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Germany is by far the largest contributor of greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union but adopted its own climate action plan to achieve greenhouse gas neutrality by 2050. The country’s third-largest emitter of greenhouse gas emissions is the transportation sector. As of January 2019, 99.7% of heavy-duty trucks registered in Germany run on diesel while the share of alternative fuel-powered passenger cars increases steadily. Apart from rising emissions, the industry faces a growing shortage of qualified truck drivers. A solution to increasing emissions and the shortage of drivers are autonomous and alternative fuel-powered heavy-duty trucks. We employed a choice-based conjoint analysis with employees from freight companies in Germany to find out how they assess the main attributes of innovative trucks. Our results reveal that the maximum driving range is the most important attribute followed by the refueling/recharging time. Tank-to-wheel emissions, on the other hand, was ranked as the least relevant attribute. Moreover, we present customers’ preference shares for future heavy-duty trucks until 2035. According to our results, freight companies are generally open to switching from conventional to low emission and (conditionally-) automated heavy-duty trucks, however, a close collaboration between truck manufacturers, customers, infrastructure companies, and policymakers is essential to spur the penetration of autonomous and alternative fuel-powered heavy-duty trucks.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the preferences for uncertain travel times in which probability distributions may not be fully characterized. In evaluating an uncertain travel time, we explicitly distinguish between risk, where the probability distribution is precisely known, and ambiguity, where it is not. In particular, we propose a new criterion called ambiguity-aware CARA travel time (ACT) for evaluating uncertain travel times under various attitudes of risk and ambiguity, which is a preference based on blending the Hurwicz criterion and Constant Absolute Risk Aversion (CARA). More importantly, we show that when the uncertain link travel times are independently distributed, finding the path that minimizes travel time under the ACT criterion is essentially a shortest path problem. We also study the implications on Network Equilibrium (NE) model where travelers on the traffic network are characterized by their knowledge of the network uncertainty as well as their risk and ambiguity attitudes under the ACT. We derive and analyze the existence and uniqueness of solutions under NE. Finally, we obtain the Price of Anarchy that characterizes the inefficiency of this new equilibrium. The computational study suggests that as uncertainty increases, the influence of selfishness on inefficiency diminishes.  相似文献   

双碳目标是实现我国经济高质量发展、能源结构清洁转型的必然要求,节能降碳是达成目标的有效途径.碳普惠制旨在构建引领和激励公众践行绿色低碳行为的正向引导机制,降低生活领域的碳排放量.本文总结了我国碳普惠制的发展现状以及国外碳普惠制实践经验,从应用领域、数据采集、核算规则和激励方式四个方面,提出铁路推广碳普惠制的几点思考.  相似文献   

随着我国铁路建设事业的迅猛发展,隧道开挖作业所面临的环境越来越复杂.重庆铁路枢纽规模宏大,穿越城市繁华区,尤以新红岩隧道埋深浅,上部楼房林立、人口密集,重要建(构)筑物和精密设备保护点较多.如何控制隧道施工对周边环境及邻近居民的影响是本工程重难点所在.文章针对非爆破开挖技术方案进行比选并结合隧道工程实际情况最终选择了悬臂式掘进机方案.  相似文献   

Across the world, there is increasing interest in managing car traffic. One approach developed for addressing the journey to work is known as ‘workplace travel planning’. This paper primarily reports on 20 case studies of UK employers undertaking travel planning, who had cut commuter driving by an average of 18%. It concludes that considerable behavioural change can be achieved in a variety of contexts – but employers usually need an overall strategy that addresses car parking, in addition to improving alternative travel modes. Moreover, a more comprehensive national strategy is needed, if travel planning is to achieve its potential.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between positive and negative user valence and transport mode choice behaviour. We integrate latent attitudes affect’ and salience’ into transport mode choice models using the framework of integrated choice and latent variable modelling and simultaneous maximum likelihood estimation methods. The results are consistent with findings in similar travel behaviour and behavioural economics literature. The study extends the findings of previous research and has demonstrated that user sentiments about public transport mode and salient public transport experiences have a significant impact on travel mode choice behaviour. It was found that private motorised users are more sensitive to overcrowding and anti-social behaviours on PT than active and PT travellers. Key attitudinal indicators influencing individual transport choice behaviour are established to guide public policy. The key indicators of Affect and Salience must be analysed and addressed through public policy to enhance PT user experience and develop services and facilities to increase the utility of PT in-vehicle travel time.  相似文献   

