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We compare aviation markets under conditions of competition, codesharing contracts and anti-trust immune alliances, assuming that demand for flights depends on both fares and the level of frequency offered. Using a hybrid competitive/cooperative game theoretic framework, we show that the stronger the inter-airline agreement on overlapping routes, the higher the producer surplus. On the other hand, consumer surplus and overall social welfare are maximized under limited codesharing agreements. Partial mergers appear preferable to no agreement in ‘thin’ markets, in which both demand and profit margins are relatively low. Inter-governmental agreements are also analyzed and we show that bilaterals create the least favorable market outcomes for consumers and producers. Finally, a realistic case study demonstrates that under asymmetric and uncertain demand, codesharing on parallel links may be preferable to competitive outcomes for multiple consumer types.  相似文献   

Built upon the previous studies, this paper incorporates both bilateral taxi–customer search frictions and congestion externalities into the economic analyses of the equilibrium properties of taxi markets. We take account of congestion externalities by adopting a realistic distance‐based and delay‐based taxi fare structure. We first investigate comparative static effects of regulatory variables of taxi fare and fleet size on the market and then examine the properties of the Pareto‐efficient solutions for simultaneous maximization of social welfare and taxi profit in the congested market. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a discrete mixture model which assigns individuals, up to a probability, to either a class of random utility (RU) maximizers or a class of random regret (RR) minimizers, on the basis of their sequence of observed choices. Our proposed model advances the state of the art of RU–RR mixture models by (i) adding and simultaneously estimating a membership model which predicts the probability of belonging to a RU or RR class; (ii) adding a layer of random taste heterogeneity within each behavioural class; and (iii) deriving a welfare measure associated with the RU–RR mixture model and consistent with referendum-voting, which is the adequate mechanism of provision for such local public goods. The context of our empirical application is a stated choice experiment concerning traffic calming schemes. We find that the random parameter RU–RR mixture model not only outperforms its fixed coefficient counterpart in terms of fit—as expected—but also in terms of plausibility of membership determinants of behavioural class. In line with psychological theories of regret, we find that, compared to respondents who are familiar with the choice context (i.e. the traffic calming scheme), unfamiliar respondents are more likely to be regret minimizers than utility maximizers.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an analytical model for investigating transit technology selection problem from a perspective of transit authority. Given a transit technology alternative (e.g., metro, light rail transit, or bus rapid transit), the proposed model aims to maximize the social welfare of the transit system by determining the optimal combination of transit line length, number of stations, station location (or spacing), headway, and fare. In the proposed model, the effects of passenger demand elasticity and capacity constraint are explicitly considered. The properties of the model are examined analytically, and a heuristic solution procedure for determining the model solution is presented. By comparing the optimized social welfare for different transit technology alternatives, the optimal transit technology solution can be obtained together with critical population density. On the basis of a simple population growth rate formula, optimal investment timing of a new transit technology can be estimated. The proposed methodology is illustrated in several Chinese cities. Insightful findings are reported on the interrelation among transit technology selection, population density, transit investment cost, and transit line parameter design as well as the comparison between social welfare maximization and profit maximization regimes. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The diffusion of electric vehicles (EVs) is studied in a two-sided market framework consisting of EVs on the one side and EV charging stations (EVCSs) on the other. A sequential game is introduced as a model for the interactions between an EVCS investor and EV consumers. A consumer chooses to purchase an EV or a conventional gasoline alternative based on the upfront costs of purchase, the future operating costs, and the availability of charging stations. The investor, on the other hand, maximizes his profit by deciding whether to build charging facilities at a set of potential EVCS sites or to defer his investments.The solution of the sequential game characterizes the EV-EVCS market equilibrium. The market solution is compared with that of a social planner who invests in EVCSs with the goal of maximizing the social welfare. It is shown that the market solution underinvests EVCSs, leading to slower EV diffusion. The effects of subsidies for EV purchase and EVCSs are also considered.  相似文献   

