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鲍永 《运输经理世界》2007,(11):121-122
当前,客车底盘行业的竞争已经进入了白热化,新的市场在短时间内很难出现,全国七大主流客车底盘生产企业都被同样一个问题所困扰——客车底盘"同质化"。笔者仔细分析七大主流企业的产品,其中6m底盘共计38307辆,7米底盘共计销售18526辆,8米底盘共计销售914辆。6—8米底盘销售量占整个底盘行业销售量的80.34%,从中就不难发现,占主流产品的主要是中低端产品。这些较为集中的产品在基本配置、功能上都很相近,产品"同质化"像一座高大的城墙横亘在中国客车底盘审场,形成了一道难以逾越的天然屏障,客车底盘产品的同质化对于整个客车底盘行业乃至整个客车行业的发展是极为不利的,这在客车底盘行业界已经形成了共识,那么是不是客车底盘行业永远无法穿越这道屏障呢?能否找到开启这座城墙大门的金钥匙呢?笔者认为有!那就是——服务营销。  相似文献   

江淮底盘再获“最佳客车底盘奖” 3月31日晚,从2010年中国(天津)国际客车及零部件展览会传来消息,江淮HFC6703KYF底盘荣获第五届中国国际客车大赛“最佳客车底盘奖”,这已是江准汽车公司连续5届获得该项殊荣。  相似文献   

2003年1-10月份,JAC公司共销售底盘20 100辆,销量在行业中居于首位,客车专用底盘的技术水平、品种数及市场份额在国内客车底盘行业依然处于领先地位,6~10m的客车底盘的优势更为明显.  相似文献   

作为中国客车行业的"名角",黄海客车携带两款整车产品及一款底盘产品亮相车展:混合动力公交车DD6129CHEV1、校车DD6760C01F及客车底盘DD6129S17。据了解,这三大产品分别获得了第八届中国国际客车大赛CIBC最佳新能源客车创新奖、CIBC优秀校车奖及CIBC最佳客车底盘奖。从此次参展产品中不难看出,2013年黄海客车的重点市场落在了新能源和校车上。  相似文献   

李长生 《运输经理世界》2010,(21):I0030-I0030
前三季度江淮客车底盘销量达17863辆,同比增长34.9%,大大出乎所有人预料,回想年初,江淮客车底盘的目标仅仅是2010年"保1.8万争2万",现在看来,江淮底盘全年销售将轻松突破2万辆。  相似文献   

6月2日.东风汽车有限公司东风客车公司在十堰成立.原东风客车底盘有限公司一分为二,其中,专用车业务独立成立新的子公司--东风专用底盘公司.  相似文献   

3月28日~30日,在第六届世界客车博览亚洲展览会上,世界知名商用车厂商瑞典斯堪尼亚(下称‘SCANIA')展出了其K型客车底盘.同在展会的金旅也同时展出了装配SCANIA K型底盘的XML6125高档旅游客车.  相似文献   

来自中国汽车工业协会的数据显示,今年年初,江淮客车底盘共实现销售2,866辆,同比大幅增长69%,不仅继续稳居行业第一,而且扩大了在客车底盘市场的领先优势。  相似文献   

近日,山东省临沂市市政府领导、临沂交通运输局领导、临沂公交总经理谢磊一行参观凋研了恒通客车工业园。恒通客车总经理郑先国陪同参观。临沂市领导一行对恒通展厅、总装生产线、底盘生产线、中央花园进行了参观,郑总对恒通客车目前的发展情况、特色产品、整车制造工艺等领先技术进行了详细的介绍。张市长对恒通客车都市领航、N300等系列产品进行了详细了解和试乘体验,并对恒通客车可靠的生产工艺和人性化的管理给予充分肯定。  相似文献   

1982年、1986年、1999年沈飞汽车制造公司中与富士重工(日)、日野车体(日)、日野自动车公司(日)引进2种型旅游客车车身制造技术,生产中高档客车专用底盘.  相似文献   

以某6101型客车车身骨架为研究对象,应用ANSYS软件,建立了其车身骨架结构有限元模型。采用客车驶过正弦波形路面的方式模拟右前轮越障的危险工况,分析了客车动态扭转过程中瞬态响应,得到了车身危险点的位移和应力的时间历程响应。结果表明:在动态扭转工况下,某6101型客车在0.045秒时最大应力达到130MPa,为改进车身结构提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

文章以某连续刚构桥为例,利用结构分析软件MIDAS CIVIL建立了地震响应计算分析模型,并结合时程分析法对该桥的地震响应进行计算分析,所得结果可为大跨径连续刚构桥的抗震设计提供依据。  相似文献   

武宣县黔江特大桥主桥采用预应力混凝土连续刚构结构,文章综合考虑各种荷载情况,建立全桥有限元模型对该桥主桥三个关键施工阶段(最大悬臂状态、边跨合拢状态、中跨合拢状态)的内力进行了全面分析,得到了结构体系约束不断增加,墩顶最大弯矩向中跨及边跨迁移的规律,可为预应力混凝土连续刚构桥的设计及施工控制提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

Few studies have been conducted on the service quality (SQ) of bus transit in developing countries. This paper presents a structural equation modeling (SEM) approach to identifying the relationships among major attributes that affect the SQ of bus transit in the city of Dhaka in Bangladesh. Specifically, 22 bus transit SQ attributes, drawn from 655 questionnaires, are used to develop different SEM models for the city. Along with stated preferences, the effect of three latent variables on SQ is analyzed. Among the developed models, the best model is selected by using different statistical approaches. With the best model, selected attributes are rated according to their relative importance on SQ. Acknowledging limited resources of a developing nation, this study gives a clear way ahead to planners, operating companies and transport managers to design appropriate transport policies which will ensure more effective services to current bus users as well as attracting new passengers.  相似文献   

