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Malaysia has the highest road fatality risk (per 100,000 population) among the ASEAN countries and more than 50% of the road accident fatalities involve motorcyclists. This study has collected and analysed data from the police, government authorities, and national and international research institutes. Only fatality data are used due to the severe underreporting of severe injuries (up to 600%) and slight injuries (up to 1400%). The analysis reveals that the highest numbers of motorcycle fatalities occur in rural locations (61%), on primary roads (62%) and on straight road sections (66%). The majority are riders (89%), 16 to 20 years old (22.5%), and 90% of the motorcycles are privately owned. Of those involved in fatal accidents, 75% of the motorcyclists wear helmets, and 35% do not have proper licences. The highest number of fatalities by type of collision is ‘angular or side’ (27.5%). Although fatal motorcyclist crashes mostly involve ‘passenger cars’ (28%), motorcyclists are responsible for 50% of the collisions either by crashing singly (25%) or with other motorcyclists (25%). While male motorcyclists predominate (94% of fatalities), female motorcyclists aged 31 to 70, possessing ‘no licence’, not wearing helmets and travelling during the day, account for a higher percentage than male motorcyclists. Malaysia must acquire more motorcycle exposure data and establish an injury recording system and database based on hospital-records. To reduce motorcycle fatalities, it first has to understand why young male motorcyclists are prone to fatal crashes in the evenings and on weekends on rural primary roads, especially on straight road sections.  相似文献   

This study investigates accident fatalities involving two types of off-road vehicles: snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles (ATVs). All snowmobile fatalities in Sweden from the 2006/2007 season through the 2011/2012 season, and all ATV fatalities from 2007 through 2012, were retrospectively examined. A total of 107 fatalities—57 snowmobile-related and 50 ATV-related—were found. Most deaths occurred on weekends (71% of the snowmobile-related and 72% of the ATV-related). A majority of the fatalities were males (91% and 94%), with the largest share in the age group 40–49 years (19% and 24%). The most common causes of death were blunt trauma (56% and 66%), drowning (30% vs 6%), and traumatic asphyxia (9% vs 14%). Among victims who were tested (95% vs 92%), a very high share was found to be inebriated (59% vs 61%), and mean blood alcohol concentration was also high (1.9 vs 1.7 g/l). Forty-seven percent of snowmobile-related fatalities and 48% of ATV-related fatalities had a blood alcohol concentration above 1.0 g/l. This means that there was a very strong association between off-road vehicle fatalities and drunken riding; steps to prevent riding while intoxicated seem to be the most important preventive measure. Automatic measures such as alcolocks are probably the most effective. The obvious at-risk group to target is middle-aged men with high alcohol consumption.  相似文献   

Mathematical formulations linking road traffic fatalities to vehicle ownership, regional population, and economic growth continue to be developed against the backdrop of Smeed and Andreassen models. Though a few attempts were made, Smeed's law has not been fully tested in India. Using the 1991–2009 panel data from all states, this work (a) developed the generalized Smeed and Andreassen models; (b) evaluated if traffic fatalities were impacted by structural changes; and (c) examined if – in relation to the generalized model – the individual (time and regional) models are more relevant for application. Seven models (Smeed: original, generalized, time-variant, state-variant; and Andreassen: generalized, time-variant, state-variant) were developed and tested for fit with the actual data. Results showed that the per vehicle fatality rate closely resembled Smeed's formulation. Chow-test yielded a significant F-stat, suggesting that the models for four pre-defined time-blocks are structurally different from the 19-year generalized model. The counterclockwise rotation of the log-linear form also suggested lower fatality rates. While the new government policies, reduced vehicle operating speeds, better healthcare, and improved vehicle technology could be the factors, further research is required to understand the reasons for fatality rate reductions. The intercept and gradients of the time-series models showed high stability and varied only slightly in comparison to the 19-year generalized models, thus suggesting that the latter are pragmatic for application. Regional formulations, however, indicate that they may be more relevant for studying trends and tendencies. This research illustrates the robustness of Smeed's law, and provides evidence for time-invariance but state-specificity.  相似文献   