无车承运平台的兴起与发展不仅促进了传统公路货运组织模式的转型升级,更对物流行业未来发展及经济流通领域的生态格局产生深远影响。本文在对无车承运平台发展现状与问题分析的基础上,对平台的基本特征、运营主体、服务对象、业务功能、发展阶段与趋势等内容进行了系统的梳理与总结,并从技术层面和政策层面提出平台创新发展应关注的核心内容。  相似文献   


The research presented in this paper explores the context, method, and value of focus group research in transit needs assessments. Group participatory research can generate data that are not easily obtained by other methods. The paper focuses on lessons from three Nebraska communities whose transit disadvantaged rely on community-based paratransit services. Because of the size of the paratransit population and the inability to control who showed up to the focus group sessions, a modified group research protocol was adopted in order to garner information from whomever attended the session. The population parameters and the number of people at the meetings were anticipated by the researchers and mitigated by incorporating nominal group techniques. Research findings from the focus group sessions are discussed paying particular attention to the candid and policy-specific comments made by the focus group participants. The paper concludes with an application of focus group research in transit planning.  相似文献   

This study examines three models of the individual's preference for home- and center-based telecommuting. Issues concerning the estimation of discrete models when the alternatives are non-exclusive are discussed. Two binary logit models are presented, one on the preference to telecommute from a center versus not telecommuting from a center (adjusted 2 = 0.24), and the other on the preference to telecommute from a center over telecommuting from home (adjusted 2 = 0.64). A nested logit model is also estimated on the following four alternatives: preferring not to telecommute, preferring either form of telecommuting, preferring to telecommute from home, and preferring to telecommute from a center (adjusted 2 = 0.35).The results of the models illustrated the importance of attitudinal measures in measuring an individual's preference to telecommute. Oblique factor scores representing workplace interaction, stress, workaholism, internal control, and commute stress were statistically significant in some or all of the models. Other explanatory variables which were found to be consistently significant were education, job suitability, and age. Most respondents preferred either to telecommute from home or were indifferent between either form of telecommuting, which raises the question as to whether there really is a sizeable market niche to be filled by telecommuting centers, and hence whether they may make a significant contribution to transportation demand reduction.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new cellular automata model is proposed to simulate the car and bicycle heterogeneous traffic on urban road. To capture the complex interactions between these two types of vehicles, a novel occupancy rule is adopted in the proposed model to consider the variable lateral distances of mixed vehicular traffic. Based on massive simulations, microscopic fundamental diagrams under different bicycle densities are devised. With these, the bicycle's spilling behavior is then investigated and discussed. In order to reflect the interference of a bicycle on a car, the interference transformation from friction state to block state is modeled explicitly. Finally, different simulation results under different occupancy rules indicate that the constant and fixed occupancy rule adopted in the previous studies might lead to overestimation of car flux in the heterogeneous traffic flows with different bicycle densities. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper reports on an analysis aiming to understand differences across individual people in their willingness to accept increased commuting time in return for higher salary, using Hierarchical Bayes (HB) analysis of a dataset collected in Sweden. We find that socio-demographic and attitudinal differences are significant in explaining the variations in values of time for individuals, in particular income, who drives when carpooling and hours worked per week. Additionally we also examine the values of individuals when their choices also impact on the salary and commute of their partner, finding that incomes, income differentials, driving behaviour when carpooling, division of housework and car user decisions significantly explain the values assigned to others and variations in an individual’s own values once their partner is affected. The overall richness of the results reflect the benefits that posterior analysis can bring, and highlight the computational efficiency of Bayesian methods in producing such conditionals at an individual level.  相似文献   


This paper reviews the main modules of an integrated system for incident management in real-time, -sim. A core to such a system is a microscopic simulator with extended abilities to model the temporal and spatial evolution of specified non-recurrent traffic conditions. The paper reviews the mathematical formulation of the car-following and lane-changing modules. The model is validated using a simulation-based approach. Concluding comments on the general validation process of the model are provided. The paper finally presents a sample of the accident patterns replicated by the model together with their implications for real world validation.  相似文献   


This study examines whether physical attributes of transit agencies, such as agency size, make a difference in how transit websites are designed, and how transit information is distributed. The objective of this study is to see if there is a relationship between physical and virtual representations of transit agencies. A rating instrument is developed for evaluating the quality of transit websites. Our findings suggest that transit agency size plays a key role in determining website quality: When the size of transit system is large, the information about the agency is too complex to be effectively presented on web pages. Thus, the quality of the large agencies’ websites is lower than medium-sized agencies. Instead, we find that large agencies attempt to design more user-friendly sites, and provide advanced information searching tools to compensate for low information quality. Policy implications for transit agencies are discussed.  相似文献   