本论文就针对电动汽车电机驱动系统的电磁干扰特性进行了测试研究。文章首先阐述了电动汽车电机驱动系统电磁干扰产生的机理,其次介绍了电动汽车电机驱动系统电磁干扰的测试方法,包括传导发射测试以及近场辐射发射测试。传导发射测试主要包括直流母线、三相动力线缆的共模电流以及直流线缆的顺势脉冲发射;近场辐射发射测试主要包括对直流母线、三相动力线缆以及PCB板周围近场电场、磁场特性的测试。通过对电动汽车电机驱动系统的电磁干扰特性进行测试研究,通过与国家相关标准中的限值进行对比,能够对电动汽车电机驱动系统的电磁干扰特性进行评价,同时还可以精确找出电磁干扰源产生的地方和原因,对进一步进行系统的电磁兼容性能改进提供测试分析方法和理论基础。  相似文献   

In December 1972 an earthquake hit Managua, Nicaragua, killing 5,000 inhabitants, while wounding 20,000 persons and destroying its core area of 13 square kilometers. The earthquake also seriously disrupted the bus transit system. Bus transit patronage fell as a result of the loss of population of 144,000 persons who moved temporarily out of the city, while costs rose appreciably as both round trip bus distances and the proportion of the trips on unpaved roads doubled with respect to pre-earthquake levels. By September 1973, ten of the thirteen bus companies were on the verge of bankruptcy and were demanding from the regulatory body stiff increases in fares.This paper presents analyses and recommendations for improving the short-term efficiency of bus routes in Managua by applying planning techniques suited to the data availability problems of developing countries.In view of the lack of cost data for the bus routes, a cost analysis was conducted; Jan de Weille's cost factors were adapted to Nicaragua to portray the near bankrupt condition of most routes. These cost factors were verified by means of selected interviews with the private transit entrepreneurs.Next, a simple patronage prediction model was developed which related patronage for a route to the population and employment served by the route. This simple patronage model was then applied to redesign the bus routes of Managua. A policy of bus route redesign coupled with the paving of city streets along the bus routes is shown to have sufficed in avoiding fare increases. Finally, the paper reviews the bus transit regulatory setting and develops some recommendations for its improvement.Adjunct Associate Professor of the Catholic University of America. This study was conducted while the author was stationed in Nicaragua as a consultant to Harvard Development Advisory Service.  相似文献   

This research examines the problem of route bus specification and vehicle manufacturability. In order for bus operators to provide transport services, a range of vehicle configurations must be available from bus manufacturers, generating variety which has a negative impact on the manufacturing process. Larger part inventories, uncontrolled labour tasks and more troublesome maintenance are known impacts of this variety. This research identifies the functional necessities in route bus interior design and reduces the problems in bus manufacture and operation caused by specification diversity by proposing a modularised system of bus design. In particular, it makes recommendations as to how bus configuration should be carried out, ensuring an optimum mix of operational and manufacturing needs:
  • 1.Determine user needs before the bus specification process.
  • 2.Designs to be developed by the manufacturer in response to user needs.
  • 3.This design should be standardised where possible, as suggested by the user needs.
  • 4.Where user needs dictate product variations, apply a mass customisation approach to accommodate these needs.
The recommendations are communicated in design proposals for a modular bus interior, demonstrated by four cases designed to meet the present status quo of bus interior design and predictions for the future of the field.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on a new method to compute fitness function (ff) values in genetic algorithms for bus network optimization. In the proposed methodology, a genetic algorithm is used to generate iteratively new populations (sets of bus networks). Each member of the population is evaluated by computing a number of performance indicators obtained by the analysis of the assignment of the O/D demand associated to the considered networks. Thus, ff values are computed by means of a multicriteria analysis executed on the performance indicators so found. The goal is to design a heuristic that allows to achieve the best bus network satisfying both the demand and the offer of transport.  相似文献   

For planning and design of a bus rapid transit system and for the analysis of multimodal corridors, methodology is required for simulating bus traffic operation on a Transitway. Macroscopic models of vehicle flow are gaining popularity due to their capability to analyze complex operations and yet offer efficiency in development and applications. A macroscopic model is developed for the investigation of travel time, energy and emissions that correspond to bus volume levels on the Transitway. This paper describes the travel time part of the model. The model treats stochastic characteristics of bus traffic and passenger activities. Also, safety regimes in vehicle flow and factors affecting minimum headways in station areas are incorporated. The model is verified by comparing simulated travel time for the Ottawa-Carleton Transitway with actual data.  相似文献   

Major emphasis has been placed in recent years on the improvement of the operations of existing transportation facilities, using Transportation Systems Management strategies. Accordingly, preferential treatment of high occupancy vehicles is playing an increasing role in transportation projects. This paper deals with one of these strategies, the priority treatment of buses at signalized intersections. Such treatment is aimed at improving the capacity of intersections. The paper develops an analytical model of delays at signalized intersections under a bus preemption scheme. The analysis is presented for the simplest case, i.e., two intersecting one-way streets. The results suggests that the benefits of bus preemption can be increased by properly adjusting several design parameters such as cycle and phase duration of the preempted phases as well as the non-preempted parameters. The model outlined in this paper is applicable to any situation in which stochastic variation is introduced into the signal cycle as well as to bus preemption. Consequently, other potential applications of the model include the design/analysis of traffic actuated signals, and pedestrian actuated signals.  相似文献   

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