As one of the top countries with the highest casualties per capita in road traffic accidents, Thailand needs to raise public awareness about the economic loss from road traffic crashes. This paper calculates the value of productivity loss due to road traffic accidents in Thailand in 2017. Extensive data collection and analyses enable to compute income losses over time in case of fatalities, permanent disabilities as well as major and minor injuries. The results reveal that, at the end of 2017, the total amount of productivity loss caused by road traffic accidents alone was approximately 121 billion Baht (45 billions for fatalities, 7 for disabilities, 67.5 for serious injuries and 1.5 for slight injuries), or close to 0.8% of the country's GDP, which is very significant. At-risk age groups are determined in each case and we see that the 16–25 age group is bearing the highest burden in all types of accidents. Future policies can then be targeted to types of casualties and to a specific public.  相似文献   

In low- and middle-income countries, the high price paid for mobility in terms of human loss and suffering is forecast to rise to unprecedented levels. More than 50 million deaths and 500 million serious injuries on the world's roads can be projected with some certainty over the first 50 years of the 21st century, unless sustained new initiatives are taken. This paper addresses the emergence of road safety as a development priority over the last decade and the management challenges facing the planned global response aimed at bringing road safety outcomes in developing countries under control. It outlines the decade of advocacy that created the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011–2020 and related Global Plan, and highlights the concern that over the coming decade low and middle income countries will face considerable management challenges in successfully implementing related measures and sustaining their delivery. The paper discusses new road safety management tools that have been developed by the World Bank and ISO to provide assistance to countries and organizations within an integrated framework that ensures that measures taken are properly sequenced and adjusted to their absorptive and learning capacities. It concludes that strengthened institutions and the accelerated knowledge creation and transfer central to this, plus scaled-up investment and increased international cooperation and development aid are critical to the successful achievement of the Global Plan's ambitious goal.  相似文献   

Road user behaviour is an essential factor of increasing the rate of traffic accidents worldwide. Road safety experts and scientists consider aspects of road users' behaviour to be the main risk factors for road fatalities. These factors include drinking alcohol, speeding, not wearing seat belts, not wearing helmets when riding two-wheeled vehicles, not using child restraints, consuming illegal drugs, and being distracted by mobile phone use. This paper aims to investigate the role of these factors in assessing the road user behaviour through aggregating them and build a composite indicator that can be used in countries benchmarking and cross countries comparison, then identifying most successful practises. To achieve this aim, data related to the selected indicators, life-saving rate, and real crash data were collected. The indicators were weighted using simple and theoretical methods. The weighted indicators were aggregated using simple additive method. The developed index was applied to 12 European countries to test the validation of the index through investigation the correlation between index’ ranking of countries with the ranking according to the rate of fatalities. It is concluded that the developed composite indicator can be used to assess the role of using the protection system and speeding in the severity of the road crashes. However, the role of the remaining factors in the likelihood of crashes occurrence needs more investigation. It can be concluded also that the road users' behaviour is not the only factor of reducing the road fatalities in some countries. This enhances the multidimensional system approach of defining the road safety. Based on this, it is recommended to consider other factors in conducting research, developing indices of road safety, and in recommending solutions. The results show also that the UK, Sweden, Ireland and Ireland have the most successful strategies to improve the road user behaviour among the selected countries; therefore, it is recommended to take lessons from these practices.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the evaluation literature on the effectiveness of classroom and behind-the-wheel driver training. The primary focus is on North America programs as originally taught in high schools but now also by private instructors. Studies from the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and Scandinavia are also included.By far the most rigorous study to date was the experimental study in DeKalb, Georgia, U.S.A. This study used a randomized design including a control group and a very large sample size to provide reasonable statistical precision. I reexamine the DeKalb data in detail and conclude that the study did show evidence of small short-term crash and violation reductions per licensed driver. However, when the accelerated licensure caused by the training is allowed to influence the crash and violation counts, there is evidence of a net increase in crashes.The other studies reviewed present a mixed picture but the better designed quasi-experimental evaluations usually showed no effects on crash rates but almost all suffer from inadequate sample size. I show that as many as 35,000 drivers would be required in a two group design to reliably detect a 10% reduction in crash rates.The advent of GDL laws in North America and other countries has largely remedied the concern over accelerated licensure of high risk teenage drivers by delaying the progress to full licensure. Conventional driver training programs in the U.S. (30 h classroom and 6 h on-the-road) probably reduce per licensed driver crash rates by as little as 5% over the first 6-12 months of driving. The possibility of an effect closer to 0 cannot be dismissed.Some GDLs contain an incentive for applicants to complete an advanced driver training program in return for shortening the provisional period of the GDL. The results of Canadian studies indicate that any effects of the driver training component are not sufficient to offset the increase in accidents due to increased exposure.There is no evidence or reason to believe that merely lengthening the number of hours on the road will increase effectiveness. Programs directed toward attitude change and risk taking better address the underlying cause of the elevated crash risk of young drivers but these behaviors are notoriously resistant to modification in young people.  相似文献   