While discrete choice analysis is prevalent in capturing consumer preferences and describing their choice behaviors in product design, the traditional choice modeling approach assumes that each individual makes independent decisions, without considering the social impact. However, empirical studies show that choice is social – influenced by many factors beyond engineering performance of a product and consumer attributes. To alleviate this limitation, we propose a new choice modeling framework to capture the dynamic influence from social networks on consumer adoption of new products. By introducing social influence attributes into a choice utility function, social network simulation is integrated with the traditional discrete choice analysis in a three-stage process. Our study shows the need for considering social impact in forecasting new product adoption. Using hybrid electric vehicles as an example, our work illustrates the procedure of social network construction, social influence evaluation, and choice model estimation based on data from the National Household Travel Survey. Our study also demonstrates several interesting findings on the dynamic nature of new technology adoption and how social networks may influence hybrid electric vehicle adoption.  相似文献   

Private and public airports’ optimal actions may not coincide. While private airports usually pursue profit maximization, publicly owned airports look for maximum social welfare. Thus, the prices charged by private airports may differ from the socially optimal charges and public intervention may be needed. In this paper, we analyze airport charges when an increase in frequency produces positive or negative externalities and carriers have market power. We use the methodology of game theory to show that there may exist a level of capacity for which private and social objectives coincide, so no price regulation is needed. Thus, the usual role of regulators and planners could be modified in order to decide the appropriate capacity investments for which airport regulation is no longer necessary.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine how the spatial distribution of housing supply impacts people’s residential choices and developers’ profitability. By optimally providing housing supply in a region, developers attempt to maximize their profits; on the other hand, if residents were given a chance to decide on housing supply, what patterns of housing supply they would prefer in order to maximize their consumer surpluses. This paper studies the interplay between these two perspectives. A nested multinomial-logit choice structure that encapsulates the bid-rent process is used to capture residents’ location and travel choices simultaneously, and the resultant rents at different locations. To investigate the optimal housing supply for these two stakeholders, we conduct sensitivity analyzes to explore the impact of different housing supply patterns on total rental profit and total consumer surplus. Specifically, analytical results are derived for a simple linear network with two residential locations and one destination under homogeneous and heterogeneous value(s) of time. The results of the sensitivity analyzes indicate that segregation of housing supplies at different locations for different income classes is, surprisingly, a “preferred” outcome by residents under consumer surplus maximization, whereas creating housing supply shortages at convenient locations is a natural outcome under housing profit maximization. These results provide insights on revealing the differences and tradeoffs in performance between these two different perspectives, and on where land use regulations may be needed to balance these two objectives.  相似文献   

Residential location search has become an important topic to both practitioners and researchers as more detailed and disaggregate land-use and transportation demand models are developed which require information on individual household location decisions. The housing search process starts with an alternative formation and screening stage. At this level households evaluate all potential alternatives based on their lifestyle, preferences, and utilities to form a manageable choice set with a limited number of plausible alternatives. Then the final residential location is selected among these alternatives. This two-stage decision making process can be used for both aggregate zone-level selection as well as searching disaggregate parcel or building-based housing markets for potential dwellings. In this paper a zonal level household housing search model is developed. Initially, a household specific choice set is drawn from the entire possible alternatives in the area based on the average household work distance to each alternative. Following the choice set formation step, a discrete choice model is utilized for modeling the final residential zone selection of the household. A hazard-based model is used for the choice set formation module while the final choice selection is modeled using a multinomial logit formulation with a deterministic sample correction factor. The approach presented in the paper provides a remedy for the large choice set problem typically faced in housing search models.  相似文献   