We study in this paper the structure of traffic under hypercongestion, which is a controversial issue between traditional two-phase traffic theory and Kerner’s three-phase theory. By analyzing video traffic data from a section of the Nanjing Airport Highway, it is found that traffic states inside hypercongestion are not homogeneous, which contradicts the existence of a “Homogeneous Congested Traffic” state claimed in two-phase traffic theory. Analysis of vehicle trajectories and velocities obtained from an experimental car-following study with a platoon of 25 vehicles also confirms the above findings. Furthermore, it is also found from the video traffic data that the structure of hypercongested traffic varies only slightly with location, which might be due to small jams inside hypercongested traffic merging into larger ones slowly and/or larger jams sometimes breaking into small ones. Finally, the implications of our observations on traffic modeling have been discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel mesoscopic multilane model is proposed to enable simultaneous simulation of mandatory and discretionary lane-changing behaviors to realistically capture multilane traffic dynamics. The model considers lane specific fundamental diagrams to simulate dynamic heterogeneous lane flow distributions on expressways. Moreover, different priority levels are identified according to different lane-changing motivations and the corresponding levels of urgency. Then, an algorithm is proposed to estimate the dynamic mandatory and discretionary lane-changing demands. Finally, the lane flow propagation is defined by the reaction law of the demand–supply functions, which can be regarded as an extension of the Incremental-Transfer and/or Priority Incremental-Transfer principles. The proposed mesoscopic multilane cell transmission model is calibrated and validated on a complex weaving section of the State Route 241 freeway in Orange County, California, showing both the positive and negative impact of lane changing maneuvers, e.g., balancing effect and capacity drop, respectively. Moreover, the empirical study verifies that the model requires no additional data other than the cell transmission model does. Thus, the proposed model can be deployed as a simple simulation tool for accessing dynamic mesoscopic multilane traffic state from data available to most management centers, and also the potential application in predicting the impact of traffic incident or lane control strategy.  相似文献   

Many existing algorithms for bus arrival time prediction assume that buses travel at free‐flow speed in the absence of congestion. As a result, delay incurred at one stop would propagate to downstream stops at the same magnitude. In reality, skilled bus operators often constantly adjust their speeds to keep their bus on schedule. This paper formulates a Markov chain model for bus arrival time prediction that explicitly captures the behavior of bus operators in actively pursuing schedule recovery. The model exhibits some desirable properties in capturing the schedule recovery process. It guarantees provision of the schedule information if the probability of recovering from the current schedule deviation is sufficiently high. The proposed model can be embedded into a transit arrival time estimation model for transit information systems that use both real‐time and schedule information. It also has the potential to be used as a decision support tool to determine when dynamic or static information should be used.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes vehicular speeds at a micro level and studies the relationships between the important elements of speed, namely space mean speed (SMS) and time mean speed (TMS) under heterogeneous traffic conditions. Vehicular speed data were collected at selected road stretches around Delhi, India, in an attempt to understand and model the type of relationships between SMS and TMS under heterogeneous traffic conditions. To demonstrate the superiority of the proposed models, comparisons are made with existing traditional models. The results reveal that the proposed models are consistent in predicting speeds with high accuracy.  相似文献   

Fuel-speed curves (FSC) are used to account for the aggregate effects of congestion on fuel consumption in transportation scenario analysis. This paper presents plausible FSC for conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles and for advanced vehicles such as hybrid electric vehicles, fully electric vehicles (EVs), and fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) using a fuel consumption model with transient driving schedules and a set of 145 hypothetical vehicles. The FSC shapes show that advanced power train vehicles are expected to maintain fuel economy (FE) in congestion better than ICE vehicles, and FE can even improve for EV and FCV in freeway congestion. In order to implement these FSC for long-range scenario modeling, a bounded approach is presented which uses a single congestion sensitivity parameter. The results in this paper will assist analysis of the roles that vehicle technology and congestion mitigation can play in reducing fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions from motor vehicles.  相似文献   


In this paper, we present a dynamic traffic assignment-simulation modeling framework (DYNASMART-P) to support the evaluation and planning of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) services in urban transportation networks. The model represents the different characteristics associated with BRT operations such as: exclusive right-of-way lanes, limited-stop service, signal prioritization at congested intersections, and enhanced bus stops to reduce passenger boarding times. A set of simulation experiments is conducted using the model to study the impact of introducing a hypothetical BRT service in the Knoxville area in the State of Tennessee. In these experiments, the different operational characteristics of BRT are evaluated in terms of potential impact on transit ridership and on the interacting auto traffic. The results illustrate the advantages of BRT for increasing transit ridership and improving overall system performance.  相似文献   

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