There are considerable differences between countries when it comes to road safety performance, as indicated by the number of road fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants. These discrepancies are strongly associated with differences in wealth and prosperity, as expected, but are also related to national culture. The overall objective of this exploratory study is to identify relationships between national culture, road safety performance and public support for policy measures. Using the revised version of Hofstede's cultural dimensions, we show the strong correlation between national culture and road safety performance, which exists even after controlling for the national level of wealth as measured by the gross national income. Furthermore, by combining the national cultural dimensions with data on 29 countries from the second stage of ESRA, the E-Survey of Road users' Attitudes, this study demonstrates that culture also affects the level of public support for policy measures related to road safety. Specifically, for many measures, the degree of individualism accounts for a considerable part of the statistical variation in the public support for policy measures across countries—except for those measures for which the support is very high in most countries. Possible explanations are given for the seemingly paradoxical finding that countries which witness high resistance to road safety policy measures have nevertheless managed to achieve better road safety performance.  相似文献   

The year 2020 was an extraordinary year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This pandemic resulted in lockdowns and confinements globally and emptier streets and roads. Traffic patterns and traffic composition (modal split) changed considerably during the pandemic and as a consequence the number of people killed and injured in road crashes. The aim of this research is to present the number of road fatalities and the fatality rates (fatalities per kilometer driven) in 2020 and to compare these numbers and rates with the previous period (2017–2019), a baseline. An online questionnaire was distributed among the forty countries that are members of the International Safety Data and Analysis Group (IRTAD) in the International Transport Forum and 24 were in a position to submit the requested information before the 1st of June 2021. The questionnaire requested information on the monthly number of fatalities on a national level for four years, (2017–2020) and on kilometres driven. The number of fatalities in 2020 was 17.3% lower in the 24 participating countries compared with the baseline period and the reduction is almost seven times higher than annually in these countries in the period 2010–2019. The reduction took place in spring 2020 and not so much in the remainder of the year. The highest reduction were measured among young (0–17) and elderly people (75 and older), with public transport and on motorways. With the exception of one country, reductions in fatalities have been measured in all countries, however we observe major differences between countries. Regarding fatality rates (fatalities per vehicle kilometer travelled), we also observe major differences between countries and not a stable pattern over 2020 and a remarkable increase in April 2020, the month with the largest fatality reduction. Countries with severe COVID-19 restrictions do not necessarily demonstrate the greatest reductions in road fatalities. It is recommended to carry our further analysis to find explanations for the results and for the differences between the countries.  相似文献   

为研究人工驾驶车辆和智能网联车辆(CAVs)的混合运行对交通流产生的影响,以其基本图和稳定性为突破口研究提高异质交通流运行效率的关键技术与方法。选择全速度差模型(FVDM)作为人工驾驶车辆跟驰模型,将加州伯克利分校实车数据标定的协同自适应巡航控制(CACC)模型作为CAVs跟驰模型。建立了异质交通流基本图模型,研究了CACC车辆的混入对道路通行能力的影响;对比了不同人工驾驶模型对异质流通行能力产生的差异性。从大车-小车组成的传统异质交通流研究方法入手,利用跟驰模型建立人工-网联异质流的稳定性解析方法,并运用Matlab验证了不同CACC比例下的稳定性分析。结果表明:与人工驾驶交通流相比,CACC同质交通流的道路通行能力大约提升了95%;实验中选用不同人工驾驶模型对通行能力实验结果造成的差异不大。平衡态速度为15 m/s时,低比例CAVs(如低于20%)并不能改善交通流;当CAVs比例达到20%及以上时,异质流稳定性随着CAVs的比例增加逐渐呈现出稳定趋势;当CAVs比例达到70%以上时,异质流基本稳定。   相似文献   

