造成的空气污染对人体健康的危害逐渐被医学界证实。城市居民选择交通工具以及出行路线时,道路机动车尾气污染会影响其选择行为。文中通过居民出行问卷调查证实部分出行者会采取规避行为降低机动车尾气污染对个人健康的危害,建立表征出行者与污染气体接触程度的曝露指数模型,通过数据拟合建立增量时间转化模型,以出行时间增加值的形式定量得到机动车尾气污染对居民出行的影响程度,对离散选择模型的效用函数进行了修正,并给出了算例。  相似文献   

从路面使用寿命、已有高等级公路路面维修、材料再生利用的角度阐述了高等级公路建设如何实现科学发展观、贯彻资源节约型和环境友好型思想。通过路面设计理论的典型实例,对"强基、薄面、稳土基"路面设计理论进行了验证,介绍了长寿命沥青路面的2个基本技术要求。从沥青面层和基层材料选择和级配设计、拌和厂设备添置和改造的角度介绍了试验路段采用的创新技术。主要介绍了2005年发明的中断级配新多碎石沥青混凝土SAC,2006年发明的新水泥碎石CBG-25。通过与原生产路段的对比,介绍了长寿命沥青路面的特点及优点,即:初期投资减少;大、中、小修费用减少;使用者费用减少;全寿命周期费用最少。充分验证了用我国沥青路面独特的设计理论"强基、薄面、稳土基"设计出来的路面可以达到长寿命的要求,它的设计与施工符合科学发展观和贯彻"两型"的要求。  相似文献   

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