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针对半挂汽车列车动力学模型和实际问题,提出了半挂汽车列车的理想模型和理想模型设计参数确定方法;为了使实际车辆的输出信号和理想模型的信号相一致,运用李亚普诺夫稳定性理论,采用数学解析方法,设计了一个半挂汽车列车鲁棒积分转向控制器,并通过仿真验证了该控制器的有效性和鲁棒性. 相似文献
分析了四轮转向车辆两比例系数对操纵稳定性的影响。建立了四轮转向车辆操纵动力学模型,分析了两比例系数对四轮转向车辆稳定性的影响,得出了车辆横摆角速度和侧向加速度与前轮转角的传递函数,借助Matlab/Simulink,根据四轮转向车辆的两组参数进行仿真分析,并与传统前轮转向车辆进行了比较,结果表明四轮转向车辆两比例系数在操纵稳定性上有各自的优势。研究结果可为评价四轮转向车辆的系统设计和控制律提供理论依据。 相似文献
为提高汽车在高速、低附着系数路面下的操纵稳定性,论文设计模型预测控制器跟踪线性 二自由度理想模型,得到横摆角速度与质心侧偏角偏差,然后由二次规划算法计算实际的四个车 轮转角,并在 Carsim 软件中建立开环角阶跃工况进行联合仿真。结果表明:文章所设计的基于模型预测控制的主动四轮转向汽车相对于前轮转向,能够有效降低整车角阶跃输入下的横摆角速度 与质心侧偏角,更好地跟踪理想控制目标,主动四轮转向汽车提高了整车的操纵稳定性和路径跟 随精度。 相似文献
为了解决窄体车辆过弯易侧翻的问题,研究一种采用转向和侧倾并联机构的窄体侧倾车辆,通过控制车辆在转弯时主动向弯道内侧倾斜的程度,提高车辆弯道行驶时的安全性;针对车辆在转向和侧倾控制过程中存在的响应不同步问题,提出一种基于模糊控制的同步控制策略。首先,对采用转向和侧倾并联机构的窄体侧倾车辆进行结构原理分析,并建立转向轮模型和车辆3自由度模型。然后,对侧倾控制系统的响应特性在线辨识,通过模糊控制得到因悬架阻尼力作用引起的侧倾响应时滞量,并对转向动作进行相应延时,从而实现转向与侧倾的同步控制;同时,分别确立期望的前轮转向角和整车侧倾角,通过PID控制使实际转向角和侧倾角跟踪期望值。最后,分别基于MATLAB/Simulink和试制的窄体侧倾样车进行仿真和试验分析。研究结果表明:窄体侧倾车辆的悬架阻尼力导致侧倾动作的响应时间明显大于转向动作的响应时间,从而导致车辆的转向和侧倾不能实现同步控制;单移线和S弯转向试验结果表明,所提控制策略能够有效改善转向和侧倾的响应不同步现象,从而将窄体侧倾车辆在转弯时的侧向加速度和侧倾作动器的峰值扭矩分别减小67.9%以上和48.4%以上,有效防止了窄体车辆转向时... 相似文献
四轮转向车辆多体仿真与试验研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以四轮转向原理样车为对象,运用多体动力学理论对四轮转向车辆的转向特性进行了计算机仿真研究和试验验证。对建立整车多体模型的方法进行了论述。通过对仿真数据与样车试验结果的对比分析,证明了四轮转向多体模型各类参数和控制方法的正确性和适用性。最后利用建立的整车多体模型,仿真分析了前后悬架刚度对操纵稳定性的影响,以及制动转向时的转向响应特性。 相似文献
《Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility》2012,50(5-6):397-410
SUMMARY This paper derives a method of controlling four wheel steering using optimal control theory. The purpose of control is to minimize the sideslip angle at the center of gravity. The control method feeds forward the steering wheel angle and feeds back the yaw velocity and the sideslip angle to the front and rear wheel angles. Theoretical studies show that the sideslip angle is reduced to zero even in the transient state, and that the understeer characteristic and frequency response can be changed regardless of the vehicle static margin. This Paper also examines various characteristics of the influence of the side force nonlinearities of tires and crosswinds. 相似文献
Optimal Control of Four Wheel Steering Vehicle 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
A. Higuchi Assistant manager Y. Saitoh Emeritus professor of Tokyo University of Agriculture Technology 《Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility》1993,22(5):397-410
This paper derives a method of controlling four wheel steering using optimal control theory. The purpose of control is to minimize the sideslip angle at the center of gravity. The control method feeds forward the steering wheel angle and feeds back the yaw velocity and the sideslip angle to the front and rear wheel angles. Theoretical studies show that the sideslip angle is reduced to zero even in the transient state, and that the understeer characteristic and frequency response can be changed regardless of the vehicle static margin. This Paper also examines various characteristics of the influence of the side force nonlinearities of tires and crosswinds. 相似文献
比例控制四轮转向车辆运动特性分析 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
系统地分析了二自由度四轮转向汽车模型的运动方程,得出了质心侧偏角、横摆角速度与前轮转角的传递函数。在此基础上,对四轮转向样车进行了前后轮转角成比例控制的四轮转向车辆(4WS)的运动学仿真,并针对仿真结果进行了系统的分析。结果阐明了四轮转向车辆与前轮转向车辆(2WS)相比的优势,并提出其发展方向。 相似文献