特殊车辆的优先通行是道路交通管理的一项重要工作,而目前相关控制措施存在实施难度较大、道路空间利用率低和道路通行能力下降等问题。为解决这些问题,结合智能网联汽车(CAVs)技术特点,提出考虑特殊车辆优先通行的CAVs专用车道控制方法,按应急车辆、一般优先级车辆和CAVs的优先通行顺序设计车辆通行规则。通过预测特殊车辆到达下游交叉口时的路口排队长度,建立“满足不同优先级特殊车辆通行需求”的动态清空距离模型,其中应急车辆以速度损失最小化为优化目标,一般优先级车辆以均衡车辆通行需求为优化目标。针对CAVs在专用道上可能成为其他车辆通行障碍的情况,考虑换道安全和不同换道动机,设计CAVs进入和离开专用道的规则,建立换道决策控制模型;在此基础上,提出适用于不同优先级车辆的专用车道通行控制策略。通过仿真实验对所提方法的控制效果予以分析验证。实验结果表明:与不考虑特殊车辆优先通行的控制方法相比,虽然该方法的车均出行时间和人均出行时间分别增加了3.9%和2.8%,但特殊车辆的车均延误时间减少了59.6%以上;与IBL控制方法相比,该方法的车均出行时间和人均出行时间分别减少16.7%和14.6%,特殊车辆的车均延误时间减少13.5%,专用车道利用率提高36.3%以上,并且在CAVs渗透率大于0.4时获得最佳控制效果。该控制方法在特殊车辆优先通行方面,减少了单一控制策略的局限性,为交通控制和管理提供理论支撑。   相似文献   

A 3D Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model was set up to investigate the effects of the longitudinal slope on the risk level of users in naturally ventilated unidirectional road tunnels in the event of a fire accident. These tunnels, which in general do not require any mechanical ventilation system, have a length <1 km and their natural ventilation is due to the difference of pressure at the portals and/or the piston effect of the unidirectional traffic flow. Fire accidents related to vehicles characterized by different maximum Heat Release Rates (HRRsmax), situated at different locations from the entrance portal of the tunnel, were simulated by varying the longitudinal slope (i), as well as by applying both a positive and negative pressure difference (ΔP) between the entrance and exit portals to also consider any adverse wind conditions, or neglecting that (i.e., ΔP = 0). The combined effects of Peak Hourly Volumes (PHVs) were also investigated in the Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA), which based on a probabilistic approach, considered as a risk indicator the annual cumulative frequency (F) of having a certain number of potential fatalities (N). The longitudinal profiles of temperature, radiant heat flux, toxic gases concentrations, and visibility distance upstream of the burning vehicle along the escape route (i.e., sidewalks) are reported and compared with the acceptability limits to verify if the environmental conditions are tolerable for user safety while escaping from the tunnel towards the entrance portal or the emergency exit located in the middle of the tunnel length. The results showed that the number of dangerous scenarios for user safety increased in the event of adverse wind (i.e., ΔP < 0) and/or negative gradients (i.e., i < 0). The QRA indicated the combinations of i, ΔP, and PHV for which the annual cumulative frequency (F) of having a given number of potential fatalities (N) was not acceptable. By providing additional points of knowledge in the field of fire safety engineering, this paper might serve in the design of the vertical alignment of naturally ventilated tunnels with a length <1 km, as well as in the strategies of management and traffic control.  相似文献   