Interest in alternative behavioural paradigms to random utility maximization (RUM) has existed ever since the dominance of the RUM formulation. One alternative is known as random regret minimization (RRM), which suggests that when choosing between alternatives, decision makers aim to minimize anticipated regret. Although the idea of regret is not new, its incorporation into the same discrete choice framework of RUM is very recent. This paper is the first to apply the RRM‐model framework to model choice amongst durable goods. Specifically, we estimate and compare the RRM and RUM models in a stated choice context of choosing amongst vehicles fuelled with petrol, diesel and hybrid (associated with specific levels of fuel efficiency and engine capacity). The RRM model is found to achieve a marginally better fit (using a non‐nested test of differences) than its equally parsimonious RUM counterpart. As a second contribution, we derive a formulation for regret‐based elasticities and compare utility‐based and regret‐based elasticities in the context of stated vehicle type choices. We find that in the context of our choice data, mean estimates of elasticities are different for many of the attributes and alternatives. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop an innovative and comprehensive transport evaluation criterion to better account for equity considerations in transport project evaluation. This work explores transportation benefits from the consumer’s perspective to accessibility as a key benefit generated by any transportation project. To assess the full benefits of transportation project implementation for various consumers and calculate the improvement in accessibility, it is best to use Activity-Based Models (ABM). ABMs have two important advantages for equity analysis, which have not been utilized in the literature so far: first, ability to analyze results by various groups of the population; second, these models can utilize the Activity Based Accessibility (ABA) measure to estimate the overall benefits from transport investments and policies. The ABA measure allows one person to have different accessibilities for different choice situations, depending on his/her characteristics. We suggest including social and spatial factors in social welfare assessment by introducing the concept of accessibility gains to key social activities. Specifically, it is suggested to incorporate subjective well-being consideration into a new evaluation framework “Equity Benefit Analysis” (EBA). we use an alternative measure, “Subjective Value of Accessibility gains” (SVOA), which is based on the ABM accessibility measure as well as on Subjective Well-Being (SWB) measure, as the key benefit taken into account in the evaluation process. The SVOA is not intended to replace the current practice of analyzing equity by comparing various impacts on different groups of the population, but can aid by providing policymakers with a single measure advancing both equity and efficiency considerations and facilitating comparison among alternatives. Initial case study results indicate the SVOA can show higher benefits to policies focusing on the needs of vulnerable social groups that compared traditional measures.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model of discrete activity choice and continuous resource allocation which is based on the premise of random utility maximization and which can be conveniently estimated using existing statistical software packages. The model derivation involves virtually no approximations and adheres strictly to the utility maximization concept. The empirical analysis applies the model to the participation choice and resource (time) allocation to nonwork, out-of-home activities by workers. The statistical results show that activity choice and time allocation are governed by the same mechanism as the utilitarian assumptions indicate and support the theoretical framework employed in the model development.  相似文献   

This paper assesses travellers’ responses to the use of existing Park-and-Ride (P&R) services based on an economical welfare maximisation approach. Specifically, the paper presents a modelling framework to estimate consumer surplus and producer surplus (business profits) on the basis of modal choice probabilities. The paper draws on evidence from Stated Preference surveys conducted around two P&R sites in Sapporo, Japan, where P&R services occupy a modest market space. Overall, the results suggest that business profit increases when economical welfare is maximised, as a consequence of increased demand. It is also shown that P&R choice is not only influenced by parking fees, but also by the fares and other attributes of alternative transportation modes. Accordingly, the interactions of P&R with alternative transportation modes should be taken into consideration in any strategic transportation policies oriented towards motivating sustainable transport mode choices.  相似文献   

This paper derives, estimates and applies a discrete choice model of activity-travel behaviour that accommodates potential effects of task complexity and time pressure on decision-making. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that both factors (task complexity and time pressure) are jointly captured in a discrete choice model. More specifically, our heteroscedastic logit model captures potential impacts of task complexity and time pressure through the scale of the utility of activity-travel options. We collect data using a novel activity-travel simulator experiment that has been specifically designed with the aim of testing our model. Results are in line with expectations, in that higher levels of task complexity and time pressure are found to result in a smaller scale of utility. In other words, higher levels of task complexity and time pressure lead to more random choice behaviour and as a consequence to less pronounced differences in choice probabilities between alternatives. An empirical illustration suggests that choice probability-differences between models that do and those that do not capture these effects, can be very substantial; this in turn suggests that failing to capture the effects of task complexity and time pressure in discrete choice models of activity travel decision-making might lead to serious bias in forecasts of the effects of transport policies.  相似文献   

In many discrete choice contexts the actual choice set, including the alternatives effectively perceived and considered by the decision maker, may substantially differ from the universal choice set, including all available alternatives: one of the most relevant examples within transport demand simulation is probably the choice of destination, wherein the universal choice set normally includes hundreds of traffic zones. In these cases, proper simulation of the choice set is crucial for correct simulation of the choice context.In this regard, our paper has two main objectives. The first is to give a general contribution to choice set modelling by extending and applying the concept of dominance among alternatives to the framework of random utility theory. The main result is the definition of a methodology for the generation of new dominance attributes, which can be used in choice set modelling. The second aim is to make a specific contribution to destination choice modelling: dominance attributes are defined from the above methodology and introduced into this choice context, and new spatial variables reproducing better knowledge of zones with a privileged spatial position are also proposed. Methodology and attributes are tested both on synthetic and on real data.  相似文献   