在建立汽车四轮转向与主动悬架统一动力学模型的基础上,分别对2个子系统进行控制器的设计研究.在四轮转向控制器的设计方面,提出了修正后的理想参考模型,采取前馈加反馈的跟踪控制策略,在主动悬架的控制器设计中则采用最优控制方法.结合非线性轮胎模型,在MAT-LAB/Simulink环境下对被动系统、四轮转向系统、主动悬架系统以及四轮转向与主动悬架集成控制系统进行了仿真分析.结果表明:集成控制系统除了能改善车辆在转弯过程中的质心侧偏角响应、横摆角速度响应以及在不平路面上的行驶平顺性外,还能有效抑制由不平路面等外界干扰对车辆转向性能带来的影响. 相似文献
在传统前馈后轮主动转向控制的基础上,提出了一种2自由度后轮主动转向鲁棒控制规律。该方法通过引入独立参数化2自由度控制结构,实现了4轮转向系统对车速变化和轮胎侧偏刚度变化的独立补偿。其前馈控制器的设计与传统前馈4轮转向控制完全相同,而反馈控制器的设计为一针对轮胎侧偏刚度不确定性的标准H∞控制问题。该方法的主要优点是既充分发挥了传统前馈控制的优点,又降低了反馈控制器的阶数。 相似文献
I. Kageyama R. Nagai 《Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility》1995,24(4):313-327
This study aims to stabilize the trailer at high speed. The behavior of passenger cars with four wheel steering system, vehicles with rear wheel steering and of trailer and passenger car are similar. This is regarded as an optimal regulator problem with linear equation of motion, and a state variables feedback control system is adopted. The problem of stability at high speed on a straight course can be solved. Therefore, the passenger car-trailer system can be stabilized. Furthermore, this study indicates the way forward to stabilize a passenger car-trailer system. 相似文献
Masao Nagai Yutaka Hirano Sachiko Yamanaka 《Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility》1997,27(5):357-370
An integrated control system of active rear wheel steering (4WS) and direct yaw moment control (DYC) is presented in this paper. Because of the tire nonlinearity that is mainly due to the saturation of cornering forces, vehicle handling performance is improved but limited to a certain extent only by steering control. Direct yaw moment control using braking and/or driving forces is effective not only in linear but also nonlinear ranges of tire friction circle. The proposed control system is a model matching controller which makes the vehicle follow the desired dynamic model by the state feedback of both yaw rate and side slip angle. Various computer simulations are carried out and show that vehicle handling performance is much improved by the integrated control system. 相似文献
《Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility》2012,50(5-6):357-370
SUMMARY An integrated control system of active rear wheel steering (4WS) and direct yaw moment control (DYC) is presented in this paper. Because of the tire nonlinearity that is mainly due to the saturation of cornering forces, vehicle handling performance is improved but limited to a certain extent only by steering control. Direct yaw moment control using braking and/or driving forces is effective not only in linear but also nonlinear ranges of tire friction circle. The proposed control system is a model matching controller which makes the vehicle follow the desired dynamic model by the state feedback of both yaw rate and side slip angle. Various computer simulations are carried out and show that vehicle handling performance is much improved by the integrated control system. 相似文献
汽车侧倾稳定主动控制系统的仿真研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在ADAMS/Car下建立了前、后悬架都装有主动横向稳定杆的95自由度虚拟整车模型.采用模糊PID控制策略,在MATLAB/Simulink环境中对车辆抗侧倾性能进行了联合仿真,实现了PID控制过程中参数的在线整定.仿真结果表明,模糊PID控制具有较强的自适应能力和抗干扰能力,可有效减小车身侧倾角,在保证乘坐舒适性的同时提高了车辆的行驶稳定性. 相似文献