The most vulnerable user in road space is still an ordinary pedestrian even though the top fatalities by traffic mode differ in countries. Thus, prioritizing/protecting vulnerable road users is essential to improve road safety. People's safety perceptions toward vulnerable users are strongly associated with surrounding elements and their own experiences, especially as pedestrians. Therefore the attitude and values toward vulnerable users would vary due to culture and customs related to walking in each country. This study examines how a walking experience change reflects people with diverse backgrounds' traffic safety attitudes by conducting an online questionnaire survey for foreigners living in Japan for five years or less. As a result, 75% of respondents walk more frequently due to increased public transportation usage. For all the respondents, the increase in the walking frequency also drives the shift in the attitude toward vulnerable users and the values regarding travel safety and comfort indirectly intermediated by the shift in attitudes toward walkability, applying structural equation modeling. To focus on the structure of the shift according to nationality, people from Southeast/South Asia, where motorcyclists are the top fatalities in the road space and somehow regarded as vulnerable road users, the increased walking experience contributes significantly to the improvement of awareness of vulnerable road users and to the formation of safety and comfort values. Regarding people from Europe/North America, although their walking frequency increases after coming to Japan, there is a static causal relationship that does not influence their attitude toward walkability or safety and comfort values. Additionally, they already have an attitude of protecting/prioritizing pedestrians and placing more importance on safety and comfort. At the same time, people from Southeast/South lacks the attitude toward pedestrians due to much less frequency of walking in daily life. It suggests that establishing safe and having comfortable pedestrian spaces and public transport in developing countries where traffic infrastructure is at the development stage will encourage people to walk and likely help foster an attitude of placing importance on safety.  相似文献   

This publication presents a three-part road classification system that utilises the vehicle's onboard signals of two-wheeled vehicles. First, a curve estimator was developed to identify and classify road curves. In addition, the curve estimator continuously classifies the road curviness. Second, the road slope was evaluated to determine the hilliness of a given road. Third, a modular road profile estimator has been developed to classify the road profile according to ISO 8608, which utilises the vehicle's transfer functions. The road profile estimator continuously classifies the driven road. The proposed methods for the classification of curviness, hilliness, and road roughness have been validated with measurements. The road classification system enables the collection of vehicle-independent field data of two-wheeled vehicles. The road properties are part of the customer usage profiles which are essential to define vehicle design targets.  相似文献   

The Philippines is a highly Christianized country where religious events, such as the Black Nazarene procession, are celebrated on a massive scale. The annual procession, characterized by devotees pushing the carriage of the Black Nazarene, in the city of Manila attracts thousands of devotees. The 2019 procession took 21.35 h to traverse a 6.94-km route at an average speed of 0.33 km per hour. The extreme size and density of attending crowds make injuries and fatalities a common occurrence. Despite the usual risks that similar events entail, limited studies have been conducted to characterize and evaluate big crowds. This study developed methods and policies that aim to improve risk management planning for the event. Using video graphics, a static grid analysis was performed to systematically evaluate and capture actual participants' density and speed. The aggressiveness, density, and group formation of devotees at varying road widths were found to significantly influence the procession's movement throughout its duration; at least 56 pedestrians are needed to push the carriage from behind for smoother forward movement. Finally, proper allocation of human resources by local government departments involved in event management was recommended to potentially minimize the incidence of related injuries and deaths.  相似文献   

预约能调整城市交通的供需关系, 最大化利用交通资源。针对私家车通勤引发的交通拥堵, 研究了预约出行条件下私家车通勤客流分配方法。将车辆分为受控的预约车辆和不受控的非预约车辆, 道路状态分为可预约状态和不可预约状态, 给出了道路状态判别及车辆行程时间计算方法, 构建了城市通勤私家车的预约出行模型。以Nguyen-Dupuis网络作为算例, 从行程时间和预约数量2个方面评价车辆实施预约出行的效果。结果表明: 预约比例由0%提升至100%时, 路径的行程时间降低20%~30%, 平均行程时间从610 s降低至466 s; 当预约比例为30%时能获得全部预约比例的80%收益; 全部车辆均期望参与预约时, 由于预约需求的不均衡仍有2%的车辆预约失败。得出结论, 当预约出行的比例达到30%~40%时, 即可达到缓解拥堵的预期效果。   相似文献   

商用车保有量约占汽车保有量的12%,但NO;和PM污染物排放量分担率高达80%,温室气体排放量占道路交通总排放量的77%。商用车是汽车产业减污降碳的关键。基于机动车出厂合格证数据对我国商用车市场发展现状、发展趋势和低碳化发展路径进行研究分析。结果表明,当前我国商用车低碳发展仍面临排放高、降耗压力大,新能源化程度低且差异较大等现实困境。同时,我国商用车具有产品分类复杂、应用场景多元化的特点,使用同一标准和政策目标对其进行约束难度较大。基于以上情况,在“碳达峰,碳中和”目标下,商用车低碳发展,仍需多措并举和多路径协同,才能有效推进。  相似文献   