Models of discrete choice analysis are usually based on the random utility framework. They assume that decision makers make decisions that maximize their utility. Alternative formulations of the problem have also been proposed in the literature. These approaches model the decision makers’ perceptions of the attributes of the various alternatives using fuzzy sets and linguistic variables, and the decision process itself, using concepts from approximate reasoning and fuzzy control. The underlying assumption is that decision makers use a few simple rules that relate their vague perceptions of the various attributes to their preferences towards the available alternatives. The paper extends this approach by incorporating rule weights, which capture the importance of a particular rule in the decision process. It also presents an approach for calibrating the weights using concepts from neural networks. A case study, involving mode choice, is used to demonstrate the potential of the approach and compare it to alternative formulations and methodologies.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of concession revenue sharing between an airport and its airlines. It is found that the degree of revenue sharing will be affected by how airlines’ services are related to each other (complements, independent, or substitutes). In particular, when carriers provide strongly substitutable services to each other, the airport has incentive to charge airlines, rather than to pay airlines, a share of concession revenue. In these situations, while revenue sharing improves profit, it reduces social welfare. It is further found that airport competition results in a higher degree of revenue sharing than would be had in the case of single airports. The airport–airline chains may nevertheless derive lower profits through the revenue-sharing rivalry, and the situation is similar to a Prisoners’ Dilemma. As the chains move further away from their joint profit maximum, welfare rises beyond the level achievable by single airports. The (equilibrium) revenue-sharing proportion at an airport is also shown to decrease in the number of its carriers, and to increase in the number of carriers at competing airports. Finally, the effects of a ‘pure’ sharing contract are compared to those of the two-part sharing contract. It is found that whether an airport is subject to competition is critical to the welfare consequences of alternative revenue sharing arrangements.  相似文献   

We examine the accessibility benefits associated with some land-use policy strategies for the Netherlands that anticipate on expected climate change. A disaggregate logsum accessibility measure using the Dutch national land-use/transport interaction model TIGRIS XL is used to compute changes in consumer surplus. The measure provides an elegant and convenient solution to measure the full accessibility benefits from land-use and/or transport policies, when discrete choice travel-demand models are available that already produce logsums. It accounts for both changes in generalised transport costs and changes in destination utility, and is thus capable of providing the accessibility benefits from changes in the distribution of activities, due to transport or land-use policies. The case study shows that logsum accessibility benefits from land-use policy strategies can be quite large compared to investment programmes for road and public transport infrastructure, largely due to changes in trip production and destination utility, which are not measured in the standard rule-of-half benefit measure.  相似文献   

Based on the data collected from a large-scale survey research of 1622 consumers, the present paper develops a disaggregate, compensatory choice model to collectively examine the impact of under-examined factors on consumer car type choice behaviour. All existing econometric forecasting models of vehicle type choice in the literature have so far considered objective measures as determinants of vehicle type choice. The proposed choice model considers 12 car-type alternatives and is successively extended to allow for choice probability distortions resulting from individual heterogeneity across a set of 30 variables, related to objective, behavioural and psychographic consumer characteristics. The results provide clear evidence that variables such as purpose of car use, prepurchase information source used, consumer’s proneness towards buying an ecological car, consumer’s involvement with cars, and consumer’s attachment to cars, significantly affect car type choice. The results yield important implications for manufacturers, transportation planners and researchers.  相似文献   

The dogit model     
This paper presents the dogit model. That model is flexible enough to permit the choice among specific pairs of alternatives to be consistent with the independence from irrelevant alternatives axiom, as in a logit model, but it simultaneously allows the choice among other pairs not to be. Dogit parameters add an “income effect” to the “substitution effect” already built into the logit model; alternatively, they allow for the joint presence of compulsive and discretionary elements in consumer behavior, or for the identification of captive markets. Eventual estimation of the values of the parameters of the dogit model appears simpler than for the probit model.  相似文献   

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