Estimates by the World Health Organization suggest that, on a yearly basis, road crashes kill 1.25 million people—nearly 3400 road fatalities per day—and injure up to 50 million. Traffic injuries are not equally spread over the world, however; some countries are hit harder than others, and the chance of being killed in a road crash depends on where one lives. Almost 90% of all traffic casualties occur in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). Globally, the number of fatalities per 100,000 population (mortality rate) ranges from less than 3 to almost 40. The rate is less than 9 in high-income countries (HIC) but averages around 20 in LMIC, with the African region demonstrating the highest rate (26.6). While road safety trends have been positive in HIC over the last few decades, trends in LMIC are not telling a positive story: road fatalities are expected to increase to almost 2 million road fatalities per year by 2020.The United Nations has adopted several resolutions on road safety and proposes actions to tackle the global road safety crisis. Considering the current level of road safety to be unacceptable, the UN has taken several initiatives. One effort, the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011–2020, has generated substantial activity around the world over the last couple of years. Furthermore, it is very encouraging that the UN included road safety in the Sustainable Development Goals that it laid out in September 2015. Road safety is part of the public health agenda and the urban development agenda. Measured in “real actions,” however, the responses so far from the overall global community and individual countries do not suggest that we are already on the right track to bringing down the death toll on roads.The future of road safety is uncertain and definitely not the same for all regions of the world. Countries with a mature road safety approach and an ambition to make further progress are expected to move in the direction of a pro-active approach: a Safe System approach. It is reported that many LMIC, meanwhile, are on the brink of designing road safety strategies and implementing action plans. The international community is willing to support LMIC, but LMIC cannot simply copy successful HIC strategies because local circumstances differ. The principles of successful HIC strategies are applicable, but the priorities and action plans should take root in and align with local conditions.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to study whiplash injury outcome in front-seat occupants in rear-end impacts using double paired comparison technique. The combination of gender, seated position, and outcome was analyzed. Folksam, a Swedish insurance company, has a database of whiplash injuries. A questionnaire was used to collect study data. The response rate was 81%. The inclusion criteria included medical impairment one year after the impact, as judged by medical specialists. The study included rear-end impacts between 1990 and 1999 that resulted in at least one permanent neck injury impairment; in total, 430 impacts with 860 occupants and 444 impairments. Of those suffering impairment, 302 were female and 142 male; 235 were seated in the driver's seat and 209 in the front passenger seat. Relative risk estimates for impairing whiplash injury, by gender and seated position:
Driver male (DM)/passenger female (PF) relative risk = 0.5 n = 218  相似文献   

The road safety performance of a country and the success of policy measures can be measured and monitored in different ways. In addition to the traditional road safety indicators based on the number of fatalities or injured people in road traffic crashes, complementary road safety performance indicators can be used in relation to vehicles, infrastructure, or road users' behaviour. The last-mentioned can be based on data from roadside surveys or from questionnaire surveys. However, results of such surveys are seldom comparable across countries due to differences in aims, scope, or methodology.This paper is based on the second edition of the E-Survey of Road Users' Attitudes (ESRA), an online survey carried out in 2018, and includes data from more than 35,000 road users across 32 countries. The objective is to present the main results of the ESRA survey regarding the four most important risky driving behaviours in traffic: driving under the influence (alcohol/drugs), speeding, mobile phone use while driving, and fatigued driving. The paper explores several aspects related to these behaviours as car driver, such as the self-declared behaviours, acceptability and risk perception, support for policy measures, and opinions on traffic rules and penalties.Results show that despite the high perception of risk and low acceptability of all the risky driving behaviours analysed, there is still a high percentage of car drivers who engage in risky behaviours in traffic in all the regions analysed. Speeding and the use of a mobile phone while driving were the most frequent self-declared behaviours. On the other hand, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs was the least declared behaviour. Most respondents support policy measures to restrict risky behaviour in traffic and believe that traffic rules are not being checked regularly enough, and should be stricter.The ESRA survey proved to be a valuable source of information to understand the causes underlying road traffic crashes. It offers a unique database and provides policy makers and researchers with valuable insights into public perception of road safety.  相似文献   

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